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Personal Logs are occasional "membership survey" features placed in the Andromedan Log as a means of trying to encourage club members to contribute to upcoming issues of The Log. Personal Logs ask SBA's members to respond with comments on topics related to current fannish events. The Personal Logs feature is designed to get conversations started and share a little about ourselves with other membes of the club -- it is especially designed for those SBA members living outside the Lincoln area, or those who don't regularly attend Lincoln meetings, to allow them to take part in club discussions. Most (if not all) responses to any Personal Logs feature will be printed in The Log. If at least three responses are received for one Personal Logs feature, one respondant is selected at random to receive a free month added to their SBA membership. Or, if they are not currently a paid member of Star Base Andromeda, then they will receive a free copy of the next issue of The Andromedan Log. This page on the SBA website will be used to post any current Personal Logs submission requests after new issues of The Log are produced and distributed to the club membership.
Your Personal Logs assignment #7 is as follows: Looking at the list of Hugo-nominated "Dramatic Presentations" (both TV and feature films), do you agree with the final nominees, or are there episodes or movies you think should have made it onto the final ballot? If so, what were they? Deadline for submissions: Closed |
Rules for the Challenge: Entries must be typewritten or legible if handwritten. Entries should be clearly identified as Personal Logs submissions and mailed to the editor's surface address or e-mail address. Entries must be received from at least three different individuals in order for the free month to be given out. Please keep your response to 2-3 paragraphs -- longer submissions may be trimmed for space considerations. Selected responses to this poll will be printed in the first issue of The Log to be published following the submission deadline, and will eventually appear on this webpage. |
Reminder of the last Personal Logs poll (#7 March 2003): Enterprise has met with resounding disappointment on the part of area Star Trek fans. Considering this, if you were to keep Star Trek on the air in some capacity, how would you "fix" contemporary Trek? Deadline for submissions: Closed |
#1 (Aug '96) With
the 30th anniversary of the first airing of Star Trek coming
on September 8th, 1996, our first entry in the Personal
Logs readers survey is as follows: "What is the
most profound impact that Star Trek has had on you, personally,
in the last thirty years?"
Most of the Star Trek that has influenced me has been the books. Seeing events in the characters' lives through their eyes. Knowing that when Kirk was younger his father sent hand written letters to him and his brother when he was away, so they could hold in their hands something he had held in his. Reading of the Klingon famine when they could not ask the Federation for help. Following the Romulan history to when they left Vulcan and the story of the swords given to them by Surak. Understanding why Chekov started practicing diving for a phaser that has been thrown out of reach after seeing Kirk do the same. Everyone has their good times and their bad, their dreams and their nightmares. The person you may see as an enemy has a family, friends, hopes for tomorrow, maybe even a pet tribble. That's their story, and by being able to see that, I have added understanding to mine. - Terri Muggy, Lincoln NE |
I won't say that Star Trek inspired me to my choice of career or my love of speculative fiction - these things were influenced by far more than one factor. However, I can credit Star Trek with introducing me to the concept of "fannish publishing" - the first fanzine I ever saw was one dedicated to classic Star Trek, and I've been passionately interested in the concept of publishing either fiction or discussion magazines about my favorite television series ever since. As a sidebar, my earliest Star Trek memory is of watching the animated series episode "Jihad"...kinda surprising I stuck with it, huh? - Scott Clark, Lincoln NE |
It is hard to pick one single, most important impact which Star Trek has had on me; but if forced to choose, I suppose that it would be the fact that my interest in Star Trek led to my getting involved with Star Base Andromeda. My interaction with the friends I've made through the club in the last 19+ years (sheesh!) has given me much enjoyment, and has opened up many sources of entertainment to me in mediums such as books, comics, television shows and movies, which I may not have been aware of otherwise, or would have appreciated less had I never joined the club. - Mike Ponte, Lincoln NE |
#2 (Oct '96) As
our club works on the Science Fiction for Young Adults
booklist, we've been discussing (at meetings) the books which
brought many of us into science fiction fandom in the first place.
Although the booklist will ultimately contain dozens of authors
and possibly hundreds of titles, we wanted to use the Personal
Logs column in the newsletter to ask the following question:
"Which science fiction novels (up to 3) most influenced
you to become a SF fan...and why?" Please limit your
responses to no more than three or four lines of text per title
given. Also, please limit your selections to science fiction
- we'll be dealing with fantasy in a future month!
I'll fudge somewhat, in that I was already an SF fan well before I read my first SF novel. The first one I ever read was Rocketship Galileo, while in grade school. This story of Nazis on the moon is not one of my very favorites, but I enjoyed it enough to continue reading more of Robert Heinlein's novels. In high school, an English class required us to review a novel of our choosing; I chose Tunnel in the Sky, also by Heinlein. I enjoyed this book, the story of students trapped on another world, so much that I still consider it to be one of my top three favorite novels, and I went on to read most of the remainder of Heinlein's work. A third book I'll mention is The Crossroads of Time by Andre Norton. I read this in high school as well, and consider the story of travel between parallel Earths to be one of my very favorites, and Andre Norton to be one of my top two favorite authors. - Mike Ponte, Lincoln NE |
While I cannot remember a specific title that influenced me, I do remember how I knew which books would be interesting. They were the ones with rockets or planets on the covers and holding the dust jackets on was tape so old it had turned yellow and flaked off if you touched it. I liked the ideas in the books even if I knew the science was completely wrong because they didn't know that much about space travel at the time. - Terri Muggy, Lincoln NE |
The first science fiction novel I can remember reading was Andre Norton's Storm Over Warlock, back in 1976-77. I picked it up off the New Books Display at my local library because the cover was "cool", with insectoid aliens pursuing a heroic pair of space travellers. I had, of course, been exposed to SF on television already, but for some reason I'd never really connected with any of the literature. I don't know what it was about that particular book, but it hooked me on SF as a literary form and I immediately started reading everything I could get my hands on. After this much time, I don't think I'd call Storm Over Warlock one of my "favorites" by any means, but it was certainly the one that started me down the road to fandom. Other than that, I'd have to blame the Blish novelizations of the Star Trek episodes as solidifying my interest in SF on the printed page. I had watched the episodes on and off in syndication, but once I stumbled across the novelizations (again, at my local library), I went out of my way to track down all 12 volumes. They weren't brilliantly written, but they cast new light on what I'd seen on TV and made me more interested in SF as a written form. If I had to pick a third SF novel that made me an SF fan, I'd probably go with Dream Park, by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes. Though I had already been a fan for several years before reading this book, Dream Park still managed to make a strong impact on me, merging my interests in character-driven fantastic storytelling and role-playing games. - Scott Clark, Lincoln NE |
#3 (Nov '96) Your
Personal Logs assignment this issue is a little
broader in scope than usual. Pick one currently airing genre television
series that you feel is not living up to its potential, and explain
what you'd do to fix it. Keep in mind that you can't cancel it
or fire the entire cast. What show would you like to see doing
a better job than it current is? And what would you do about it?
I think based on its history Voyager is not living up to its potential. In Star Trek throughout the years many of the stories focused on the friendships between crew members. From Kirk, Spock, and Bones to Jake and Nog there has been a bond holding the crew together. With a Maquis and Federation crew together for the first time there will be problems but not after a few years of working together. Maybe they could play poker or gather around the Captain's chair for a laugh. Anything to create the drama of not just one person against the problem of the week but of others actually caring if that person survives the problem of the week. - Terri Dreier, Lincoln NE |
#4 (Mar '97) What
are your reactions to the Star Wars: Special Edition
releases which recently hit movie screens? Were the changes or
additions necessary? Did they enhance the trilogy or taint your
memories of these classic films? What would you have done differently
- either in the area of other scenes you would have changed, or
in things you wouldn't have changed which George Lucas did?
#5 (Nov '97) From
the list of 50+ science fiction, fantasy or action/adventure films
below [page 82 Andromedan Log #60] released so far in 1997,
which two or three would you most highly recommend to other fans
who might not have seen them? Why? Which two or three would you
most warn people away from, and why?
#6 (Feb '01) It
has been three years since our last issue of The Andromedan
Log. That's 38 months of good and bad television, movies,
books, comic-books, real-life science breakthroughs and personal
life changes. Pick the one or two major events that have occured
affecting you as a science fiction, fantasy or horror fan since
November 1997. This can be something in your personal life or
something SF-related.
Last updated on 2-07-2006 |