Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One
J. G. Hertzler & Jeffrey Lang 2003
Pocket Books $6.99
Note the co-author. Lang doesn't have many projects under
his belt, according to his author info, but the two made a decent
writing pair. Just under seven dollars for just under three hundred
pages of a trilogy is a bit steep even for a good story but it
was a birthday gift so I won't complain too much.
Praise be to whoever thought up Martok's wife. That's the
kind of writing that makes us buy hundreds of books. The Lady
of a Klingon house would of course berate a group of nine foot
tall monsters for tracking mud on her carpets. Who cares if they
could snap her in half, and indeed had just done so to her House's
security force.
I enjoyed how things fit in with known history. Even just
the comment that the Klingons had wanted some time to themselves
following that moon disaster a while back, so we won't worry
right away about nobody calling us just because the capital city
blew up, gave the story some depth.
Toss in a Romulan, a coup, a hooded stranger, and a Ferengi
garbage reclamation project, and you get a rather strange group
of characters just trying to find their place in life. I give
it four stars.