April 9, 1983
A small group of four adventurers from the town of
Glendale in central New Britain, including several clerics and
a thief, journey into the hills near their town in search of treasure
but are killed on their first outing by a pack of wolves.
Kirok, a lawful-good human cleric, and Ator, a lawful-neutral
human fighter, are members of another adventuring group starting
out from the city of Kingsrest in central New Britain. They round
the southern tip of the Kabbarra Desert and discover a failing
village named Goldenspur. Despite limited finances, the group
bargains with the 28 villagers (mostly poor farmers) to become
the town protectors and sponsors if the townspeople will stay.
The group unofficially changes the name of the town to Palmdale,
catalogs the crops grown by farmers, and begins to explore the
surrounding area, clearing out lairs. A headquarters is established
in a two-story building, building #6.
Ator, using his special Ring of Invisibility/Inaudibility, spies
on certain members of the populace, and at one point a farmer
with a pitchfork becomes aware of Ator's presence, thinking he
is an invisible demon. Frog, a neutral-evil human assassin/thief,
tracks an evil family trying to leave town with treasure, and
eliminates them outside of town without Kirok's knowledge. Some
of the townspeople leave despite the agreement. Eventually the
government sends representatives to Goldenspur to find out what
is going on.
April 21, 1983
The Palmdale group hires Ahlric, a lawful-good human
fighter, to lead the town's guards when the group is absent.
While mapping the desert near Palmdale, the group enters a cave
complex. Inside, two sphinx-like creatures sitting on ledges ask
the group riddles in exchange for opening one of two doors, behind
which is either a key or a monster.
Riddle one: "Suppose you and I have the same amount of gold
pieces. How much must I give you so that you have ten gold pieces
more than I?" (Answer: five gold pieces)
Riddle two: "A bottle of wine costs ten gold pieces. The
wine is worth nine gold pieces more than the bottle. How much
is the bottle worth?" (Answer: five silver pieces)
The group correctly answers the riddles and chooses the correct door, obtaining the key to a treasure. At a later date, when members of the Palmdale group attempt to locate this mysterious lair, they discover that it has mysteriously disappeared.
April 30, 1983
Clea, a lawful-neutral human cleric, and Frog, a neutral-evil
human assassin/thief, join the group. Continuing to map the area
around Palmdale, the group finds a cave complex to the northwest
with female statues guarding the entrance. The statues ask members
of the party, especially Clea, questions before they are allowed
to enter the complex. Inside is found a well containing a blood-red
liquid and bags of gold; hooks attached to ropes are used to get
the bags, but it is found that the bags must be replaced with
an equal weight.
early May 1983
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (Clea saves the day)
While exploring the small graveyard just outside of
Palmdale, the group is attacked by ghouls in the ramshackle chapel.
After some intense fighting, Clea is left as the only unparalyzed
member of the party. Fortunately, she is able to remain unparalyzed,
eliminates the last ghoul and brings the others out of their paralyses.
Clea, Kirok, Ator and Frog travel to Malveria, the regional seat
of government for the eastern third of New Britain. They pass
a burned out inn along the way. When they reach the town, they
learn of the orc war currently raging to the east and far south
of Malveria, where orcs, ogres and hill giants are streaming out
of the Eastern Korallan Mountains and laying siege to poorly protected
human settlements and towns. While in Malveria, the four adventurers
visit the Shrine of the Oracle of Malveria, where they are each
given the opportunity to ask the Oracle a question regarding their
personal future, which is allowed at a special time during each
year. There have been instances, however, when the person receiving
a hint about their future has managed to change its outcome because
of that knowledge. They first learn of the Oracle's protective
abilities for the city at this time...during times of great crisis,
the Oracle has been known to extend its influence beyond its own
shrine to cover the entire city in a protective dome. Within that
dome the citizenry are surrounded by a soothing aura-violence
is foreign and weapons are not allowed.
During this period of time the group sets up a zombie work
force, animated by Kirok and Clea, to dig a moat around Palmdale
as a protective measure, and to act as guards. This work force
is affectionately known as 'The Grateful Dead', and includes humanoid
and non-humanoid bodies, ogre skeletons and two gargoyles. As
the group passes through towns and villages, they try to obtain
freshly killed undesirables to animate and add to the workforce.
Although the majority of the gods do not forbid this practice
(with the exception of some of the lawful-good pantheon), the
governments of New Britain and Bothnia both forbid the use of
zombie slaves and 'The Grateful Dead' work force is eventually
Exploring the town of Palmdale, Kirok, Ator, Frog and Clea discover
a primitive network of tunnels connecting several buildings in
the town. The buildings are later revealed to be a former witch's
home (Witch Clara), and a pair of connected, run-down, two-story
buildings set up as a vampiric refuge containing coffins. The
buildings are explored, and traps are found in one of the two-story
buildings. The tunnel also runs outside of town to an opening
in the wilderness, concealed by a hollow tree stump. Clearing
out several menaces who took lodging in the abandoned tunnels,
the group sets undead workers to clearing the tunnels out for
future use. Kirok places fire glyphs in the tunnels and on the
doorways of these buildings; the glyph in the tunnel leading outside
the town is set off, and the two-story vampiric refuges soon burn
to the ground under mysterious circumstances.
May 14, 1983
Oidlehere, a chaotic-good elf, joins the group as their
first magic-user. Tilbrand ('Tootsie'), a lawful-neutral human
fighter originally from the town of East Eden, is hired and begins
adventuring with the group.
While mapping the desert northeast of Palmdale, at less than a
day's travel, Kirok, Oidlehere, Frog and Clea locate a hidden
entrance to an underground maze. Inside the maze are found a cross-shaped
treasure room with two columns containing trash and ogre bones,
another cross-shaped room with six columns, and storerooms containing
electrum, silver, copper, jewelry and weapons. A new rough-hewn
coffin is found.
After successfully battling rats, a wererat, a giant spider, ogres
and a minotaur, the group clears out the treasure, including a
Decanter of Endless Water and +2 dagger; they also find a rusted-out
but still intact cannon on wheels. Frog hauls it back to Palmdale,
to be placed in the main square.
May 21,1983
THE JUMPING SNAKE (Ator has a bad day)
Ator and Tootsie, en route to the regional capital of Malveria,
are camped out by the stream which flows between Ylldana and Malveria.
That night a large snake 'jumps' (falls) from a tree above them
and fatally wounds Ator. Tootsie, in a greedy panic, strips Ator
of all his belongings and disappears into the distance.
Only Ator's invisibility and inaudibility ring is left behind,
and it is stolen from his hastily buried body by someone else
(probably local lizardmen). Ator is eventually presumed lost by
the Palmdale group.
May 28,1983
LACTAR STRIKES IT RICH (and is incredibly lucky, while Grudge
Lactar, a lawful-neutral human fighter, and Grudge
the cleric explore a lizardmen's temple somewhere between Ylldana
and Malveria. Entering through an underwater entrance through
the use of Water Breathing potion, avoiding a giant octopus near
the entrance and killing many lizardmen, Grudge is eventually
killed and Lactar, left alone, finds a huge treasure. Scooping
up as much jewelry as he can carry, Lactar manages to make it
out of the lair alive, dragging large sacks of treasure.
Barely alive, Lactar doesn't stop walking until he reaches the
nearest city, Malveria, and recuperates. He soon scouts out local
magic shops and buys many wonderful magic items, making him a
formidable force. The Palmdale group meets Lactar as they are
scouring the towns of Malveria and Zyconia for hirelings, and
he is offered and accepts membership with the group.
June-September 1983
June 4, 1983
Prince Andrew's aides approach the Palmdale group, offering
legitimate title to their town and other beneficial social rewards
if the Palmdale adventurers agree to take on a mission. Prince
Andrew's wife and daughter have recently been taken from the palace
in Malveria; all the royal forces which could have attempted to
rescue them from their abductors are engaged in the orc war. The
Palmdale organization agrees to take on this quest; they are equipped
by the prince, including a box of waxy flares which can be placed
on the ends of arrows. The prince hires additional individuals
for the team, including Frank Burns.
Lactar, having become accustomed to the greater strength of his
magical Girdle of Giant Strength, has weaponsmiths construct special
bows requiring giant strenth to pull, and two types of arrows:
some tipped with glass bubbles filled with oil, others tipped
with armor-piercing heads. A rush is placed on the job.
They quickly set sail in search of the mysterious black ship carrying
black-clad kidnappers, journeying south on the River Wyrd, which
is suspected of containing the imprisoned royalty. Darkon (chaotic-good
half-elf magic user), his friend Jehanna (neutral human magic-user),
and Weird, a lawful neutral human cleric, join the group. Frog
is killed, but his body is saved for future use in the zombie
work force.
June 11, 1983
Bugs (neutral elven fighter) Face (lawful-neutral human cleric)
and Shifty (chaotic-neutral human thief) join the group. Oidlethere,
a lawful-neutral human cleric and older stepbrother of Oidlehere,
also joins the Palmdale group. Rick (chaotic-good human cleric)
and Amanda (chaotic neutral human fighter) are hired to join the
force against Vermithrax.
June 18, 1983
The Palmdale group, only days behind the black ship, stop at
every port to inquire about the ship and also to check if there
are any convicted criminals they might purchase to use as zombies.
Lactar inquires at magic shops about his silver headband, which
he found earlier in a treasure. The headband stretches to just
behind both temples, with a small green gem at either temple.
There is a medium sized diamond in the center of the forehead,
and this diamond can cast a dim light if willed to; the headband
also increases the armor class of the wearer's head. Lactar is
told there are only about 20 on the continent-an estimate later
proven to be far below the actual total. Friwynn is hired, and
I Ferget, a neutral elven fighter/magic-user, joins the group.
Continuing past Silvermist (named after a mysterious fog, known
to kill people), they reach the delta at the end of the river
and continue to the ocean. The mission concludes at Vermithrax
Isle, where the kidnappers (ninjas) are revealed to be working
for Daltros Vermithrax, an anti-paladin and leader of a band of
pirates. Upon reaching the island, they follow rocky inlets along
the coast and gain entrance to Vermithrax's hidden port in the
cliffs. After brief battles with defenders, the group decides
to head in by land from the other side of the island. The ship
docks at the only town on the island, Seaman's Quest, population
500, with an equal mix of colonists from the continent and natives.
Native guides are available to the group.
The group decides to split into A and B teams in order to advance
upon Castle Vermithrax from two directions. I Ferget attempts
to fashion flares to allow the two groups to communicate. To communicate
between groups, they decide that one flare means we're in trouble
and you're on your own; two flares mean come to us, we're starting
our attack run; and three flares mean return to the ship. If no
flares are seen after three days, the groups have to use their
own judgment. Lactar periodically uses his silver headband, which
he discovers tingles when within 100' of danger or 50' of treasure.
July 2, 1983
While exploring the island, several members of one team, including
Bugs, are killed. Camped one evening near the road to Vermithrax
Castle, the B team sentry is surprised by a shambling moss encrusted
creature, which begins attacking the magic items of the group.
It drains several magic swords and a sword recharge scabbard (a
magic item previously found which places a temporary magic charge
on normal swords placed in the scabbard overnight). The group
outruns the creature, occasionally stopping to fire arrows and
distance weapons, until the creature is destroyed. Jehanna, a
member of the A team (previously turned into a penanggalan by
a hired hand, Friwynn, who had also been a penanggalan, unbeknownst
to the group), attempts to kill others of her group...successfully
in the case of Darkon. Lactar chases her into the woods. He soon
finds it, sitting in its vat of vinegar, and barely survives the
sight. He attacks and kills it.
Corbin, a lawful-neutral human magic-user, and Marcos, a neutral
human fighter, are hired to assist the Palmdale force.
THE FINAL PROBLEM (Lactar has a bad day)
July 9, 1983
The groups eventually reach the fortress, high on a bluff,
by following a path cut into the rock. Inside the castle a shaft
is discovered which allows party members to slowly ascend and
descend, in a means similar to the Feather Fall spell, merely
by thinking which direction they wish to go. The shaft extends
all the way down to the hidden cove, where the ships are now missing.
Water ghouls are encountered and fought in the cove.
Using descriptions they had heard of Count Vermithrax, Lactar
is polymorphed into a rough likeness of him. Scamming their way
into the throne room, Lactar walks in on the true count. In the
ensuing battle, Lactar uses Vermithrax's cook as a weapon, throwing
him. During the battle, the count escapes. The group escapes under
cover of night along with rescued prisoners, including the royals.
They move down the path, trying to avoid patrols of soldiers hired
by Vermithrax. Flares are used to signal meeting at the ship.
The group makes its way across land to the port.
Lactar forces one of Vermithrax's henchmen to show him where Vermithrax
is. The henchman leads him to a transport door (a non-magical
transport device), and they step through, appearing beyond the
cliffs, hundreds of feet above the ocean. Lactar, in a desperate
bid for life, squeezes the life out of the henchman with the power
of his Girdle of Giant Strength at the moment of impact, hoping
his Vampiric Regeneration Ring would absorb enough to offset the
damage caused by the impact. It doesn't.
Lactar's body is recovered, and out of the generosity of the royal
family he is soon raised. The rescued prisoners are sent on their
way. While practicing with the non-combat mode of his silver headband,
Lactar begins getting strange sensations, becoming aware of something
trying to locate him through the head-gems at both temples. Lactar
and Vermithrax, without physical contact, wage a mental battle
in a misty realm through their magic headbands, one which lasts
about an hour to the combatants but only minutes to observers,
with Lactar's body twitching in response to mental attacks. Lactar
is nearly defeated during this battle, but is able to withdraw
before being destroyed.
The group heads out on a frantic overland chase to save their
unsuspecting ship from an attack by Vermithrax and his men back
at Seaman's Quest. On the way the group detours to a nearly abandoned
community, on the shore of a small lake in the northern part of
Vermithrax Isle. After the locals inform the adventurers about
an ancient temple located on a rocky outcrop in the center of
the lake, the group goes to investigate. There they discover that
the ruins of an ancient temple are actually the prison of the
Ashrin, a group of ancient beings imprisoned eons ago in a long-forgotten
war between the Ashrin and the Dor-Ashrin, ages before the current
inhabitants of K'Thyra came into existence. In a room beneath
the ruins is found a handle stuck in the stone wall, which everyone
attempts to remove. Most of the group merely receives shocks except
for Kirok, who successfully pulls and removes a mace. He is instructed
to use the mace as a key to open a glowing doorway, and frees
the Ashrin souls who had been imprisoned by the Dor-Ashrin so
long ago. Before disappearing, the departing Ashrin (who have
evolved to an energy state) reward Kirok, granting him a Magic
Missile Mace, a Limited Wish, and also a Talisman of Pure Good.
The group learns about another group of Ashrin imprisoned in the
swampy jungle on the island.
Kirok uses his Limited Wish to request a face-to-face battle between
his group and Vermithrax and his main lieutenants on the sandy
shore of the island's inland lake. The wording of his wish also
requests that Vermithrax and his men be unarmed and without armor.
Both groups are teleported to the shore near the village of Magurmasa,
and a fierce but short-lived battle is begun. The Palmdale group
triumphs and Lactar removes Vermithrax's head ('snicker-snack')
with his vorpal blade. Vermithrax's body, except for a small portion
kept by the group, is taken to the capital for storage and disposal,
but the group later learns that it is missing.
July 31, 1983
S. Frog, a neutral elven fighter/magic-user, and another fighter
join the group. Meanwhile on the count's ship, the slaves and
poorly treated low-level hirelings (who have no idea what has
happened to Vermithrax and his main allies) decide to steal the
ship and begin sailing west in search of safe haven and a place
to sell the vessel. Hoping to claim Vermithrax' ship as booty,
the Palmdale group pursues, sailing west until reaching the Sardinian
coast, then turning north. After visiting the coastal cities of
Bally, Merchant's End and Norringrad (and discovering that they
are less than two days behing the pirate vessel the entire time),
the Palmdale group heads east from Norringrad to Balthazar Island.
Reaching the island and docking at Port Catherine, they are warned
about the fog rolling in that evening. Legend says that anyone
outside of buildings at night when the fog rolls in will be killed
and turned into zombies. The group spends the evening in the hotel's
bar, and hears a knocking at the door. They are warned not to
open the door. Kirok casts a Protection from Evil spell on himself
and opens the door, finding a recently killed human turned into
a zombie, trying to enter the bar. Because of the spell, the zombie
cannot enter through the door due to the proximity of Kirok, and
the door is shut. The group waits until daylight to leave. On
their way out of town they empty the pockets of the unfortunates
killed by the mist. On the other side of Balthazar Island, they
dock at Kent Harbor, where they finally find the black ship, crewless,
having been sold to the harbormaster. Lactar argues with the harbormaster,
finally buying it for little more than the harbormaster paid for
it. The group renames it Free Enterprise.
Upon the successful completion of this rescue mission, the group
sails Free Enterprise due east; they head for the mouth of the
River Wyrd and the long journey back to Malveria. Those hired
to assist the Palmdale group on this mission return to their previous
occupations. Nearly a month later, after the group has returned
to Goldenspur, representatives of the New Britain government arrive
in town with the official proclamation signed by King Randolff
II renaming Goldenspur to Palmdale and acknowledging the members
of the Palmdale group as being the town's leaders. The representatives
also establish a New Britain taxing office and arrange for the
resumption of a military outpost in Palmdale.
September-December 1983
September 17, 1983
Sailing Free Enterprise upriver on the Wyrd from
Delta Vale to Malveria, the Palmdale group discovers that the
forces of invading orcs, ogres and hill giants have reached west
as far as the river-at several points. Still two days' journey
south of Farhaven, the ship encounters a group of the invaders
attempting to construct a crude wood and rope bridge across a
narrow section of the river. Using the ship as a battering ram,
they ram through and destroy the bridge.
A boulder thrown from shore during an orc, ogre and giant attack
hits the ship at the waterline, the crew is forced to abandon
Free Enterprise, and it sinks; Shifty is killed. Happy,
a neutral dwarven fighter, joins the group.
October 15, 1983
Concealed in the forest after the destruction of their ship
in order to avoid the enemy army, the members of the Palmdale
group each draw from a recently acquired Deck of Many Things in
an attempt to boost their fighting capabilities. As is standard
practice, Kirok gives all worldly possessions to the group before
drawing. Among the cards he draws: defeat the next monster you
encounter and go up one level, and defeat a minor death or forever
die. Thinking quickly, Kirok grabs his Magic Missile Mace and
a Potion of Flying. He begins fighting a low-level death while
grabbing it and flying straight up. Lactar and Clea attempt to
help, receiving their own deaths to fight, as does S. Frog, who
polymorphs into a flying creature and bombards them from the air.
Once a sufficient altitude is reached, Kirok breaks death's grip
and death plummets to the ground, destroyed on impact. The other
minor deaths are destroyed as well. Kirok goes up in level to
Face draws from the deck as well, and draws the imprisonment card.
He finds himself shackled in a dungeon cell without any equipment.
He makes a valiant effort to escape, but is killed by the guards.
Lactar is granted a keep and an increased charisma by the deck.
Fighter X (N human fighter), Morey Arty (N-E human magic-user)
and an elf assassin begin adventuring.
LACTAR DIES...AGAIN (Lactar has another bad day)
Lactar, Clea and Quid (a neutral human fighter), following
the river Wyrd towards Malveria, fight many orcs and hill giants.
Lactar becomes separated from the rest of the group in a thinly
wooded area, with ogres and hill giants streaming out of the hills.
Lactar begins throwing rocks, but he is victim to a well-placed
basketball-sized boulder thrown at his head by a hill giant, which
causes a critical wound. The boulder also destroys his silver
Bringing the shattered husk of Lactar's body back to Malveria,
the surviving members of the Palmdale group have him revived.
Baron, a lawful neutral human fighter, is hired to assist the
Upon recovering sufficiently to travel, Lactar gathers his magical
belongings and leaves northward in an effort to find the keep
he had been granted from a lucky draw from the Deck of Many Things.
THE COUNTER-CLOCK INCIDENT (S. Frog has a bad day)
October 15, 1983
As the rest of the group heads north, Kirok and S. Frog fly
to Farhaven on S. Frog's Figurine of Wonderous Power (a nightmare)
in order to help the human army turn back the orc invasion. The
nightmare is uneasy about having Kirok flying on it, and the feeling
is mutual.
Kirok and S. Frog join forces with the army, led by General Patton,
which has been fighting the orc and ogre invasion. Flying near
Farhaven, a town deserted and nearly destroyed by the orc war
that has been raging in its vicinity, Kirok and S. Frog discover
12 evil clerics in the process of summoning a devil. While S.
Frog fires wildly into the midst of the clerics, Kirok uses a
Talisman of Pure Good to send them to their doom, but not before
they accomplish their task. S. Frog then pushes Kirok off the
nightmare they were riding and Kirok lands on an orc, killing
it. Hutijin, the summoned devil, goes after S. Frog as his nightmare
shifts to another plane. S. Frog fumbles badly and loses control
of his hands in the process. He dies before Hutijin can reach
Hutijin's attention turns to Kirok and the human army, and he
begins summoning lesser evil beings to wipe out the human forces.
Kirok desperately outruns Hutijin and the other summoned beings
with his Boots of Speed. He is able to survive long enough to
successfully light his Candle of Invocation and gate in Bahamut,
who then destroys Hutijin and his summoned beings on this plane.
Upon seeing Hutijin destroyed and the Platinum Dragon overhead,
the human army rallies and the orcs and their allies begin to
October 22, 1983
Leaving the army to finish off resistance in the ongoing war,
Kirok and Bahamut discover a seemingly endless vertical shaft
in the fields of the orc wars battles. Descending into it, they
reach a shimmering bottom and continue through, finding themselves
plunging through the skies of a primitive past version of K'Thyra,
where time runs backward at an accelerated rate.
While exploring this land they encounter Izekiel, an old man from
Peregrine Prime who came here to recapture his youth. He takes
them to his home and offers to show them the way back to their
world if they will destroy a gang of criminals who use this place
to store their ill-gotten gain.
THE ORC WAR (continued)
November 5, 1983
Morey Arty, the elf assassin and a fighter are killed. Quid (N
human fighter) briefly joins the group, dying quickly.
Treasure, a C-N human thief, joins the group. His fondest wish
is to find a great treasure just lying around. He soon dies horribly,
and it can be said that there is Treasure lying around. Zulu Warrior,
a lawful-neutral human fighter, and Akharin, a neutral human fighter,
join the group, as does Lucky (N-G human fighter), Tim the Enchanter
(L-N human cleric) and Wisar (N human magic-user).
November 12, 1983
The remainder of the group (minus Kirok) returns to Palmdale.
A traveling magic shop, operated by a magic-user named Parsel,
soon arrives in Palmdale for a week, giving the town its first
magic shop and an opportunity for group members to buy magic items.
December 3, 1983
Erztin-1 (N human fighter), Fighter X and Tim the Enchanter are
killed north of Malveria by a band of theives. The human fighter
Badsadmo joins the group, as does Erztin-2 (N human fighter) and
Noah (L-G human cleric). Akharin, Badsadmo and Lucky fight and
kill 16 orcs, a hill giant and four lizard men. They, along with
Zulu, recover 2 Heal potions and five +2 black arrows; Zulu also
gets a Ring of Dexterity within a black box.
December 10, 1983
Lucky is killed. Zulu's group acquires a gem and two bags of
platinum coins totaling 100 pp. Seven orcs are fought and killed;
500 electrum pieces are gathered from their bodies, along with
a scroll.
December 17, 1983
While approaching the criminals' location, Kirok and Bahamut
encounter a dinosaur, invisibly evade it, and subsequently find
the domed building the criminals are using to store their loot.
Bahamut uses a breath weapon to destroy six thieves inside the
dome, also unfortunately destroying most but not all of the magic
items inside. After recovering the remaining valuables, including
7800 in gold pieces and gems, Izekiel gives Kirok several magic
items in gratitude.
While heading towards the exit home, they are attacked by a pterydactal,
which Kirok destroys. Izekiel takes Kirok and Bahamut to a cave,
which is the exit from this world. Bahamut decides to stay behind
for awhile to continue exploring this world. Kirok advances further
into the cave, where it branches into two tunnels. He chooses
the correct branch and arrives near Malveria, only about a week
after Kirok had left, with Kirok now several years younger. He
crosses the nearby lake using his Ring of Water Walking.
Kirok, using information provided by Izekiel, takes his gems to
a gem changing shop in Zyconia, which gives him a special rate
- no gem-changing fee is charged.
Meanwhile, Joe (L-G human cleric) joins the group. Erztin-2 is
killed. Lactar kills a bat while on the quest for his keep.
December 31, 1983
Following a treasure map, Akharin, Badsadmo, Clea and
Zulu find and explore a Dragyn (multi-headed, hydra-like dragon
variety) lair southwest of Palmdale, encountering a number of
the Dragyn's host of zombie slaves and ogre guardians. At the
top of a slope, two paths are found. One contains screaming mushrooms
and the other contains a mimic in the shape of a treasure chest.
Amazingly, the group convinces the mimic to accompany them as
a guard for their headquarters, in exchange for food. The group
names the mimic 'Spot'.
After the rest of the group is incapacitated, Clea shows particular
bravery in defeating several ogres single-handedly. The group
together defeats the one Dragyn. Clea then destroys four zombies.
Further exploration of the Dragyn's caves results in a battle
with a roper, which is killed by Akharin and Zulu. They discover
a small fortune in gems and jewelry, as well as magic armor, a
Rod of Cancellation, a Tome of Clear Thought, a Carpet of Flying
and a Bag of Holding. The coinage, gems and jewelry are worth
a total of 169,269 gold pieces.
On the way out of the lair, nine ogres and two wights are killed;
Clea and Zulu kill two ogres; Zulu and Akharin destroy an otyugh;
four shriekers are destroyed and Zulu kills a large spider. In
the aftermath, the group has acquired a Superheroism potion, a
Stone of Good Luck, a Dagger of Venom, a Periapt of Proof against
Poison, a Ring of Contrariness (Levitation), Bracers of Defense
and clerical scrolls.
January 1984
January 6-7, 1984
Having journeyed north along the eastern border of the Kabbarra
Desert for several days, Lactar cuts directly west across the
desert, in search of the keep he is to receive as a result of
a lucky deck draw. After seemingly weeks of searching, he finally
locates the keep and discovers that it is his family keep-Keep
Anak, which is found a short distance from the village of Greyhaven
in northcentral New Britain. The keep was mysteriously abandoned
some years ago by the members and retainers of House Anak, after
the family was dishonored and its lands reduced. Making his way
inside, Lactar finds activity in the keep and its environs...strange
metallic men move behind its walls and in the surrounding forests.
As Lactar moves through the abandoned but solidly built ancestral
home he battles giant rats. He burns a giant spider's web out
of one parapet.
His most persistent foes are the legions of coinheads roaming
the corridors. The coinheads, metallic golems created from base
metal coins and valuable gems, are slow moving creatures, seemingly
left with instructions by their mysterious and unidentified creator
to attack anyone who enters the building. Firing a Wand of Wonder
and staying outside their reach, Lactar patiently uses lightning
bolts to slag the numerous metal men, who explode in bursts of
molten metal as they die.
Having cleared the keep of its intruders, Lactar explores his
former home, memories flooding back to him as he does so. Lactar
finds papers in a second-floor study formerly used by his father.
These papers concern his family, and he learns of the sister he
never knew he had (Alinea), his mother who was said to have died
giving birth to him, and of his father, Jarus, who became possessed
of some strange madness and vanished into the countryside years
ago. Lactar also discovers a treasure map and learns of the family
fortune, hidden in the wilderness by Jarus before he disappeared.
As Lactar vows to locate his inheritance before returning to Palmdale,
he vaguely recalls having been forced to leave Keep Anak as little
more than an infant, in the care of family servants.
THE LIZARDMAN TEMPLE (many people have bad days)
Akharin, Badsadmo, Noah and Joe help kill a giant octopus
and five lizardmen, but are eventually killed while infiltrating
a lizardman temple east of Ylldana; the same one Lactar had earlier
pillaged. Only Zulu Warrior and Zentar (lawful-neutral halfling
thief) survive.
The two survivors proceed to kill three more lizardmen, and discover
a Lesser Deck of Many Things, a +2 bastard sword, six +1 daggers
(if one hits, they all hit), two Water Breathing potions and gems
worth 2500 gold pieces.
Meanwhile, Argamas (N-G human magic-user) and his partner, the
fighter Flint, leave the New Britain army to try adventuring.
They successfully raid the stash of a group of thieves, battling
five humans, including a magic-user; they acquire 4690 gold pieces'
worth of coinage and gems, along with a Cloak of Displacement
and a Potion of Climbing.
January 13, 1984
DUEL (Lactar has a great day)
Continuing his search of his ancestral home, Lactar discovers
an unfinished tunnel leading from the basement of the keep into
the surrounding forest, and seals it from use. In his search of
the basement level, he pulls back a curtain and mistakenly uncovers
a Mirror of Opposition. He suddenly finds himself facing an evil
duplicate of himself, down to the last magic item, intent on his
destruction. Following a brief battle, Lactar attempts a desperate
move to kill his foe, throwing his vorpal blade sword at his double's
chest, where it miraculously strikes a lethal blow-destroying
the doppleganger and causing it to disappear.
Palmdale Group
Back in the Palmdale area, Ahlric, Clea, the recently returned
Kirok and four guards fight a large group of orcs; one of the
guards is killed during the battle. 425 gold pieces and Sands
of Shrinking and Enlarging are acquired. Kirok claims the magical
Quietus, a human fighter/magic-user from the region of the twin
cities of East and West Eden, and Neon (C-N human magic-user)
join the group; Neon is soon killed. Kri (L-E human assassin)
is soon associated with the group.
Flint and Argamas are killed by the vengeful thieves they
had previously robbed.
February-March 1984
February 25, 1984
Using the maps discovered among his father's papers, Lactar begins
searching for the family fortune, hidden in the forest north and
east of Keep Anak. After several days' searching, he finds a clearing,
which matches the instructions on the map...only to discover a
band of drow elves attempting to raid the site. Observing their
activities, Lactar sees that the drow are using some sort of 'living
manhole cover' to conceal the entrance to the underground chamber
where his father hid the family fortune. The drow are also carrying
"black fire", an unusual weapon which seems to attack
and destroy living tissue but does not harm non-living material.
When it appears the drow will make off with his inheritance, Lactar
attacks, using the drows' own black fire against the 'living manhole
cover', which is quickly consumed. Lactar's superior strength
and skills allow him to kill several drow; finally one drow with
the ability to create magical portals uses his power to allow
his compatriots to escape. Lactar sees what appears to be an underground
drow city through the portal, and throws a large vial of the black
fire through the portal just before it closes.
Palmdale Group
Zithaz-Fraguad, a neutral human fighter, joins the group. Zithaz-Fraguad
and Kirok kill five thieves, acquiring 10,200 g.p. and potions
of Growth and Levitation. Zulu and Zentar kill two giant cockroaches.
The group of Clea, Kirok, Oidlethere, Zulu and Zentar destroy
four gargoyles and six orcs. They acquire 7920 g.p., a Wand of
Polymorphing, several potions, a scroll, Horseshoes of a Zephyr
and 16 +2 arrows.
March 3, 1984
Lactar recovers part of his family fortune after killing 14 drow:
70,000 gold pieces and a number of magic items including magic
swords, potions, rods, staves and wands. His sister had taken
the remainder of the fortune.
After clearing out his keep, Lactar travels to Greyhaven and tries
to make a deal with the mayor to become lord of the area around
his keep, unsuccessfully. It is here that he hires Higgins to
manage his keep, "Lactar's Nest". Higgins' two patrol
dogs, "the lads", are later given to him by Q from a
Robe of Useful Items.
Palmdale Group
Oidlethere retires from the Palmdale group, and is given a respectable
financial gift in parting. He settles in Silvermist, where he
works with Rick and Amanda.
Clea, Kirok, Kri, Zulu and Zentar follow a treasure map belonging
to Zentar. They destroy a drelb, acquiring a Cloak of Protection,
Plate Mail of Etherealness, a Ring of Feather Falling, potions
of Healing and Invisibility, a magical short sword, a scroll and
18,040 g.p. Kirok, Zulu and Clea kill two giant spiders.
March 10, 1984
Clea, Kirok, Kri, Zentar, Zithaz-Fraguad, Zulu and a recently
joined member, Jest, battle and kill ten ogres and five trolls.
1,335 g.p. are recovered from the ogres.
The human fighter Clod is killed on his first adventure. Meanwhile,
Lactar kills two perytons.
March 1984
OUR DINNER WITH ANDREAS (Zentar and Zithaz-Fraguad have a bad
March 17, 1984
Eight rats and six wolves are fought in the woods the group
is traversing through. The group is invited to a nearby castle
for dinner, not realizing the true identities of Andreas and Marina,
their hosts. Kirok soon learns that the wealthy couple is evil.
The group makes a point of drinking from the same pitcher as their
hosts, for fear of being poisoned. Zulu Warrior, activating his
Plate Mail of Etherealness, follows their servant from the dining
room and sees Andreas, a vampire, exhibit superhuman strength,
nearly killing the servant.
A battle ensues and several members of the party, including Kirok,
are drained levels; Zithaz-Fraguad and Zentar are permanently
killed; Kri is also killed. Clea valiantly fights the vampires
in physical battle. Other undead are fought as well. Andreas is
badly disabled during the fighting.
March 30, 1984
Zulu slips through the walls of the vampire's castle to its lowest
level, discovering the bloodsucker's deepest hiding hole, complete
with coffin. Waiting ethereally, Zulu is present when Andreas'
gaseous form returns to the coffin and regains its physical form.
Zulu then positions a stake through its heart and returns to material
form, instantly striking a fatal blow. He then cuts the vampire's
head off and burns the body and head separately.
The group destroys Marina and four fighters. A third vampire uses
a mirror-like communication device in an attempt to summon help
from a demon. While the vampire is pleading with the demon, Kirok
uses his Rod of Cancellation to destroy the device. Zulu joins
the rest of the group and helps destroy the remaining vampire.
Clea and Kirok turn 30 skeletons during the conflict. Among the
items found in the castle are a Ring of Keys, a Horn of Valhalla,
a Rod of Clerical Enhancement, a Wand of Metal & Mineral Detection,
Horseshoes of Speed, magical weaponry and armor, a scroll, potions
and 48,290 g.p.
Meanwhile, Howard, a neutral human fighter, Ugely, a chaotic-neutral
half-elf magic-user/cleric, and WKRP begin adventuring. They kill
25 orcs; Howard gets 19,567 g.p., a scroll and two potions; Ugely
gets 7,079 g.p. and a potion; WKRP gets 4,436 g.p., a potion and
a ring. WKRP dies soon afterwards. Saurin, a neutral human magic-user,
joins this group.
Lactar participates in a contest involving the finding of silver
dragon scales in the desert. The winner will be given a noble
title. He roams the countryside by flying carpet for weeks and
weeks, but never finds any.
April 1984
April 7, 1984
Howard, Ugely and Saurin fight and destroy six wardogs and 9 orcs.
They acquire 4,684 g.p., including gems and jewelry; five potions,
a Trident of Warning, a +4 mace and a scroll.
April 14, 1984
Kirok tests an Ioun Stone found in a treasure. Upon activating
it, he becomes possessed by the stone, and attacks and kills four
fighters. He subsequently becomes immobile. Zulu and Jest subdue
Kirok and destroy the stone, removing the possession.
April 21, 1984
A lock and key for the transport door system are found by Jest,
Kirok, Clea and Zulu.
April 28, 1984
Howard, Ugely and Saurin battle four men; acquired from them
are a +2 shield, Bracers of Defense and a scroll. Ugely and Saurin
get 13,107 g.p., while Howard gets a separate share of 3,026 g.p.
May 5, 1984
THE COMPETITION (Kirok has a particularly nice day)
In the annual physical Competition in 2172 (held in Malveria
that year), Kirok, Clea and Zulu each compete. People are allowed
to bet on the contestants, including the contestants, and the
Palmdale group places many bets on their people. Clea and Zulu
are each eliminated in their second round, but Kirok, in six rounds,
becomes one of the top two finishers, losing the final round.
As a reward, he is knighted Sir Kirok, Knight-Errant of New Britain
by King Randolff II, and is given a purple cloak and insignia
ring as badges of his office. His rank equivalence in situations
where he has opportunity to command the king's soldiers is that
of lieutenant. He is also given a prize of 50,000 gold pieces.
One of the Competition contestants turns out to be Tilbrand, who
shows up at their hotel room after the event, congratulates Kirok,
and confesses to him what transpired with Ator. She gives the
group the equivalent of what she took from Ator. The king accompanies
the Palmdale group on their return trip.
Passing through Ylldana while returning home from the competition,
Quietus buys a hot-air balloon from a traveling vendor.
May 12, 1984
Clea is assigned by her church to deliver a packet
of important papers. In route, she kills two lizardmen and successfully
delivers the packet to another church.
Kirok kills one fighter and captures two more, obtaining 5200
gold pieces from them.
May 29, 1984
BATTLE BEYOND THE UNIVERSE (Tom Jones has a bad day)
The Palmdale group is mysteriously transported to another
universe and given greater powers by a mysterious force in order
to destroy a powerful, ancient adamantine dragon residing in a
tower, and recover a powerful artifact. Ugely is given a +5 hammer
and a wand that creates skeletons. The group is attacked by pesky
orcs, which are quickly taken care of. The group immunizes itself
to a Mirror of Opposition by killing the magically created opponent
of each member of the party, one at a time. Before moving around
corners, the Mirror of Opposition is placed to the front of the
group. Saurin is attacked by an invisible magic-user stalking
the group, but since he has a Shield spell in effect the attack
bounces off him and the attacker is killed.
Following a Find the Path spell cast by Kirok, the group avoids
many elaborate traps. These include: bypassing a thin wall with
acid on one side and lizardmen on the other; a mimic, which was
shot full of arrows from a safe distance; and a moving floor which
shunts Zulu away from the rest. Zulu is quickly reunited with
the group through disintegration of the floor, using a henchman
shape-changed into a beholder. To quickly obtain important artifacts,
everything within a treasure room is disintegrated, leaving behind
artifacts immune to the effect. Gnolls who automatically hit their
targets attack the group, and are dealt with. The group reaches
the dragon in relatively little time. Zulu is transformed by Quietus,
using a Shape Change spell from a scroll, into a powerful magical
sword, Stormbringer, which is wielded by Lactar. He kills the
creature with his second blow. "She isn't awake." The
group is returned to their own world with enough experience to
attain another level. Clea, Kirok and Lactar become 8th level,
Zulu 6th level, Saurin 4th level, Howard 3rd level, Quietus 3rd
level fighter/3rd level magic-user and Ugely 3rd level magic-user/4th
level cleric.
June 2, 1984
STIRGES (Zulu has a bad day)
Returning back to Palmdale from the annual Competition
in Malveria (for 2172), the group is riding between Ylldana and
Palmdale when it is attacked by a flock of blood-sucking stirges.
Traveling ahead of the rest of the group, Zulu is brought near
death in their attack, and is actually killed when his fellow
group members use a fire attack against the hideous flying creatures
and envelop Zulu as well. Upon being revived, Zulu has gained
a lifelong fear of stirges and distaste for both the smell and
taste of cooked fowl.
Saurin and Ugely kill three trolls.
June 1984
WAR OF THE SAINTS (Kirok has a bad day)
June 16, 1984
Saurin and Ugely battle ten orcs and two ogres; they acquire
a Rod of Resurrection, a Wand of Fire, potions and 40,440 g.p.
Palmdale plays host to King Randolff II and his large entourage,
which has stopped to visit the renamed city-and to thank the Palmdale
group for having saved Randolff's daughter-in-law and grandchild
in the Vermithrax campaign-while traveling by land from Malveria
to Prestana. While the dignitaries are being entertained, chaos
ensues as a magical sword, known to teleport to various places
on the planet at various times, appears in Palmdale's central
courtyard; it is held by a vaguely humanoid statue, containing
an unknown item within its base. A death knight arrives to claim
the sword, and the Palmdale group, accompanied by King Randolff
and his men, initiate battle with the evil force. During the battle,
the death knight casts a fireball that hits the headquarters of
the Palmdale group, destroying it and everything inside, including
the mimic named Spot.
Despite the assistance from Randolff, who is wearing special armor
that allows him to go ethereal at will, the battle goes poorly,
and Kirok attempts to gate in a powerful entity to assist their
cause. What arrives, suddenly, is Lactar-gated in from his own
adventures near his keep. Lactar helps by destroying two lesser
demons, which were gated in by the death knight. Kirok asks for
and receives a blessing from the god Tyche, allowing him to defeat
his next opponent. Kirok destroys the death knight with Randolff's
assistance. This causes Lactar to be pulled back to where he had
been before being gated. The death knight's riderless nightmare
then retaliates; Kirok, Clea, Saurin, Jest, Randolff and several
fighters battle the nightmare. Kirok is killed during the battle.
A saint soon arrives to claim the sword, riding a flying chariot;
but before the saint can do so, the sword has teleported again
and the saint and all the remaining lesser demons rapidly depart.
June 23, 1984
During the battle for the sword, the small balloon (nicknamed
"Free Enterprise"), which the Palmdale group (through
Quietus) had bought in Ylldana, comes out of hibernation and transforms
into one of the living airships, complete with built-in distance
weapons. During the confusion of the battle, Zulu (aboard the
ship) takes it upon himself to attempt to assassinate King Randolff,
firing the ship's energy weapons at the monarch following the
death knight's demise. The ill-conceived attempt fails, as Randolff
uses his ethereal armor to allow the blasts to pass right through
Kirok is raised. Due to goodwill generated by the group through
the rescuing of the king's granddaughter, and pleading by Kirok
on Zulu's behalf, Zulu is not killed or imprisoned. He is, however,
persona non grata as far as the king and government are concerned.
The group choses a new headquarters in building #18.
July 1984-fall 1984
Following Zulu's ill-conceived and poorly executed
coup attempt against King Randolff II with the weapons of the
Palmdale group's youthful airship, Damien, a very old human in
a mechanical wheelchair, calls together a meeting of the continent's
leading rulers and military and magical minds. No references to
Damien exist in written records. While studying at a desk in the
Palmdale group's headquarters, Kirok is transported to this meeting
on board Damien's airship, the Megalodan. It is decided
not to leave a fully powered airship in the hands of such a reckless
group. The group's airship (with the assistance of the airships
Megalodan and Excalibur) is put through a forced
evolution...in which it grows considerably in size but all of
its weapons systems are bred out of it. It is then left with the
Palmdale group.
This is Kirok's first meeting with Damien and his giant servant
Igor, and his first visit to the mighty airship Megalodan,
the largest of the dozen or more airships currently in existance-and
with a very different internal structure than the others. Kirok
is taken to the Megalodan's "strategy room",
where a map of the entire continent is located, with "trouble
spots" marked in various areas of Bothnia, New Britain and
Sandria. During their conversations, Damien explains to Kirok
who he is, and in the process explains the origins of humanity
on K'Thyra. It is revealed that Damien is a native of the planet
Earth, where over two thousand years ago a massive space-going
vessel, the Cygnus, was constructed in Earth orbit in order
to allow 10,000 pacifistic scientists and intellectuals to escape
a coming world war. The starship, which encountered some difficulties
in its trip, journeyed across space before locating K'Thyra, where
it split into ten component parts and descended to the surface...depositing
its human cargo on their new colony in various areas across the
globe. Damien also explains that he is one of the original 10,000,
and has used both equipment from (or based upon) the starships
and K'Thyra's magical field to extend his life to over 2200 years.
He believes he is the last surviving colonist, although he knew
of at least two or three others who had used magic to maintain
their existance until the last decade or so. Now, however, Damien
senses that he is close to dying, and wants to bring order to
the continent before his death.
Damien offers the Palmdale group benefits if they will go on a
mission to prevent the detonation of an anti-magic bomb in the
north-central portion of the continent, placed there by a previous
group in an attempt to stop an influx of parademons. They are
told that the bomb is not needed now and will cause more harm
than good. Kirok informs Damien of the land of Izekiel, where
time runs backwards, as a way to increase his life span. Because
of this information, Damien allows Kirok to draw from a special
Deck of Many Things, containing no bad cards. Kirok receives five
wishes. They are: a cloaking device similar to the one on the
Megalodan for Free Enterprise, the location of the
Cygnus 10, engineering knowledge, a Book of Exalted Deeds,
and a Mirror of Mental Prowess. When Kirok concludes his wish
requests, he has immediately gained all of the items except for
the cloaking device, which Damien and Igor begin constructing
after they return Kirok to Palmdale. Kirok informs the group of
Damien's offer, and they accept.
late 1984
Free Enterprise begins heading towards the location
of the anti-magic bomb. While in route, Kirok, Lactar and Clea
take the opportunity to scry on people and places of importance
with the newly acquired small Mirror of Mental Prowess. Ator's
body is scryed on and retrieved; it is missing its ring finger.
The body is placed in a stasis chamber on board Free Enterprise.
Ator's invisibility and inaudibility ring is scryed on as well,
and is seen being thrown into a volcano, the Shrine of Fire, in
the Mountains of Ending, by a group of dwarves as part of an ongoing
effort by certain conservative religious dwarven groups to destroy
When attempting to scry on the starship Cygnus 10, which
he learned about from Damien, Kirok instead scrys into what he
later learns is a submerged portion of the ill-fated Cygnus
9, which he begins to explore. While opening a door leading
out of one of the lab areas, a hideous menagerie of undead farm
animals including cattle, pigs and chickens, covered with yellow
powder and mucus-like material, move towards him to attack. He
turns them easily, but there are too many of them for him to handle
at one time. He quickly shuts the door, and makes a mental note
not to open it again. Continuing to explore, he encounters several
ghouls dressed in medical uniforms, wandering the ship's lab,
searching for living creatures to kill; he destroys the undead.
Kirok discovers that some of the passengers are still alive in
functioning cryogenic sleep chambers. Before his scry runs out,
he places four glowing sling bullets in the lab and seven in the
suspended animation chambers as sources of light, and to increase
his scrying potential. Kirok creates a doorway in the back of
a suspended animation chamber and brings a woman from the chamber
through the mirror to the airship. He doesn't have the serum necessary
to revive her properly, and she rapidly ages and dies. Later,
Kirok picks another sleeping crewmember, brings him back through
the mirror and successfully revives him. Kirok also brings as
many of the medical kits containing vials of serum as he can find,
found in a locker, a total of eight. The revived man's name is
Steve, an engineer. Kirok teaches him about the new world he finds
himself on.
When Kirok later returns to the Megalodan, both Damien
and Igor begin exhibiting strange behavior, trying to attack Kirok;
Kirok cures them. On his next visit to the Megalodan, Kirok
is apprehended and placed in a chamber with a strange gas. Damien
subsequently tells him that he had been infected with a disease
from the starship, the same disease that had affected Damien and
Igor, and that he was placed in the chamber to remove the disease.
Kirok then alerts authorities in Malveria, which he had visited
since exploring the Cygnus 9, and helps cure those who
are identified as being infected, conveniently failing to mention
how the plague began.
Damien sets up a decontamination chamber on the Megalodan
and the Mirror of Mental Prowess is placed inside when scrys are
attempted on the Cygnus 9. Damien gives Kirok a portable
tank of chemicals for decontamination as well, and a decontamination
chamber is established on board Free Enterprise. Returning
to the Cygnus 9 later, Kirok continues exploring the remains.
While moving along a service tunnel, he happens upon a metal plate
welded to block the tunnel. Using his Girdle of Cloud Giant Strength,
he kicks open the metal plate and water begins rushing in. He
tells Damien what happened, and learns that portions of the Cygnus
9 had been submerged to contain the plague. Kirok returns to
the Cygnus 9, accompanied by primitive work robots constructed
by Damien, where they are eventually able to seal the breach.
Kirok later scrys on them and returns them to Damien. Personnel
in the functioning sleep chambers are eventually revived and relocated.
January 1985
After signing a peace treaty with his brother King
Randolff II of New Britain in the winter of 2172, Richard I of
Bothnia plans to invade New Britain. This will be a diversionary
tactic to cover an invasion of minor devils from the lower planes,
Richard having been promised power upon the success of his invasion.
Richard heads the main thrust of his army himself, and is currently
staying in the commandeered castle of Lord Artis Boronnen, which
is unprotected by magical screens.
Kirok offers the use of the group's magic mirror to scry on Richard
I. Randolff gathers elite members of his army and Kirok successfully
opens a door on Richard, who is in bed with a wench. Randolff
defeats and kills his brother and prevents his body from being
recovered for possible raising from the dead.
January 10, 1985
Corbin and Marcos, former hirelings of the Palmdale group, are
killed while defending a village from invasion during the orc
January-February 1985
Kirok continues in his exuberance to attempt scrying
on everything of possible importance. He successfully scrys on
the den of Lord Malikot, a former associate of King Randolff I.
The doorway appears along a wall covered with trophies; Kirok
sticks his head out through the mirror to get a better view of
the room. As Malikot enters the room, his face hideously scarred,
he doesn't notice Kirok, who has blended in with the trophies.
Malikot moves to a communications device and makes contact with
Lucifer, Kirok's evil half-demon grandfather. Lucifer soon notices
Kirok's presence, and Kirok quickly withdraws, shutting down the
February 4, 1985
While Kirok is in the sickbay area of Free Enterprise,
he is teleported away to a misty realm and forced into mental
battle with a statue of Lucifer containing glowing eyes. Kirok
is victorious and the statue is shattered. The head and eyes are
taken by Kirok and placed in a bag. When the rest of the group
realizes he is missing, they scry him back aboard.
February 1985
Kirok examines items he recovered from the Cygnus
9 (contaminated, sealed and sunk in the frozen arctic waters
of northern K'Thyra). While looking through a locker, he discovers
a magnificent diamond hidden in a former passenger's belongings.
A journal within the locker reveals the diamond to be the Hope
Diamond, a cursed stone from Earth's past, thought to be lost
at the time of the Cygnus ship's launch. The journal seems
to suggest that the Hope Diamond might have had something to do
with the crash landing of the ship, and the leakage and mutation
of the plague which killed so many of the Cygnus 9's passengers.
Kirok senses within the gem the souls of many beings who had met
misfortune as a result of possessing the gem. The souls include
many people from the planet Earth including a king of France,
as well as the gem's last owner. Kirok, intent on helping the
trapped souls, uses his Magic Missile Mace to crush the gem, freeing
all those who were cursed by it from their eternal torment.
February-April 1985
A TASTE OF ARMAGEDDON (many people have several bad days)
February 17, 1985
Acting on Damien's request for help in dismantling an anti-magic
bomb in northeastern New Britain, the Palmdale group contacts
several people they had previously worked with on the mission
to Vermithrax Isle. Kirok scrys on Rick and Amanda in Silvermist,
inviting them along; Amanda stays behind, as she is pregnant
Kirok congratulates them. Kirok also gives his regards to Oidlethere.
The group hires several new mercenaries as well. Aboard the newly
renamed airship Enterprise, the group reaches the site of the
March 1, 1985
As the group enters a massive underground cavern complex,
they encounter and kill five lizard demons ('parademons') that
had been released from their own dimension before Damien's previous
strike force managed to close down the gateway between dimensions.
The group also encounters a large number of young dwarves, driven
insane and horribly mutated into mindless killing devices-they
nickname these hideously altered creatures "death dwarves".
In an attack on the group by death dwarves, Zulu and Clea kill
six of the dwarves. Saurin creates a fireball that destroys eight
more death dwarves.
The Palmdale group and their allies split up in the caverns in
order to seek the anti-magic bomb. While investigating the caverns,
Quietus finds a fountain that is the source of the catalyst water
that can activate his unique magical ability. When the group is
badly hurt while fighting the lizard demons, he attempts to use
his new power to help. Activating his new ability, he proceeds
to explode into a fireball, killing Zulu, Lactar, Kirok, Ugely,
Howard, Baron and Rick.
March 24, 1985
Clea raises Kirok, and Kirok raises the rest. Zulu
is raised but has become incurably insane; he is killed again
and raised once more by Kirok, free of madness. Later, Kirok fires
a fireball from Lactar's helm in an attempt to destroy a group
of lizard demons; he doesn't realize how large the blast radius
is, and accidentally kills Clea and Zulu along with the lizard
demons. He proceeds to raise Clea and Zulu.
Five more lizard demons are destroyed, and Saurin destroys 37
death dwarves. As the group enters a 30' x 30' cavern six gargoyles
near the ceiling attack but are defeated. Quietus keeps the gargoyle
horns. An altar in the cavern is found to open a door when blood
is poured on it. Five people are discovered, turned to stone.
Apparently they are the remains of the first team.
A barrel-shaped Apparatus of Kwalish is discovered buried under
a pile of silver and copper pieces. A spider tank emerges from
a well, which extends down into a bubbling pool of lava; the tank
begins attacking the group. The attacking tank is dented and shaken
enough during attacks by Kirok, Rick, Steve and Q to kill the
death dwarf operator, but it still works. The spider tank is exceptionally
small. Janice is the only group member small enough to fit in,
so she is assigned to operate the tank.
April 12, 1985
One more lizard demon is killed. At the bottom of a
series of stairs is discovered a bridge, originally 110' long,
but now only 30' is left attached. An anti-magic field exists
in this area, disrupting spells and magic items from working.
Thirty feet beneath the landing is found a five-foot ledge, 35'-40'
in length, with a sheer drop of over 500'. Thirty feet from the
ledge on the same level is a ten-foot wide plateau, which somehow
survived a previous bomb blast. Clea discovers an invisible bridge,
crosses over to the plateau and takes the artifact Horn of Jericho.
Giant centipedes and rot grubs are battled. A treasure is claimed
including 32,250 gold pieces and 7000 gold pieces' worth of gems.
April 21, 1985
The group finds a 50' x 50' room containing many stalactites
and stalagmites, some of them broken; in the center is a ten-foot
wide pit. On a ledge 50' down is found a sword. Quietus claims
the sword, named Darkwing [+2/+4 vs. flying creatures while flying,
with the power of flight, 12" per turn, one hour/day, non-intelligent,
with a good relationship with non-evils].
The group finds another Ring of Keys and a dagger effective against
undead. Lactar finds fire stones. Saurin is disguised as a death
dwarf to observe the enemy.
Once the group realizes there is not enough time to reach the
bomb and prevent it from detonating, they flee to Enterprise.
Along the way they encounter a dwarven force camped outside, which
was there to investigate what had happened to their young (who
had been turned into death dwarves). The dwarves are quickly loaded
onto the ship. Upon reaching the ship, Kirok demands "Zulu,
I need warp speed in three minutes or we're all dead!" and
Enterprise warps out of the area as the bomb detonates.
A wave of anti-magic is created by the explosion, which Enterprise
barely escapes. One of the dwarves, Stott, wishes to join the
Palmdale group.
The people who assisted the Palmdale group with the mission are
released. Baron shows his respect for the group by giving them
the seal of his noble house, House Callan, which is good for discounts
when trading with establishments associated with his house.
Later explorations by members of New Britain's Magical Institute
reveal that the physical force of the explosion completely destroyed
the cavern complex south of Van Rhysedale where the bomb had been
located-including all living creatures within the caverns. Of
more devastating impact, however, is the discovery that the bomb
had been located on one of the magic-energy nodes of the planet.
The force of the anti-magic energy release had traveled along
the planet's magical energy lines to a point some 350-400 miles
north-northwest of Van Rhysedale, in the mountains between New
Britain and Bothnia, north of the town of Oasis. There, the magic
and anti-magic energy were released in a cataclysmic blast which
obliterated hundreds of cubic miles of mountains, and which opened
a great gash which extended some 400 miles both to the north and
south of the blast's epicenter. That gash has continued to widen,
with crumbling erosion, to this day. Although the northern part
of the chasm extended directly to the ocean through Bothnia, the
damage was not extensive enough to cause the ocean to flood until
several months later, during an invasion by darkling forces. The
epicenter of the explosion and the chasm formed a massive canyon,
which radiated anti-magic energy. Within the hexes included in
the canyon, magic is destroyed; within one hex outside the canyon,
magic no longer works. It has also been discovered that devices
which use straight-line aiming (such as Mirrors of Mental Prowess)
are unable to scry through the interference caused by such a field
The New Britain Magical Institute now has a department specially
set up to study both the short and long-term effects of this anti-magic
crack, and any possible additional threat it may pose to the Aegican
continent. As it is, communication, transportation and trade have
been dealt a near-lethal blow, especially in Bothnia, which has
essentially been torn into two separate countries. The Bothnian
communities of Kastidian and Newhaven and New Britain's Markoven
now find themselves too close to the crack for magic to work,
and the New Britain community of Oasis was entirely swallowed
up by the crack.
April 28, 1985
The group recuperates from their disastrous mission
to try to prevent the detonation of a powerful anti-magic bomb
in northeastern New Britain, and the ship heads towards Palmdale
at normal speed. Kirok, Clea and Lactar daily scry on objects
and places of importance, including Vermithrax (alive and dead),
Earth (once a week), Kirok's mother, Lactar's keep, the starships
and Prestana. They also scry on each other to improve their scrying
potential. Kirok and Saurin, having studied the Aegican Encyclopedia
during visits to the library and the Magical Institute in Prestana,
help the Palmdale group members continue in their efforts to scry
on odd and unusual locations and persons throughout Aegica.
An ancient bridge connecting two islands off the western coast
of Aegica is scryed on by Kirok on the 7th day of their return
voyage. The bridge floats 10'-15' above the ocean, is about 15'
wide and has no supports. It was apparently created long before
humans arrived on the planet. People are seen traveling on it
in both directions, but always within groups, since legend says
the bridge is rumored to 'eat' people who travel alone. Slavers
herding groups of slaves are seen on one scry (the three main
governments on the Aegican continent have outlawed slavery). Kirok
opens a doorway, staves are pushed through the door to touch the
surface of the bridge and Q takes several steps on it. It is debated
whether the bridge might be a living being. An item is placed
on the bridge and slowly sinks through it. Q flies beneath the
bridge to see if the item falls through. It doesn't. Q returns
through the portal before it closes.
Having learned of the existance of his older sister Alinea,
from the papers he recovered from Keep Anak, Lactar continues
to search for his missing sibling. He eventually discovers that
she is serving aboard the pirate vessel Black Hand. The
group monitors the ship's progress by scrying on a crewmember
of the Black Hand whom Saurin had seen, and by scrying
on Alinea herself. On the 9th day of the return trip, the crewmember
is scryed on while the Black Hand is in the town of Za-thenan.
May 12, 1985
On the 10th day of the return voyage, Clea scrys on
Palmdale. Kirok, Clea, Zulu and Saurin return to the town and
check on its status. While investigating the surrounding countryside,
the Palmdalians, along with Ahlric, discover a mysterious storage
dome in the nearby desert. They are set upon by a moderately large
group of sandmen. Kirok, Ahlric, Clea, Zulu and Saurin battle
18 of the deadly creatures.
Kirok and Ahlric together kill eight of the sandmen, Clea four
more and Zulu three; rats controlled by Saurin kill one more;
the remaining sandmen flee. The group gathers up the treasures
of the dome, including a technological aircar, a treasure map,
19,900 gold pieces, 13,500 gold pieces' worth of jewelry, two
Extra-Heal potions, a Bag of Blackmagiks and a cursed Ring of
Cockroaches. After Enterprise returns to Palmdale, a rope
is attached to the dome and it is moved to town with the help
of the ship.
Experimenting with the treasures they found in a sandman-guarded
desert treasure dome outside of Palmdale, Zulu places a ring upon
his finger and activates it mentally. Although the results are
slow to begin, Palmdale is soon subjected to an immense invasion
of cockroaches, both large and small (from the surrounding fields
and woods).
Kirok and Zulu soon find themselves leading the townspeople, their
own town guards and the local army outpost in a desperate defense
against the cockroach invasion. A firebreak is set up in the area
around the town, taking advantage of the protective moat under
construction for some time, and the hoard of insects is eventually
brought under control.
Also on the 10th day of the return trip, a lucky scry puts
Kirok in contact with his mother, Alanna, missing since Kirok
was a child. His scry opens up on a mountainous plateau retreat
in southern Sandria that lies beneath the magic line. Kirok steps
out of the doorway, inadvertently frightening someone walking
by, who then falls off the cliff and is killed. Kirok retrieves
the body and returns it to a somewhat angry populace, offering
to raise the person.
In order to meet his mother, who is above the magic line, Kirok
has to remove his magic items and climb up a mountain path. Kirok
briefly meets his mother, and learns more details about his origins
and her present status as a bard, an acolyte of a peaceful non-magic-using
order settled in the mountains beyond the realm of magic. Kirok
fills her in on his recent adventures and current status. A peace
is established between mother and son, with the potential for
future meetings more likely.
late May 1985
The crewmember on the Black Hand is scryed
upon on the 15th, 19th, 30th and 34th days of the return voyage.
Saurin is scryed to Prestana several times in order to continue
his research. Palmdale is checked several times during this period,
and Lactar monitors the mayor of the nearby town of Greyhaven.
The group continues voyaging across the continent towards Palmdale
in Enterprise. Lactar, Clea and Kirok attempt to scry on
Vermithrax as both a living and dead being, and eventually determine
he is still alive, but scry protected. Kirok is finally able to
break through Vermithrax's anti-scrying device on the 37th day
of their return trip, and successfully opens a door on Vermithrax's
location, high in the mountains. The group takes on his henchmen,
then bring Vermithrax aboard the ship, tying him down to a sick
bay bed. Kirok then destroys him, his father, permanently.
On the 43rd day of the return trip, Lactar scrys on Alinea and
finds her buried up to her neck in sand on a beach, the tide rising
towards her. He is unable to open a doorway.
June-July 1985
On the 45th day of the return voyage to Palmdale, the
library of the Cygnus 10 is scryed on by Kirok. It is learned
that the Cygnus 10 is partially buried on an island between
the Aegican and Corellan continents. The ship, a hollow metal
cylinder 100 yards long, is damaged but relatively intact. Kirok,
Lactar, Clea and the hirelings take all the removable information
discs and tapes (including 15 library cassettes), along with the
reader for accessing the storage forms (a CD ROM system). Two
glowing sling stones are left in this section. The system is later
transferred to the basement storage rooms of Lactar's keep, in
preparation for setting up a technological library in the keep
for future studies. Also transferred to the keep are a bomb and
an all-terrain vehicle, capable of carrying 2-4 passengers for
two hours. A technician team including revived starship personnel
is left at the keep to assemble the system.
Later that day, Kirok scrys onto the engineering section of the
starship. A collection of artifacts from the ship is gathered
for study in Palmdale. These include survival kits, as well as
eight rods found to give off a numbing shock, along with a device
to recharge them. The rods, nicknamed "cattle prods",
are issued to the senior members of the group. Three glowing sling
stones are left in this section. These scrys also increase Kirok's
later scrying potential on the Cygnus 10 and other remains
of such starships that might be found in pieces across K'Thyra's
Lactar scrys on Kirok to increase his scrying potential on him:
he also scrys on his keep and on Greyhaven. Clea scrys on the
crewmember of the Black Hand; later she scrys on Prestana.
June 22, 1985
The next day (day 46), Kirok once again scrys on the Cygnus
10. Kirok discovers a group of military adventurer types exploring
the ship, having gained entrance through a service hatch (opened
inward) on the internal core. This group is monitored using the
Mirror of Mental Prowess as a window. Before any confrontation
can occur, a shifting, phasing doorway moves down the entire length
of the ship's central core, cutting off the mirror and apparently
killing and/or transporting the other adventuring party.
Further attempts to scry on any of the other adventurers are blocked
by an unknown form of static. The Palmdale group soon returns
via scry to the Cygnus 10. A dragon is battled and destroyed,
and is found to be some kind of mechanical dragon-like defense
mechanism guarding the starship. The brain of the mechanical guard
is saved for further study.
The ship continues to be explored. Six safes on the starship are
found to contain a personal computer with a personalized account
by the second-in-command of events leading up to the launch, ten
data discs containing two hours each of information about Earth,
a holographic projection device containing a record of the Sol
system (and can focus on any one planet), a focused light beam
weapon with holster and 50 rounds, a star crystal (used to channel
energy through the ship), and an envelope containing last orders
to the captain. A motorcycle is found in a crate, as are digging
implements and other equipment to help a colony get started.
A radio found on the ship, containing ten bands, one for each
of the starships, is monitored. Most of the bands have only static,
but band six has a fragmented message and band seven has unusual
static. Six walkie-talkies are also found.
On the 47th day Lactar is able to scry on Alinea's body with a
doorway, and recovers her. She is resurrected but inflicted with
a form of insanity, becoming a nymphomaniac. Lactar also scrys
on his keep. Clea scrys on Saurin and the crewmember of the Black
Hand. Kirok scrys on Prestana. On the 48th day, Lactar scrys
on Zulu, and Clea, using the treasure map found in the dome near
Palmdale, scrys near the location of the treasure but is unable
to reach it before the window closes.
July 14, 1985
Enterprise nears Palmdale, 49 days into its return
trip. Clea manages to scry on former Palmdale member S. Frog,
learning the body is on another plane. Clea, Kirok, Lactar, Saurin,
and Quietus go in search of S. Frog's body in hopes of recovering
his magic items and learning his fate, and the group travels across
many planes. The body is discovered on one of the levels of hades;
it has been stripped of magic items and turned into a minor demon.
Saurin destroys five spine devils, and also fights four ermyes.
Quietus, on another plane, bides his time in a deistic 'lobby'
while muzak is played, hoping to pal around with Odin and gain
a one-of-a-kind hammer as a boon. He doesn't. He considers taking
items from the lobby but thinks better of it.
Lactar scrys on Saurin. He later scrys on Keep Anak and finds
evidence of intruders at the keep; a team is sent to investigate.
An intruder is discovered there and questioned, then placed inside
a wall of the keep using a Passwall spell. The group returns to
late July 1985
THE PIRATES OF AEGICA (just about everyone has a bad day)
The next day (day 50), Kirok manages to scry on the
location indicated by the dome treasure map. Lactar, Kirok, Saurin,
Janice and others investigate the treasure-filled cavern, which
they soon find is guarded by a red dragon. Bahamut is called up
by Kirok to help defeat the red dragon, but the battle goes badly,
Bahamut gets a critical hit and is destroyed on this plane. The
red dragon is finally killed by the Palmdalians, and they begin
gathering up the treasure. Lactar collects 'dragon juice' from
the red dragon for future use, and becomes fond of the smell.
In a surprise move, a similarly powerful party from a pirate airship,
the Dragonspawn, attacks the group members in the cave. Lactar
observes, "10 to 1, that's OK, 100 to 1, that's a different
story!" Saurin is quickly killed with a soul-stealing blade
by a pirate who teleports behind him. Pirates wielding soul-stealing
blades also kill Lactar and Janice; the remaining group members
in the cave are also killed, except for Kirok. Kirok is presumed
killed when a Talisman of Ultimate Evil is used against him by
an evil cleric. The talisman creates a rip in the fabric of space.
The pirates strip the magic and money carried by the Palmdale
group from their bodies, and Lactar's body is taken.
Clea soon scrys on the cavern, seeing the results of the battle.
She attacks the pirates with her magic weapons as well as thrown
rocks. Using the Horn of Jericho, she manages to blast the pirate
airship as it is leaving, causing major damage. The pirate ship
uses its jump warp to escape total destruction. Clea then gathers
the remaining treasure and the bodies of her comrades aboard
Enterprise. The rip in space is patched using the Lyre
of Building. Clea raises the group members. Saurin and Janice
are raised, but remain blank, expressionless. Lactar's body is
eventually found on a bluff, all his possessions stripped from
him, with an anti-scry device placed on his body to prevent direct
scrying, perhaps to cause annoyance to the Palmdale group. Lactar
is raised, but also remains blank, expressionless.
July 31, 1985
During the battle with the crew of the Dragonspawn,
a Talisman of Ultimate Evil is used against Kirok by an evil cleric.
Kirok is cast down through a rip in reality and through sheer
luck ends up splashing into a freshwater lake. Kirok is in danger
of drowning from his equipment, which has become heavier than
normal; a nearby fishing boat subsequently rescues him. He finds
himself in a subterranean pocket beneath K'Thyra's surface, inhabited
by humans and other races, where magic does not exist. Transportation
networks involving ropes, pullies and hanging gondolas criss-cross
the ceiling, and several villages are contained within the pocket.
Kirok befriends Erik, a chaotic-good human cavalier and native
of the land. He searches in libraries for information on passages
back to the surface, and learns of a possible passage on the lake
bottom. Both of them hire a boat to take them to this area of
the lake. Taking a non-magical equivalent of the Water Breathing
potion, they dive to the lake bottom and find a multi-branched
passage, choose one branch and reach the surface world, half-a-continent
away from where Kirok disappeared, surfacing in the lake near
August 10, 1985
THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (Kirok has yet another bad day)
Kirok returns to Palmdale, and joins other members
of the group in once again exploring the lizardmen temple east
of Ylldana. Kirok is killed for a third time by two critical hits
in a row while battling lizardmen. Clea later raises him.
fall 1985
Q, Erik, Zulu and Kirok enter a mountainous maze where
they battle drow elves, seven of which are killed by Zulu; also
encountered are tanks with treads, armed with nuclear energy cannons
powered by special coins. At the center of the maze is a powerful
sentient being who gives each of them their choice of a magical
item or a limited wish. Kirok wishes himself to Earth, while the
other three each choose differently colored, specially powered
swords. Q's sword has the abilities [Invisibility 3 times/day,
Animate Dead, one figure 7 times/week, Tongues, Cause Serious
Wounds, X-Ray Vision, and causes weight loss 5-30 pounds, small
wood items to rot, and a chance that Q's soul would be destroyed].
Erik's sword has the abilities [Find Traps 3 times/day, Levitate
3 times/day, Stone to Flesh once/day, Teleport in sight twice/day,
and Shape Change with potential problems of sex change, loss of
interest in sex, and lycanthropy]. One of the cannons on tank
treads is brought back to Enterprise by Zulu and fastened
in the shuttlecraft bay.
Kirok appears next to a road, the surrounding countryside composed
of a red soil, with bluffs in the distance. Kirok is unable to
cast magic on Earth, but magic already cast on him continues to
operate, and he remains invisible. He follows the road, his footsteps
kicking up puffs of red dust; the road leads to some sort of launch
facility. Avoiding guards and slipping into the operations complex,
he eventually finds those in charge of the base and uses the rudimentary
English he learned from Damien to communicate with them. He becomes
visible in order to calm them and to find out where he is and
what is going on. He learns he is on the Australian continent
on Earth in the early 21st century, mere days before the Cygnus
starship is forced to leave orbit in a rushed Operation: Phoenix.
This is a secret project to evacuate a group of pacifistic humans
from Earth before the next and possibly last World War breaks
out. Apparently, while in route to Peregrine, the starships somehow
traveled not only through space but also time, moving backwards
in time several thousand Earth years, so Kirok is contemporary
with these people. Kirok convinces those in charge of the starship
project that he is from their future, sort of, and must accompany
them in order to return home. They agree to bring him along.
As the Cygnus prepares to depart, orbiting strategic
defense satellites fire on it. The drive system and computer of
the vessel are damaged. The Cygnus was originally expected
to make a series of pre-programmed "jumps" to known
solar systems to seek an uninhabited planet, which could sustain
the lives of the human colonists. However, with both the drive
system and the on-board computer badly compromised, the ship begins
making a series of uncontrolled "jumps" to random solar
systems in order to locate a habitable planet for the humans to
settle on. The ship's computer catalogs solar systems it encounters
using the names of birds as an identifier. A habitable planet
is eventually located (code-named 'Peregrine' by the ship's computer,
known as K'Thyra in the native elven tongue) and the Cygnus
breaks up into 10 parts in preparation for landing. Kirok discovers
that he is aboard the Cygnus 6--a dangerous situation,
since he knows from his discussions with Damien that the Cygnus
6 crash-landed on the western coastline of the Aegican continent
with much loss of life.
Awakened from his undamaged hypersleep chamber by the surviving
members of the Cygnus 6's crew, Kirok is witness to the
deadly toll the ship has taken in its barely controlled plunge
to the surface. Over a third of the 1000 colonists and crew have
perished, including the pilot (Bob), and chief medical officer.
Kirok helps the survivors get started in their new life, and helps
them bury their dead. After informing the colonists that they
have apparently been thrown backwards in their own timeline over
2000 years, but that he is now 2000 years behind where he should
be himself, Kirok asks to be placed in suspended animation in
order to return to his own time. The colonists move equipment
to a small offshore island (visible from the shore of the mainland)
and build a small, protected shrine, with a single hypersleep
chamber at the center of it. Not wanting to endanger his own future
by providing the colonists with too much information about K'Thyra,
Kirok blesses their efforts to resettle, and warns them to use
caution and respect in dealing with the planet's native races.
Kirok is then placed into the sleep chamber, which is activated
(using solar energy cells rigged from material on the Cygnus
6). Over 2000 years later, the members of the Palmdale group
attempt one of their regular scrys on Kirok and successfully reach
him in the shrine, where they find him weak but otherwise healthy-having
aged approximately six years during his lengthy hibernation.
November 1985
Following the battle with the pirate airship Dragonspawn,
a magical ark was discovered in the cavern amongst the red dragon's
treasure. This ark has the ability to trap the souls of some types
of creatures who are nearby and at the point of death. Experimenting
with the box aboard Enterprise, a number of different souls
are discovered trapped within the box, including Dylan (an illusionist-fighter),
Bruce (a fighter), Lactar, Saurin, Janice, a null setting containing
death, Bob (the pilot from the Cygnus 6), a storm giant,
and a lizard-like creature. As each soul is uncovered, it is interrogated
using the Helm of Telepathy to learn who it was and how it died.
The pilot recounts his last memories of the starship nearing the
ground and the cockpit being crushed, killing the flight crew.
It is learned that if the storage limit of the box is reached,
one of the souls will pop out into the nearest abandoned body.
Contact is made with the Isle of Life through associates on the
mainland, in an effort to return the souls to bodies. The community
on the island is made up of both clerics and magic-users of various
racial types. The group is taken by boat to the island. Before
the group members are allowed onto the island they are required
to remove their weaponry. The souls (katras) of Lactar, Saurin
and Janice are returned to their bodies. The pilot's soul is placed
within the body of a half-elf and is nicknamed "Spock"
by the group. Bruce's katra is placed in Howard's body. The lizard-like
creature (one of the "old ones") is placed in the body
of a lizardman. The storm giant is placed into a large human body.
The null setting contains a minor death, which disintegrates its
prepared body. The box is loaned to academicians on the Isle of
Life for study. Having tired of the adventuring life, Saurin petitions
the academy of renowned scholars on the island to accept him as
an acolyte. He stays behind to live in Sardinia, awaiting his
acceptance to the Isle of Life's student staff.
fall 1985-summer 1986
Having learned of a mysterious anomaly in the Kabbarra
Desert from the Encyclopedia Aegica in the library at Prestana,
Kirok attempts to scry on the anomaly, and after going through
the doorway finds himself in the desert facing a small stone structure.
Inside the structure, Kirok discovers a deep shaft plunging vertically
beneath the ground, containing shimmering doorways (similar to
the transport doors located above ground) at various levels. He
also finds evidence of recent passage by humanoid beings through
this area. He enters one of the doorways and finds himself transported
to a large complex, consisting of many levels, and peopled by
a large number of robed and armored men. Determining that a passing
guard is evil, Kirok dispatches him, taking from the dead man
a ring which controls the use of a system of shimmering transport
doors throughout the complex-except for those requiring a higher
level of security than the guard apparently had. Attempting to
remain out of sight, Kirok continues to explore various rooms
on various levels of the complex. He eventually finds a room containing
approximately 50 translucent pods with humans and elves in suspended
animation, floating within a green liquid. After detecting for
evil, Kirok frees and revives one of the humans, who has a glazed
look in his eyes and tries to attack Kirok; Kirok subdues him
and discovers the Dispel Magic spell removes the mind-control
spell from him. Kirok removes the mind-control from the rest,
and frees and revives the remaining non-evils. Leading the former
prisoners, Kirok soon finds a room (on level 84 _) containing
a large reflective pool on the floor and a control panel attached
to it. Activating the controls, the pool begins to show images
of other places, and Kirok adjusts the monitoring controls, seeing
a variety of locales appear. One of the images he sees is of the
inside of a bar, with someone wearing a symbol from an entertainment
video (The Greatest American Hero) from old Earth. It is
later learned that this bar is Sandy's Sin & Suds Emporium,
located in the town of Castoria. Kirok finally locates an open
field and sends the released prisoners, along with him, through
the one-way mirror to escape the complex.
Having successfully scryed Kirok back aboard, the group takes
Enterprise to the location of the anomaly, and finds it
is now protected with a force field. The group has Enterprise
send physical probes towards the field to learn more about it.
Breaking through, the group encounters demonic flying creatures,
'The Children of Hastur', guarding the doorways in the shaft.
Fighting their way past the creatures, the Palmdale group enters
a shimmering doorway, and finds itself on one of the main levels
of the complex. Exploring that level and trying to remain hidden,
the group discovers a chasm with numerous evil priests on the
other side performing a ceremony, chanting about "The one
who shall not be named." The Palmdale group disrupts the
spell, and the priests call out the name 'Hastur'. The group makes
a hasty retreat as Hastur suddenly appears and begins killing
all the priests.
The group members continue to infiltrate the complex, in part
to gather whatever treasures they can lay their hands on, and
in part to discover the purposes for the facility. In the process,
Quietus obtains another transport ring, and Stotty obtains two.
Seven mysterious full-body coverings (later revealed to be radiation
suits) are recovered and later sold. A bird cloak discovered by
Q is later destroyed in battle while someone else is wearing it.
Four quaffs of a blue liquid contained in a fancy beaker, later
revealed to be a teleportation potion, are also acquired.
The group attempts to use the transport-door rings to travel within
the complex, with only limited success; they are able to move
from place to place, but are unable to control what their destination
will be, and randomly move from one level of the complex to another.
On a lower level, an evil priest's quarters are searched, and
an ancient gun is found hidden within a book. On another level,
Lactar finds a series of imprisonment cells and proceeds to free
the prisoners, including the insane Princess Lisa of Sardinia.
On level 88, the lowest level the group reaches, a mining operation
is discovered where humans are harvesting large chunks of crystal.
The miners are eliminated. A Detect Magic spell reveals that the
rocks are crystallized magic in solid form.
In the end, by putting together the bits and pieces of evidence
they've found, and by interrogating a group of technicians, the
Palmdale group learns that this complex is an evil high priests'
refuge on the Corellan continent. A cabal of evil priests is preparing
an invasion of some sort-possibly on the Aegican continent-using
soldiers of various races who have had their minds wiped and reformed
by the clerics. The Palmdale explorers discover a massive amphitheater
filled with more of the hanging fluid bags, each containing a
"processed" human or elf. Fighting their way into the
room's control chamber, the group begins a release sequence prematurely,
and the pods start falling from their ceiling ropes ("like
bags of wet cement"), causing some damage to Zulu. Zulu and
Erik end up combating a squadron of enemy soldiers among the falling
bags before being forced to retreat.
Several of the high priests, realizing their operation has been
discovered, and fearing possible defeat or capture, activate a
self-destruct mechanism, which begins to destroy the entire multi-level
complex. The Palmdale group makes it to the surface by climbing
a steep ventilation shaft, emerging on the beach just in time,
along with 14 released prisoners. Of the prisoners, one knows
of a minor treasure, one is distantly related to Stott, and one
is a thief who had tried to rob the clerics.
July 6, 1986
Clea scrys on the group, and they return home. The Palmdale
group takes on three new associates: Einur, a neutral elven fighter/thief,
Inebrius, a chaotic-neutral human cleric, and Mud-Lin the Independent,
a chaotic-neutral human thief. After their ordeal in the clerical
installation, the Palmdale group takes it easy for a while, and
the three new members decide to form their own independent team,
leaving Palmdale in anger.
August-November 1986
August 9, 1986
Kirok acquires a coupon within a treasure, allowing admittance
to a health spa on Vermithrax Isle. The coupon is good for a quaff
of the special catalyst water, which will activate his innate
magical ability, if any. He is scryed to the island, and on arrival
at the health spa is given the water and drinks it. Immediately,
armed men emerge from behind a curtain, surrounding Kirok. He
tries to fight them off using his new ability, melting some of
their faces, but is finally forced to surrender.
A man named Meynick, one of Count Daltros Vermithrax' former underlings,
is found to be behind the abduction, employing other former Vermithrax
men. Meynick's body has been destroyed, and only his mind remains.
He promises he will only use Kirok's body until he is able to
fashion a mechanical body for himself. Kirok's mind and awareness
are imprisoned in a specially prepared canister, with the personality
and awareness of the unscrupulous magician placed into Kirok's
Kirok-two rejoins the Palmdale group, where he attempts to learn
as much as possible about the group as quickly as possible. Kirok-two
rigs a self-destruct circuit into the engines of Enterprise,
set to engage if Kirok-two's true identity is ever discovered.
He begins building a mechanical body.
September 6, 1986
While heading from Prestana to Palmdale, Kirok-two,
Q, Zulu and Erik skirt the edge of a massive canyon west of Kingsrest,
following a map to an underground canyon lair. Along the way they
investigate a giant eagle lair, where Erik kills a giant eagle.
The lair is eventually reached. It contains two black dragons
and a nearby ogre lair. Many of the ogres are fought and killed,
and treasures are gathered, including a Ring of Telekinesis, Rod
of Cancellation, +1 hammer, two quaffs of Potion of Levitation,
a golden chalice, jewelry, lockets and rings. While in the underground
lair, Zulu makes friends with a young miniature dragon, which
he gives the name Lockheed. Following this adventure, Lockheed
accompanies Zulu off-and-on for the rest of his days with the
Palmdale group.
late September-October 1986
While on the western side of the great anti-magic chasm,
Enterprise receives a distress call from the Megalodan,
informing them that creatures called darklings have begun streaming
out of the chasm formed by the anti-magic bomb, and threaten all
life on the planet. The communication is quickly cut off as the
Megalodan is attacked by airborne darklings, as is the
Antigone on another continent. Kirok-two, using Kirok's
abilities, prays to Tyche in an attempt to stem this disaster.
Tyche will stop the flow of darklings from the trench, but those
already on the surface will have to be dealt with by the Palmdale
group. To close the breach, Tyche demands the yet-unborn child
of Ahlric and Kirok, the result of a previous night of passion.
This birth will claim the life of Ahlric. Meynick, as Kirok-two,
agrees to this condition-knowing, in part, that it will be Kirok
that will have to live up to the agreement several months later.
Enterprise hovers over the darkling hoard, its crew trying
numerous weapons with little effect, since the darklings number
in the hundreds of thousands. Through experimentation by pouring
various types of liquids onto the hoard from the shuttlecraft
bay, it is discovered that salt water destroys the creatures;
every Decanter of Endless Water is switched to produce salt water,
and the other airships are alerted to this fact, although the
task seems hopeless.
October 1986
During the darkling invasion, Quietus hooks up the
brain of the mechanical dragon (recovered from the area of the
Cygnus 10) into Enterprise's organic computer
in an attempt to access the origin and mission of the creature
and possibly assist in the current struggle with the darklings.
Instead, the ship warps into a closed 'pocket' universe. There
they find the airship Bree, second largest of the airships
(after the Megalodan) and crewed entirely by elves, which
had been missing for several days. In order to return to normal
space they find they must join the two ships together so that
enough power is generated to breech the barrier. While preparing
for the trip back, Steve is apparently disintegrated in an explosion
on the shuttlecraft deck while trying to toss an explosive device
overboard. A marker is left behind in his memory.
Lactar flies outside Enterprise in an environmental suit,
attempting to contact an intelligence existing in this universe.
He soon finds it to be hostile to the intruders. Landing parties
from both ships explore the nearby land. The joined ships eventually
return to their universe, with Enterprise appearing on
the Corellan continent, but the Bree is nowhere to be seen...and
seems to be out of communications range for the airships' comm
systems. A little over a week has passed. All traces of the darklings
have vanished. Later investigation reveals that, on the Aegican
continent at least, the human forces released the last of the
earthen dams holding back the ocean water from filling the massive
anti-magic chasm, and allowed the ocean salt water to fill the
crack. Despite the ecological devastation this caused, it was
the simplest solution to the darkling problem, as the humans merely
needed to drive the darkling hordes into the crack, now filled
with the salt water which would destroy the creatures.
During attempts to find out what happened to the Megalodan
and her crew, the body of Igor, Damien's servant, is found by
scry. No trace of the Megalodan is found, since it went
down in salt water, which quickly decays the flesh of the living
airships. Bob/'Spock', who had been on loan to Damien, is later
found in a field hospital, appearing to have been tortured. He
is later brought out of his fear trance by Q, but has amnesia
about the events after the Darkling attack. Damien is nowhere
to be found, although he is known to wear an anti-scrying device.
An attempt is made to scry on Damien, but there is only static.
A 'shuttlecraft' of the airship Dragonspawn is later found
on a hillside, beginning to break down. Quietus connects with
the shuttle's log and discovers a way to access the log entries.
The Dragonspawn is discovered submerged nearby in a large
lake in central Bothnia (not far from the shrine of Eliasa-Ras),
partially disintegrated and its crew dead, all magic and treasure
stripped from it; it was apparently attacked and forced to crash
during the recent darkling invasion. The shuttlecraft, born prematurely
and away from the airship breeding grounds, can't survive alone.
Now that its 'mother' is dead, it is also deteriorating. Soon
after, the shuttle disintegrates.
November 1986
Lactar becomes suspicious about recent happenings on
Enterprise. He searches the crew personnel logs in their
quarters and discovers that the ones belonging to Clea, Kirok,
Quietus and Zulu have been erased. He discovers that a lab on
the ship is locked, with access allowed to Kirok only, and becomes
more suspicious. Lactar overrides the security codes and gains
entrance to the lab, finding a partially formed mechanical body.
Steve is found in a stasis chamber and released. Steve had discovered
something wasn't right with Kirok, and Kirok-two knocked Steve
out and placed him in stasis, subsequently fabricating his death
on the shuttlecraft deck.
Lactar hunts down Kirok-two while Stotty and a henchman try to
remove a bomb placed in the ship's self-destruct tunnel ('Jeffries
Tube') while a technician monitors the ship's computer system.
Kirok-two is subdued, but only after he nearly sets off the self-destruct
mechanism. Kirok's mind is scryed on, the group enters the magician's
lab, and after the magician's assistant is subdued, technicians
are forced to return Kirok's mind to his body.
The self-destruct bomb is taken to the surface in an attempt by
Lactar and Q to disable it. The attempt fails and the bomb is
activated. Thinking quickly, Q slaps Lactar with a Sepia Snake
Sigil, placing a force field around Lactar, and uses him as a
blast shield, sustaining only minimal injury to himself. Meanwhile,
the airship Enterprise suffers severe scorching but no
lasting damage.
Once Kirok has recovered, he molds Q's features at his request
to appear as a half-elf ("Ears by Kirok").
November 28, 1986
Lactar teleports to the desert and finds a dome similar
to the one found near Palmdale, which contains two technological
landspeeders. Also in the dome are 17,000 g.p., 5,000 e.p., 4,000
s.p., 18 gems, 18 pieces of jewelry, a ring, a map, a scroll tube
and an Extra-Heal potion. Lactar drives one of the aircars to
the nearby town of Alberstam and stores it in a stable at an inn.
Ahlric is later sent to retrieve it and takes it to Palmdale.
At this point, the group has 643,782.86 gold pieces.
Continuing to scry on anything and everything of potential importance
to the group, one of the members successfully scrys on a large
underground drow city on the Corellan continent. The group attempts
to infiltrate the city and learn the secret of the black fire.
Q and Erik kill six drow during an underground battle. It is learned
that the drow are beginning preparations for an invasion of the
December 1986-January 1987
It is decided that the group must stop the imminent
invasion of the surface by the drow. Before leaving, Lactar gathers
the airship troopers onto the shuttlecraft deck and gives them
a stirring speech, based on records found in the Cygnus 10
of a speech given by an ancient Earth general:
"Be seated. I want you to remember that no bastard ever won
a war by dying for his kingdom. He won it by making the other
poor, dumb bastard die for his kingdom. People, all this stuff
you've heard about Palmdale not wanting to fight, wanting to stay
out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Palmdalians traditionally
love to fight. All real Palmdalians love the sting of battle.
When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter,
the fastest runner, the best jouster, the toughest boxers. Palmdalians
love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Palmdalians play
to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for someone
who lost and laughed. That's why Palmdalians have never lost and
will never lose a war, because the very thought of losing is hateful
to Palmdalians."
"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team.
This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The billious bastards
who wrote that stuff about individuality in the weekly parchments
don't know anything more about real battle than they do about
fornicating. Now we have the finest food and equipment, the best
spirit and the best people in the world. You know, by the gods,
I actually pity those poor bastards we're up against. By the gods,
I do! We're not just going to kill the bastards, we're going to
cut out their living guts and use them to grease our armor! We're
going to murder those lousy drow bastards by the bushel!"
"Some of you, I know, are wondering whether or not you'll
chicken out under battle. Don't worry about it. I can assure you
that you will all do your duty. The drow are the enemy. Wade into
them, spill their blood, stab them in the belly! When you put
your hand into a bunch of goo, that a moment before was your best
friend's face, you'll know what to do."
"There's another thing I want you to remember. I don't want
to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We're
not holding anything let the drow do that! We are advancing
constantly and we're not interested in holding anything except
the enemy. We're going to hold onto him by the nose and we're
going to kick him in the ass! We're going to kick the hell out
of him all the time and we're going to go through him like crap
through a goose!"
"There's one thing that you will be able to say when you
get back home, and you may thank the gods for it. Thirty years
from now, when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson
on your knee, and he asks you what you did in the great drow war,
you won't have to say, well, I shoveled shit in Malveria. Alright
now you offspring of bitches, you know how I feel. I will be proud
to lead you wonderful people into battle anytime, anywhere. That's
Using an elaborate system of underground canals, the group (Lactar,
Kirok, Q, Zulu without Lockheed, Erik, Steve and a group
of Palmdale fighters) gains access to the heart of the drow city.
They infiltrate a prison complex and kill over 80 drow. Many prisoners
are freed by them, including three from the Corellan continent:
Lenard, a 70 year old neutral-good human cleric, Mallory MacGyver,
a 39 year old expert on the use of magic crystals within airships
disbarred from a magical academy for his reckless testing
methods, and another man who owns an airship station, who offers
free refueling for Enterprise; and one from Aegica
Cassie, the daughter of one of Sandria's most prominent warlords.
The group also causes general havoc. A drow torture disk is found.
Lenard is found to have maps showing the secret entrances to the
Hannai leader's castle. A shield is left hidden within the network
of canals outside the city to facilitate future scrying.
In an attempt to increase their chances of surviving in the drow
city, the group decides to draw from a magical deck. Q is granted
a drow henchman who becomes the group's guide. This drow is later
separated from the group. Kirok also draws from the deck; he obtains
a Ring of Sustenance and the ability to be raised in level after
defeating the next creature encountered. Another draw causes his
god to refuse him; a wish is used to negate his draws and prevent
this from happening.
While in the caverns, Zulu Warrior is separated from the group
and presumed dead. He is later scryed on and his body is found,
stripped of armor and equipment and floating in a boat in the
canal system outside the drow city, and is recovered. An attempt
is made to raise him but it is learned that he was killed with
a soul-stealing blade, making the attempt futile. He is buried
with full honors in the Palmdale graveyard.
Lactar, as leader of the Palmdale group, arranges to have
a regional spying network in north-central New Britain and central
Bothnia placed on his payroll, with instructions to pass any occasional
information they may uncover to Keep Anak, in the care of the
keep's caretaker, Higgins. For a nominal fee, this will keep the
group up-to-date on rumors being spread about them as well as
giving them some inside information about political and social
maneuvering going on in the local government scene.
Shortly after this, the Palmdale group hires a gypsy troupe to
spread stories about the great adventures the group has been involved
in. Later, the group passes through a town that already knew of
the group through these stories.
spring-September 1987
Returning to the huge clerical installation on the
Corellan continent, Lactar uses a wish (granted from a draw from
a Deck of Many Things) to request that the facility be reactivated
so that the group can explore and claim salvage. Shortly after
the Palmdale group begins exploring, systems begin failing throughout
the complex due to the lack of skilled operators. Kirok, Lactar,
Q, Erik, Stotty and a group of henchmen gather as much miscellaneous
magic and technology items as they can in the limited time available
to them. A chunk of the teleportation mirror is obtained.
At the lowest level of the complex on level 88 is found a cave
containing crystallized magic, the 'Crystal Palace', later discovered
to be the bodies of creatures, the Silliasthra ('old ones'), who
inhabited the planet long ago. The group operates the conveyor
belt mining operation awhile. Several large crystals and many
smaller chips are brought back to Enterprise, and MacGyver,
recently rescued from a drow prison and knowledgeable about the
use of magic crystals, is allowed to experiment with some small
chips. He becomes quite excited when he learns of the larger chunks.
Dirt from the mining operation is fed to the ship as magical fuel.
Necklaces containing a shard of crystalline magic are fashioned
for members of the group, including Lactar, Kirok, Clea, Q and
Erik. A spacial storage closet, the 'tardis', is found here and
claimed by Q.
Lactar briefly makes contact with one of the Silliasthra, or 'slugs',
using the Helm of Telepathy. The creature brings itself down to
the group's level, and he learns that it had been hunting the
group, until Lactar convinces it otherwise.
Lactar attempts to disarm a wish-restored self-destruct bomb containing
an anti-tamper device. He flies along the ceiling of that level,
following wires leading to the bomb. He accidentally activates
the bomb and is scryed out before it explodes. The group abandons
the installation as it collapses completely this time.
September 6, 1987
Kirok draws the wrong card from a Deck of Many Things,
and finds himself imprisoned in a sealed room containing garbage.
He eventually manages to escape through a chute, and finds that
he is inside the Danley airship station on the Corellan continent.
Kirok is then captured and tied up in the isolation ward of the
station's medical lab, with the medical personnel claiming that
a disease has affected him; his personal items are taken from
him and sterilized. When alone, his former mentor Jurgen, long
dead, appears and shows Kirok how to free himself. He informs
Kirok that the station crew is possessed by creatures called mindworms,
brought to the station by the infected crew of the airship M'Jarrin,
which is currently docked to the station. They plan to spread
the mindworms using the recently arrived airship. Kirok is told
that cold is detrimental to the mindworms.
Kirok puts together a team of non-possessed personnel by capturing
them and using Dispel Evil to remove the creatures, and uses Detect
Evil to determine who is and isn't possessed. Kirok and his allies,
including Lt. Simonson, 'Doc' Brown, Tara and Mark, make it to
the station controls and begin sealing sections off, turning down
thermostats to cool the station down. Infected personnel on the
M'Jarrin set the ship to self-destruct, setting off alarms, but
Kirok rushes to the airship and aborts the self-destruct. The
mindworms are finally destroyed by the cold. Kirok is eventually
scryed on and returns to Enterprise.
September-October 1987
New Britain's King Randolff II, wishing to help war-ravaged
Bothnia recover from the economic hardships and deprivations of
his brother Richard's corrupt reign but not wanting to allow another
despot to come to power, offers to install Lactar of the House
of Anak as the new king of Bothnia. Though the House of Anak had
come into disgrace and had recently been forgiven by the New Britain
government, Lactar's father Jarus had had many influential contacts
among the powerful families of Bothnia, and most of them agree
to have a Lord of New Britain installed as their new ruler.
Not wanting to simply attempt to take over as sovereign of Bothnia
(and risk continued civil war), Randolff II offers the kingship
of Bothnia to Lactar, as a reward for his and the Palmdale group's
help and past valor. He also wishes to place someone on the throne
with experience, but who is also young enough to be controlled,
or at least strongly influenced into positive dealings with New
Britain. Randolff's two requirements are that Lactar accept several
of Randolff's trusted aides as part of his initial "inner
circle" of staff members, and that the Palmdale group member
Zulu not be given any position in the Bothnian power structure
Randolff is informed of Zulu's recent demise. Lactar agrees
to this arrangement, and visits Cass Majoris, the Bothnian capital,
in preparation for his coronation.
October 26, 1987
Kirok and Erik go through training to be raised a level in ability.
November-December 1987
November 1, 1987
In an elegant but somewhat subdued coronation ceremony, presided
over by Randolff II of New Britain and the head of Bothnia's lawful-neutral
church, Lactar, of the House of Anak, son of Jarus, is installed
as the eighth king of Bothnia. Lactar begins setting up his personal
staff and is given a run-down on the power structure within the
Bothnian political and economic world.
King Lactar's initial staff includes: Baker, the Chief of Staff
(a 4th level administrator); Haden, a personal aide (on loan from
Randolff); Lt. Calypso is Army Military Aide (also from New Britain,
replacing a corrupt military officer from Richard's reign); Admiral
Cartwright, the Naval Military Aide, and a long-standing head
of Bothnia's navy; Arkham, a commerce and economics advisor; Daniel
(an 11th level L-N cleric as personal spiritual advisor); Matthew
(a 6th level magic-user as magical advisor [Lactar requests an
advisor of higher level eventually]). Additional aides include
the head of the Cass Majoris magic-users guild, representatives
of all the local alignment churches, and an espionage advisor.
Several key positions remain unfilled; several others are filled,
as part of the conditions of Lactar's ascendancy, with men from
Randolff's staff.
Lactar is informed of the seven dukedoms that comprise Bothnia.
Their leaders include: Martin, who comes from a military background
and who was very loyal to Richard; Carver, who has a strong economics
background and can easily be swayed to Lactar's side; William,
a somewhat weak-willed man who will go with whatever political
faction seems most powerful-he was related to the king who reigned
prior to Richard, and was a popular figurehead in Richard's reign;
Brendon, a strong-willed leader who was unhappy with Richard and
will side with Lactar depending on Lactar's policy decisions regarding
the treatment of the populace; Christa, whose primary concern
is commerce-as long as taxes and tariffs aren't increased much,
she's agreeable...she has many strong contacts through the business
community; Justin, whose loyalty is questionable-he has a small
territory, but will do whatever it takes to stay in power; and
Robert, who is openly hostile to the new regime, but who has powerful
friends in Bothnia's military and ties to the independent island
states off the western coasts of Bothnia and New Britain.
Lactar also learns that the current treasury (in cash and valuables)
of Bothnia is 332,960,850 g.p. The costs of the recent war have
yet to be paid, and are estimated at more than 15 million g.p.
Artifacts in the Bothnian treasury include the Empress Diadem,
the Gems of the Nallareen and Salir's Silver Teardrop.
Lactar's sister Alinea agrees to captain a ship in his Bothnian
navy, battling pirates along Bothnia's northwestern coast beginning
in 2173.
Palmdale Group
Having continued to scry on locations learned of in the Encyclopedia
Aegica, the Palmdale group sends a team through the mirror to
explore the ancient ruins of Dra-Benora, in central Bothnia. The
pair of massive abandoned towers, connected by a bridge over the
swiftly flowing Eastern Carvas River, emits an eerie sense of
forboding, which drives most humans and other humanoids away.
However, Q, Kirok, Erik and several henchmen set out to explore
the towers and the vicinity.
The initial exploration of the towers reveals the presence of
unfriendly creatures. Erik and a henchman assist in the removal
of a number of werewolves and zombies, and begin to scout the
surrounding terrain. They acquire two sets of magical plate mail,
a Medallion of Thought Projection, a Bag of Tricks, a +1 short
sword, three quaffs of Speed potion, 1,040 g.p. and 68,300 g.p.
worth of jewelry. Five advanced zombies are fought and defeated.
Hoping to transform the ancient Dra-Benora towers into a functional
airbase station, Q, Kirok and two henchmen proceed to explore
the two towers. Quietus later journeys to the nearest town containing
a magical scholarly library (Castedan, on the northern Bothnian
coast) and begins researching his spell, Magical Mechanics.
Clea, still aboard Enterprise on the eastern coast of the
Corellan continent, scrys Kirok back to the ship. Together, they
go to Cutter's Quay, where they purchase supplies and hire new
crew and personnel to man the Dra-Benora airship station on the
Aegican continent. Kirok raises several dead crewmembers. In all,
20 new technicians are hired and sent through the next scry to
Dra-Benora (now nicknamed Farpoint by the Palmdale group) to make
it operational. This includes six hired from Danley Station, where
Kirok fought the mindworms.
November 15, 1987
While Erik and his assistant are hunting werewolves, they begin
finding werewolf statues, and realize something is turning them
to stone. Erik later finds the bones of a basilisk, apparently
torn to pieces by werewolves.
Despite weeks of research and assistance from local mages, as
well as a small fortune paid for supplies and boarding, the precise
elements of the complicated Magical Mechanics spell elude Quietus,
until over a month later when he smoothes it out to a working
November 29, 1987
Erik begins exploring a wilderness cave. He finds a treasure including
a Bag of Holding, a Ring of Human Influence, potions of ESP, Levitation
and Invulnerability, and a Quall's Feather Token: Whip.
December 13, 1987
Lactar studies the taxation methods of Richard I, which included
40% of all income, of which _ went to the dukedoms. He restructures
the tax codes to give the populace a break. His new taxation rates:
25% of all income, of which 1/5 goes to the dukedoms. His advisors
warn him that the dukes will be less than happy at this, but Lactar's
main concern is saving his new country's populace from starvation.
By Royal Proclamation, Lactar announces the formation of a Bothnian
Royal Magical Institute, patterned after New Britain's similar
organization-and to which he suggest establishing ties. Lactar
also requests the formation of a Royal Scientific Reasearch department
as well, a new institution for any of the human governments of
this continent. Following these proclamations, Lactar begins a
journey down the eastern coast of Bothnia to meet his people and
see what shape his kingdom is in. He travels by sea, stopping
at every town with a seaport.
Palmdale Group
Having finished his business on the Corellan continent, and
having built up a reserve of magical energy in the ship's drive
system, Kirok jumps Enterprise from near Cutter's Quay
to the island chain between the Corellan and Aegican continents.
The ship's energy readings drop dramatically but it is not in
any danger. The ship slowly moves to near the coastal city of
Destry (trying to remain hidden), where Kirok seeks information
on their whereabouts. Kirok begins searching the island for the
location of the Cygnus 10, visiting the cities of Talisman
and Corona, before eventually locating the Cygnus 10 partially
buried within unstable swampland, in the center of the largest
of the islands in the chain.
Erik continues to explore a wilderness cave. He fights off
were-creatures and werewolves, destroying 21 of them.
December 20, 1987
Kirok explores the Cygnus 10 in depth. From
a total of 1000 occupied sleep chambers, 717 still operate. A
total of 687 humans have been successfully revived from suspended
animation on this ship. Quietus uses a wish to activate the Cygnus
10's power supply and make all of the ship's minimal systems
operational, despite the great rend in the ship's side, which
it received on landing. The ship, though shaky, is raised to a
floating height of about 35 feet and is prepared for its journey
off of the island and across the ocean to Aegica. Stotty and a
team of his techies are on board to monitor the ship's functions
and begin cleaning up damaged and/or destroyed portions of the
ship's internal workings.
The passengers and crew of the Cygnus 10 are given several
options for their future. They decide to place their people on
Vermithrax Isle, in the nearly abandoned village of Magurmasa
(where the climactic battle between the Palmdale group and Vermithrax'
forces originally took place), under the leadership of Captain
Danielle. They request and are given some of the equipment from
the starship to help them get started, including the motorcycle.
February 6, 1988
During the process of making the Cygnus
10 operational, Kirok discovers a furtive little rat-faced
git snooping around the interior corridors of the ship. Capturing
the intruder, Kirok interrogates him using the Helm of Telepathy.
Kirok eventually discovers that the man is a spy, sent by the
rulers of the kingdom to the east. A military group representing
the kingdom in which the Cygnus is currently located is
soon discovered approaching the vessel. Kirok meets with them,
reading in their minds that the two kingdoms are preparing to
go to war with each other, and that the local king's forces had
just recently discovered the Cygnus 10 and were preparing
to lay claim to it.
A tactical neutron bomb, placed aboard the starship in its overgrown
greenhouse, is set by another spy to detonate very soon in order
to keep the vessel and its technology out of the hands of the
ruler of this country. Kirok, using a Helm of Teleportation, transports
with the bomb high above the local kingdom's capital city of Latham,
then teleports away just before it detonates...destroying the
city and killing thousands of people.
Meanwhile, Lactar continues his tour of Bothnia.
spring 1988
With Stott and his team of technicians piloting the
massive starship around the island's mountain ranges and then
across the ocean towards Aegica, Kirok leaves the decimated city
of Latham in his wake, taking Enterprise to the easternmost
coast of the small island continent. With her energy stores as
high as they can be, the ship's warp engines are put to the most
extreme test, as she is pointed toward Aegica herself and Kirok
issues the command to "engage".
The crew feels the incredibly distorting effects (blurred visual
images, slurred speech, etc.) of incredibly high-speed transport,
as the ship is pushed to its ultimate limits; communications are
cut off from the outside world. After an uncertain amount of time
has passed, Enterprise achieves landfall on the western
coast of Aegica, just south of Massadania. Emergency claxons begin
blaring, and the crew discovers that the ship has burned nearly
all of its magical energies to get them home. A series of spells
and small magic items fed to the ship's power grid are enough
to bring it out of danger.
While Enterprise recuperates from her recent
journey, recharging its energy systems, Clea, having previously
learned of the location of her catalyst water through a draw from
a Deck of Many Things, goes in search of the water, which lies
within a mountain pool in the mountains of Bothnia. She brings
along a force of four henchmen, all females. Once she reaches
her water and drinks it, she is ambushed and abducted, awaking
in a strange facility with no sign of the henchwomen.
After several days, Kirok and the crew decide to attempt to have
Enterprise use its randomizing jump drive to bring them
closer to Palmdale. They activate the jump drive, unaware that
the ship is still too weak to withstand this use of its systems;
it has begun to feel the breeding call of its species.
(June 12-October 2, 1988: Pre-Gen group [to be posted
(The PreGen group is an earlier generation of adventurers
on the Corellan continent, whose adventures take place approximately
80 years before the Palmdale group, who are on the Aegican continent.
A record of these adventures will be posted to the site at a future
October 9, 1988
In the middle of the New Britain night, the airship
warps back into real space just east of the Western Korallan Mountains
and warns the crew they must immediately evacuate. As the ship
hovers dangerously close to the ground, personnel evacuate through
the shuttlecraft bay. The ship's transport devices are put to
the test as the entire crew (save one, Erik, who will accompany
the airship to observe the breeding procedure) abandon ship with
only their few personal belongings, including 11 shards of crystalline
magic carried on necklaces. Most of the group's magic items are
left on the ship, including 21 fully charged wands.
The crew and passengers find themselves dropping in uninvited
on the small camp of a young lawful-good dwarven fighter/cleric
named Dagobert, who welcomes them to his campsite; he is invited
to join the Palmdale group on their return trip. The crew is given
the option to disperse and the majority chooses to do so, but
Lenard, MacGyver, Steve and thirty others choose to remain. The
entire crew is scryed to Prestana, and those wishing to remain
with the group return to Palmdale by land. Dagobert soon acquires
a Daern's Instant Fortress.
November 1988
November 6, 1988
The Palmdale group fights three bandits and a flesh golem.
The Palmdalians attack while on one-man carpets; Q creates sleet
beneath the bandits and golem, causing them to lose their footing,
and they are killed. Their treasure includes a Medal of Honor,
a seal of the House Callan, a Ring of Wonder, a Girdle of Dwarvenkind,
and 67,355 gold pieces.
The group reaches the town of Exeter by evening; the town gates
are closed, and the group sets up the fortress outside of town.
People carrying torches soon approach the tower. Kirok, wearing
his purple robe, lowers himself by carpet to talk with a group
of town guards as the rest of the group throw out copper coins
to the people. Dagobert buys a Dwarven Thrower from the magic
shop using group funds
November 13, 1988
It is learned from the town elders that giant demonic flies are
abducting people from the town of Exeter. The Palmdale group is
hired to locate the missing people and solve the mystery. Kirok
and Q fly high cover over the nearby town of Quintell the next
evening, and soon begin hearing a droning sound. While trying
to prevent an abduction by the flies in Quintell, Kirok tests
his Ring of Wonder, causing grass to grow beneath the flies, the
flies to turn blue, music to play from nowhere, a one ton weight
to fall on one, etc. Kirok and Q destroy one of the flies, a giant
globbird construct with a possessed jewel inside containing a
trapped soul. The jewel is kept. The flies are defeated and the
most recently abducted group of townspeople returned; the previous
abductees are not found. Kirok uses a Quest spell on one of the
giant flies, ordering it to return and destroy its master. The
fly teleports away. Kirok and Q are given 5000 gold pieces as
The colossus medallion (non-magical) is discovered to have an
inscription leading to a site at the joining of the three branches
of the River Carvas. Due to changes in the rivers' courses since
the medallion was created, only two branches currently join, with
a third branch now further south.
November 20, 1988
Kirok kills one chasme and captures an injured one. Q, using
the Magical Mechanics spell, creates a body for the entity in
the gem. Dagobert continues to train to go up a level.
November 27, 1988
Jym, a lawful-neutral human magic user, joins the Palmdale group,
along with his familiar, Stringfellow Hawk. People at the magic
institute, who raised and taught him, had adopted Jym.
On a rainy day, while the group is inside the Daern's Instant
Fortress for shelter, three attacking hill giants are battled
and killed. Kirok, using his Ring of Wonder to attack, is nearly
killed when he begins teleporting from place to place due to the
ring. While continuing to use the ring, a one-ton weight falls
towards the location he teleports to, nearly crushing him until
he teleports again, just before the weight reaches him. 3000 gold
pieces and a +4 shield are recovered.
Dagobert scares six drunks.
December 1988
December 4, 1988
Starting in Prestana, the group passes through the King's Faith
Inn, the Merryman Inn, Persh, and finally reaches the River Carvas.
Kirok spies on Crescentville flunkies. Upon reaching the site
shown on the medallion after dark, a group of elven women, the
'Solid Gold Dancers', are seen trying to summon the colossus,
performing a dance and creating a glowing light in the middle
of the group. Jym flies in and, using the inscription on the back
of the old colossus medallion, summons the colossus Thornival.
Upon the arrival of the colossus, the elves scatter. One of them
tries to get its attention, complaining that they were here first,
but is ignored.
December 11, 1988
It is learned that Thornival, a 25-foot tall magical creation
with self-awareness, must perform a task for the summoner. The
task that Thornival will perform is debated among the group. Jym
proposes that he be sent to kill King Randolff, but Kirok argues
against this. Thornival is given the task of searching for the
nearest undiscovered artifact and returning it to Jym, wherever
he may be. The colossus thinks this task is perhaps too easy for
a being of his powers, but he agrees to perform it. The colossus
only responds to Jym at first, but later acknowledges the rest
when he realizes they act as a group.
December 1988-April 1989
December 11, 1988
After sending Thornival on his mission, the group heads to
Crescentville. Along the way, ten thugs attack; nine are killed,
one is captured. From the thugs are acquired: two +1 long swords;
+1 plate mail (human size nine); four potion vials; a Wand of
Magic Missiles (62 charges); a Wand of Lightning (21 charges);
a Stone of Good Luck; a +1 dagger (+2 vs. small); +2 chain mail
(human size 4); and 3180 g.p. It is learned that they were transporting
equipment to Crescentville, and that the town is under the control
of a demon. Jym and Dagobert have enough experience to go up one
level, and Q and Kirok regain spells.
Before entering town, members of the group travel by scry to Prestana
and inform the government of potential problems in Crescentville.
Before returning, Kirok, using the Combine spell with four other
clerics, creates badges containing the Dispel Evil spell, one
for each member of the group. Q creates Protection from Normal
Missiles badges; the badges are created over a period of several
days. The group treasury at this point is 52,755 gold pieces.
December 18, 1988
Kirok scouts Crescentville, and then the group enters the town
separately, in disguise. Kirok hobnobs with the town's high society.
Jym cases the mid-quality bars and is hit on by a man. The group
begins to notice strange things going on in the town of Crescentville.
Kirok discovers all the town's clerics are not what they seem.
Dagobert, meanwhile, spits soot as part of a clever disguise.
While scouting, Q is suspected by two members of the local militia,
and is chased by many more. Q stops in an alley and moves out
of the shadows in such a way as to infer that he is a thief. Jym
tries to rescue Q from his captors, but fails, and heads to the
hotel to retrieve his Staff of the Magi. Q says of Jym, "It's
a good thing he left, he would have been dangerous." Using
his sword's ability, Q goes ethereal en route to militia HQ, observes
the chaos briefly, and then heads for the inn.
Dagobert, hearing the excitement at the bar he's in, intuits that
it probably has something to do with the group. He hastily makes
his way to an alleyway off the square where commotion is still
going on. To give the impression that the events had nothing to
do with the demon occupation, he takes on an affected voice and
yells "No! How could they have found me here...I will have
to flee again! THE HEAD! Out of the way, shorty!" He then
deliberately falls into a puddle of sewage and leaps up, shaking
his fist and yelling. When the guards rush up, he complains of
a fat merchant knocking him over. The guards somehow do not make
the connection between this and their encounter with Q and Jym,
and wander away.
(December 30, 1988-January 20, 1989: Pre-Gen group [not yet posted])
January 27, 1989
Q beats Jym to the room and shape-changes to appear as Stotty,
and appears in the room with guards. Jym enters the room invisibly
to retrieve the staff, and refuses to stop for Q-Stotty. Q-Stotty
follows Jym back to the militia building, is briefly delayed by
Abbott & Costello, and loses the invisible Jym. At militia
HQ, Jym cases the building. While ethereal, Q sees some sort of
protective bubble surrounding the building, and notices long shapes
emanating from the chimneys of the churches, appearing to be spirits.
Q returns to his own form, then becomes invisible. He watches
from above while levitating. Jym uses his staff to create a Passwall
in the side of the HQ, after Wizard-Locking all visible exits
except the main doors. The Passwall sets off an alarm, but creates
an entrance into a treasure vault and prison cell with seven nubile
young women chained to a wall. Tossing cash bags into the alley
as a diversion, Jym uses a Knock spell to release all the women
and a group of men in the next room over. Jym, invisible, leads
the group into the alley and has the women give out a cryptic
warning to gathering townspeople regarding an ancient elvish legend
vowing retribution. Using another Passwall, Jym and the women
escape into a nearby building.
Eventually Dagobert gravitates to the HQ and discovers Jym moving
from the first to a second building with the women. Dagobert goes
into the second building. Jym moves to Dagobert invisibly and
tells him that he is here. Dagobert asks if Jym has seven naked
women, and Jym replies, "Yes." Dagobert then says, "I
don't want to know!" He then leads Jym and the women back
to the hotel safely. In route, Dagobert informs guards that he
saw a fat merchant heading east out of town with naked women;
the same merchant who knocked him down earlier. The guards ask
his name, and he gives it as "Merovech".
Kirok is witness to the chaos around the HQ after Q escapes, and
tries to figure out what is going on. Q and Kirok eventually search
the building Jym escaped to, but find nothing and return to the
hotel. Number One arranges for a larger suite of rooms at the
inn and everybody relaxes while the women recuperate. Dagobert
then takes a bath and puts on another disguise for the next day.
February 12, 1989
A citywide search for individuals matching the descriptions of
Jym and one of their guards forces the group to send them back
to Palmdale, along with the women. The search in town is later
cooled down. Kirok uses a scry to inspect the HQ and sets off
an alarm. He moves the scry to inspect the mayoral offices and
discovers a hidden stairwell as the scry runs out. Q then uses
a Wizard Eye to explore the stairwell and discovers a secret underground
prison facility.
Posing as a bounty hunter, Dagobert visits a bar frequented by
dwarves and lowlifes. He announces to the bar that he's looking
for Merovech, 'The Scourge of Junker, Dark Boatman of the Fokker,
Black Spitting Bastard of the Western Mountains.' His only response
is from a drunken human who tells him a completely unrelated story
with an innocuous reference to a severed head, at which Dagobert
does a take and says "Did you say Head?!"
Also in the bar sit a dwarf couple. He approaches their table
and asks if he can speak with them; they look at him suspiciously
and the dwarf woman asks why. Shielding it from the view of the
evil patrons, he pulls out his holy symbol and says in a low voice
"It's all right ma'am, I'm a cleric." They look at each
other, then ask him to join them. He says he wants to know about
(non-specified) things going on in the town, to which the man
replies that they shouldn't talk here but meet later at his shop.
The couple leaves, Dagobert stays on. Later, he meets them at
their weapons/metal-working shop. Curiously, the wife seals the
door with some sort of magic spell. They go to the basement where
they tell him that people they knew they don't know any more,
including the town's priests. They would like help to leave. They
agree to meet later tonight at the hotel.
Kirok and Vina (a guard) visit a N-G church and find it run by
N-E clerics with the people inside held in thrall by drugged incense.
Kirok and Q go back to the N-G church and infiltrate it ethereally.
They witness a mass service for enthralled citizens, and try to
prevent the sacrifice of five innocents by attacking the high
priest and his five assistant priests. One sacrifice is turned
to wood and attacks, only to be set aflame by Q. A dying priest
throws himself into the furnace as an alternate sacrifice. Combat
continues with Kirok and Q against the high priest and several
paralyzed clerics. The high priest prepares to attack with a spell,
even though seriously wounded.
April 21, 1989
The high priest removes the paralysis from his clerics, but
Kirok and Q are finally able to defeat them. Q writes 'THE HEAD'
on the wall of the church with the high priest's blood. Two surviving
priests are smuggled unconscious back to the hotel room. While
Dagobert watches, Kirok uses a Dispel Evil spell from a badge
on one of them, causing the priest to disappear. Casting an Exorcise
on the other priest removes the creature possessing him, and then
a Dispel Evil spell from a badge causes the creature to disappear.
The priest is sent to Palmdale along with the dwarf couple and
Q, who is sent to recharge weapons.
Dagobert, curious about what would happen if a church chimney
were blocked, puts on a scarf and goes out and kills an evil person.
He then cuts off the hands and stuffs the body in the chimney
of the L-N church during a service. He returns to the hotel to
write messages to be placed in the severed hands, in an effort
to compensate for Q's earlier message. In the left hand, he places
the message, "Our organization is aware of your activities
and has no interest in interfering. We are only looking for someone
we are pursuing." In the right hand, he places the message
"Oh by the way, the incident at the church was an attempt
by Kiwanis International, our enemies, to discredit us."
(Signed) "Minister of Hands for THE HEAD". Dagobert
is careful to wear a mask while doing this, in case a Speak with
Dead spell is later used to question the hands. Wearing Kirok's
Ring of Invisibility, Dagobert goes back to the HQ, outside the
shield by the main entrance, and throws the left hand and then
the right, insuring that the two guards see them. Three guards
try to remove the body from the chimney. Kirok uses his Ring of
Wonder on one of them, causing him to teleport wildly (blinking),
saying "Whoa, hey!" each time he appears.
That evening, after retrieving his Ring of Invisibility, Kirok
spends several hours using his Ring of Wonder to attack guards
outside the town's evil church. He causes portions of the building
to disappear, grass to grow, and a one-ton weight to fall on it;
a Flame Strike burns the building to the ground. A guard is made
to teleport wildly, saying "Whoa, shit!" each time he
The next day a group of what appears to be priests, wearing armor
and expensive robes, begin approaching the hotel in which the
group is staying, inquiring about the Palmdale party, and the
group hears rumors that the hotel is being searched, as well as
other hotels. The priests head upstairs and begin searching rooms.
Five militiamen enter the hotel's restaurant, where Q, Kirok and
Dagobert are sitting at one table and their henchmen at another.
The men talk to the desk clerk, and a priest comes down from searching
to inform them that something important was found in the Palmdale
group's room, and the men ask if they are still around. Using
the Helm of Telepathy, Dagobert suggests that the desk clerk misleads
the men, but it doesn't work. He then suggests to one of the men
that he hates the main priest, and he proceeds to attack the priest.
The head militiaman hits the attacker with his sword, getting
a critical hit and slitting the man's throat. Kirok turns invisible
and leaves the room, heading upstairs, as Dagobert drops beneath
the table and the head militiaman hacks ineffectually at it. The
group proceeds to take out the other four militiamen; Dagobert
then yells, "So perish all the sons of Zadoc!" Kirok
hears a commotion as guards continuing to search the room find
the group's magic items.
April 28, 1989
Kirok enters the hotel room invisibly and lights a Candle of Invocation.
The guards see the candle flame and a fireball is launched his
way. He is able to teleport to his sanctuary just before the fireball
hits what was behind him-the large Mirror of Mental Prowess. The
mirror explodes, taking the second floor of the hotel and several
flying carpets with it. Dagobert and the henchmen, on the floor
below, survive.
Kirok, Jym and Q are scryed back to the town shortly, to find
that the main buildings have exploded. They meet up with Dagobert
and the guards. Subsequently, bone demons are encountered and
fought. The man who created the explosives, Orson Cass (a.k.a.
Oppenheimer), is detected flying around town in a flying car,
the 'Cosmic Jeep', which flies above ground at a slightly higher
level than the average height of humans, and is wrapped within
an invisibility sheet he had developed. The group apprehends him.
A portal near the militia HQ is discovered, radiating heat. At
first Jym volunteers to enter the portal, but is dissuaded by
the rest of the group. A pole is stuck into the portal, and when
removed is covered with a green substance which is placed in a
quartz vial, which then cracks from the heat. The group, after
some deliberation, has the dijinni create several torpedoes, each
composed of two hollow copper spheres; the first sealed and filled
with shrapnel and water; the second with vanes and a thinner layer
over a rear hole, attached to a pole. A torpedo is placed inside
the portal, and once the water boils, proceeds to explode. It
is noticed that the doorway is fading in and out at an ever-quickening
rate. Soon after, more bone demons emerge from the portal, and
are defeated. An egg-shaped thing then emerges from the portal,
made of flexible material. It opens up, revealing a mass of arms.
A carpet is flown over it and a heavy object is dropped onto it,
but the object is thrown back.
The group is able to determine when the portal will close. Just
before the portal closes, the face of a demon (named Arrat) is
briefly glimpsed and arms emerge from the portal, dropping a bundle
wrapped in leather. A zombie is sent first to examine the bundle,
and is asked questions by the group from a distance, such as:
"If it's human and you know it stomp your feet." It
is later determined that the bundle is a human baby. The baby,
called David (also known as Fenster-from a dwarf legend concerning
a rascally natured spirit who torments arrogant and avaricious
dwarves), is sent to Prestana to be raised by L-G clerics. Number
One and three henchmen, who had been accompanying the group, are
sent to Palmdale due to the destruction of the magic carpets.
They accompany Oppenheimer and his flying car back to Palmdale
by land, walking beneath the car for shade.
summer 1989
The entire group (except for Kirok) undergoes training for their
next level. Investigating a locker in a pawnshop in Prestana,
the number and key to which had been discovered in a locket found
in Crescentville, Kirok finds drawers containing many gems, as
well as odd-shaped wands with bulbous heads. On the way out, Kirok
notices a necklace with a symbol from a video entertainment from
Earth (The Greatest American Hero) and buys it. A government
agent contacts Kirok and requests his help in capturing the aristocrat
who placed the wands there; these were new weapons being developed
by the magical institute that had been stolen. This aristocrat,
Lord Boronnen, previously had dealings with Lactar, and was a
member of a subversive group of devil worshippers located on an
island to the west.
Kirok returns invisibly to the pawnshop to retrieve the items.
After removing the items from the locker and preparing to leave,
two people with wands step out of the shadows. Mysteriously, Kirok
is seen; one of the men points a wand at Kirok and fires, knocking
him unconscious. Later, Jym is contacted on his crystal ball by
'the secretary' (Professor Nimrod), who shows him a recording
of the person responsible; the group is given the names of the
cities where this man had recently been seen, all along the western
coast. The professor sends Jym (and the group) on a mission to
recover Kirok, should he decide to accept it. If he or any of
his Palmdale force is caught or killed, the secretary will disavow
any knowledge of their actions.
September 30, 1989
Jym, Q and Dagobert arrive in Northrup and purchase
a Mirror of Mental Prowess with which to scry. The Cygnus
10 is restocked, and landfall is estimated to be in six weeks.
The group attempts to scry on Kirok. At first only static is seen,
but on a subsequent try the outside of a volcano is seen. As the
field of view is moved into the crater, some sort of force field
over the top blocks further movement. The group inquires about
the location of all volcanic islands. Later, Kirok is finally
found via scry, unconscious, lying in a boat beached on the shore
of a lake inside a volcanic crater off the western coast of New
Britain. All possessions have been stripped from him, and he has
no memory of what transpired after he was kidnapped.
November 1989-February 1990
Kirok is sent to Prestana by scry to recover spells.
As the group heads west along the border of a forest for an eventual
rendezvous with the Cygnus 10, Q has his dijinni
create numerous tents to make it look as if an army is camping
in the area. A group of peasants bypasses the tent city; the Palmdalians
create another tent city in their path and set up the Daern's
Instant Fortress to block their progress.
Jym casts a continual light on Dagobert's helm. Jym and Q stay
inside while Dagobert heads to the top of the fortress, sticks
his glowing head out of the tower's trapdoor, and says hello.
Dagobert scans them with the helm; they appear to be on some sort
of pilgrimage, and have something large covered in a cart. Since
it requires no charges from his staff, Jym begins enlarging portions
of certain peasants' anatomy, leaving them light-headed for the
duration of the spell.
The silliness continues as Jym orders a tree to be cut down
with a herring. Dagobert, from the top of the tower, in an attempt
to alleviate the distress caused by the temporarily insane Jym,
tells the people that this is the tower of goofy spirits, teleporting
from place to place on the continent in order to subject unsuspecting
people to a series of tests. The group gives them a replacement
wagon for one that had burned up earlier.
The people finally begin to flee. Dagobert flies over them, appearing
to be on a flying carpet created by the dijinni, his helm still
glowing. He tells the peasants that they have passed the test,
and yells "Tents, tents for everyone!" as the dijinni
creates hundred's of tents above the peasants. An especially hardened
herring is later found stuck in a tree. Kirok is retrieved from
Prestana via scry, told what transpired, and is appalled.
February 10, 1990
Kirok, Q, Dagobert and Jym are at the edge of a forest
southwest of Quintell. At this point the members of the group
have the following amounts of gold pieces: Kirok, 12,700; Q, 250;
Dagobert, 6152; and Jym, 5132. The group, flying higher than treetop
level, skirts the southern edge of the western anti-magic crack,
bypassing Transport Door #6, since the possibility exists that
the Mirror of Mental Prowess might explode if taken through the
door. The non-magical transport door is about eight inches in
diameter, indicating a greater distance of transport, and is pointed
northwest. The carpet begins to sputter and descend, indicating
they are within several hexes of the anti-magic crack.
The group reaches Exeter several days later, flying over farmland
and orchards tended by farm hands. The farm hands look up, befuddled,
apparently having been drinking fermented apple juice. Kirok asks
if there have been more abductions; they respond that the abductions
ceased several weeks ago. Kirok contacts the town elders, who
recognize Kirok and the rest of the group (excluding Jym) as the
group who helped fight off the attacking marauders a few weeks
before, and they offer aid and assistance to the Palmdale group
if needed. The elders inform Kirok that shortly after his group
left on their mission, the attacks ceased. Those townspeople taken
before the Palmdale group intervened never returned. The elders
thank the group for their help.
Kirok goes in search of someone who knows a person who was abducted,
and finds a man who runs the biggest trading post in town, whose
wife was abducted. The man had previously hired people to try
and scry on his wife, but all attempts were blocked. It has been
three months since his wife was abducted; more abductions of townspeople
had begun three to four weeks after that. Q tries to scry on the
shopkeeper's missing (kidnapped) wife only to be blocked, either
by great distance or by the woman being elsewhere, such as on
another plane. In the local dwarf bars, Dagobert learns about
recent inter-species disharmony involving dwarves. It is developing
farther to the west in the mountains, especially including the
northern area around Junker-his homeland. Inter-species conflicts
of the last several hundred years had for the most part ceased
in the last 70 years or so, but something recently has stirred
things up again. He also learns of some hostility between humans
and dwarves in this town. The dwarves pretty much keep to themselves,
and no one knows the precise cause. Dagobert hears the names of
seven to eight towns where things are becoming uncomfortable.
He notes that humans have generally kept away from the mountains,
and that there are no human cities within 35-45 miles of the eastern
edge of the mountains.
Wyre, a lawful-good human paladin, joins the group, and they continue
west on carpet and flying broom, intending to meet the Cygnus
10 in four to five weeks when it makes landfall. Four days
later, late in the day, the group sees another silvery, glittering
transport door (Transport Door #2) in the light of the full moon
and camps nearby in the fortress. During the night, the transport
doorway is seen to be increasing in size. At about 2:00 o'clock
in the morning is seen a line of 15-20 torches from the northwest.
Jym flies closer to get a better look, and sees about 40 people,
28-30 on horseback, lightly armored, along with 12 servants moving
by foot. They are all humans, speaking high-class common tongue.
The riders have magic items in their possession. Jym returns to
the tower and wakes the others. The group leaves the fortress,
with Q flying out on a broom. He sees that the humans have gathered
near the transport door, in groups of two to three. Q scans the
group for alignments, finding mainly N and L-N, with a few C-N
in one group. Q veers off without being noticed, but a group of
four to five then notices the tower. The groups continue towards
the transport door. The door flicks to the south direction, and
all go through, with no contact being attempted.
March-November 1990
March 2, 1990
The group continues traveling west for an eventual rendezvous
with the Cygnus, and observes mountains in the distance.
The Palmdalians reach the eastern fringes of the mountains and
slowly begin to move south in the mountain range. The second day
is overcast, but begins to clear later in the day. Near sunset
Wyre, flying on the broom, scouts for a valley campsite. To the
north he sights a string of approximately 20 torches at ground
level curving between two peaks, about ten minutes travel from
the Palmdale group. As night is falling, the group moves to observe
the others, a caravan of dwarves and humans carrying heavy packs
and wearing cloaks, following a trail to the south (where a community
of dwarves is known to have great anti-human tendencies).
After observing the convoy for an hour, a minor rockslide is created
to judge the convoy's reaction, and then a disaster occurs when
Q's mule (from a Robe of Useful Items) falls downhill onto some
climbing dwarves, causing a landslide. Jym creates more rockslides
to trap the rear portion of the convoy on a narrow cliff side
trail, while Dagobert interrogates a lone, injured dwarf, the
only survivor of the forward portion of the convoy. He learns
that this is apparently a supply convoy for the southern dwarven
community-but a supply convoy carting mysterious marbles in boxes
and a large amount of platinum. The human mercenaries, seven of
whom are still alive, were only brought along because of their
fighting ability. The dwarven convoy was to meet up with a dwarf
general named Kapland later that night, which is a name that fills
Dagobert's captive with fear.
April 13, 1990
The group decides to advance along the mountain pathway and pose
as the only survivors of a rockslide which otherwise decimated
the supply caravan, and rendezvous with whomever the caravan was
supposed to meet with. With Jym invisible (since his body resisted
Kirok's shaping ability), Dagobert leading, Wyre changed into
dwarf appearance by Kirok and wearing the Girdle of Dwarvenkind,
Kirok and Q posing as human mercenaries, and having roughed up
their appearance, the group flies to a location where they will
be only a half-hour from the rendezvous point. They follow the
canyon trail to the south, and see evidence of rock falls along
the way. A cliff face is to their right; 75'-80' below to the
left is a ten-foot wide stream. Jym sees a hole in the cliff face
with light shining on the path. Getting a closer look, he sees
a ten foot by ten foot room enlarged from a natural crevice with
five to six dwarves around a cooking fire, two of them moving
around. From about 25' ahead, a voice calls out from the darkness,
"Who goes there?" Dagobert, speaking in a stunned voice,
responds "The survivors of the party." From behind the
group appear three to four armed dwarf sentries. One of them steps
out from the rocks, gestures for two more to follow, and ask what
happened, observing their disheveled state. Dagobert checks their
alignments, finding that two are C-N, one is N. An older group
of dwarves emerges from the room and one of them scans the group
and gives Dagobert a liquid to drink. Dagobert then secretly scans
the dwarf, who is N. The older dwarf tells Dagobert to follow
him; they'll fix him up.
Q remains outside with the mirror. The rest of the group starts
down sloping passageways, passing many side branches, some with
flowing air. Most of the branches are natural crevices. Dagobert
and Wyre are split off and taken down a series of labyrinthine
tunnels to General Kapland, while Kirok is taken to the human
quarters far below. Jym follows Dagobert and Wyre invisibly.
May 18, 1990
With Jym following, Dagobert and Wyre are led through a labyrinth
of passages and caverns to a pulley tram and a lower level. Wyre
is left behind while Dagobert (and the invisible Jym) are taken
to Kapland's offices. After a brief delay Dagobert is led in to
give his report (as survivor of the massacre) to the general.
An aide whispers something to the general, causing the general
to be suspicious of Dagobert. Sensing danger, Jym Wizard Locks
most of the doors in the armory and launches an attack once Q
scrys onto him. During the attack, Kapland goes invisible and
his aides are killed. When a lightning bolt is shot into the magical
armory, the resultant explosion sets off a chain reaction that
starts to collapse the level. Dagobert yells, "It is the
Dark Lord Tes-La!" Q enhances Jym's appearance, casting a
glow around his body.
Sensing imminent defeat, the general opens a box and removes two
hemispheres, yelling "Die, die, kill you all!" as flames
leap around him. Jym and Dagobert escape into the mirror doorway
and close it just as a flash begins to form. Wyre, who had remained
in the complex on a level below the general's offices, is killed.
September 29, 1990
Kirok is recovered from the human quarters, which are deep enough
to escape the effects of the bomb. More comments about THE HEAD
are made in the presence of the other humans. Wyre's body is scryed
on and recovered, as well as a few nearby magic items. Kirok raises
Wyre, and the group recovers overnight.
October 27, 1990
The group observes humans outside the entrance, ready to mount
a raid. Since the complex is destroyed, the humans place a message
on the walls of the entrance and leave. The group goes back into
the mountain complex to search for treasure. In the partially
collapsed entrance, Dagobert erases the message placed there by
the humans and writes, "Inhabitants engaging in unauthorized
revolutionary movement which has not been approved by THE HEAD'S
committee on subversive activities" (signed) "The Dark
Lord Tes-La of the House of Westing", along with THE HEAD
sigil. The group collapses the entranceway to stall the escape
of the human mercenaries from the lower levels of the complex
as well as the soon-to-arrive dwarven reinforcements, then begin
November 17, 1990
Rats and ratmen are found in one room, along with a mutilated
dwarf. Other mutilated dwarves are found in other side-chambers,
evidence that something else is in the complex on a rampage. A
flickering anti-magic effect is noticed. The group acquires a
magical sword and a package rigged for destruction. Personal papers
of the late General Kapland are found, revealing that the dwarves
in this complex were working on a biological agent that would
destroy all magic on the planet. Some of the names found in a
list among the papers are familiar to Dagobert, as they are the
names of dwarves living in Junker, his hometown. Jym wears the
Helm of Telepathy while Dagobert thinks of Junker, and the town
is successfully scryed on. The names are given to authorities
in Junker.
January 22, 1994
The group continues west through the mountains. A dire
wolf pack is encountered. While on watch one night, Kirok senses
a presence with his Helm of Telepathy. The consciousness belongs
to a dragon flying high above Kirok. Kirok talks to the dragon
using the helm and bargains with it to avoid conflict, saying
he will leave 100 gold pieces at their campsite as tribute. The
next morning the group leaves camp but hides nearby to see what
will happen. After a while, a group of gnome-like creatures scurry
out of the rocks and gather the gold. The group follows, finds
a small tunnel and squeezes inside, entering an underground tunnel
and cave complex. They find a room to the side with several of
the creatures smashing vials containing a magical substance, which
creates a fog when broken. Kirok reads their minds and finds that
the creatures feel more powerful when in the presence of the fog.
The group moves further into the caverns and enters a large room
containing three dragon eggs inside a fire pit, magic items and
treasure. After battling the gnomish guardians, the group is able
to gather up some mixed coinage, gems, three magic items, and
two of the eggs before the dragon returns to the lair. They create
an illusion of their group moving towards the dragon as the group
actually heads back towards the caverns, flying on the Rug of
Welcome and Broom of Flying, battling the creatures and their
lizard-dogs along the way. Finding a locked secret door, they
enter a storage room and remain hidden. Q applies Sepia Snake
Sigils to the two dragon eggs. Jym invisibly scouts ahead while
Q scrys onto Lactar's keep, removes the eggs from the tardis and
gives them to Higgins for safe keeping.
Q manages to break through Lactar's anti-scry device and finds
him in a hotel room with an assistant; he is currently on a tour
of his kingdom. The group updates him on events. He gives the
group a lock of an assistant's hair to facilitate scrying onto
him and therefore making it easier to contact Lactar. Lactar then
orders an investigation as to why the anti-scry device failed.
The colossus is also scryed on, and is seen digging energetically
in a remote location.
Once things quiet down, Jym returns and the rest of the group
leave the cave and continue west.
July 9, 1994
The group (Kirok, Q, Wyre, Jym and Dagobert) has been traveling
through the mountains for about two weeks, moving west to rendezvous
with the Cygnus 10. They set up camp on a mountain slope,
and while Dagobert is on watch, he sees a line of three to four
torches in the valley below. Wyre borrows the Helm of Telepathy
from Kirok and flies down on the broom to investigate. He sees
a group of eight humans, some on horseback, and reads the mind
of one. They are primarily a group of neutrals, in fear of something
they've left behind. The group decides to leave them alone. It
rains most of the next day, and the following day the party leaves
the mountains and enters hilly terrain. The following day Q scrys
on Stotty, who is on board the Cygnus 10. He reports that
it has been quiet, but three to four days ago they spotted ocean
vessels. The group hangs a banner from the starship, with symbols
representing both New Britain and Palmdale, and returns through
the portal. The following afternoon approximately 20 humans are
seen traveling west, apparently farmers. The group arrives at
a small town that evening-Port Indiana-and stays at the inn. Quarrel,
the regional capital, lies to the north. The group brings three
magic items to the magic shop to be identified. Kirok takes this
opportunity to return Wyre from dwarf to human form.
The group's total treasure in gold pieces from the dragon's lair
is 56,870 gold pieces. With this the group acquires a Ring of
Flying, Kirok gets a Cloak of Displacement, and Wyre receives
+3 plate mail. Dagobert and Wyre acquire enough experience to
rise a level.
That night Jym goes out to eat, and encounters a horseback rider
who has just arrived in town, who says that a strange object has
arrived from sea near the regional capital, and is hovering near
the port. Q scrys on Stotty and finds him resting in a storage
compartment. Kirok, Dagobert and Wyre board the Cygnus 10,
bringing with them the gems and magic items remaining to be analyzed.
Stotty informs them that the town sent ships out to investigate
and he told their representative that the vessel belongs to Captain
Kirok. Currently a flotilla of ships with sightseers sits beneath
the starship. Kirok places continual light running lights on the
outer hull of the ship and to illuminate the banner.
The following morning Q retrieves the magic items remaining to
be identified. They are: a Ring of Jumping, an Ioun Stone of Paralyzation
with 13 charges left, and a glowing long sword with double damage
and the ability to hit creatures which can only be hit with magic
weapons. At the starship, a watchman reports four more ships approaching,
from the New Britain Navy. Kirok flies out to the lead ship, wearing
items signifying his knight errant status. The Admiral treats
Kirok with respect, seems relieved, and tells him that King Randolff
wishes to speak to him. The lead ship heads to port, and another
ship moves beneath the Cygnus 10 to transport Wyre &
Dagobert to shore to have magic items analyzed and to train.
Kirok is taken to the mayor's office with a guard escort, and
is shown to a two-way communications device. He tells the king
of plans to move the ship to Palmdale, and the king offers to
send the airship Excalibur as an escort, but the airship
is currently on the other side of the continent. The king asks
Kirok to avoid population centers, since mistrust and fear of
technology is still rather widespread. Kirok proceeds to investigate
the town's magic shops, and at the last one he meets Ugely, a
former associate of the Palmdale group whom Kirok invites to rejoin
the group. Q scrys Kirok and Ugely back to the hotel room in Port
Indiana that evening.
The next day the group moves north along the road, and the following
day the group except for Q is scryed aboard the ship, with Q transporting
the Magic Mirror to the ship by Flying Broom. The remaining magic
items are identified: a +3 short sword, a Wand of Magic Missiles
(33 charges), a Gauntlet of Dexterity, a +2 Hammer, and a Necklace
of Adaptation. The gems bring 3300 gold pieces.
While waiting for people to finish training, the group spends
several days to map the road northeast to the town of Xeron, then
north to Martinet. That evening Q scrys Dagobert & Wyre to
the Cygnus 10, and the rest of the group returns by foot
to Quarrel. They proceed to pool their gold and Q buys a Talisman
of Zagy. It has a negative/non-hostile reaction; therefore 20,000
gold pieces were spent for a 10,000 gold piece gem.
August 20, 1994
SOUL HUNTERS (Q has a bad day)
The group sells off a number of miscellaneous magic
items they feel are unneeded, and the remaining money is pooled.
They go on a shopping trip to all the local magic shops to purchase
more useful items, including a suit of magical armor for Kirok
and a primary Deck of Many Things. The group then returns to Quarrel
and the Cygnus.
With Ugely and Wyre both close to their next experience level,
the group decides to make several draws from the deck. In preparation,
the group moves outside of Quarrel into a clearing in a lightly
wooded area. There, preparing themselves with Stoneskin and Hero's
Feast spells, and transforming Ugely into a planatar, they then
choose the order in which they will draw: Kirok, Wyre, Ugely,
Q and Jym. Dagobert wisely chooses not to draw at all. Leaving
all worldly possessions (except for magical items, which have
to be 'claimed' by an individual), they each summon the courage
to face the perils of the deck.
Kirok chooses to draw twice. On his first draw, he removes the
Key card (treasure map plus a single magical weapon), although
no bounty immediately appears. On his second draw, he feels a
great change in his outward personality & appearance as he
draws the Throne card (18 charisma & small keep); however,
once again, no maps or scrolls immediately appear.
Wyre chooses to draw four times. On his first draw, he pulls the
Knight card (gain services of a fourth level fighter), although
no servant immediately appears. On his second draw, he pulls the
Rogue card, which he knows to mean a henchman will turn against
him. On his third draw, he removes the Ruin card (immediately
lose all wealth and real property), upon which he loses the sword
he was recently able to claim. On his final draw, he pulls the
Star card (add two points to your major ability), upon which he
suddenly feels filled with greater strength.
Ugely chooses to draw four times. Upon his first draw he pulls
the Euryale card (-3 on all saves against petrifaction), though
he feels no immediate effect. With his second draw he pulls the
dreaded Skull card.
Immediately a shrouded, scythe-bearing figure appears from the
forest's edge, walking towards Ugely, intoning, "Ugely...I
have come for you." Ugely flies above the ground, hoping
to remain out of the reach of the deadly creature, as Wyre and
Kirok (aboard the Rug of Welcome) prepare to attack Ugely's death.
Apparently, when raised from the dead by Kirok, Wyre acquired
the ability to use magic items normally able to be used only by
magic-users. Immediately, two additional death figures approach
from the forest's edge, saying to the carpet-bound adventurers,
"Kirok/Wyre...I have come for you." Fortunately, as
was the case over a year ago in which Kirok drew a similar card
from an earlier deck, the group is dealing with less-powerful
deaths than expected...in this case, deaths which cannot fly themselves.
While the three adventurers try to remain at a high altitude,
the deaths fling their scythes with minimal accuracy at the airborne
targets. Ugely continues trying to catch the scythes, and at one
point Wyre is successful, holding on as the scythe attempts to
pull back towards its master. Although Wyre takes repeated hits,
requiring numerous quaffs of healing potion, the three are able
to pool their efforts to destroy the three deaths without any
fatalities among the group. Jym observes, "I haven't faced
death, I've cheated death." They descend from their heights
to allow Ugely to continue with his remaining deck draws.
With his third draw, Ugely pulls the Key card, although as before
with Kirok, no items immediately appear. On his final draw, Ugely
pulls the Sun card (beneficial miscellaneous magic item and 50,000
experience points).
Q chooses multiple draws as well. However, upon his very first
draw, the deck disappears, and Q's body goes slack and unresponsive.
The remaining group members, talking to him and trying to bring
him out of his trance-like state, realize he must have drawn the
Void card...meaning that although his body will function in an
automaton-like fashion, his psyche is trapped elsewhere...another
planet or plane perhaps. Jym asks, "Is he dead?" to
which Kirok replies, "He's worse than dead, his psyche is
As the group comes to terms with their loss, suddenly items appear
in Kirok's and Ugely's hands: each holds a small portion of a
map, with notations indicating town names and that the map leads
to a treasure. Additionally, Kirok is holding a +2 magical hammer
and Ugely a magical sling (of seeking) and a fully powered Staff
of Thunder & Lightning. They are not aware of the specific
abilities of these items, however.
Returning to Quarrel with the maps, the group hopes to learn where
the cities are that are mentioned on each map. Jym takes them
to the branch of the Royal Magic Institute in Quarrel, where he
learns that one map originates in a town just to the east, on
the eastern side of the Korallan Mountains. The other map originates
in a coastal city along the central coast of the continent, not
far from Vermithrax Isle.
The group returns to the Cygnus, to ask Stotty whether
he thinks the starship can make the cross-country journey to Palmdale,
and what the fuel supply for the ship is like.
October 22, 1994
Ugely trains for two weeks and Wyre for one. During
this time, rooms adjoining the gash in the starship's side-excluding
the central, widest section used as the entrance-are locked off
and inscribed with screaming glyphs by Kirok and acceleration
glyphs by Dagobert. They are also outfitted with illusory guards
in red armor generated by the dijinni. For the benefit of the
occasional passing ship, an illusion of workers progressively
repairing the gap is cast, leading eventually to an illusion of
a completely repaired hull. Orders are placed in town for prefabricated
timber walls, bracing, and a gate to be installed as an entrance
Meanwhile, Jym attempts mostly unsuccessful scrys on four subjects
over the next several days: Q's psyche, the other Gauntlet of
Dexterity to match the one found in the dwarven extremist complex
(DEC), the treasure from Ugely's map and Gap's End-the town near
the treasure. On the seventh day of attempts, Jym senses he may
have come close to locking on Quietus, getting static. A lock
on the gauntlet is achieved, but the view is skewed and scrambled.
On the eighth day, a window is achieved on the gauntlet-not good
enough for a door, but the room is examined. It is 15'x20' with
an upper wedge of stable rubble, the lower portion is clear with
no exit. The gauntlet projects slightly from the rubble, not being
worn. There are three cots in the open section and the partially
buried body of an apparently mid-level dwarf fighter. On the ninth
day a successful door is achieved, and Wyre and Dagobert go through.
They retrieve the dwarf corpse, discover a leather packet adhered
to the bottom of a cot, and retrieve the gauntlet, returning just
before the time limit. A Detect Magic spell had highlighted nothing
else, but revealed flickering anti-magic effects, which also caused
the portal to get progressively worse, seriously concerning the
remainder of the party as to the chances of the two getting back.
The leather packet is found to contain a sheaf of records written
in a southern dwarvish dialect, mostly shipping manifests, as
well as a sheet torn from a larger list, containing 17 names and
their contributions to the cause. A coin purse containing 250
g.p. is found on the dwarf along with a +2 sword, but there is
nothing on him with which to identify him. The gauntlets are assigned
to Jym.
On the 11th morning, Gap's End is successfully scryed on, and
Kirok, Dagobert and Wyre go through, leaving instructions to scry
on them at sundown in three days. While checking out the town,
Wyre goes to a tavern and meets Flagg, a lawful-good human fighter,
an old friend from when they had both been in the employ of Wyre's
former liege. Intuition tells the group that this might be the
deadly henchman of doom promised by the Deck. Flagg joins up with
the group along with Jan and Dean, identical twin sister and brother,
a lawful-neutral human cleric and a lawful-neutral human fighter
who had been traveling with Flagg. The group leaves the next morning
on horseback, traveling through open country for a day, mountains
on the next, and camps before approaching the treasure site the
following morning.
A path leads up the side of a mountain to a natural, unimproved
tunnel of loose rock and packed dirt. The tunnel curves steadily
to the right, large enough to admit the group single file with
some room to pass if necessary, with larger members having to
stoop somewhat. There are no air currents or strange smells; the
floor shows signs of being well traveled, though apparently not
in the past four to six months. Dagobert enters first, using no
lights while checking for signs of traps or falling stones. Wyre
detects for evil and wears the Girdle of Dwarvenkind; Kirok uses
the Locate Object spell to find the treasure, followed by Flagg,
Dean and Jan. After moving 70 yards an arrowhead of piled stones
are found, pointing left, where an obviously false wall is seen.
Kirok senses this is the proper direction, but Dagobert is suspicious
of the construction. He checks 20 yards beyond with the twins
while the others disassemble the wall. He finds only scuffmarks
indicating that section was well traveled, but also not for the
last four to six months.
The cleared entrance reveals a narrow (2_') and much more jagged
passage, apparently a manually widened crack, going about 20'
before cutting left. The party enters in the same order, using
flashlights. Just past the bend, Dagobert notices a (roughly one-and-one-half
square foot) patch of rock on the floor with different coloring
from the surrounding rock, and an additional five further along.
The group steps carefully over them, except for Kirok. Dagobert,
who was just past the fourth patch at the time, places an ear
against the wall and hears a distant, deep grinding ahead and
to the left that was not otherwise audible. The group continues
on for 45-50' past the last stone and finds the tunnel opening
up; they are careful not to let light shine in. Dust falls from
the ceiling, and the grinding sound is now normally audible as
a low and subtle grinding sound, which ends with a metallic click
while the group discusses options.
The group advances into the oblong alcove, 10-12' across, 25'
long and eight feet high. In the center of the room is a pit with
ten bags (100 g.p. size) packed in. At the far end of the room
are two lifelike stone humans, armored, with fresh stone dust
around them; they were seemingly aware of the group, an impression
confirmed when they swung their arms down to their sides to their
long swords. Dagobert and the twins fanned to the right, the rest
to the left, staying on their respective sides of the pit and
not directly approaching the guardians or the treasure. At Dagobert's
urging, Kirok attempts to speak to the guardians (because of his
high charisma), indicating the map and assuring them that they
are in fact supposed to be here. A settling sound is heard but
there is no obvious response, nor any response or movement as
the group moves in. Jan, her hands behind her, moves towards the
pit and moves a hand past the edge of the pit, still with no response.
Around the edge of the pit are seen dark brownish stains (something
like blood), as well as in scrape marks on the inner wall and
on the rough rock above. Between the pit and the guardians is
a distance of 12', and as the group moves past the pit there is
a slight grinding and arm movements.
Jan ties a couple of coins in a piece of cloth with a rope attached,
and throws it into the pit. There is no effect, but while reeling
it back the shape of the guardians' faces alters and their eyes
turn red. Throwing it back causes the eyes to turn dark. She then
whips it back and forth, causing the eyes to strobe, remain lit,
and the sword arms to rise. Throwing it back and leaving it causes
the arms to lower but the eyes remain lit. Standing with her back
to the guardians so that the others blocked their view, she removes
it again, the sword arms raising and not descending as far when
the bag is returned. Closer inspection of the features and armor
reveal workmanship so detailed as to suggest they may be men turned
to stone, but with no obvious chinks in the armor. Kirok casts
Dispel Magic, causing the figures to collapse as flesh and armor.
The long dead and emaciated bodies decay as they watch. The swords
and armor are of high (non-magical) workmanship and in good shape
except for cracked and broken leather fastenings, and are collected.
Dagobert inspects the rock around the pit and finds no moving
parts, but still regards Jan's suggestion that they just grab
the bags at the base of the pit as very, very bad. Ropes are tied
to bags (one contains magic), and they are pulled out. Dean slips
close to the pit, observing the sides trickle reddish fluid and
the bottom rise, accompanied by a harsh acrid smell. The group
runs back to the false wall without incident.
They decide to descend further. The twins, feeling that the magic
item in the bag might be of use, dump it out, revealing ornate
daggers (non-magical) and a goblet, which gurgles as though activated
when Kirok picks it up by the base, but with no obvious results
after being dropped. It is then picked up sideways and returned
to the bag. Wyre thinks the twins should stay behind to see if
the red substance would begin flowing again, but everyone wanted
to come along, and Wyre then yells that he's pissed no one would
stay behind.
After 40' the path begins to level, straighten, and widen (eventually
to five feet). 35' further it enters the approximate center of
a cavern, 40-45' lower than the side tunnel, with no evidence
of passage for several months. The cavern is 15' directly across
from the entrance, and is 40' long and 50-60' high. Filling the
cavern are stalactites and stalagmites, with two skeletal human-size
figures, one with a sword scabbard, obviously impaled for a long
time. Lights are turned off in order to observe in infravision,
and a warm liquid is disclosed at the base of the stalagmites,
which hadn't reflected the lights. Jan throws down part of a ration
in the liquid, and around the splash the heat increases tremendously
and the liquid seems to move towards it. A rock thrown in another
location has no effect. The liquid is estimated to be two inches
deep across the floor of the room.
Casting a Detect Magic spell, Kirok flies into the chamber on
the broom. Below the bodies he detects a sword and a small package.
The area where the liquid fed gives off a magical signature, but
not the liquid as a whole. Dagobert flings a lit lantern at a
stalagmite, and the flaming splatter causes the glow to dissipate,
like a 'fog in the wind'; Jan throws another ration into the flames
and the liquid surges towards it and then retreats, forming a
glowing rim straining around it. It also appears that the liquid
may be entering through cracks in the floor. A Ring of Fire is
thrown around the items, dividing the liquid into a larger and
a smaller pool. Another ration is thrown far from the ring in
the larger pool, and oil is splattered on the smaller pool, which
has been surging towards Kirok; another ration is thrown into
it. It is discovered that the small package contains a ring.
As the group moves back to the entrance, Kirok wistfully comments
that if Quietus were here, he would have taken a specimen. Dagobert
replies, "Yeah...some cave blows its nose and he wants a
sample." They leave without incident, exiting the cave in
the early afternoon. Jan and Dean decide not to accompany the
group and are given three riding horses, two long swords, and
350 g.p. as their share. At sunset the group returns to the Cygnus
via Jym's scry.
December 10, 1994
The group decides to start moving the Cygnus
inland towards the mountain pass, meanwhile having magic items
analyzed in town, and selling the two daggers from the cave for
600 g.p. Kirok, while wearing the Girdle of Dwarvenkind and using
the Speak with Dead spell, asks four questions of the dead dwarf
recovered from the dwarven extremist complex (DEC), who turns
out to be a southern dwarf, just out of his 'teens'. During the
interrogation, Dagobert uses the Helm of Telepathy to evaluate
dwarf accents and dialects.
Question one: "What is your knowledge of the list of
names and shipping manifests found under a bed in the room where
you died?"
Answer: "I recall that a bunkmate of mine had a package
of papers which he kept under his bed, but I don't know what they
Question two: "Tell me what you know about this bunkmate
who kept papers under his bed."
Answer: "This dwarf, Rudolph, seemed secretive, didn't
socialize much. Rudolph was an older male dwarf, had mentioned
a wife and kids, but I don't know where they lived."
Question three: "Repeat the most detailed conversation
you had with Rudolph."
Answer: From the answer, it is observed that Rudolph was
a northern dwarf, and was in this for the money rather than for
philosophical reasons, as were most of the rest.
Question four: "What is your knowledge of the location
of treasure and magic items in the DEC?"
Answer: "Treasure was kept in the lowest level of
the complex, but I never saw it. Only high ranking personnel knew
of the location of magic items, and most had been destroyed."
The body of the dwarf is dropped off at a church in town.
Jym attempts to scry on Q's psyche, but fails. He then scrys on
Wyre, and asks of the mirror, "What is the class of his special
power?" The mirror answers that it is a common, mildly useful
ability. Scrys are then attempted on the dragon's lair and Rudolph,
both failing. Kirok has Stotty's men begin to monitor the starship's
radio on a 24-hour basis. Nothing unusual is detected during the
first 24-hour period.
The next day Jym tries to scry on Q's psyche, the dragon's lair,
Rudolph and Kirok's Magic Missile Mace, with only the last scry
being successful. A window is opened onto darkness with a shimmering
greenish-greyish light, underwater, in the ocean. It turns out
to be a 10'x10'x8' storeroom on a sunken ship lying on its side,
with light streaming in through breaks in the hull, apparently
caused by cannon balls. Several half-eaten bodies are seen, one
with the mace strapped to it. Two human-shaped forms carrying
lights are seen to swim outside the hull breaches. After half
of the scry time has elapsed, Jym opens a door. Wyre, with a rope
attached and wearing a Necklace of Adaptation, passes through
the door and begins loading the bodies onto the Cygnus,
hearing tearing noises in the meanwhile as if something is breaking
through wood on the hull of the sunken ship. Wyre detects patches
of evil, but not within the storeroom. After loading two bodies
he sees a face peering into the storeroom from the outside through
one of the holes. Wyre continues with his work, plunging two hooks
attached to ropes into two more bodies for the rest of the party
to drag through. Wyre grabs the remaining body and brings it through
the door, with about five minutes remaining. Kirok gives the Helm
of Telepathy to Wyre, who scans approximately 25 beings, only
one of which seems to be human, the rest unrecognizable. He looks
out a hole and sees seven to eight 'merpeople' ripping away boards
and another four to five floating, looking for a way in. Wyre
tries "suggesting" to one to follow him but fails. Wyre
is pulled back before the door closes.
The five bodies are human males, apparently dead for several weeks
to a month. One is wearing salvageable magic plate armor (size
three). Five daggers with dragons' heads carved into the handle
are found, along with 150 gold pieces, 15 small gems, two pieces
of jewelry, and the Magic Missile Mace. Kirok questions the body
that held the mace.
Question one: "How did you come by the Magic Missile
Answer: "It was given to me as part of the crew allotment
of weaponry, and as a reward for performing well."
Question two: "What happened to your ship to cause
it to sink?"
Answer: "It was attacked from outside suddenly, and
many were caught below decks. A hole was caused by a ramming pole."
Question three: "What was the location of your ship
when it was attacked?"
Answer: "Off the southwest coast of Sandria."
Question four: "What was the organization you belonged
Answer: "The Procurers (an unofficial name). People
contract us to acquire things."
A second body is questioned.
Question one: "What are the names of the leaders of
the 'Procurers'?"
Answer: "Lt. Anders (an informal title), from Bothnia,
was my direct supervisor, and I know of no others."
Question two: "What is the significance of the dragon's
head symbol?"
Answer: "It is a symbol for the 'Procurers'. If the
hilt of the dagger is removed, inside can be found a quaff of
either healing potion or poison, depending on the personality
of the owner."
Question three: "What kind of treasure was your ship
carrying when attacked?"
Answer: "Gold for the current operation, I don't know
what else."
Question four: "From where were your operations based?"
Answer: "Sandria. Our last port of call was Blade."
A third body, the one that was wearing magic armor, is questioned.
Question one: "What were the last four missions you
were involved in, including the one in which you were killed?"
Answer: From most recent to oldest:
1: In route to western New Britain coast to meet another ship
to recover a large item off the coast (Cygnus 10?).
2: Rescue a kidnap victim from kidnappers.
3: Transport a high level magic-user to an island off the southern
New Britain coast.
4: Part of team sent to assassinate a high-level business leader
and recover a family crest.
Question two: "What is the structure of your organization?"
Answer: "A handful of people at the top take on clients
and hire specialists who then hire mid to high level people like
myself who then hire cannon fodder to assist."
Question three: "What knowledge do you have of the
lord who had the weapons stolen from the magic institute in New
Answer: "None."
Question four: "Tell me all you know about the superiors
you've run into during operations."
Answer: There are a half-dozen he can identify by name
or characteristics.
1: Vandemir a chunin hired out to Daltros Vermithrax.
2: A general who retired at a young age.
3: The captain of a private sailing vessel in eastern Bothnia.
4: A high-level male magic-user in the town of Bally (a town on
the southern coast, which Kirok had visited during the Vermithrax
Isle campaign).
5: A high-level female cleric in the northwestern Korallan Mountains.
6: A contact in Prestana.
Stotty estimates that repair work, consisting of the placement
of barricades over the gash in the hull, will take three to four
days, and will be finished by the time the ship passes through
the mountains. The group has the dijinni place an illusory dragon
symbol on the breastplates of each of the red-clothed illusory
guards. Kirok has Jym fly him to the mayor's office near the close
of business hours in order to inform the king of what they have
learned, but the mayor has left for the day, and Kirok decides
to wait until the next day. The Cygnus is stopped for the
night near the town.
The next morning Kirok and Jym return to town to pick up analyzed
magic items, which turn out to be a +1 short sword and a Ring
of Dwarven Influence. The dried red substance turns out to be
a mixture of blood and oil, possibly some sort of lubricant. Jym
flies Kirok to the mayor's office. Jym subsequently leaves to
try and contact the institute in Prestana. Kirok is taken to speak
to the mayor, who seems agitated along with his staff. The mayor
takes Kirok to a communications room with four mirrors set up.
All display static, but one has less static, with a scene of confusion
in the capital displayed, as Crown Prince Michael and his advisors
try to determine what is happening; Prestana has been sealed off.
The mayor informs Kirok that another orc & ogre war has broken
out in the Eastern Korallan Mountains, and that contact has been
lost with the king and the Excalibur. There seems
to be a large-scale use of anti-scrying devices. There is still
contact with Prestana, but not with Bothnia or New Britain east
of the major anti-magic crack. The government has contacted the
Sandrian airship, Lighthelm, which has volunteered to investigate,
and is currently in warp. There apparently was no magical disruption
as there was when the anti-magic crack was formed, rather a low-level,
widespread anti-scrying device. People teleported into the area
have not been able to be subsequently recovered. All military
forces in the country are being mobilized. Kirok tells the mayor
that he will discuss this with his group and will get back to
him after the expected communication from the Lighthelm.
Kirok waits for Jym and they return to the Cygnus, where
everyone is informed of events. Jym's next officially scheduled
contact with the institute is the day after tomorrow.
Jym attempts to scry on the dragon's lair, Kirok's Girdle of Cloud
Giant Strength (15% chance) and Kirok's Ring of Wonder (18% chance).
He succeeds with the ring, but only gets static. Kirok and Ugely
fly back to town on the Rug of Welcome as the Cygnus continues
east. Kirok returns to the mayor's office, which is now surrounded
by a crowd of several hundred whom apparently know that something
is going on. They fly into the central courtyard and are taken
to the mayor. The mayor informs them that they received a brief
message from the Lighthelm, lasting less than one minute,
before contact was lost. They were experiencing a low-level field
effect, affecting all magic items in different ways; magic armor
was weighing more and magic swords were glowing more brightly.
Sensors were showing something approaching, but which was not
panicking the crew; the ship, following the preexisting plan,
was going to try to warp out and reestablish contact after a short
reconnaissance; communications were then cut off. The Magical
Institute thinks the field will not advance further; teams have
been sent out to map its edge. Riders had been sent into it to
find out if there are any physical effects. No normal traffic
had come out of the area; it normally would be high at this time.
A military state of emergency had been called in all large cities
along the effect.
The mayor gives Kirok a small hand held communications device,
a pocket mirror, to keep in contact, with communications scheduled
for noon each day, if necessary. It is two-way, but communications
must be initiated by the west coast government. Kirok and Ugely
return to the Cygnus, noting much traffic on the roads
in preparation for mid-Spring planting. An attempt is made to
scry on Q's psyche, which fails. Around 11:00 p.m., the Tapestry
of Viewing is examined. It has room for 52 images, 37 of which
are filled. It now contains 19 dead images (smoky in appearance),
where there were only 17 the last time it was examined. Of the
18 living images, four are indistinct, possibly blocked by the
trouble to the east. It is decided to have the tapestry and the
radio within the same room, so that one person can monitor both.
The following day is stormy. The Cygnus 10 finally makes
landfall after crossing the bay. Jym successfully scrys on Kirok's
Girdle of Giant Strength, opening a door 25' in the air, below
which can be seen a group of ten men and women-three of them not
wearing armor. All are on horseback, moving down a road towards
a village, which is later learned to be King's Crossing. Wyre
and Kirok place their heads through the door, Wyre checking for
evil (three are evil) and Kirok scanning thoughts; the group has
been on the road for several days, is tired, and wants to rest
in town. Kirok, Ugely and Wyre move through the door on the rug,
the bottom of which contains an illusion created by the djinni
to blend in with the sky. The group consists of clerics, fighters,
magic-users and a thief. This is a chaotic group, well equipped
but motley. The leader is the one wearing the girdle and seems
to be a mid-level fighter/cleric. The thief and two of the fighters
are evil. The leader is near the front, talking to the female
second-in-command. The leader is frustrated at not being able
to tell the rest about the mission, which is for the 'Procurers'.
A dust trail is seen in the distance, moving towards the group
from the town. Kirok casts a Hold Person spell on the leader while
the carpet descends, while Jym opens a new doorway according to
plan, barely, the preceding one having run out of time. Kirok
holds Wyre to steady him while Wyre grabs the leader and lifts
him out of the saddle as the second-in-command tries to grab and
misses. Several members of her group fire their crossbows and
miss. The carpet moves back through the doorway.
Another member, who is levitating towards the doorway, has a weighted
tent thrown on him, and sinks to the ground while trying to disentangle
himself. Kirok begins stripping items from the leader while the
dijinni writes a message on foil, saying, "You're fired!"
along with the red-on-gold dragonhead symbol. Dagobert fires a
crossbow bolt at another 'Procurer' who is also levitating and
preparing to fire a wand, as Jym attempts to telekinetically pull
the wand with his staff. The combination causes the wand to fire
towards the ground, causing some damage to the person covered
with a tent, who is currently out of sight of the doorway. Dagobert
fires again, getting a critical hit, while Jym successfully yanks
the wand from the other's hand and brings it aboard. The mercenaries
fire in the general area of the doorway, and crossbow bolts narrowly
avoid Dagobert. Jym drags the levitating person towards the doorway
as the person reaches for a dagger; he tries to break it open
but is stopped, and is tied up and blindfolded, as is the leader.
During the battle, one of the bodies from the shipwreck has been
gathered, and is set aflame and dropped out of the doorway along
with the note. The body hits the person trying to disentangle
himself from the weighted tent. Another member of this party,
who had been reading a scroll, finishes and a stretching effect
is seen nearby in a field. A humanoid figure appears, and Wyre
senses intense evil. The figure notices Wyre waving his hand at
him just before the doorway is closed.
April 8, 1995
The two prisoners are stripped of their items. Kirok
scans the prisoners for alignment, determining that the leader
is chaotic-neutral and the magic-user is neutral-evil. The prisoners
are moved to separate rooms on the underside of the ship, to be
guarded by Wyre and Ugely. Jym scans for magic. Kirok claims his
Girdle of Cloud Giant Strength.
The magic items recovered are found to be:
Wand of Fireballs (37 charges) claimed by Dagobert
Girdle of Levitation, human size six; limited to sizes five to
seven (51 charges) loaned to Flagg
+2 full plate armor, size four to be sold
short sword, +1/+2 vs. regenerating creatures to be sold
Fire Resistance potion, three quaffs claimed by Ugely
Wand of Negation to be sold
A scroll tube is found, with information on their mission.
They were to have assassinated Trevor Allegor, a businessman in
King's Crossing. Along with their basic equipment, 760 gold pieces'
worth of gems are found. Copper sheeting to cover the barricades
being built to close the gash in the ship is discussed, as is
a demon gun.
Several days previously, on the other side of the continent, Lactar
had been heading south along the coast by ship to rendezvous with
King Randolff II for a cultural summit. They meet on an island
off the southern coast with two major population centers, Lactar
suspicious of the king's every move. That evening, some sort of
anti-magic effect manifests itself, as Lactar notices the magic
items he is wearing become heavier and glow less. He begins testing
magic items and spells and has someone cast a fireball out of
a window, which fizzles out shortly after being cast. +1 magic
swords apparently no longer have a plus, although it seems they
would still be effective against creatures requiring magic to
be damaged. Lactar loans his magic crystal to a magic-user, and
finds that this allows normal casting of spells, but doesn't help
in the use of magic items. Lactar sends his ship to the mainland
to place his troops on alert. The king and Lactar meet. The king
was barely able to contact Prestana, and he has lost contact with
the Excalibur; it may have panicked when this effect set
in, and gone into warp, cutting off contact even with non-magical
means of communications. Lactar declines an offer of transport
by the king to the mainland, and instead hires a ship to take
him there. Once on the mainland, they decide to head along the
coast to the pass in the northern mountains, the king heading
west and Lactar heading east, even though this will take weeks.
The king sends 800 of his soldiers along the western edge of the
mountains, and Lactar sends 150-180 of his soldiers along the
eastern edge of the mountains in an effort to counter a possible
invasion by orcs and ogres, who may be taking advantage of the
current chaos.
Back on the Cygnus 10, Jym and Dagobert question the magic-user
first, with Wyre guarding. Jym is wearing the Helm of Telepathy,
and the prisoner remains bound and blindfolded. Questioning reveals
the prisoner's name is Marcus, he is quite nervous, inexperienced,
and is not intentionally concealing things, as determined by the
helm. During questioning, it is learned that there were eight
cadre members, and later the two leaders showed up. In addition
to himself, there were Sarah and Timon, clerics; Chris, Matthew
and Argos, fighters; and two other fighters he was unfamiliar
with. They received a message to meet in Tobago, and have been
on the road for the last three days. They have no particular home
base, but wait for instructions. This group has been together
for the last three weeks, after each member was contacted individually
with a scroll containing orders. The message said, "Report
to _____. Leaders will give you instructions there."
Pretending to be a member of their organization, Jym asks "Were
the leaders to identify you in the normal way?" and at this
the prisoner thinks of a sigil being presented and code words
being said. Their last mission was to pilfer a scroll from a selected
location. Jym asks "Do you know why you were intercepted?"
to which Marcus replies "No. We just came under attack."
Dagobert adds "Ha!" Jym asks if Marcus saw the dragon's
head, to which Marcus stammers. Jym comments "Marcus, Marcus,
Marcus. Are you seriously asking me to believe you are so blind?"
while making sounds of a dagger being sharpened. Dagobert continues
this line of questioning, asking why he insists on playing games,
and how long will he persist with this charade, to which Marcus
has no answer. Dagobert says, "Do you really expect us to
believe you thought you were on a mission, rather than with the
renegades? Do you think, in this time of crisis, the organization
would have you remove so small a target as a businessman?"
The prisoner replies that he didn't know there was anything else
going on, that he just does the job he's told to do. This is the
fourth job he's been on. Dagobert says, "We'll let you think
about the error of your ways." Jym says "Why would a
loyal employee kill himself before being questioned by internal
affairs?" to which the prisoner replies, "That's what
all cadre members do if captured." Jym and Dagobert leave
the room to interrogate the other prisoner.
Jym, scanning the leader, feels anger and outrage as the leader
wonders who would have the audacity? At Jym's suggestion, Dagobert
slaps the prisoner, making him angrier. Dagobert says, "
So now you see the wages of your betrayal." The prisoner
continues to be confused, his mouth bleeding. Dagobert says, "Did
you think your renegade activities would go unnoticed?" as
Jym uses the helm to suggest that they are high placed officials
of the 'procurers'. Prisoner: "I'm not sure what you mean?"
Jym, in a bored voice: "Let's get the technicalities out
of the way." It is learned that the prisoner's name is Cleante,
who is several steps above his flunkies; he is an independent
contractor. His last mission was the delivery of a package to
the town of Bergendale, and the mission prior to that was to provide
support muscle during a duel in Caledonia; the person he was working
for lost the duel. Jym: "Can you repeat that? You mean to
tell me that your mission was not to remove the mayor of Greyhaven,
and before that to deliver a letter from Palmdale to Tobago?"
The prisoner responds that Greyhaven is a long way away, and that
he didn't know anything about this. He claims that his current
mission began three days before meeting with his team, with the
delivery of a scroll. The mission was to take Trevor Allegor out
of the picture, and make it look like an accident. The scroll
appeared among his personal items one day this is the normal
way of receiving scrolls for missions. He claims he has always
been a loyal member of the organization, and sensed no problem,
no troubles with his superiors. At this, Jym receives a mental
image of a duel the prisoner thinks this was questionable,
because he thought the person he was working for would win (the
duel took place six weeks ago). When asked if he destroyed the
messages, he replies "Of course." and thinks there should
be paperwork higher up.
Jym asks for more information on the duel, giving the impression
that the man killed in the duel was a member of the organization.
When the prisoner asks why he waited six weeks, Jym slaps him.
Cleante says, "I wasn't the only one there. Did you talk
to Deirdre?" to which Jym responds, "She was with you?"
Cleante says that he saw her after it happened, he didn't see
what was in her bag, and that she was in a hurry to leave. Jym
says "Wait here." and leaves.
Jym returns shortly. He says, "Perhaps you are just a pawn.
We need complete details of previous missions. If you lie, the
punishment will be exquisite."
The prisoner only gives the bare facts, working backwards from
the present:
1: current mission his second-in-command is named Corissa
they met for the first time a day before meeting the rest
of the party. He'd worked with two of the fighters separately
on previous missions.
2: four weeks ago solo mission delivered a package
to the town of Bergendale.
3: six weeks ago with one other person assisted in
a duel in Caledonia between two noblemen; the mission seemed to
backfire. The assistant to the other duelist was the man's son.
Seven to eight people were selected as witnesses.
4: Eight weeks ago with three others recovered a pair
of missing goblets, belonging to a wealthy family in Haladan,
stolen in an interfamily quarrel. (Jym interjects: "No wand?")
5: Three months ago with four others poisoned an entire
family (he knows the family name) of four in Exeter, except for
a six-year-old girl who managed to survive. He recalls seeing
giant blue flies. (Jym interjects: "Nothing about 5,000 gold
6: four months ago solo mission delivered a long sword
& scabbard to a N-E monastery in Gallion. (Jym adds "Nothing
about a painting?" to which Cleante replies "Only if
it was in the scabbard.")
7: Six months ago with two others assassinated a Sardinian
businessman in Felham, on an island off the southern coast. (Jym
says offhandedly "That one seems to match.")
Jym asks "When did Deirdre join the resistance?" to
which the prisoner replies that he only worked with her on a couple
of missions. She is normally based in southeastern Bothnia. She
is apparently a fighter/cleric, and has a sensual effect on men.
The last mission was not in her usual area.
Jym leaves to scry on Deirdre, and gets static, indicating she
is alive but being blocked, probably by the continent-wide effect.
Jym returns to the room. Jym asks, "Why do you think Deirdre
was there? What was in the bag? Why was she in a hurry? And what
about Naomi?" During this questioning, the prisoner is picturing
Deirdre among the witnesses at the duel, in the evening, carrying
a large (500 g.p.) bag with no effort, and stepping through a
transport doorway. When the name Naomi is mentioned, he thinks
of an incredibly pretty looking redhead in magic-user robes, in
a dark place with flames nearby. Jym becomes entranced with this
mental picture, and Ugely moves to take off the helm. Dagobert
comments, "You almost had us thinking that you weren't working
for Naomi."
Upon hearing this, the captive experiences terror, going mentally
catatonic, and Jym tries calming him with the helm. Shortly his
mental connection to the captive is broken with a snap, as is
the captive's will. He is only vaguely aware, incredibly depressed,
and begins to curl into a fetal position. Dagobert begins smelling
burning flesh, and Jym soon does as well. Heat sheen is seen around
the body. He is given a quaff of Healing potion, but he soon bursts
into flame. Jym casts a Dispel Magic, which douses the flames.
Dagobert casts Cure Light Wounds as Ugely gives him a quaff of
Fire Resistance. Jym hears a whooshing sound, sees a hole opening
in the air above the prisoner. Jym points his staff towards the
doorway, yelling "doorway", as Dagobert backs off, attempting
to get out his Wand of Fireballs and his shield. The prisoner,
tied to the chair, begins rising. Dagobert slips and falls on
his rear, only pulling out the wand. Jym tries to jump through
the doorway as Ugely slaps a Sepia Snake Sigil on the prisoner.
Jym hits the chair, bounces off, while the chair hooks on the
edge of the doorway as someone above tries to maneuver it into
the hole. As Cleante's feet disappear into the hole, Jym tries
to cast Dispel Magic, with no visible effect, and tries to enter
the hole, bouncing off. He tries again, but by this time the hole
has been closed down. Jym rushes to the mirror as Kirok finally
arrives. Jym tries to scry on the prisoner as well as the chair,
failing both times. Ugely is sent ahead to Martinet to sell items.
The rest of the day is uneventful.
The next day, Jym tries to scry on Cleante, Rudolph, Q and the
high priest in Junker, failing all attempts. Kirok demon wards
the room formerly containing Cleante, the scrying room and the
control room. The starship is made by the dijinni to appear as
an airship. The disposition of the remaining prisoner is discussed
in the evening, with Dagobert and Ugely proposing to encase him
within a Sepia Snake Sigil in mid-air. Jym, after mild protest
from Kirok, kills the prisoner, and the body is burned.
Later that evening, Stotty informs Jym to come to the bridge to
view something. Looking out the window onto dark and overcast
plains, a rough circle of glowing stones, ten feet wide, surrounding
a box 2_'x2_'x5' is seen 300 yards ahead, under the path of the
Cygnus, which is at an altitude of about 35'. Jym wakes
the crew and changes course so the ship won't pass over the circle.
Kirok and Jym fly down on a carpet to investigate. The box is
an ornate casket, very expensive, and large enough to hold up
to a size eight to nine human. Jym finds that portions of the
box and whatever is inside radiate magic. It was apparently left
one to one-and-a-half hours ago. Kirok, casting Find Traps, detects
mechanical traps within the hinges, and magical traps on the lid
handles. Kirok also casts Detect Evil, and whatever is within
radiates strongly. Kirok casts Speak with Plants, and learns that
the object was placed there by five humanoids who arrived out
of the air, and who talked about a ship. The box was always closed,
they were here for only a few minutes, they said it was a "gift";
they wore no symbols, and were of different classes. The group
gets battle ready, spending the night on the ground while the
ship continues on.
The next morning at sunrise, a henchman sees a scroll tube appear
on the coffin. A rope is used to drag the tube out of the circle.
Jym opens it, and a note inside says, "To Kirok and friends,
thanks for the help. Naomi." An earth elemental is conjured
to help, and Jym casts Protection from Evil on everyone. Kirok
casts an Augury to determine if having the earth elemental open
the coffin lid will be weal or woe for the group the answer
is weal.
The earth elemental opens the lid by the handles, setting off
a paralyzation flash. Green gas is emitted, and a scream is heard.
The elemental lifts the coffin to allow the group to view inside
it appears to be Ahlric! Kirok watches in horror, calling
out to her; Ahlric, who is now a vampire, is allowed to disintegrate
in the sunlight. The elemental searches her clothing and finds
a Palmdale medallion, slightly radiating evil. Holy water is poured
onto it to remove the evil, while the remaining items, including
the coffin, are buried. Kirok consecrates the ground.
Kirok adds, "That Naomi bitch is toast."
July-August 1995
July 2, 1995
Ugely returns later in the day, around noon. The ship is redirected
northward. Scrys are attempted and fail on Cleante and Q (2% chance);
a scry on Cleante's chair appears to succeed, but is blocked by
an anti-scry device. A door is successfully opened at the floor
of the dragon's lair (48% chance). It is very dim, with the only
light provided by lichens on the walls. No movement is heard;
the glitter of lumpy, melted metal can be seen, and the room is
cold. Jym detects magic with his staff, locating five items within
range. Dagobert scans the room with infravision, Wyre scans for
evil, and Kirok scans with the Helm of Telepathy, sensing nothing.
The room is 80'-90' wide. The group, except for Jym, goes through
the doorway, prying and ripping the slabs of fused coinage, which
are concentrated towards the center of the room. The large tunnel
leading to the outside is scorched, but wind is still flowing
through. After about ten minutes, a guard hears the sound of scurrying
feet. As Kirok breaks up the remaining chunks of metal containing
magic items, Ugely, Dagobert, Wyre and Flagg run towards the other,
smaller tunnel, hearing many scrabbling feet; Wyre detects chaotic
evil, up to several dozen approaching. As the creatures emerge
from the smaller tunnel, Dagobert fires a fireball from his wand,
incinerating many of the creatures and collapsing the tunnel,
and killing the rest. While prying apart the slabs, one magic
item is destroyed. The group decides to stay behind, and has Jym
transfer the Rug and Broom to them. Kirok and Wyre sense about
15 of the creatures on the other side of the collapse, about 20'
away. Kirok and Dagobert gather the remaining wealth, while Wyre
and Flagg check out the dragon tunnel, and Ugely monitors the
collapsed tunnel.
The dragon tunnel rises at a 10-15 degree slope, and is smooth.
About 30' up, the tunnel curves to the left, and Wyre and Flagg
see something off to the right hand side, looking like broken
rock; there is a slight air current. The tunnel is 20'-25' wide,
and 15'-20' high; generally a natural passage, earthen. Apparently
the dragon flamed the tunnel in anger. They continue moving, and
find the debris consists of broken eggshell. Wyre grabs a piece
of the shell for scrying purposes. He heads back to tell the rest
what he found, then checks out the rest of the tunnel. The tunnel
eventually levels out, about 70' above the level of the cavern
floor, and there is more fresh air blowing in. The main tunnel
continues ahead; two tunnels, five feet wide, branch off perpendicular
to the main tunnel, descending slightly, and are obviously dug
out, with claw marks on the floor. Continuing about another 150',
they see light, smell fresh air, and the tunnel dips down slightly.
After another 50' they emerge outside; the day is somewhat overcast.
The tunnel opening has widened to 35', with a lip extending out
about five feet, concealing the tunnel from below. A 15'-20' wide
river flows below. The tunnel is near the top of the mountain,
about 70'-80' below the peak. Wyre detects evil, and sees 40-50
of the gnome-like creatures approaching the entrance.
Meanwhile, Kirok scans for magic, finding five more items. Ugely
senses that the creatures are clearing the tunnel faster than
they expected. Dagobert listens at the collapse debris, and finds
that the creatures are also digging through the wall, but will
take longer than those clearing debris. Kirok places a scream
glyph on the collapsed tunnel entrance while Ugely prepares oil.
Wyre flies in, informing them that the creatures are moving up
the mountainside. Kirok and Ugely remain in the room, while the
rest move towards the entrance. Upon reaching the entrance, they
see three of the creatures crawling over the lip of the tunnel,
with more coming. Dagobert begins launching fireballs towards
the lip, while Wyre and Flagg fight hand-to-hand, killing several
of the creatures. Dagobert fires a total of seven fireballs, collapsing
a portion of the lip each time, in the process crushing some of
the creatures.
In the cavern room, the creatures begin breaking through the wall
earlier than expected. Ugely spreads oil by the new opening. Two
creatures break through the wall, and almost immediately thereafter
the creatures clearing the collapse debris set off the glyph;
all of them are stunned. Kirok throws a total of six flasks of
oil towards the just-cleared tunnel entrance; one slips and splashes
Kirok and Ugely's feet. Meanwhile, Wyre flies out of the opening,
carrying a body; he sees about 30 of the creatures still alive,
and many bodies. Wyre throws the body, killing another creature,
while Flagg lowers by levitation, trying to see where the creatures
are coming from. Kirok finishes covering the tunnel entrance with
oil; nine of the creatures can be seen lying stunned, seven of
them in the tunnel. Kirok notices earth being moved in the fire
August 12, 1995
Kirok begins throwing chunks of gold into the fire pit to prevent
the creatures from emerging, crushing several in the process.
Kirok uses the helm to scan for thoughts, taking care not to scan
the stunned creatures for fear of being affected by the stun himself;
he senses nothing. The smell of burning wood begins emanating
from the main entrance. Ugely ignites the pool of oil in which
the stunned creatures lie, and five of them begin burning. Kirok
moves towards the dragon entrance to try and sense for other threats,
and senses a malevolent presence. The burning wood scent becomes
very strong. Kirok casts Tongues in order to understand the thoughts
from the helm. What he is sensing is an animal level of intelligence,
hungry, and annoyed at the noise emanating from the glyph. Kirok
and Ugely hug the cavern wall and wait for the creature, which
is attracted by the scent of burning flesh. The creature appears
to be semi-gaseous, a grayish-white cloud, changing shape, slowly
moving towards the burning bodies. The cloud creature enters the
area affected by the scream glyph, and settles to the ground,
appearing to have a solid component. Several of the gnome-like
creatures revive, and continue tunneling. Two of them break through
the side passage they have created; the flames begin to die down.
Ugely and Kirok move further into the large tunnel, and Kirok
senses another, younger cloud creature. They move back against
the wall. While trying to hide, the second cloud creature notices
them. The scent of this creature is somewhat different, like green
wood burning. Kirok uses the helm to implant the location of the
creature's parent, and the young creature moves towards it. The
glyph ends, the adult creature rises, moves to the flames and
settles down. The creature then rises; the flames have nearly
died out, but the bodies have not been touched. Seven of the gnome-like
creatures break through the side tunnel, looking for invaders,
with more following. The large creature settles to the ground
near the center of the cavern; when it rises, a metallic substance
is left behind. Three of the gnome-like creatures move towards
Kirok and Ugely, who have positioned themselves at the main tunnel
entrance, and battle begins; eight more lie beyond, waiting to
attack. The first three are killed, but Ugely has become badly
injured; Kirok moves forward to take the attacks, killing several
Meanwhile, Flagg levitates back to the opening and is loaned the
Wand of Fire in order to seal the four crevasse-like cracks the
creatures have been emerging from. Flagg fireballs the deepest
crack, sealing it. Dagobert and Wyre begin to fight three of the
gnome-like creatures that climb over the lip of the opening, eventually
killing them, although Wyre fumbles at one point. Flagg seals
another opening. He fires again, and a small piece of the entrance
lip breaks off due to the vibrations. He fires a fourth fireball
but fumbles in the process, getting slightly singed and dropping
the wand. Another chunk breaks off the lip of the opening. Wyre
kills his creature and moves to help Dagobert. Flagg recovers
the wand, returns to the entrance and says he has sealed the openings
and took out four of the creatures climbing the slopes. Ten creatures
remain on the cliff side. Dagobert launches a fireball at the
injured creatures remaining on the mountainside. The outside group
then returns to the cavern.
The outside group, flying on the carpet, arrives in the cavern
and attack at the rear of the group of gnome-like creatures; the
creatures are destroyed. The material left behind by the clouds
is apparently a base metal, hardening and cooling. A fire is started
using the bodies of the gnome-like creatures; the cloud creatures
approach the fire, settle on the bodies, and the fire is extinguished.
Kirok senses that the creatures feel pleasure during the process.
After another ten minutes, the small creature moves back up the
tunnel and the large creature follows. The group follows on the
carpet except for Kirok, who remains in the cavern.
The creatures turn left where the tunnel branches, and the tunnel
narrows, not allowing the carpet room to fly. The group flies
to the outside entrance, and the one surviving creature is gone.
They circle the mountain for a quick look; it is late afternoon.
They return to the left-hand tunnel and follow 70'-80'; the tunnel
ends in a circular room, natural but cleared out. Dagobert notices
condensation on the opposite wall. He enters the room and disappears.
Ugely throws a sling stone into the room; nothing happens. He
follows it and disappears. Wyre and Flagg walk into the room and
Each one of them feels tingly as they enter the room, and then
black out. They are each probed for the thing which is currently
most important to them. When they awake, it seems only five to
ten seconds have passed. Dagobert appears in Junker. Ugely appears
in an abandoned storeroom containing bags of gold, one ripped
open, with which he will be able to buy magical armor to better
protect himself in battle. Wyre and Flagg appear in a dungeon
cell, near where Q is imprisoned.
After about an hour, Kirok follows their path and traces their
footprints to the circular room, where they end. He casts Locate
Object on the Rug but senses nothing. He then casts Commune and
asks the following questions and receives the following replies:
1: Are the adventurers I was with still alive? Yes.
2: Were they transported somewhere? Yes.
3: Are any of them still within this mountain cavern system? Yes.
4: Are any of them imprisoned? Yes.
5: If I step through this doorway, will I be transported and face
the possibility of imprisonment? Yes.
6: Would the imprisonment be by the gnome-like creatures? No.
7: If I step through, will I be transported to the same general
location as at least one of my comrades? Yes.
8: Have any of the previously mentioned comrades been harmed?
9: Will I be harmed if I step through the doorway? No.
10: Will Jym be able to scry on me if I step through the doorway?
At this point, about two hours have passed; it is seven to eight
o'clock in the evening. Kirok casts Prayer, gets out a magical
mace and steps through the doorway. As with the others, he at
first feels tingly, and things go black. His mind is probed for
the thing utmost in his mind at the moment: Palmdale, the condition
of the people there, and what had happened to Ahlric.
He wakes up; it feels to him as if five to ten seconds have passed,
but his Prayer has elapsed. It is still dark outside; he is in
a wooded clearing, and hears a creek nearby. The terrain seems
familiar to him; he is several days' travel east of Palmdale.
October 1995-December 1996
October 15, 1995
Kirok senses his magic items are not nearly as effective as
they should be, with a lack of support from his girdle. His spells
do not seem to be in effect, probably due to elapsed time rather
than the anti-magic effect over the area. He heads east, towards
the sound of running water, and after 15-20 minutes, reaches a
stream. He notes that a slight amount of light is generated by
a handful of glowing sling stones. He follows the river to the
north. After about an hour, he smells wood smoke off to the northwest,
while the river flows from the northeast. Heading towards the
smoke, he hears voices and chopping sounds. Dawn is still several
hours away. Making sure his New Britain government symbols are
visible, including a replacement ring obtained in Port Indiana,
he moves towards a fire in the distance. It originates from a
depression in the forest ahead; it is bowl-shaped, about 20' across,
containing a large fire. About 20 figures, two ogres and 18 orcs,
are seen dancing around the fire, which contains three stakes,
each with a dead humanoid. A pile of equipment lies on the opposite
side of the depression from Kirok, near the edge of the trees.
One ogre and five orcs enter the clearing; this ogre appears to
be the leader. After arguing a bit, two of the ogres and 12 orcs
leave, apparently on a mission; the rest throw more wood on the
fire. Kirok observes for 15-20 minutes more; he then hears sounds
of humans being dragged towards the clearing; one is a male, wearing
the uniform of the New Britain army; the other is a peasant woman,
screaming. They are both dumped near the equipment pile. The man
tries to reason with the ogres, with no success. They are stripped
of equipment, except for their undergarments. One ogre and ten
orcs leave on another raid. Kirok waits until they are out of
hearing range, then he begins moving towards the humans.
He hears a noise behind him, and moves behind a tree. A knife
is held to his throat; he is asked who he is. He replies with
every title available to him, including being a lieutenant in
the New Britain army; he adds that he had waited until part of
the ogre & orc group was out of hearing, and was about to
attempt a rescue. Kirok is told to follow, and sees a total of
six darkly clad figures, camouflaged, and armed with bows and
swords. They stop in a small clearing about 30-40 yards away to
discuss strategy. The ogres and orcs have raided a village, and
the rangers are trying to save the populace of about 100 people.
The leader suggests Kirok follow the group, since other groups
are preparing to strike. There are now two ogres and 20 orcs in
the clearing, preparing the humans for burning. As orcs prepare
to throw the prisoners into the fire, there is the sound of projectiles,
and three of the four orcs fall. 15-20 of the ranger-types enter
the clearing. Another wave of missile weapons fly, hitting one
of the ogres. Kirok heads along the edge of the clearing towards
the other ogre, who is holding the male prisoner as a shield,
squeezing his neck. Six orcs and three rangers have fallen by
this time. Kirok attacks the ogre from behind as it is leaving,
then attempts to subdue it. The ogre throws the man at Kirok,
misses, and then runs. Kirok gets in one more hit, then tends
to the prisoner, taking him back to the clearing. Two of the rangers
have been killed, while the third will likely recover. One of
the rangers who was in chase of the retreating orcs and ogres
returns, reports that the ogre and 10-15 orcs are moving towards
Alberstam, the town that was devastated (where Lactar had at one
time left an aircar). There are about 50 rangers in all, which
were sent from the south to assist the local population.
Wyre & Flagg
They find themselves in a single person cell, which hasn't
been occupied for awhile. Wyre tries the door; it isn't locked,
and creaks open. It is cool, underground. The cell is in the middle
of a ten-foot wide tunnel, with T's at either end. Wyre scans
for evil, sensing something stationary around the corner. They
see light from one cell door. They check another cell, which contains
a female and is locked. A second is empty, and a third has a dejected-looking
male. They hear noise from around the corner. Wyre looks into
the lighted cell, which contains a better-dressed male. Wyre gets
his attention and asks his name, which is Timothy. He tries to
break the lock and fails. They hear the approaching scratch of
claws, and two fighting dogs appear from around the corner. Wyre
and Flagg attack and kill the dogs. The jailer yells out for the
dogs from around the corner, and approaches with another person.
Wyre attacks and kills the jailer; the other flees. Wyre chases
and tries to get the man to surrender; he doesn't. Wyre attacks,
nearly killing the man. Leaving Flagg to guard him, Wyre breaks
down the door to Timothy's cell and asks him where they are. Timothy
thinks they are on an island owned by an evil merchant who uses
the jail to coerce people. Timothy has been here about two months,
and is a merchant.
The other guard is coerced into telling them that the keys are
in the jailer's desk, but a guard will be patrolling very soon.
The guard is tied up, and Flagg gets the keys. Timothy begins
unlocking the cells, and gets to several before the sounds of
three sets of footsteps are heard. Three guards enter the hallway
and attack. All have nice-looking armor. Wyre attacks the youngest
guard, Flagg the mid-range guard, and the leader yells for them
to surrender. Wyre dispatches his guard, then takes on the leader,
who fumbles. Wyre hits several times, giving the guard a critical
hit, and he dies. The remaining guard refuses to surrender and
lunges at Wyre. Flagg gives the guard a critical hit and proceeds
to kill the guard.
January 20, 1996
Wyre & Flagg
The released prisoners remove the weapons off of the bodies.
The female prisoner has been there for four months. Both were
interrogated, asked for contacts, ransom, etc. They were both
blindfolded, so neither knows much about the layout of the place
other than that to get to the interrogation room, they were led
down sets of stairs.
Wyre is in the lead, Flagg in the rear as they head past the key
desk and up stairways. They enter a 20-foot hallway with a left-hand
turn at the end; there is the smell of meat cooking and associated
sounds and voices. Two evils are detected. 35-40 feet past the
turn, the hallway opens into a large kitchen; the eight people
there are wearing cleaner than normal clothes. There are open
roasting pits, and a source of fresh air. They go back down and
pass through a cellblock to the opposite hallway, turn right and
reach a T-junction. From the cells to the right emanates a noxious
smell, coming from an old, emaciated man who is chained to a bed.
Wyre unlocks the door and tells the man that he is free, but should
remain quiet if he wants to come along; the man makes incoherent
noises. Wyre suggests "Just sit here awhile." and turns
to consult Flagg, who had gone off to the left. He reports that
they are right next to the guards' quarters, and some of them
are getting up. Wyre closes the door and says, "We'll be
right back, don't tell anyone we were here."
They continue on and find another set of cellblocks, two of them
lit, containing three prisoners. Two of them are evil; the third
is an attractive young woman who says upon her release "Give
me a weapon. Now." "Zena" follows along. Following
the corridor and turning left, an entrance is seen on the right
in mid-corridor, and the sound of a metallic winch is heard as
an elevator comes down. Three evils are in the car, and the legs
of five are seen before the group ducks back around the corner.
The elevator soon stops and the riders can be heard to leave.
Wyre rings the bell call set in the wall. The operator, a non-evil
in expensive civilian clothing and a skullcap headband, obviously
doesn't recognize the group. Wyre asks, "How's it going?"
He then draws his sword and threatens the man, named Chet. They
all board while Wyre asks him which level gets them out, to which
he replies, oddly, "You mean, like outside?" Wyre pulls
off the headband but is told he won't be able to take them without
it, so Wyre holds a knife to the man's throat and says they're
not stopping until the top. Ropes and pulleys can be seen on the
sides, well oiled. They are currently on level five, with the
elevator taking 30 seconds per level. The smell of cooking and
sounds of people moving are passed on the way up. On level two,
Chet shakes, glancing furtively about; Zena is now standing beside
him with a sword. A guard sits behind a desk directly across,
and all try to look nonchalant. The guard glances lazily up and
vaguely seems not to recognize them. As they pass by, he gets
up and calls to people, and clanking armor is heard. On level
one, the headpiece is taken from Chet, and he is tied up and gagged.
Winding through the hallways on the first floor, a door is found
which leads to the outside. Wyre scouts ahead; they are on a rocky
outcrop leading to a rocky plain 15-20 feet below, with the sound
of surf several blocks away, and forest is several blocks to the
north; this is apparently a side entrance. It is raining and cool.
Voices are heard yelling in the distance from the presumed main
entrance. Wyre tells the rest to go to the forest while he and
Flagg do something; Zena protests, but then leads the rest of
the group towards the forest.
Wyre and Flagg go back in, and find clerk cubicles with an office
at the far end, and unhappy muttering from within. They hear a
door open near the entrance, and dash into the office. An old
man in civilian attire looks up, surprised, clutches his chest
and collapses; Wyre says "Darn!" Flagg listens at the
door while Wyre checks the old man's pulse, which is thready and
irregular; he then throws wine in the man's face and slaps him
around. The man awakes in pain, unaware. Wyre asks him where they
are, and the man says they are in his office, and something about
a base; the man slips into unconsciousness and death. Various
types of paperwork is on his desk, including humans listed as
commodities. Flagg points out a signal pull rope in the corner.
As they leave, Wyre turns and says "Sorry." Wyre and
Flagg back against a wall, not noticed, as they hear shouted commands
and movement. They move to the next hallway to an open door with
a larger cubicle inside the room. They rush in and Flagg slams
the door, as a younger man rushes for a bell cord; Wyre slams
him against the wall. Wyre asks, "Where are we?" The
man begins to open his mouth, and Wyre states "No, not in
your office. We already killed one guy for that." The man
closes his mouth. Wyre asks which continent they are on; just
off the Agican continent, off the coast of Bothnia. Wyre asks
"Any way off the island? That way being before I kill
you." The answer is yes, usually by ship or transport gate;
they get the location of the gate from him, and tie him up. "Nothing
personal", says Wyre.
They leave the complex, trying to avoid people on the way out.
Outside, they notice a large number of armored men massing at
the entrance. They estimate the rest of their group has a 10-15
minute head start on them. They head back in with flasks of oil,
intending to slow down pursuers, but the wind blows the door open,
revealing three guards. Wyre and Flagg charge them as the guards
order them to stop; Wyre kills one, the other yells for help.
Wyre pushes Flagg outside and holds the door shut while he tries
to find a key, and more guards arrive to push against the door.
He finally bends the door handle, and does the same to the other
door. As they move down the hillside, they see 8-10 bobbing lights,
which don't immediately follow until they reach the end of the
boulder field; they have a 10-15 minute head start at best. After
Wyre and Flagg enter the forest, Zena makes contact and motions
to where the others were sheltering.
The remainder of the night is spent in a forced hike. Towards
dawn they clear the forest, but are slowing considerably. Wyre
calls for his magic warhorse and places three of them on it. The
transport door is ahead, pointing towards the mainland, which
is to the west. They soon reach the door, and wait an hour until
the door is large enough for the horse. They go through, and find
themselves on a grassy plain, at about the same altitude. Flagg
uses the Girdle of Levitation to see if magic works; the device
flickers, as if barely functional, but it is not useful.
He wakes in the small side chapel he used when stationed in
Moradin's temple complex in Junker. Only devotional candles light
the room; he can barely hear chanting from a service. He leaves,
putting out one of the candles. The corridors are empty; as he
approaches the small worship hall, it's clear that it is the end-of-day
service. Five parishioners sit on rocks, with a cleric and forge
boy in the sanctuary. Dagobert kneels briefly in the center aisle
and bangs an anvil by the door with a hammer as he leaves. He
heads towards the quarters wing of the temple hierarchy, passing
one guard on the way. The wing is unguarded, with one unarmed
concierge sitting behind a desk. Both recognize each other; the
concierge, a warrior-type, was two classes behind Dagobert. He
requests to see Eberwulf, the cleric he trained under, who is
fairly high in the hierarchy. The dwarf protests that it is late,
but goes to get him while Dagobert signs the register.
Eberwulf appears 10-15 minutes later in his bathrobe, and invites
Dagobert back to his small suite. They sit at the kitchen table
as Dagobert explains about the Cygnus and the potential
utility of its technology in slowing the humans' use of magic.
He tells of the group's ties to the New Britain government, and
the litany of threats to the ship and the group as well as the
currently poor state of its defense. He also mentions their spying
among the dwarven extremists and the documents they recovered.
Eberwulf agrees to let Dagobert use a temple storage room for
transfers between the Cygnus and the temple, and to allow
Dagobert to recruit fighters for the starship, keeping the ship
and the group secret during the hiring process. Dagobert is given
quarters for his stay.
He wakes up in a long, dusty, carved stone room. The room is
silent, unlit, with stale, dank air. There is a door at one end
without a lock, just a latch. There is about 30,000 g.p. within
canvas bags; about 10% of the bags are in deteriorating condition.
The other side of the door is hidden; beyond the door lies a meeting
room with 40-50 decrepit chairs and four tables, and a door hanging
off its hinges on the opposite wall. The air is a little fresher,
with less dust. In the hall outside is a faint heat trace, as
if something had passed in the last 4-5 minutes. Fresher air is
sensed from a fireplace in the center of the right wall; the chimney
is too narrow to pass through. Ugely is unable to open another
secret door to the right of the other.
Ugely hears snuffling and scratching sounds outside of the room,
and a large dog, a Rotweiler, looks inside the room. The dog is
wary but not hostile, with a wound on its left shoulder. Ugely
tosses food halfway to the dog, but it won't come closer than
five feet. Ugely explores the hallway, the dog following 10-15
feet behind. The hallway turns to the left and the right beyond
the room; to the left can be seen steps, which are heavily worn
on the side closest to the room. On the right is another room
containing sleeping cots for 10-12 humans, secret doors, shelving
and weapons racks with 10 sheathed longswords and room for 90
more. Ugely goes around the right corner and up the stairs; the
dog had briefly come this way earlier. At the top the hallway
curves to the right; they follow it for about 20 feet when the
dog crouches down and growls, the hair on its neck standing. They
continue on, and the sound of aimless, abnormal footsteps can
be heard; the hallway soon joins up with the mirror corridor to
the other set of stairs, with another hallway heading to the left.
Ugely creeps to the intersection and is hit by a wave of decay
and putrefaction. Using the Helm of Telepathy, he senses hostility
and hunger from several beings. He rounds the corner on a carpet;
the hallway opens out into a 20-foot wide arc shape with a closed
doorway. The floor is strewn with fresh bones, armor fragments,
and six ghouls who notice and come towards him.
Ugely heads back downstairs the way he came, trying not to get
too far ahead so the ghouls will follow. The dog follows, nervous
about the rug. He stops at the bottom to allow the ghouls to catch
up, then hovers at the far door, heads up the stairway. Fresh
bones from a badly dismembered body lie at the end of the hallway;
he is able to only partially open a door, which leads to 25 feet
of passageway and a crack in the hillside. The dog is very excited
by this and quickly leaves. He returns to the intersection as
three ghouls round the corner. He proceeds to turn them, then
another, then the last two. He follows them down past the sleeping
quarters as they drag debris to block the stairway. It soon becomes
clear that they aren't going to return.
He returns to the crack; outside is a rocky hill area with a valley
and the lights of a city in the distance, and there is a salty
tang to the air. The ground is wet; the dog's footprints lead
towards the city, the ghouls' footprints in random directions.
He closes the door to the outside and sleeps on the rug in the
gold room until morning. He leaves the Girdle of Dwarvenkind in
the room, seals it up, and heads towards town.
Jym unsuccessfully attempts to scry on Kirok and Dagobert.
He does open a poorly placed scry on Ugely, who can be seen walking
away down a street. Jym sticks his head out and yells "Hey,
Ugely!" Several people reply "I beg your pardon?",
"Same to you!" etc. Jym points to Ugely saying "No,
him Ugely." to which they reply "Yeah? You dumbass."
Ugely notices and responds "Hey Jym, what are you doing?"
Jym asks where he is. "Kithis." Jym says "Well...bite
me. But where are you?" Jym asks if there was anything interesting
in the magic shops, but Ugely hadn't yet made it to one. Jym tells
Ugely that he better get back to the ship, to which Ugely replies,
"Why should I?" Ugely does indeed board the ship. Jym
unsuccessfully attempts to scry on Wyre.
October 11, 1996
It is approximately 1:00 a.m. The leader of the rangers says
that Kirok can come along with them, but he must stay in the background.
Kirok asks about Palmdale. The leader received orders from Malveria
before the dome went up over the city, and doesn't know what's
happening to the west. The field affecting magic is centered in
the mountains to the east. The rangers leave the two prisoners
in Kirok's care, as he decides to head towards Palmdale. They
are: Miranda, a L-G fighter, and "Black Fox" or Frentilias,
a N-G elven Magic-User. They camp for the night, uneventfully.
The next day they travel through the woods in a south-southwest
direction, following the river. Towards dusk, it feels like it
is going to rain. As the group walks along, with Kirok in the
lead, Frentilias sees the head and shoulders of a human-sized
shape in the river, which then submerges. The group moves a bit
further away from the river. Kirok senses a bolt being fired and
has the group drop. More are fired, and Frentilias, now invisible,
sees about eight bipedal shapes approaching. Frentilias and Miranda
continue to observe invisibly and see a total of about 15 figures.
Kirok casts a Prayer while Miranda fires a warning arrow. Kirok
fires a Magic Missile, as does Frentilias, and Miranda fires more
arrows at what now appear to be lizardmen. Kirok kills the leader
and knocks another one out. Frentilias uses Burning Hands and
burns the crossbow of one of the lizardmen. He is then critically
hurt and falls unconscious to the ground. Miranda is also critically
hurt. Kirok smashes one, while Miranda is bit. Kirok is hit, then
kills another. He uses Cure Light Wounds on Miranda as she binds
her wound. Miranda kills a lizardman with a critical hit, kills
another, and inflicts another critical wound. Kirok kills another.
Miranda kills the critically hit lizardman. The seven remaining
lizardmen retreat to the river; Kirok fires Magic Missiles at
them. A potion of Life Restoration is administered to Frentilias
to restore him to life. Parts are taken from the dead lizardmen
for bounty. On the bodies of the eight lizardmen are found six
gems, six pieces of jewelry and one crossbow, the other having
burned up.
The group keeps moving for awhile, then sets up the Daern's Instant
Fortress for the night. They continue on the next day, and by
4:00 p.m. they reach a bridge and head for Ylldana, encountering
some traffic. A caravan of about 20 people, protected by mercenaries,
passes by; the group asks for a ride. They ask to check the groups'
alignment, and the wife casts a Know Alignment. Kirok asks to
do the same, but they say they just wanted to be careful and ask
that he not cast the spell. The fortress is set up for the night
for the entire group. They reach Ylldana around dusk of the following
evening; there are more soldiers around town than usual, with
more being mobilized. Kirok checks with the military about borrowing
horses to get to Palmdale, and if there is any news about Palmdale;
there is none. Zyconia has been overrun, and the dome is up over
Malveria, but it is flickering. Kirok is later asked by townspeople
who know of him about the news from where he has been. It is decided
not to set up the fortress outside of town, due to the unpredictability
of the magical field. Kirok monitors the communications mirror
given to him by the government; communications from the west coast
are blocked by the anti-magic crack.
November 16, 1996
Wyre, Flagg & Zena
The group heads west from the transport door. Around 2:00 p.m.,
a pillar of black smoke is seen to the north. The group camps
for the night. Wyre wakes before sunrise, and notices that Flagg
is gone. Wyre tracks him, and eventually finds him digging at
a pile of rocks, with a bag nearby. Wyre asks him what is going
on; Flagg is unsure. Wyre picks up the bag, and Flagg becomes
concerned. Upon opening the bag, Wyre finds a small container
filled with mushrooms. Wyre sends Flagg back to the rest of the
Wyre rides on towards the site of the black smoke, and soon nears
a town, primarily clustered along the southwest edge of a lake.
The business district has been badly damaged, and he sees bodies
as he approaches. He hears the voices of children, who panic when
they see him; he calms them down. He learns ogres and orcs have
attacked the town. A wildeyed shopkeeper attacks, but Wyre is
able to disarm him. Two more survivors come out to meet Wyre.
A barge containing four people is seen moving away from shore.
Wyre talks to them, but they don't think he can be trusted. He
eventually convinces them to return, but one of the men jumps
off and swims away from town. A surviving militiaman, Zachary,
is in command of the barge. He tells Wyre that as the town was
being invaded, the magic shop owner waited until the attackers
approached his shop; he then blew it up. Following this, the ogres
and orcs went berserk.
Eventually, 15 survivors gather; they ask if Wyre could go to
the nearest town or transport door for help. He arms the citizens
and helps clear the bodies. Wyre returns to his campsite. As Flagg
wakes up, he momentarily seems to have a second personality, but
soon returns to normal Wyre takes away his weapons as a
precaution. They camp for the night, then the group heads for
Jasin the devastated town. 25 survivors have gathered by
this time, led by Zachary.
While in Junker, Dagobert recruits four dwarves for the
Cygnus 10; two of them are brothers. He tells them
that he is hiring to staff a very old, above ground building;
it will consist mostly of guard duty, with some work in adjacent
areas. Dagobert spends the night in the temple, and is scryed
on the next morning by Jym.
Kirok, Miranda & Frentilias (Black Fox)
Everyone in Ylldana is nervous about the ongoing war. Kirok
is loaned one light warhorse by the local garrison; the group
buys two additional light riding horses. They spend the night
at an inn, and leave the next morning, with Kirok carrying a status
report from the garrison to the military outpost in Palmdale.
That evening, they decide to chance raising the Fortress, and
are successful; there are no incidents. In the morning they are
able to retrieve the Fortress, barely, and continue on. Around
noon they pass by the old, burned-out inn, which has recently
been used as a campground. Later in the afternoon, four horsemen
approach from the direction of Palmdale and initially react cautiously,
then relax. Their leader approaches and small talk is exchanged.
Kirok asks about Palmdale; there are many refugees gathered there,
and the moat has been filled. The rest of the group approaches
they appear to be a successful adventuring group, and soon
depart. The group leaves the forest.
By nightfall, the group is about an hour's distance from Palmdale,
and can see flickering lights about 25 city blocks away. Black
Fox hears the noise of someone tripping nearby and moves his horse
out ahead; the others wheel around, drawing weapons. Kirok yells
"Who goes there!" A larger-than-human figure throws
a large rock, missing Kirok. Kirok sees three figures, 30 feet
out into the grass. A light appears on one of the figures as Black
Fox casts a spell, and a group of six orcs and three ogres is
illuminated. Kirok attempts a Flame Strike, but it fizzles. Miranda
fires arrows; another boulder is thrown at Kirok and misses. Kirok
tries another Flame Strike and fails. Black Fox fires Magic Missiles,
and the third ogre drops its boulder.
Black Fox heads for Palmdale as Kirok and Miranda dismount, fighting
back-to-back. Kirok hits one of the ogres, but the glyph on his
weapon doesn't go off. Miranda hits in the next round, as does
Kirok. The glyph goes off, paralyzing the ogre. Miranda kills
her ogre, then an orc. Kirok uses the paralyzed ogre as a shield,
but is hit. Kirok kills an orc, as does Miranda; who is also slightly
wounded. Meanwhile, as Black Fox approaches the bridge over the
moat, the guards and a spellcaster mobilize. Miranda kills two
more orcs, Kirok a third with a critical hit. The paralyzed ogre
becomes free and attacks Kirok, as Miranda mounts Kirok's horse
to chase the remaining ogre, who has stopped trying to swat the
light above it as the battle turns against it. Kirok hits his
ogre; the ogre fumbles, hitting Kirok's mace for additional damage.
Black Fox is stopped and questioned about what is happening. Miranda
continues her chase; the ogre bellows for help as the light goes
out. Miranda hits well but is hit in turn. Kirok continues to
attack his ogre, and continues missing, as the ogre flees. Five
townspeople arrive and help Kirok give chase.
December 14, 1996
Kirok, Miranda & Black Fox
Miranda fires a crossbow bolt at her ogre and misses. Meanwhile,
guards reach Kirok, looking to him for information; he tells them
to attack his retreating ogre. One of the guards hits the ogre
twice with arrows, killing it. Kirok tells them to look for Miranda.
Miranda chases her ogre and fires, fumbling. She then hits and
kills the ogre. As Kirok and the guards continue looking for her,
Kirok notices all the magical lights in Palmdale go out; only
torchlight remains. Magic items no longer work, except for the
shard of crystalline magic worn by Kirok. Miranda searches her
ogre and finds a small pouch. She then rides towards the road
and meets up with the others; one of the guards soon finds the
remaining horse. The group heads to Palmdale. There is no one
on the outer edge of the moat; along the inner edge, there are
a large number of army personnel and guards watching for invaders.
Kirok asks about recent events; in the last 4-5 days, the anti-magic
effects have become most pronounced. Runners were sent out for
information, and some of them have failed to return, especially
those sent towards the south. Kirok asks about Ahlric; she disappeared
about three weeks ago, during a period when there was alot of
activity at the headquarters building. Before Ahlric left, some
former residents of the town had begun returning, and a magic-user
had inquired about setting up a magic shop.
They are halted at the edge of town, and a rider comes out with
two men; the rider is Colonel Westing of the New Britain army.
He remarks that Kirok is shorter than he expected; Kirok replies
that he can be replaced. The colonel, who asks that Kirok remove
his weapons before entering town, questions Kirok. Kirok balks
at this, stating that he founded this town, and is a member of
the army. The colonel assigns four "honor guards" to
accompany Kirok's group, which then crosses the bridge into town.
The corner of town they first pass through is quiet; townspeople
can be seen gathered near the center of town, as well as Black
Fox. There are 74 townspeople, 23 guards and about 50 army personnel
gathered in addition to Black Fox. Janice sees Kirok, yells out
to him, and moves towards him along with others. The colonel realizes
Kirok is who he says he is, and heads back to army headquarters
to look at the message brought by Kirok. Kirok speaks with Janice
as they head for Palmdale Headquarters; Leonard sees Kirok from
a second floor window and yells out; people rush out of the headquarters
building (#18) to greet him.
Wyre, Flagg & Zena
The town survivors have scrounged supplies for 30 people to
survive for about two weeks. 95% of the buildings have been destroyed.
Five horses and two serviceable wagons are found Wyre sends
them out, keeps the remaining people in town with Flagg; Wyre
says Flagg is not well and should stay behind. The wagons, accompanied
by Wyre, leave around noon. Travel that day is uneventful.
The next day they see a trampled-down area in the grass off to
the side of their route, circular, about 30 feet in diameter,
which contained a campfire; about 15 individuals had been here.
Wyre sees a glint of metal in the clearing, which turns out to
be a ceremonial dagger, deliberately hidden, which is of the house
of King Randolff.
The group approaches a body of water near evening; the magic is
flickering more than it had been. They see a north-south river
at dusk, with a road paralleling it on the opposite side. They
camp for the night. During the night Zena wakes Wyre, says she
hears noises. Wyre sends Zena to wake the others while he watches
the road. He sees many torches and hears the clanking of armor.
There are 30-40 people with about 12 torches, armored horses in
a column. Wyre decides to let them pass. Zena objects but goes
along. The column stops, having seen their campfire. Wyre, Zena
and Zachary return to the group. Soon they hear a large thud,
sounds of movement, than sloshing sounds, whispering. A yell inquires
who they are, and Wyre replies with who they are and where they
are going. Zachary rushes towards the army and is subdued. About
12 soldiers approach, wearing New Britain uniforms. The leader
is Lieutenant Kassidy from Sustrillo base; the group is on their
way to the town of Pinnacle. Wyre says he would like to accompany
them. Wyre detects no evils; the army group uses a wand to scan
Wyre's group, and detects no evils. The soldiers have been on
the road for eight days since heading north from Sustrillo. The
lieutenant is surprised to hear of the attack on Jasin. Wyre asks
if anyone has been kidnapped recently; the lieutenant says the
king's grandson, Andrew, a captain, had been assigned to protect
villages to the south, and contact has been lost with him. Zachary
asks if they could go get the other townspeople from Jasin, but
the lieutenant thinks they should go to Pinnacle first.
They continue on the next day. By 2:00 p.m. they reach an area
to ford the river, and cross it to join the army group. They camp
for the night. The next day they follow the road to the northwest,
and push through the evening, reaching the town around 9:00 p.m.
The lieutenant takes Zachary to the government office to inform
them of what happened to Jasin. Wyre and Zena separate from the
others for the night and get lodging. Wyre checks out the magic
shops the next morning, in an effort to find scrying services;
he is told that mirrors are available in Kroft, which is three
days away. He tells Zena that he has something to do, but can't
tell her yet; she goes along.
They travel for a day and camp; traffic can be heard on the river.
The next day they pass travelers from Kroft, and camp for the
evening. The next day they reach Kroft around 10:00 p.m., and
camp outside the town. There is one large magic shop. Wyre checks
for a mirror there is one wall-sized mirror available here,
smaller than what Wyre had hoped for. Wyre bargains with the shop
owner, offering to give him the ceremonial dagger if he can shrink
Andrew after scrying on him. Wyre wishes to do this at midnight.
He informs Zena about what he is planning.
Wyre returns to the shop at 11:30 p.m. The shopkeeper's son will
watch the shop during the operation; protections have been set
up. The first scry attempt fails. They are able to try again in
an hour, and are successful. It is a dark view of a large cave
and smoky figures of at least ten orcs. The view is at human-head
height; the cave is 25-30 feet across with a fire burning in a
pit. About 30 feet away is seen a bound and gagged Andrew along
with two others. The shop owner has two patches ready to shrink
people; Wyre asks if he can cast a spell to reduce the size of
the third person, and is told his son can. With 25 minutes left
until the doorway closes, Wyre goes through, invisibly. He tries
to light an oil flask to throw up one hallway, but drops the tinderbox;
he tries again and is successful. Eight orcs begin running towards
the fire while one remains to guard the prisoners. Wyre throws
another flask. The remaining orc moves around the fire pit to
see what is happening. Wyre unties Andrew, then a woman
she tries to talk, and the orc looks in her direction. Wyre whispers
for her to be silent, and the orc looks away. Wyre unties the
third person, tells them his plan and shrinks Andrew and the woman.
The three captives move towards the doorway, with a rope hanging
out. The woman climbs up first; Andrew has a little trouble, but
gets through. Wyre kills the orc. The third man grabs the window
edge, is shrunk, and goes through. Wyre follows.
February 1, 1997
Jym, Ugely & Dagobert
Jym successfully scrys on Dagobert, opening a window onto a
storeroom containing Dagobert and four dwarven fighters; blackboards
in the room have written on them "Come in Jym, I'm expecting
you." Jym cautiously sticks his head through the mirror to
communicate. Dagobert fills in Jym about what has happened since
his disappearance. Dagobert and the dwarves go through the mirror,
and Dagobert quickly explains the true nature of the starship
to them, as the gold from the dragon's lair is transferred to
the dwarven complex to be refined. Jym attempts to scry on Ugely's
girdle and fails.
Townspeople from Martinet watch as the starship passes nearby.
Jym flies by magic carpet into town to have magic items analyzed,
and makes a deal at the second shop for a cost of 600 g.p., with
the items to be ready the next day. The following morning, Jym
tries to scry on Ugely's girdle and fails; he successfully scrys
on Eddie, a technician from the ship who stayed behind at the
temple yesterday supplies for the crew are transferred through.
Jym attempts to scry on the dragon's lair and Kirok's Ring of
Wonder, and fails. He returns to town for the magic items; the
longsword couldn't be analyzed (must be claimed), and the scroll
must be read to learn its properties. Analyzed items include a
Pearl of Wisdom, +1 small shield, Broadsword of Anything, +2 axe,
Scarab of Protection, and a Wand of Illusion (27 charges). Jym
sells the scroll, shield, and axe. He learns that runners from
Quarrel have mentioned rumors about the starship; it is heading
to the north. Jym spreads rumors that the ship is heading back
towards the mountains. He buys supplies for himself before leaving
The next day Jym fails on attempts to scry on the girdle, dragon's
lair, Ring of Wonder, and Rudolph. Late that night, Q, who has
been suspended by a rope in anticipation, has his monthly explosion.
Early the following day, Jym successfully scrys on the girdle
the doorway opens on a dark room. Jym throws a glowing sling
stone through to light the area, and nothing has changed. Jym,
Ugely, and Dagobert go through to explore, as technicians gather
the gold. Jym unlocks the secret door in this room with a Knock
spell; stale air emanates from the opening. Ugely opens the door,
and Dagobert enters first. Dust is on the floor, as well as a
mummified body in leather armor with a small bag, and magic tool
(lock pick) grasped in its hand. A sliding panel is discovered
on the floor near the body, which had apparently opened it. A
technician enters and says that something is happening outside
the ship. Jym leaves for the ship, Ugely grabs the lock pick,
and Dagobert grabs the head. Ugely and Dagobert go through the
mirror; Dagobert hears a sliding sound from the secret room, and
a large snakehead is seen coming through the secret door as the
mirror doorway closes. A technician says that Stotty wants them
on the bridge immediately; Dagobert drops the head and tells the
technician to guard the gash in the ship as they run towards the
bridge. The red alert klaxon goes off, and the ship shudders,
changes directions. Jym announces that all dwarven crewmembers
are to go to observation posts to monitor what is happening. Jym
announces, "Prepare for collision! All hands stand by for
crash landing!" On the bridge, the viewscreen shows trees
in the lower portion. Stotty yells for the two to strap themselves
in. Rending metal is heard, and Stotty yells "Jym, the ship
canna take much more o' this!" The ship comes to a stop in
about two minutes; it is at an angle, with the front lower than
the back. Jym tries to use the intercom; there is static, but
it still works. Someone announces that apparently Tyree was lost
in the area of the gash. A tech says another person is also missing
in that area, and the wall has been ripped away. Technicians are
told to report in; two techs and one of the new hires are not
heard from.
Jym explains on the way that Stotty had seen a silver dragyn pass
by the ship, and it had apparently teleported the ship about 400
miles distance to the east; there may be mountains to the north.
The three exit the ship through the rear core, and see a trail
of crushed trees. Jym flies with his Ring of Flying to view the
situation as Stotty begins damage control. Jym finds the bodies
of the three missing personnel. He returns to the ship, checks
the Mirror of Mental Prowess it appears to be frosted. He
tries for a window on himself but can't get a picture. He fails
the next time; on the last scry of the day he opens a door. He
pushes a stick through it feels like a viscous liquid. He
pushes the stick all the way through, then throws a light stone
through, appearing to cause ripples. A sentience begins communicating
with him in a sing-song tone, saying it is of the world of magic
and feels that Jym is a part of that magic, and wants Jym to join
it. It says it will give Jym time to consider, as manufactured
hands emerge from the mirror, delivering skeletal remains clothed
in an early form of the Palmdale uniform it is the body
of Ator, previously stored in stasis aboard the airship Enterprise.
Wyre & Zena
Wyre is told by Andrew that before he was taken prisoner, Andrew
had learned from a captured human allied with the orcs and ogres
that the town of Heaven's Glen was being used as a base by a group
of humans who had allied themselves with the orcs and ogres. Their
secret weapon, the being that was causing the distortions in the
magic field, also was based in this town. The being's name is
The following morning, Wyre and Zena accompany Andrew and six
soldiers as they leave town for the nearby magical institute,
near a pass in the mountains leading to Bothnia. They reach it
the next day; the institute hasn't had luck in contacting the
outside world, only nearby cities. A team soon begins scrying
attempts on Heaven's Glen.
Kirok, Miranda & Black Fox
The staff comes out of the headquarters building to greet Kirok.
There are rumors of enemy troops massing around the cities; groups
that went out into the wilderness, to the south and southeast,
didn't report back. Colonel Westing leaves an aide behind with
Kirok. Some of the people associated with the Palmdale group are
living in individual homes; George and Gracie are living in one
of the business fronts. Kirok asks about Ahlric Lenard says
he should explain inside the headquarters, and takes him to Ahlric's
room. There is a burnt smell items inside the room were
charred, covered with ash; the fire was centered in the bed. It
happened during the night with the sound of fire and a window
breaking. They couldn't get in at first, as if the door were barred.
Once they were able to enter they saw what is seen now, with no
sign of Ahlric's child who had not yet been born. This took place
about two days before Ahlric was destroyed. Kirok tells Lenard
what had happened with Ahlric. Lenard informs Kirok that a few
more people had settled in town.
Miranda checks the contents of the bag found on an ogre; it contains
10 black, uncut, gem-like objects. Pressure changes the shape
of the objects. She picks one up no reaction; she returns
them back to the bag, and some warmth is emanated. Meanwhile,
Black Fox helps clear homes with a town guard; the guard tells
tall tales about the Palmdalians. Around midnight, as they near
the edge of town closest to the desert, it is difficult to see
due to the sand blowing in. The guard and two sentrys head back
towards the main part of town while Black Fox continues looking
towards the edge of town; he sees a humanoid form, which then
melts into the background. Black Fox alerts the guard and throws
a torch towards the moat he sees three figures, and fires
in their direction. The sound of rubbing sand increases. The guard
goes for assistance, tells Kirok that he should take a look. Kirok
and guards head for that part of town. Three soldiers head out
towards where the figures were last sighted one man disappears
into the sand, and the others dig for him with their swords, only
finding his torch.
March 1, 1997
Kirok, Miranda & Black Fox
Eighteen people have now gathered around Kirok. Kirok sends
a runner to get an aircar, shovels and weapons, and orders the
soldiers back inside the moat; the soldiers walk along the hard
ground on the edge of the moat towards the bridge. A bubble of
sand about five feet in diameter is seen at the edge of torchlight,
following the soldiers. Miranda suggests torches be thrown out
towards the area of the bubble to keep it at bay, and Miranda,
Black Fox and a soldier begin throwing lit torches. The bubble
leaps over the thrown torches in a last effort to catch the men.
A thrown torch hits the creature, and a bubbling sound is heard.
The creature lands on the lower portion of one of the soldiers,
attempting to drag him back with it. A group of 24 people have
now gathered. The attacked soldier tries to hit the sand creature
with his sword, as arrows are fired and more torches are thrown;
Miranda hits with an arrow and Kirok with a torch. A soldier fumbles
while two more arrows hit, and two guards inflict critical hits;
the attacked man hits the creature, and it stops moving.
Kirok sees five smaller bubbles at the edge of the firelight.
Black Fox looks for more torch material as Miranda and soldiers
head to the bridge. Janice rounds one of the buildings in an aircar.
The small bubbles move towards the large, unmoving bubble. One
of the smaller creatures is hit, stops and quivers, making a high-pitched
whining. Kirok yells for people to hold their fire unless the
creatures come closer; at the same time a soldier fires an arrow,
getting a critical hit. Fifteen soldiers reach the attacked man;
the texture of the creature has now changed, and the soldier is
easily able to get up. Meanwhile, Kirok tells Janice to take a
crew to dig for the lost soldier. The freed man hits at the remains
of the mother creature while other soldiers stand guard on the
hard ground. Kirok goes on foot to check on the large creature.
The aircar dips into the moat as Janice tries to cross, and the
sound of gears grinding is heard as she tries to pull it back
out. A crowd of 35 people has now gathered near the bridge.
On reaching the remains of the mother creature, Kirok sees the
armor of the missing man; the freed soldier has sand burns on
his lower body. Two of the small creatures begin retreating; a
captain yells to stop them. Miranda suggests using shields in
an attempt to capture the creatures. She tries this on one, and
it exudes a psudopod of sand towards her, but misses. Containers
are rounded up for the creatures as soldiers join in the capture.
A soldier catches another creature, but it wraps a tentacle around
his head. Black Fox throws sheets of canvas across the moat to
help with the capture effort. One of the creatures is placed inside
a canvas, another wraps itself around a soldier's head, and a
third is captured on a shield, guarded by a group of people; the
other two creatures escape into the darkness. The creature on
the shield is thrown onto solid ground near the moat and quivers
there. Miranda tries to free the attacked soldier and fumbles
as the creature falls to the ground. A soldier fires and misses.
Kirok tries to capture it and fumbles. The quivering creature
bounces into the moat in an effort to escape. Miranda's creature
moves towards freedom; meanwhile, a large bubble of air rises
from the submerged creature in the moat, and a film of sand is
left behind. Miranda captures the creature near her, and it hits
her; she hangs on to it with the help of a soldier. Another air
bubble rises from the moat, and an amorphous blob rises to the
surface. It is pulled out of the moat and placed along the side
it doesn't move. The creature Miranda captured is placed
inside canvas.
The remains of the missing soldier are found among the remains
of the mother creature. The aircar is extracted. The two captured
creatures are placed inside barrels and taken to the abandoned
shop building #11. It is about 2:00 a.m.
Jym, Ugely & Dagobert
It is now around noon. Reports are given on the shape of the
ship; there is now a smaller gash on the underside of the ship.
The sleep chambers, arboretum and engine room have been damaged.
Stotty suggests moving the ship only a short distance, if possible,
and all non-essential systems should be turned off. Jym contacts
Professor Nimrod, asking him about the dragyn and the current
state of the mirror. Nimrod knows of cracked mirrors that still
operated as communications devices, but led onto other planes.
He recommends that Jym take a crystal ball with him. He says that
illusion-using creatures, demons and their like have been known
to speak the way the mirror did, in a child-like voice. He says
this is an opportunity that shouldn't be passed up. Jym says he
plans to go through the mirror tomorrow morning, and will later
try to contact him. Jym learns that Palmdale is out of contact;
he tells Nimrod that they should be notified of the situation
with the starship when possible.
Jym sends his hawk (Stringfellow) north to scout during daylight,
and to return during the night. The next morning, the hawk says
that halfway back on its return to the ship, is saw a campfire
to the east. Jym prepares to scry, leaving the Broom of Flying
behind and giving Dagobert the Pearl of Wisdom. Jym, carrying
a wand, opens a door with the mirror; Dagobert and Ugely are there
to see him off. Jym senses intelligence from the mirror; in the
distance, a pounding can be felt. Over the intercom is announced
that something is coming from the west, below the treetops. Jym
curses. The intelligence says, "Jym, you have returned. Are
you ready to join me in the magic?" Jym sends Stringfellow
out to scout. The creature beyond the mirror continues to urge
Jym; Jym asks it how it knew his name, and it tells him "All
those in the magic know those outside the magic. We have need
of you now in the magic. If you don't join us now, we may not
be able to try again." Meanwhile, Stringfellow flies outside
the ship and sees a shape. The intelligence is more insistent,
saying he must go through now. Jym says he can't, he is still
preparing himself, and it must be patient. It says it must leave
now, but if Jym leaves a part of himself, it may be able to communicate
again. Outside the ship, Stringfellow sees the colossus Thornival
approaching, carrying a gold ring one-foot in diameter. Jym removes
his magic shard, and mentally says he hopes to learn of the magic,
and is sending a part of his magic, and hopes to soon follow;
he throws it through. He gets a faint response about exchanging
gifts, and a small bundle, the size of a small suitcase and wrapped
in cloth, comes through the mirror. Cracks begin appearing in
the corners of the mirror. Jym unwraps the object; it is a box.
Thornival steps into the clearing around the ship. Stringfellow
sees inscriptions on the ring. Jym goes to the inner core of the
ship. Thornival speaks: "Jym, I have returned, please present
yourself." Thornival sees Jym coming up the tube, and Jym
soon reaches the lip. Thornival says, "My quest is complete."
and hands Jym the ring. Dagobert uses Detect Evil on it, but it
is not. There are rune-like inscriptions, images elven pictographs.
Ugely says it is ancient, and he isn't able to understand most
of it. It appears to be either a blessing or a warning to the
user. The three pictographs he understands are for the concept
of space or distance travel, the healing arts, and of a group,
more than one individual. Jym grasps it, thanking Thornival, and
asks it if knows anything about the ring. Thornival says it had
been buried in the remains of an ancient elven village in the
mountains to the north. Jym says if it needs him in the future,
he would be willing to help. Thornival ignores him and heads to
the north.
March 15, 1997
Jym, Ugely & Dagobert
Jym has grasped the foot-long artifact with no effect. A Detect
Magic spell gives off a bright, old glow. The metal is cold at
first but soon warms, as if it has no antipathy towards him. Jym
concentrates, reaching out with his feelings; he senses an awareness
of Jym's presence, as if it is waiting for Jym to do something.
Jym thinks of himself and of his ownership of the artifact, but
doesn't make a connection. He tries to think in elvish, with the
same result. He requests help from the object with his eyes
closed, he begins to see images of places he's been, places he's
familiar with. Prestana, the orphanage, a voyage at sea, a trip
to where his parents were born, a magician's retreat, a small
town near Prestana, a seaport south of Prestana, an embarkation
port to the Isle of Life. He focuses on the study chamber of a
magician Jym studied artifacts under. The artifact prompts him
for an activation command, and how many others will be with him.
He tries alone, but after several minutes gets the sensation that
a trigger has been pulled, but whatever was supposed to happen
wasn't set off. He concentrates on the lobby of the magical institute
in Prestana, with the same results.
Jym briefs Ugely and the rest on what has been happening, and
has Ugely also grasp the artifact. He concentrates on the magician's
study chamber in Bothnia, currently under the magic-damping effect.
They get the sensation of energy building, and Dagobert sees a
shimmering effect for a second, then they are gone. Jym and Ugely
get the feeling of pressure building; seemingly a few seconds
later they appear in the location that Jym pictured in his mind.
The room is darkened, containing a woman studying scrolls, her
back to them. Jym concentrates on where he had previously been,
near the Cygnus 10; the artifact seems to sputter.
The two quietly back out into the hall. As they climb the stairs,
a scullery maid sees them, drops her tray and yells for help.
The two hide in a supply closet behind containers. Male voices
are heard asking the woman what she saw.
Meanwhile, Dagobert, using the Speak with Animals spell, asks
Stringfellow if he knows where Jym is the hawk only knows
that Jym is still alive; four hours have elapsed since Jym and
Ugely teleported. Dagobert flies on the broom to investigate the
group that had been camping nearby, letting the rest of the crew
know where he is going.
Jym and Ugely, still holding on to the artifact, concentrate and
teleport out, appearing at dusk in the interior of the Cygnus
Wyre & Zena
Wyre asks if the people at the magic institute could use a
scry to take him, Zena and the prince to Malveria, and try and
scry on him again the next day and pick them up. They tell him
their scrying ability is decreasing by the hour, and they have
to use crystal magic to boost the mirror. They tell him he has
half an hour to gather supplies before they attempt a scry, and
they won't be able to scry them back. The last report said the
semi-translucent shield is up over Malveria. The scry opens up
on the road between Malveria and Zyconia; the dome is about 100
yards away to the south. They go through, Wyre and Zena with their
horses. The magic-user sticks his head through and says they have
three more groups to send out, then they will abandon the location
due to orc and ogre infestation in the area.
It is about 3:00 p.m., a clear day. Magic is barely working in
this area as well. A large group of about 60-70 orcs, not mounted,
are south of them on the road, notice their presence and rush
towards them. The prince's group rushes towards Malveria. The
prince stops at the edge of the shield, and tells the others to
think peaceful thoughts. Zena and two guards bounce off at first,
but soon go through; one of the guards has a problem. Wyre tries
to calm him, tells him to look at something, and hits him in the
head, making him groggy. Wyre drags him through. Orcs follow,
but bounce off the shield. The prince goes to the seat of government,
the rest follow. The prince reports what has happened to him,
and what he's learned. There has been no success in raising a
force to respond to the orcs due to the pacifying effect of the
dome. The city is crowded with refugees seeking shelter. Wyre
discusses with the others possible questions to ask the oracle.
Kirok, Miranda & Black Fox
In the morning, the army and the town guards send a group of
eight to investigate the Palmdale graveyard; Kirok, Miranda and
Black Fox choose to accompany them. A rider from Ylldana says
he had no trouble on the road. Kirok informs those at Palmdale
headquarters of where he is going. Oppenheimer offers to go along
with his aircar and a recently installed 'gattling gun' which
rapidly fires crossbow bolts. By about 10:30 a.m. the group nears
the graveyard, and a soldier scouts ahead; he looks over a rise
near the graveyard and has the group halt, having seen movement
in the graveyard.
The chapel is in the center of the graveyard. The army lieutenant
suggests sending someone out to get a view inside the chapel.
Black Fox volunteers to scout, along with one of the soldiers.
Black Fox sees four orcs outside the building, and two more leave
the building. One of the orcs is looking through a pile of clothing,
moving it around with a staff. Near the back of the building is
what appears to be a freshly dug grave. The soldier returns to
the group, saying he saw a large number of orcs and a human inside
the chapel, and metal objects on the altar. The group decides
to send one person out to lure the orcs into a trap. Meanwhile,
Black Fox from his hiding place behind a tombstone sees a group
of eight orcs and an ogre; they have seen him and are heading
his way. The ogre yells to the rest of his group. Another human
stands in the recently dug grave to see what is going on.
The rest of the Palmdale group hears the ogre yell. Miranda, having
snuck into the graveyard, begins running through the gravestones
as a distraction. Black Fox runs towards the ridge surrounding
the graveyard; he tries to hit the man getting out of the pit,
missing. One of the guards fumbles badly and is stunned; another
takes out an orc. The Palmdale group moves over the ridge along
the road to engage the invaders. The man originally sent out with
Black Fox hits the human in the pit twice, and he falls out of
sight. Black Fox moves towards the open grave, hearing human voices
from it. The ogre is critically hit, while the stunned guard is
overwhelmed and killed by orcs. Two orcs and a human appear in
the doorway of the chapel. An archer hits an orc, while another
fumbles. Miranda mounts her horse and fires, missing her target.
Black Fox sees torchlight from the pit, and the wounded human
attempting to climb out. Meanwhile, the aircar/gattling gun combination
has been brought to the entrance of the chapel, firing on the
human there. Miranda hits an orc. Black Fox kills the human rising
out of the pit. Kirok kills an orc. Another archer slightly fumbles,
as does Miranda. Black Fox demands the surrender of the remaining
humans in the pit. The gattling gun jams. Miranda kills her orc.
The remaining human in the pit tries to work out a deal with Black
Fox; an archer joins up to cover him and Black Fox frisks the
man. A soldier is injured. Miranda finds evidence of a trail trampled
in the vegetation.
As Black Fox reaches for his daggers, the human prisoner's hand
darts behind his back; the archer fires at him, preventing the
man from reaching a dagger, and warns him not to try that again.
The prisoner is forced to the ground, where Black Fox finds on
him four daggers and a small bag.
Kirok and six Palmdale personnel stand by outside the chapel with
the gattling gun; inside are seen about 25 orcs. Kirok yells "fire";
as orc bodies begin falling, a crashing, tinkling sound is heard
near the altar, which seems to be on fire, with splashed oil around
it. Ten orcs come rushing out, climbing over the bodies of the
others, and are taken captive and tied up. Inside the chapel can
be seen the body of a human, lying on the burning altar; the chapel
is soon engulfed in flames and destroyed, the metallic objects
on the altar melted. The battle ends around 1:30 p.m. In the pit
are found five bags, each containing 100 g.p., as well as ten
longswords, six shortswords and three broadswords; the two longswords
appear to be a matched set. The melted precious metal inside the
chapel is recovered, worth about 400 g.p. Kirok mourns the loss
of the building.
The orcs are tied up into a chain gang, and the group returns
to Palmdale; the captives are turned over to the military. Kirok
holds a service for the slain guard.
May 3, 1997
Jym, Ugely & Dagobert
Dagobert flies on the broom to investigate a group camping
nearby; he sees elven sentries in trees, wearing insignias. He
decides to leave them alone for now. He traces his path back to
the starship; about an hour before sunrise, he sees a group of
camped humans in a thick, forested area, along with horses in
a nearby clearing. 12 of the 16 humans detect as evils. He sees
a large eagle land nearby and change into a small man. The man
begins rummaging in a bag and pulls out a metallic object that
gives off a dark glow to Dagobert's Detect Evil spell; Dagobert
pulls out his Wand of Fireballs and fires at the man and bag.
As he fires, he sees that the metallic object is a golden helm.
A guard looks up with a surprised look on his face just before
the fireball explodes. The blast catches 2/3 of the encampment;
the guard and a sleeper are killed. A cook points to where he
saw the blast originate, as the man with the helm puts it on.
Dagobert fires again; the cook is among those killed, with six
surviving, including one sleeper and the man with the helm. A
small fire begins to spread. Dagobert throws his dwarven throwing-hammer
at 'Matt' (the man with the helm) and misses. 'Matt' tries to
do something with his hands but fails; he removes the helm with
a suctioning sound. 'Matt' yells for the remaining men to attack;
he changes shape again to the form of an eagle as Dagobert throws
again and hits, knocking 'Matt' to the ground and back to human
form. Smoke from the fire begins to obscure the area. Dagobert
throws again and misses, as do the guards on the ground firing
arrows. 'Matt' runs to the horses as Dagobert throws once more
and kills him the hammer is stuck inside his body. Dagobert
releases the horses and recovers his hammer.
Two men break into the clearing. Dagobert says, "I will let
you live if you put out the fires and leave the forest";
he then rises majestically on the broom as the others break into
the clearing. Dagobert tries to recover the helm back where it
was dropped, but it is gone; he recovers the bag it was in and
rises back above the trees. In the sack is a pair of small, golden
metal gloves. The fires are soon contained by the survivors as
they gather their remaining supplies; they treat 'Matt"s
body reverently. Dagobert fires his crossbow at a man carrying
a large bag, yelling "Now, Fritz" and misses, saying,
"That was a warning." After some confusion, Dagobert
says, "I see only two of you are being good boys. The HEAD
will not be pleased with this." The man with the bag says,
"You don't know what you're dealing with." Dagobert
fires another fireball, yelling "Eggzorg". Four men
in the clearing are killed; Dagobert says he likes the other two.
He puts out the fires and recovers the helm. One of the horses
returns and he ties it up, then uses a Speak With Dead spell on
the corpse of the polymorpher to ask two questions. First: who
are you? "Matthew of Bern, the leader of the group."
Second: your purpose in being here? He and the mercenaries were
transporting merchandise from Bern, which had been gathered in
Prestana. Dagobert gathers salvageable material and ties it in
a tree. On the bodies he finds two rings, gold, a wand, three
shortswords, six longswords, a small crossbow with five bolts,
three longbows and 30 arrows. He returns to the starship.
After having teleported, Jym notices that a cut he had has quickly
healed. Jym and Ugely go to the mirror room, where Stotty joins
them shortly. Stotty says the ship's internal systems are not
too badly off; the ship might possibly make it to Lactar's keep.
Ugely notes that while teleporting it felt as if he had been normally
working during the elapsed time, and that the teleport was a light
load. Jym examines the box brought through the mirror it
is very well made, highly polished wood with metal corners, and
radiates magic; it is wrapped in an older cloth. Jym places his
thumbs on the locks of the box and it soon opens. Inside is a
bundle wrapped in an ornate cloth, containing two objects: a small
dagger and a small keypad, apparently from an airship. Stotty
says the keypad is probably from a personal quarters. The dagger
has a 'shadow' dweomer of magic, as if it has been in contact
with magic but is not magic itself. Jym ties it to his arm to
keep it handy. Jym tries to scry with the mirror, but gets no
During the night a guard wakes Jym, saying that explosions have
been heard in the distance to the north. He sends Stringfellow
out to look; he sees a glow in the distance and eventually sees
Dagobert, who soon returns to the ship. Jym tries again to scry
on himself; the surface of the mirror turns milky, a sucking sound
is heard and Jym disappears, pulled into the mirror. Jym finds
himself suspended in a 'milkyness' with an absence of sound. Using
his staff, he first casts Light but sees nothing else; he then
casts Detect Magic magic is detected all around him. He
is able to move with his Ring of Flying. He senses something solid;
leaving behind a glowing slingstone as a marker, he nears the
solid area, sensing another solid area to his left. He sees an
outline of a constructed, metallic doorway; he feels a vibration
as he touches the frame. He finds a slightly smaller doorway to
the left, and senses two more. The third is the largest yet, apparently
very old; the fourth is the smallest. Jym gets the feeling of
movement when touching the frame. He wets a finger and again touches
the frame, getting a sense of energy. Jym tries his crystal ball;
it activates, but makes no connection. The doorway hums, as if
it is now aware of his presence.
Jym moves to the ancient doorway using the same procedures; he
senses more energy. Touching the door, he senses a presence (one
he's not felt since...). He tries to communicate; movement is
sensed, as well as something behind him. He touches the door with
the crystal ball, while in the milkyness he senses a wake of something
malevolent. He hears a communication from the crystal ball, in
an old male voice, asking who he is. The voice comments that no
one could be on the other side of the door; meanwhile the 'shape'
again passes by, closer this time, and a large black eye can be
seen. The voice says he has been alone for some time and doesn't
know how to get out; he thought he was in hell. He says his name
is David, although he has many names. A light is activated above
the door; the creature moves up behind Jym, and Jym moves behind
the door as David says he almost has the door open. Jym sees what
appears to be a cross between a shark and an alligator. As the
door opens, the creature becomes wedged in the doorway frame;
Jym casts Protection from Evil as the creature tries to extract
itself from the doorway Jym bounces away from the creature
due to the spell. Jym casts Enlarge on the creature; it grows
inside the doorway and the man inside screams. Jym backs up. Screams
from both creature and man are heard; there is an explosion, and
Jym is thrown back. As his eyes clear he hears Stotty's voice
he is back on board the starship, with the lower half of
a human body lying on top of him; the mirror is shattered. Q's
body is used to hold the severed body in suspended animation with
a Sepia Snake Sigil.
Jym contacts the magical institute and speaks to an underling,
then to Professor Nimrod; he tells Nimrod what has happened, and
asks whether the milky area can be reached through plane travel.
Nimrod says he will learn what he can before the next contact.
Jym also asks Nimrod to recruit elves to help with the artifact.
Jym has Stotty investigate how the starship could be cut up in
order to be teleported.
Ugely and Dagobert attempt to teleport, with Dagobert focusing
on the clearing he left earlier; they reach it in the early afternoon
four to five hours have passed. A few embers are left in
the clearing. It appears that the two survivors returned and rummaged
through things and took the horse. The equipment left in the trees
is recovered, then the two teleport back to the mouth of the ship;
Ugely is very tired from the exertion, and it is concluded that
the more weight which is teleported, the greater the fatigue which
Ugely experiences. It is now dusk.
Kirok, Miranda & Black Fox
Kirok pays Miranda 9,000 g.p. for a seal she possesses so she
will be able to train for her next level. Miranda undergoes training
for a week with an army officer. During the week, Kirok works
on monetary issues involving the town, the town's defenses and
the training of the sand creatures.
August 2, 1997
The starship crew is gathered by a campfire in the
evening near the starship, discussing the potential of getting
help with the artifact from elves in order to teleport the ship.
It is noted that Ugely, who is now resting, was originally from
an elven village. Stotty thinks a wish would shore up the structure
of the ship enough to survive teleportation; otherwise it might
be ripped apart. Ugely is sufficiently rested by the next morning;
however, it appears that the artifact is slowly possessing him.
He had a dream about the area where the item was forged long ago,
and of eight ancient grey elves placing pictograms on the device
it possibly was meant for peacebonding for the ancient elven
groups. He has an urge to grasp the ring and go there, but is
able to fight it for now. He doesn't sense good or evil from the
dream; things are vague due to his being a half-elf.
Jym contacts Professor Nimrod, going through his receptionist
first. He has found nothing on the milky white area records
concerning an airship burial ground sound similar to what Jym
described. No one has ever been there. An instructor and two apprentices,
both elves, are willing to help with the ring. The device matches
up with legends of an ancient elven artifact created 10,000 years
before humans arrived, during a period when elves were prominent.
Either eight different clans or elves from eight different belief
systems created the device to help with communication and to keep
the peace. Powers of the artifact include moving from place to
place (the primary power), healing, and communication. The last
recorded sighting was 4,000 years ago. Jym asks where it was forged.
It was forged in an elven village now shrouded in legend, in thick
forest; perhaps the village is now in ruins. The ring may also
have quirks to it; the good elves were concerned that the more
ruthless groups may have placed a backdoor trap in the device.
It was created not in a seat of elven power but a neutral location
not associated with any one group. There is a possibility of enchanted
items in that area it doesn't match up with the place Thornival
found it. The ring traveled from clan to clan. Jym thanks the
professor and asks him to continue his research.
Dagobert claims a recently acquired magic sword and changes it
to a Luck Blade. The wording of a wish to teleport the starship
is discussed in detail. It is wished that the space enclosed by
the starship and all its contents be teleported to Palmdale, beneath
the northwest terminus of the tunnel beneath the town, 20 feet
below the tunnel floor. The long axis of the ship is to run perpendicular
to the tunnel (the ship is 200'x65', with a core 45' in diameter).
The material in the space the ship will occupy is to be displaced
1,000 yards to the west of Palmdale. The side with the gash is
to be oriented towards Palmdale. It is early afternoon when the
group is ready to use the wish, but they decide to wait until
nightfall to provide more secrecy. The crew strap themselves into
the bridge and the wish is used; lights flicker and metal groans,
then red emergency lights flicker on and off, and light stones
shut off.
The group wakes from unconsciousness, getting a sense of pressure
and of time passing. There are no sounds except for slight pings
from settling; the hull metal is cool. The crewmembers have several
days of beard growth and are hungry, and time passage is confirmed
by the ship's chronometer. Stotty says there is a problem with
the ship's power, and soon gets lights up on the bridge. Jym stays
there while the rest investigate the ship's condition. Ugely touches
the artifact, and senses that the power is greatly damped; Ugely's
possession is continuing to grow stronger. There is about a day
and a half of air left in the ship. The dwarves say the ship is
at a slight angle of about 10 degrees, and the central hatch (6B)
is 30 feet below the surface. Dagobert heads to the gash
there are fragments of trees and rocks inside the gash, and the
outside material is loess-like, sandy. Ugely and a dwarf go to
the central core, finding it clear. Stotty works in engineering
to get systems up, there are currently scattered lights on. Digging
is begun to clear a tunnel above the hatch. Jym monitors Ugely
and hides the ring. After digging has been going on for 8-10 hours,
regular lighting is restored on the ship. Ugely is getting edgy.
After 16 hours the soil is getting looser, after digging 22-23
feet. Stotty says that the air filtration system will take several
days to repair. At 19 hours a probe breaks through into an air
space about 25 feet has been dug. Digging breaks through
along the edge of the old tunnel. A guard and a technician are
left at the entrance while the rest move towards town.
Previously: it has been one and a half days into Miranda's training;
around 10:00 p.m. a town militia scout reports a small, oddly
shaped mountain has appeared outside town accompanied by a 'poof'
sound and billowing sand. Kirok goes to investigate in an aircar,
taking Oppenheimer as driver as well as Black Fox and a guard.
The military takes note and talks to the town guards. As the aircar
approaches the object, Kirok can see the shape of clamps on a
cylindrical shape, strongly resembling the Cygnus
starship. As they round the tip, edges break off the cylinder;
it is now after 11:00 p.m. Kirok takes a sample and the group
heads back. Black Fox alerts him that there are ripplings in the
ground heading towards the object, eight tracks in total. The
group reaches town and Kirok informs an army lieutenant of what
he's found, and they plan a meeting for tomorrow during lunch.
The object is observed overnight. The meeting the next day is
held between Kirok and Colonel Westing.
Meanwhile, the group from the Cygnus travels along the
tunnel to Witch Clara's house, entering into a ground floor room,
and can hear people outside. Looking out a window, they see a
military man and his aides walk out of view. A guard and the technicians
are left in the building while the rest head for the headquarters
building, and note the Palmdale flag flying. Janice, relaxing
on the front porch of the building, sees the group and greets
them in surprise. Dagobert says, "We're looking for our dirt."
Janice leads them to the meeting room, where the groups update
one another.
September 27, 1997
The army reports that all patrols have returned after
evening scouting; nothing was detected in the surrounding countryside.
Scouts sent further out to the dragyn cavern haven't reported
back yet. Currently there are 45 soldiers stationed here, and
the town has 27 guards. It is suggested that contact be maintained
with the nearby town of Roberot, with regular army runs. A runner
from Prestana should arrive in a few days. The sand creatures
continue to be monitored; the injured one has been unresponsive,
and the healthy one has been hostile towards people.
Kirok prepares to Commune. In recent days, the refugees streaming
into town have been speaking to Kirok as the town leader; an elderly
refugee, a man from the lay leadership of a L-G church, accompanies
Kirok into his chapel in preparation for the spell, as does Dagobert.
The building is guarded by several of the town militia. Kirok
moves to the front to cast the spell, all available magic shards
gathered near him. He senses a weak field as the spell is cast.
Kirok asks the following questions:
1: Was the magic-damping field intentionally deployed? Yes.
2: Is the effect caused by a living being? Yes.
3: Is there a specific action we can take to reverse the effect?
Yes. (10-minute wait)
4: Will the magic-damping field grow if it is unchecked? No.
5: Will the source of the magic-damping field have to be destroyed
in order for the field to be stopped?
6: Is this living being known to the Palmdale group? Yes.
7: Can we use the hoop to teleport us to the location of the generation
of the magic-damping field? Yes. (15-minute wait, the magic field
is noticeably weakening)
8: Would you be willing to impart an image of the creature responsible
for the magic-damping field to
me in exchange for an action by us which you name? No. (10-minute
9: Is it a bad thing for the Palmdale group if Ugely teleports
with the hoop to where he desires to go?
No. (15-minute wait)
No more questions can be asked, as the magic field dissapates;
about an hour has elapsed. The magic shards are not drained.
The Palmdale group and Colonel Westing have a meeting to decide
on people for positions in the operation of the town. Before the
meeting, Stotty, Oppenheimer and four techs are put in charge
of repairing the air purification system on the starship. 'Spock'
is placed in administrative control of the town. Building number
54 is designated the administrative center of town. The seven
lady caravaners rescued from Crescentville are in charge of the
town's merchant trade and procuring supplies. Steve is assigned
as an assistant to Spock and Lenard. Black Fox is made the military
liason to Palmdale. Settlers petition to rent 15 available buildings
(9 singles, 6 married couples). There are currently 125 refugees
in town, and the government is currently helping with feeding
them. A town meeting is planned for dusk. Meanwhile, while experimenting
with the sand creatures, a magic shard held above them makes them
uncomfortable, and they shy away from it.
Kirok holds a town meeting a dusk, reassuring the people that
the Palmdale group is in charge of the situation, dealing with
the threat and their welfare. He encourages those people with
skills to set up shop and settle in Palmdale. An aide to Colonel
Westing tells Kirok that a squad will be sent along with three
women merchants to Roberot.
People begin reporting to Spock the next day. In the afternoon,
riders from Ylldana say they have fortified the town, and Malveria
is surrounded. Stotty reports it will take a considerable amount
of time to repair the air purification system, and suggests that
another entrance to the starship be dug to help circulate air;
the idea is vetoed for now. Stotty tells Kirok where the 'oop
is hidden. More scouting parties return from the southwest in
the evening they had run into the merchants leaving town.
They report that Kingsrest is without magic, the loss happening
quickly. The following day, scouts from the east who had been
gone for a week, report orc intrusions and evidence of orc camps
(at least 40 individuals), fragments of human bones. Spock has
issued weapons to people who have registered, about 50 so far.
The injured sand creature has died; rock-like pellets are accumulating
in the healthy one's cage. Meat is thrown into its cage, and it
devours it; upon further testing, it will only eat meat.
The next day is very stormy, rainy unusual for this time
of year. Scouts report no attacks on Ylldana, but the bridge between
Malveria and Ylldana has been destroyed. People are leaving Alberstam
for Tirth. A merchant arrives from Gallinea and reports things
are well there. Lenard and Steve have dissected the dead sand
creature; it appears to use sand as blood, the flesh of the creature
is like very fine sand, and the digestive tract had ruptured,
resulting in the death of the creature. From the south-southeast,
two scouts return from the canyon complex: moving east through
the canyon, they saw evidence of orcs and ogres passing through.
In the evening they spotted a caravan of about 50 orcs and 7-8
ogres moving through the dark; the soldiers tried a rockslide
to stop the caravan, and the next day saw that about half of the
group had been killed, with no sign of the survivors. The dragyn
lair is being used as an orc base. Six scouts remained to scout
the caverns. Colonel Westing sends riders out to request reinforcements.
Stotty reports the filtration system has been restored, improving
the air quality in the starship somewhat.
Riders leave the next morning for reinforcements to the west,
and to the canyon. Most of the refugees are now armed. Riders
from Ylldana report that orcs and ogres have reached this side
of the river; they are 1-2 days from Ylldana. An alarm is raised
by the army from the southwest is seen a cloud of dust;
50 soldier reinforcements have arrived. A lone rider arrives,
also from the southwest, and asks for Kirok; they go to the inn.
Over beer the man, Michaelson, about 60 years of age, gives Kirok
a package. One of the professors at the clerical academy thought
Kirok showed great promise, and decided in his will to leave him
a keep on the western half of the continent. He says the mood
in the central part of the continent is edgy, with very little
information known. Rumors are that the magic-damping field will
continue to grow. Prestana is closed to all but official business.
Randolff's ship has not been seen, but there is a rumor that he
was seen leading a battle near the mountains. The kingdom of Bothnia
is falling apart, the provinces to the west of the anti-magic
crack are revolting, and people are streaming into New Britain.
About 30 teams have been sent into the magic-dampened area in
recent weeks, with no subsequent contact. Kirok updates Michaelson
with the information he has been able to determine.
It is misty the next morning. The three merchant women return,
with the news that Roberot has plenty of goods. Miranda finishes
her training. The group begins testing Miranda's gummy gems. Miranda
nudges one with her finger; it feels warm and sticky. It seems
to want to mold around her fingertip. Veins within it pulse with
a brighter color. It does not respond to dead meat set nearby.
A goat is acquired from a refugee, tied up, and a gummy gem is
placed on its leg. The gem flattens over the surface of the leg
and is absorbed into it. The goat twitches for awhile, then calms
down; it looks around, seeming more intelligent than before. Jym
places a dagger and a scroll tube in front of the goat; it looks
at both, then moves to the scroll tube, placing it in its mouth.
Jym places his hand out for the goat to return it, but the goat
drops it to the ground; Jym nods knowingly. Other gems in the
bag are now moving around. The goat's eyes are now tinged with
veins, the same color as in the gems. Jym holds a magic shard
out, looks for more tools. Dagobert yelps as the goat gnaws on
its rope, and Jym hits the goat with his staff to get its attention,
shaking his head; numerous swords are drawn. The goat's eyes are
now glowing green. A second gummy gem is placed on a table, and
Miranda places a sword above it. Jym threatens the goat with his
staff, shaking his head; the goat snarls. Kirok asks the goat
if it understands him it brays, then nods. Jym asks if it
is involved in the magic damping and the uprising of the orcs
and ogres. It sits down until threatened by Jym, then nods affirmatively.
It is learned through questioning that it considers itself to
be leading the war, although the orcs don't acknowledge this.
It knows of the magic-damping field but is not responsible and
doesn't know who is. Miranda asks if anyone else in the bag knows;
it replies with a shake of its head. It is an opportunistic creature,
taking advantage of the situation, and can't communicate with
the other gems at this point. It acknowledges that the magic-damping
field affects it. The goat then goes into convulsions, and a gem
drops from its mouth. The goat dies.
November 22, 1997
The ordeal with the goat is finished around 10:00 a.m.
In evaluating the situation of the town, it is noted that the
dwarf couple set up shop in the former smithy's shop, building
#41. Oppenheimer's workshop is in a new building constructed on
the remains of buildings #32 and 33. The aircars are stored in
a warehouse, building #20. Oppenheimer reports small success in
creating explosives if the baseball-sized spheres he has
created are shocked, breaking the sphere, they will explode. He
has created 25 so far, and can construct 1-2 more per day. He
needs supplies from a large city to construct more than a total
of about 30, or to create larger explosives. Oppenheimer and his
gattling gun are placed on call, should the town be attacked.
Dagobert begins training for his next level. Aircars are used
to begin hauling the dirt displaced by the starship to form a
berm inside the moat. Most of the explosives are buried along
the perimeter of the town; pottery shards and nails are placed
around the explosives to increase damage.
Two soldiers are sent with Michaelson on his trip to Prestana,
and Black Fox accompanies them to acquire more supplies for explosives,
train for another level, deliver messages from Kirok and Jym and
check on baby Fenster and the green stuff. He takes four of the
gummy gems, and the remaining six are left with Lenard. Michaelson
tells Kirok that after he reaches Prestana he will head to the
Holy Retreat of the Good Clerics. The group leaves around noon.
Another group consisting of Mallory, two women merchants and a
soldier head for Roberot in an aircar.
Explosive spheres are loaded into the cannon to increase its firepower,
and it is moved to the berm encircling the town. Twenty of the
explosives are hidden around the circumference of the town. Around
2:00 p.m. riders arrive from the south-southeast and from Ylldana.
The army requests Kirok for a meeting. A scout from the dragyn's
lair reports they have found a network of 2-3 mile-long caverns
and an incredibly heavy concentration of orcs and ogres, heading
to the west; there are three groups, totaling over 100 orcs and
8-10 ogres. The scout from Ylldana, who left the town 1_ days
ago, says the town was being overrun but the attackers had no
mounted capabilities, and they are at least 4-5 days away from
Late in the afternoon, mines are set further out on the road by
three groups of workers to panic any approaching orcs and ogres.
The Palmdale group eats dinner at the Journey's End tavern
a runner has a message from Colonel Westing requesting a meeting.
At the meeting besides the Palmdale group are higher level soldiers
and skilled townspeople. Two soldiers have a report: a group of
five soldiers, while exploring the maze near town (4-6 hour ride
away) have discovered that magic is working in the maze, and tested
a Ring of Wonder and a Ring of Flying there. This was not a property
of the walls of the maze, tested by the soldiers when they chipped
away at the wall material. Westing suggests sending more people
to check on the safety of the maze; Kirok and his group suggest
using their djinni to create food for the townspeople and the
Lyre of Building to expand the area of the maze and possibly move
the people into it. Westing is told about the buried starship,
should his soldiers remaining behind need a place to evacuate
to. Meanwhile Ugely has been on edge, acting like a drug addict,
and he occasionally disappears, looking for something.
The next morning before sunrise, a group consisting of Kirok,
Dagobert, Jym, Miranda, Janice and eight soldiers leave for the
maze; the weather is cool, overcast. They reach the maze around
1:00 p.m.; there are five airholes above the maze, three of them
functioning. The group can feel magic filling their items as they
approach the entrance. Jym checks the maze for magic items while
Miranda, Dagobert and Janice clear the hallways and expand the
maze area with the Spade of Excavation and the Lyre of Building.
Miranda notices that her recently acquired headband has a magical
aura. Dagobert heals Miranda, who had not yet fully recovered
from her last battle. Kirok casts a Divination in order to find
the source of the magic and any important items still in the maze.
He gets the sensation that there is something under the piles
of trash in the central room he is in, as well as something else
down the hall. He digs through the trash with an ogre bone, finding
a metallic ring about 6" in diameter with wooden pegs on
either end. In the other pile he finds five short wooden rods,
the ends of each having a slightly different geometric shape.
Kirok gets the urge to climb one of the columns in this room.
While gathering the items, he hears a booming thud from the eastern
portion of the maze, as if something heavy fell. The Palmdale
members and several guards move towards the sound, and upon arriving
see clouds of dust and hear a cry for help coming from a room.
Part of a wall has collapsed, and Jym and a soldier are beneath
rubble, while another soldier in the room is stunned. The wall
had held a wooden and metal weapons rack; attempted removal of
the rack had caused the wall to collapse. Kirok and Miranda remove
the rubble; Jym is badly hurt and unconscious, the soldier has
a broken leg. Kirok and Dagobert tend to the injured personnel,
setting the soldier's broken leg. The third soldier recounts that
the weapons rack had detected magic, and the soldiers had lightly
pulled at it, causing it to collapse. The soldier notes that Jym
had noticed a haze of magic at the entranceway to the maze. Kirok
senses his knowledge of the location of magic items is slightly
diminishing. He casts Cure Light Wounds on Jym, but it fails to
stop the flow of blood from his head wound; he binds the wound
and casts Cure Serious Wounds on Jym, who remains unconscious.
Kirok takes a guard back with him to check on the magic items.
Kirok arrives at a wall where he senses a humanoid figure. He
goes back to check on the columns and casts an Augury concerning
his planned action to climb the columns the answer is weal
for the group. He tries to climb the south column but is too heavy
with all his equipment, and removes some items and his boots.
He slides the ring into a depression near the top and turns it;
a door opens, revealing a compartment with a small black bag containing
a silver dagger and a sealed Lesser Deck of Many Things. The handle
of the dagger has a whirlwind-like design, with the large opening
of the whirlwind towards the bottom of the handle. Climbing the
other column, he finds a panel with holes for the rods. Inserting
the rods, five panels open along the top of the column. In the
first is a pair of golden goblets. The second contains a small
pouch with five gems, the third has a decayed scroll and a coil
of very thin rope, the fourth has a large, wrapped parcel with
four full potion vials and a small bag containing 50 platinum
pieces; the fifth contains a switch. One of the vials is marked
Extra Healing, and another contains oil. Kirok lowers the items
to the ground; he then pulls the switch. The column descends,
revealing a cylindrical void in the ceiling; the column stops
about five feet above the ground. Most of the group is now in
this central room. Janice uses Jym's staff to detect magic
the void where the column had been glows, as does the silver dagger,
the Deck, the rope and the vials. The wall where Kirok had sensed
a humanoid shape also glows.
Kirok taps the wall with his Magic Missile Mace, given to him
by the beings he released on Vermithrax Island. The mace slides
into the wall, and becomes the handle to a door; meanwhile, time
has stopped for the rest of the group. Opening the door, he sees
a glowing whiteness beyond. A voice asks "What mortal is
it who sets me free?" Giving it his name, the being then
asks what reward Kirok wants for releasing it. Kirok asks for
help to counteract the magic damping and stop evil from overrunning
the continent. Kirok receives rapid-fire images of the humanoid-appearing
beings that inhabited the planet long ago, the airship towers
they built and the history of the planet. He is told "Take
what I give you, destroy the evil of this world." The glow
dissipates, time begins flowing for the rest of the group and
Kirok is left with three things: his Magic Missile Mace is charged
with the ability to kill the next being it is used against, as
are the primary weapons of all within the room. He senses that
they have a distant ally, know to the group, who is also working
on the problem. Finally, the wall where the creature was imprisoned
has become a gateway to the heart of the problem, open only for
a short time. Kirok tells the others in the hallway what happened,
as well as those remaining in the central room. He has the highest-ranking
soldier ('Sarge') pick a man to stay behind and get word to Palmdale
about what they are doing. Janice yells for them to hurry and
jumps through, followed by Kirok, Dagobert, Miranda, Sarge and
three soldiers.
The group wakes up at about the same time, outside, in the early
to mid-afternoon. The area they are in is hilly, windswept, at
a high altitude, with mountains to the northwest and far to the
south; it is cool, with wispy clouds in the sky. Magic is marginally
working in this area. A guard yelps, pointing to the southwest;
Sarge tells everyone to get down. A party of five humans is seen
moving to the northeast, towards the group. Kirok casts a Detect
Evil, and the other party is found to be entirely evil. The evil
group stops briefly and a cloaked individual looks briefly towards
Sarge's position, then they move on. Two groups are formed; one
with Palmdale members, the other made up of soldiers. Following
the evil group from several blocks' distance, they descend into
a valley; the terrain is less rocky with more grass. The evil
group stops and 4-5 wardogs approach them; Kirok looks to the
side and sees four wardogs heading towards him. The group attacks,
Kirok hits twice with Magic Missiles, Janice stops one with a
Web and Miranda hits a third with an arrow. Kirok smears one with
his +2 mace. Dagobert impales a fourth with his spear. Janice
casts a Web on the other wardog on Kirok. Miranda uses the magic
dagger from the maze. Kirok kills a second wardog, Dagobert continues
to shake the dog impaled on his spear and Miranda hits hers. Kirok
hits the wardog on Miranda with a critical, killing it. Dagobert's
impaled wardog finally dies.
December 20, 1997
Jym & Ugely
Jym awakes with ringing in his head, and a bad headache; he
is in the central chamber of the maze. Jym asks to be briefed
on what has happened since his injury; it has been about half
an hour since the group went through the doorway. There are seven
soldiers remaining, one with a broken leg. Jym climbs the lowered
column; the top of the column is obsidian. The height of the void
in the ceiling is about six feet, while the column is about two
and one-half feet wide. Jym climbs onto the shoulders of the strongest
soldier to look in the empty space above the column. Jym doesn't
see anything, but a soldier points out hand-shaped depressions
along the wall. The soldier under Jym pushes him up enough for
Jym to place his hands in the depressions, and after several seconds
he feel warmth. Shortly afterwards a grinding is heard and the
column begins rising; both men jump off the column. Jym places
a scryable metallic token on top of the column before it locks
in place. They gather the non-magic treasure that was left behind
by Kirok. Two soldiers are left behind with their injured comrade;
the remaining individuals finish the search of the maze.
In a room in the farthest part of the complex is found a hidden
door to a closet. In the closet are a variety of weapons: six
halberds, two longswords, four quivers (12 arrows each) and four
shortswords; they are collected by the group. The weapons appear
to have been made by the same person. About an hour has passed
since the first exploration, it is now around 4:00 p.m. The group
heads back to Palmdale. Around dusk, the group hears the sound
of horses approaching, 20-25 mounts heading towards Palmdale.
The group hides and watches the riders are humanoid and
wearing armor; the group follows them as they approach Palmdale.
In the distance, to the southeast (about a half-hour from town)
can be seen pinpricks of light moving towards the town. The town
has been put on alert.
An airship can be seen approaching from the southwest, seen in
the moonlight; it is about 50 feet above the ground and 40 yards
long. Jym sends the lowest-level guard straight to Palmdale with
the injured soldier. He also sends two soldiers out without armor
to ride towards the torchlight to scout; one will then rush towards
Palmdale to report, while the other will try to get behind the
approaching group to gauge their strength. He will fire one flaming
arrow into the air for each 50 troops he sees. The rest of the
group heads to intercept the airship; two explosions are heard
on the road to Ylldana, southwest of Palmdale. The airship appears
to be half the size of Enterprise. Jym orders the soldiers
not to fire on the airship unless he orders it. A light is seen
on the opposite end. Jym lights a torch, dismounts and approaches
the airship. He sees a beacon of light from Palmdale; apparently
the town can see the airship. The airship slows to a crawl. A
very dim light emanates from the front of the ship and focuses
on Jym, the others, then back to Jym. After about a minute the
ship stops. A soldier yells: a flaming arrow is seen in the distance,
then more, with a total of seven in all. Jym tries to mentally
contact the ship, and the light at the back end brightens considerably.
Jym tries to bond with the ship. The light focuses on his Palmdale
insignia; Jym thinks of other Palmdale members. The ship moves
towards town, descending. A soldier near the end of the ship yells
to look, saying something is being thrown down it turns
out to be a rope ladder. The soldier grabs onto it and climbs,
as does Jym. The two remaining soldiers are sent to Palmdale.
Flames can be seen in the distance.
Both men climb into the shuttle bay, with a door at the far end.
The rope ladder retracts and the rear light dims. A male voice
is heard over the speakers, saying "Welcome Palmdalian, aboard
the airship Erikson." Jym asks how to reach the bridge
and is told to touch a panel for information. The soldier, Gary
Seven, is told to as well. They follow the flashing lights, and
can hear an emergency claxon. They take the turbolift to the bridge,
where introductions are made; they are the only people on board.
Jym asks to take command but is told it will not be necessary.
A static-filled image of Palmdale is seen on the viewscreen. On
a nearby panel, names begin appearing, including Kirok, Lactar,
Clea, Ugely, Lenard, Mallory, Steve, etc. After each name is displayed,
the ship asks where that individual is, and Jym tells the ship
what he knows. Jym asks the ship to increase height due to the
danger of the nearby enemy army. The ship thanks Jym, and says
it must talk to Ugely. A badge appears in a drawer by the center
seat, and the men are told to go to transporter room one. The
ship asks if the creatures around town are evil, a danger to Palmdale,
and is told they are.
Both men are transported to the middle of town; explosions are
heard. Jym runs to the headquarters, tells Gary to report to his
commander. The badge tells Jym to press it when he has found Ugely.
More refugees are in town; soldiers with bows are ringing the
moat. Steve and two guards react in surprise when Jym enters the
headquarters. Ugely is tied down he had gone mad, continuing
to dig, and attacked Stotty. Jym has Steve untie Ugely from the
bed. He taps his badge, saying that Ugely is unstable, and Steve
is also here; the ship says Steve is satisfactory, has Jym touch
Steve, and they are beamed aboard. Jym fills Steve in about recent
events as they go to the bridge. The ship says "Welcome,
Steve." Large fires are seen on the viewscreen, as Steve
begins operating the controls at the science station. The ship
wonders about the lack of magic; Jym explains. The ship asks about
the absence of other airships; Jym asks where it came from. The
ship had left the birthing grounds and found itself in the middle
of the continent, and headed for Palmdale. Jym tells what he knows
of what happened to the other airships. Steve notes that this
is offspring of Enterprise, and has engrams of Erik impressed
on it; it is starving for magic. It had fired 2-3 shots at the
attacking army (10-20 points of damage each), but is now nearly
Jym heads for the shuttle bay, throws his magic shard into the
feeding web. Steve says it is enough for the ship to survive overnight.
Jym throws in a group of four +1 daggers and four other magic
daggers; Steve says it is only marginal. Jym puts in an almost
fully charged Wand of Lightning. Steve tells him to return to
the bridge. The torchlight is spreading, heading towards the eastern
part of Palmdale. Jym beams back down, hears another explosion.
He gets Lenard, Ugely's shard and returns to the ship. Jym places
the shard and Ugely's Wand of Illusion into the power grid
the power is up 22%. Two more communicators are created; one is
given to Lenard, the other is saved for Stotty.
Jym returns to the surface and hears explosions, the sounds of
battle. He runs to the entrance of the starship, where a dwarven
guard stops him. Jym calls for Stotty to come up immediately,
gives the badge to Stotty, and they both beam up and head for
the bridge. The crew takes command. Erik's face appears in the
corner of the viewscreen when addressing the crew. Steve reports
the ship is unable to contact any others due to the damping field;
it is now 50 yards above the ground. The enemy army surrounds
Palmdale, except on the desert side; the army primarily consists
of orcs and ogres, but other species are involved as well. Most
of the land mines have been set off. The human army heavily defends
the bridge, while most of the civilians are near the center of
town. Jym sends Lenard down with another communicator for Colonel
Westing. An evil magical helm is thrown into the power grid, increasing
power to 25-29%, giving it about five days of life left. Stotty
gets the teleportation ring and returns it to the ship. He then
returns to the starship to complete repairs on the air circulation
Black Fox
Heading towards Prestana, Black Fox, Michaelson and two soldiers
encounter 20 troops on the road on the second day of travel, and
join them to camp. Black Fox tells the soldiers the latest news
about Palmdale. Part of the group is heading for the town of Bonaventure
across the river, the rest to Palmdale. The next night they find
an abandoned wagon, probably attacked about a week ago. They are
beginning to enter the magical field. They encounter a road and
farmland near the end of the fifth day, and reach King's Rest
the following day. There is an army base there; the people are
tired of war. Those not involved in farming have joined the army
or become mercenaries. The magic field returns to full during
the trip. A road to the northwest is encountered near the end
of the 12th day. The next day they encounter cropland, small settlements
and finally Prestana. The next day Black Fox drops off paperwork
with the military and the church, saying he will return in a week
for any information they have for him to return to Palmdale. He
reports to the magic institute and begins training for his next
Wyre & Zena
Upon arriving in Malveria, Wyre and Zena join the prince at
the royal castle. An emergency conference is called to discuss
methods of dealing with the threat of the enemy army surrounding
the town, and the more widespread threat to the eastern part of
the kingdom. Attending the meeting are Wyre, the prince and all
the highest-ranking military, magical and religious leaders/advisors.
It is noted that the power of the Oracle is weakening, and experts
believe that in as little as seven to ten days it will be unable
to maintain the protective dome over the city. Because of this
emergency, the proposed plan to ask the Oracle questions about
the magic-damping field and the war is to be limited to three
questions. After much discussion and debate, it is agreed that
the prince, a high-ranking cleric of the lawful-neutral church
and Wyre the paladin would be the individuals asking questions.
At the Oracle, the prince asks about the fate of his father. After
nearly an hour in the seclusion of the Oracle chamber, the prince
emerges to say he had a vision of his father and the majority
of the crew of the airship Excalibur trapped in the high
mountains somewhere to the south. They were alive, but unable
to escape from where they were. He does not know what happened
to the Excalibur.
The L-N High Cleric, Remillius, asks about the origin and nature
of the magic-damping effect. After an even longer wait in the
chamber, he emerges and speaks of a nearly nude woman, trapped
in a metallic web against her wishes, appearing to have been tortured
and nearing the end of her life.
Wyre is last, asking about how the magic-damping field can be
ended, preferably without killing the woman. Over two hours pass
while he awaits an answer, and he can feel the power of the Oracle
fading; it will only be able to protect Malveria for four more
days. He is given the image of a conch shell for sale in one of
Malveria's shops a minor artifact with the ability to communicate
long-distance, at least once more. He is instructed to use this
shell, concentrating on passing a verbal message to someone who
is in a position to end the magic-damping field. Emerging from
the Oracle chamber, he relays this information to the assembled
group and prepares to immediately journey to the magic shop. He
concurrently tries to word his message and think of a way to be
physically transported to the heart of the problem.
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
The evil group the Palmdalians are pursuing has gotten about
a block further, heading to the northeast; Sergeant Gentry and
his men can occasionally be seen. They follow for several hours;
there is less concealment as they move downhill. As the evils
reach a clear area, about 8-10 of the 'rocks' move, as dwarves
move from under cover and aim distance weapons at the evils' backs.
Janice yelps and points to Sergeant Gentry's men one of
his men is grappling with a dwarf. Kirok uses the Helm of Telepathy
to suggest to Gentry not to attack the dwarves, and Gentry subsequently
lays down his weapon. Dagobert moves up, displaying his holy symbol.
Meanwhile, the other dwarven group fires at the evil group, getting
a critical hit on one human. Kirok imparts feelings of friendliness
to the dwarf nearest Gentry, and he becomes more relaxed. Dagobert
says "Excuse me, they're with me." Miranda and Janice
move to observe the combat. Dagobert asks if they can help the
other group. The dwarf leader asks whom Dagobert represents. Dagobert
says he represents the government of New Britain; the leader decides
to trust him for now. They all move to help with the other group's
combat. One dwarf has been killed, several injured; there are
17 left. A dwarf kills a wardog with a critical hit. One of the
evils yells to retreat, and they try to escape two are tackled
while two others try to escape, along with three remaining wardogs.
Miranda hits a robed man twice, and he falls; Janice webs two
more. Miranda and Kirok kill the remaining wardogs, Kirok using
his Wand of Magic Missiles. The webbed individuals are subdued.
January-February 1998
January 31, 1998
Steve tests the ship's systems, notes that creating communication
badges takes alot of energy. Cargo to be beamed aboard must be
marked, but comm badges can be used for now. Jym tries to use
a large sack patch from his Robe of Useful Things after
a delay, it activates; there is a magic field within the ship's
structure. The ship rises to a height of 200 feet. Below, in Palmdale,
the attacking army sets fire to the bridge to prevent escape.
Jym contacts Colonel Westing, updating him on the airship situation.
Jym sees a cluster of enemy around the tree stump entrance to
the tunnel, entering the tunnel. Jym warns Westing to have troops
guard the exit, and contacts Stotty, telling him and the starship
guards to collapse the side tunnel to the ship if the enemy approaches.
Jym has Steve look for the enemy commander. Ogres with wooden
beams can be seen trying to cross the moat. Attackers on the desert
side of town have difficulty moving through the sand; wakes can
be seen moving towards them. More lights are seen in the distance
on the road, a group of 50-100 individuals. In the group attacking
the town, 10-12 humans can be seen. Jym continues updating Westing
on what he is seeing. Steve informs Jym that the approaching group
is enemy, hauling a cannon, and Westing is informed.
Stotty reports that they have encountered the enemy, 15-20 of
them, and are trying to collapse the tunnel. Jym, having moved
to the shuttle bay, drops oil on the edge of the wooden beams
below, starting a fire on the ground; another dropped oil flask
causes the ogres to drop the beam. Steve sees the soldier sent
to spy on the enemy, still monitoring the situation. Stotty sends
a garbled message before communication is cut off. Westing reports
the desert side is clear of enemy, destroyed by the sand creatures.
Archers have killed dozens of the enemy, and the timbers have
been abandoned.
The approaching enemy group consists primarily of orcs and ogres,
with about 20 enslaved humans pulling the cannon. Jym and Steve
determine that the ship must relieve itself of liquid waste once
a week, keeping this in mind for a possible form of attack. Westing
reports on the battle, finally yells for troops to go to the weaponsmith
shop to stem an invasion an explosion is seen in town. In
the approaching group can be seen about 20 ogres and 60 orcs and
other creatures; enslaved humans are carrying torches. Steve turns
the ship in order to come up from the rear of the group, which
has not yet noticed the airship. Jym drops an oil flask in front
of the cannon, which rests on a cart with six wheels, with balls
and bags on racks to the sides; a cart to the rear contains more
cannonballs. A second flask hits the rear of the cannon, and a
third hits several orcs to the side of the cannon. The cannon
goes off, and the projectile impacts about halfway to Palmdale.
Several gunpowder bags ignite; some of the enemy tries to put
out flames, others scatter. Jym hits the other side of the cannon
wagon with oil, and several humans break free when their ropes
burn through. Jym's last oil flask hits the front of the second
wagon, setting it on fire. He returns to the bridge, seeing that
the cannon cart is burning and the humans have freed themselves,
and are now moving off the road. Jym sends the ship back to Palmdale.
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
Gear is stripped from the captives one is dead, four are
subdued. The robed man is middle-aged, the rest are younger; one
of them is a very large man. The old clothing they are wearing
indicates they are a mercenary band. They are carrying four suits
of plate armor, sizes 1, 6, 9 and 10; three shields (two large,
one small); three longswords, two shortswords, one broadsword
and ten daggers. Also found are one longbow with two quivers (24
arrows) and a crossbow with 20 bolts (from the dead man), small
bags with two weeks of rations; about 4,000 g.p. worth of gems,
equally distributed; two loops of rope; a pouch with two scroll
tubes containing scrolls, one of the tubes covered with gold filigree;
a large bag with four sealed boxes, one metal and three wooden,
all locked (carried by the large man). The robed man had two rings,
a wand, and a headband bonded to his head. Janice detects magic,
and the two largest suits of armor, all the longswords and shortswords,
the crossbow and bolts, the smaller loop of rope, the two scrolls
and one tube with gold filigree, the contents of the four locked
boxes, two rings, one wand and the headband all radiate magic.
The crossbow and bolts radiate evil and are left behind.
It is noted that all the dwarves are with the military; they are
part of an advance force from a town in the mountains. They had
noted an unusual amount of traffic in this area, centered on the
town of Heaven's Glen. A transport gate lies within the valley,
back in the direction the group had come from. They had been in
contact with King Randolff & King Lactar's armies they
are sending forces to this area, and are probably several days
away. The dwarves are an observation force; they estimate they
are six to eight hours' travel from the town. There are dog patrols
twice a day. Gentry explains that their group is an advance force
from the New Britain army, and the dwarf leader (Grizzley) looks
to Dagobert for confirmation. Grizzley says that non-humans have
sensed discomfort from the Heaven's Glen area for several years
(the town was settled about 30 years ago). The local building
materials seem to generate this discomfort; an ancient dragon
in these mountains also avoids the area. Hundreds of people have
disappeared in the last year. Grizzley, Gentry and Dagobert compare
notes as Janice binds the wounds of hurt dwarves. Kirok monitors
the thoughts of the captives: from the cloaked man he gets static,
occasional snatches of foreign words, references to 'others';
the rest of the group is mainly frightened. The robed man sits
calm and smiling. From the dwarves, Kirok reads a dislike of humans,
of being on a timetable, rushed.
Kirok has Janice use the staff to cast Dispel Magic on the robed
man's headband: his body jerks and he falls forward to the ground.
Clear thoughts of "must escape" are read from him. Kirok
turns the body over, tries to remove the headband, but it won't
budge. Material begins oozing from the man's mouth. Kirok melts
the man's skin in order to remove the headband, and a sucking,
ripping sound is heard. Where the gems had been connected to the
forehead and temples, wires now emerge. The gummy gem from his
mouth is then wrapped securely. After pulling the headband about
three inches, the wires are removed from the head and retract
into the headband. The body convulses, and two more gummy gems
ooze from the ears. Dagobert places the gems in glass vials and
Kirok wraps the headband in lead foil as Miranda guards. Kirok
tries to resuscitate the man to no effect. The body is concealed
and a dwarf lotion is used to mask its odors.
As the dwarves oil down the dead man, Kirok scans the other prisoners
they are surprised at what happened to Fyll, had been looking
to him for leadership. Kirok asks how long they knew the dead
man and did they know he was possesed; one prisoner's thoughts
are that he was in charge of the current mission. The papers the
men had list activities and locations, all in a foreign tongue
that Kirok thinks might be drow. Meanwhile, Gentry asks questions
of the prisoners, as Kirok sees patterns of ancient prefixes in
some of the location names, indicating towns on the east coast
of the continent. There are 70-80 town names, most of which have
been checked off; about 12 have the ancient prefixes, none of
which have been checked off. The list is of recent origin. Gentry
learns that the group had come from the Bothnian village of Penthas,
which had been decimated; they left yesterday. They had picked
up a package from a human mercenary. They were supposed to report
in the evening to Heaven's Glen. The humans there have been pouring
gold into their effort to build a mercenary force. Kirok asks
about the transport door. Fyll had a recall device on the last
mission to return them; normally the door runs on a 24-hour cycle.
Fyll had spoken an enchantment before going through the door.
The farthest they went was to the eastern Bothnian coast. They
were basically organized looters. The man being questioned had
been on four missions three to destroyed towns, the fourth
to a larger town with no resistance. Fyll was the leader on two
of the missions. Another leader had a headband while the fourth
did not. The leaders seem to be emphasizing the formation of teams
of people who do not know each other.
Grizzley gives the Palmdalians a dwarven phrase to give to any
of the three other dwarven groups surrounding the town, if they
should happen to run into them. Continuing the questioning, it
is noted that there are 60-70 mercenaries in town at any one time,
housed near the edge, and perhaps 9-10 of the leaders; the rest
of the people in town are there to service the effort. The large
man's thoughts indicate he was not to bring anyone outside of
his group back to the town. Gentry asks what will happen if they
don't report back and is told "The Synod has ways of locating
The fate of the prisoners is discussed, and it is thought that
the magic rope might be an entrance to a storage area on another
plane; Kirok throws the rope in the direction of the large man.
The rope lashes towards the man, wrapping around him and leaving
red marks on his body. Kirok pulls back, the rope untangles and
spins the man, who is horribly injured. The rope appears to absorb
blood, and small blades can be seen retracting from the rope.
Gentry's men kill the prisoners.
The group changes their course to a more northerly direction.
After about an hour, the rear guard gives a warning three
men on carpets can be seen heading for town. At dusk, the sound
of wardogs is heard near the location of the prisoners' bodies.
The lights of town can be seen, and a small wall surrounding the
town. The town gates open and guards with wardogs stream out in
all directions: about 40 mercenaries and 20-30 wardogs in all.
The Daern's Instant Fortress is set up invisibly, and soon after
the group enters it, a wardog runs into the Fortress and begins
howling. Kirok suggests to it that it should attack its master,
he is tasty; the wardog leaves and attacks its master, and is
subdued. The net of mercenaries continues outward. Janice puts
on the helm and suggests to a guard about to discover the Fortress
that he should look elsewhere, and he does.
Plans are made to send a team consisting of Gentry, Janice, Kirok,
Miranda and Dagobert into the town, keeping three soldiers and
five dwarves with the Fortress, the rest of the dwarves moving
out on their own. Enlarge is used on the locks of the three wooden
boxes and the hinges of the metal box in order to open them, and
two traps are set off. The wooden boxes contain a black velvet
bag with an archery brace inside, a pair of metallic gloves and
a necklace/choker with a very large jewel in the center. The metal
box contains a faucet-like device inside form-fitting packing.
Explosions are heard outside, one large, four or five smaller.
The guard on top of the Fortress says to come up, he can't describe
what is happening. The group goes to the top and sees flames and
damage to the gate and walls of the town. Humans in uniform can
be seen rising from the landscape, heading towards the town, yelling
to destroy the town, burn it to the ground. Six of the dwarves
leave to investigate. A ghostly, unrecognizable voice is heard
from inside the Fortress: "To whoever is receiving this message:
you are in a position to do great good. Near where you are, possibly
even at the heart of where you currently are seeking to be, evil
men are using a powerful woman named Clea. You must remove her
from the metal web she is trapped in, without killing her, for
I feel she has great value to our world."
February 1, 1998
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
Kirok casts a Detect Evil on the magic items before the group
leaves towards town: the crossbow, bolts and headband give off
an evil aura. Grizzley says his dwarves will continue on their
mission, remaining outside of town. More explosions are heard,
as fireballs are fired at tall buildings in town. Kirok takes
the headband, necklace/choker and three gummy gems, Dagobert takes
the Fortress (once it is evacuated) and the faucet-like device,
Janice takes the gloves and Miranda takes the archery brace and
four gummy gems. Four members of the team going to town are turned
invisible by Janice, while Miranda uses her Ring of Invisibility.
Two guards with wardogs near their position. The four visible
soldiers stand on the opposite side of the pit left by the Fortress,
and bodies are heard to fall in with yelps. Fireballs continue
to be fired in the distance. There is flaming debris in the town,
and 20-30 humans are at the town walls trying to gain entrance,
with the soldiers wearing various types of armor. Magic weapons
are fired at the army, generating fireballs and ice storms. Fifty
attackers have now reached the town, and a siren is heard in the
distance. Kirok begins sensing the thoughts of the soldiers as
his group nears Heaven's Glen: they are instructed to reach the
center of town and destroy everything along the way.
Two wardogs are seen near their position. Kirok gives off a sense
of fear of the attacking soldiers to one of the wardogs, and it
nearly collides with the other, which tries to trail the group
for a bit, then moves off. Three soldiers are seen entering the
town through the nearest hole in the town's wall. A battle is
raging at the town gates, and most of the attackers have reached
the town, and are wearing Bothnian uniforms. The group enters
the nearby hole in the wall, 50 yards from the southwest corner;
there are two more holes between this one and the gate. They emerge
into a dark alley, and Kirok scans for nearby minds. Dagobert
sees heat traces from a nearby building. Gentry suggests splitting
into two groups, in order to keep the advancing forces from killing
Clea during the mayhem.
March 28, 1998
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
It is noted that the town is about 300 yards per side, the town
walls are 3-4 feet thick, the main gate is 30-40 feet across;
seven holes have been blown into the wall. There is a guard post
on each corner of the wall, but not all are manned. So far, 15-20
soldiers have broken into the town. Three buildings can be seen;
the largest has the heat traces. A thrumming sound can be heard
from the center of town. Kirok suggests that Gentry make contact
with the army, and the rest will continue to the center of town.
Dagobert sees about ten mercenaries moving to the door of the
large building. Two more fireballs can be seen exploding inside
the town. Kirok picks up more thoughts of mercenaries and Bothnian
The group decides to stay together by holding on to a rope, and
heads further into town. Janice tells the group to halt, and listens
there are a large number of wardogs coming their way, about
15. They pass the group, heading towards the battle, which is
getting nearer to the center of the town. As they approach a group
of three warehouses, Dagobert senses that the center building
is much colder than the surroundings. There are sounds from the
far end of the right building, as people emerge. Moving north,
Kirok gets thoughts of two people, one of them weaker; one thinks
he's not sure he can use 'this', while the other is angry, thinking
that what he is doing is disturbing, the project is almost done;
the door of the cold warehouse is not completely closed. Janice
warns again, and about ten wardogs pass, with two briefly stopping
but soon continuing on with the pack.
The explosions in town are not as frequent. The thrumming sound
is getting louder along with hissing sounds, as of pressure being
released. The door to the cold building is ratcheted open, and
a couple blades emerge, held by two guards. Two more guards follow,
along with two robed men who are carrying a pallet holding a small
wooden chest, which is very cold. The robed figures have thoughts
of urgency, a timetable being moved up. One of the robed men tells
them to move, and heads in the direction of the Palmdale group.
A voice yells from the building telling them to wait, they forgot
something, and a clerk brings cloth garments one of the
robed men thinks of the possible danger without those, of sizzling
Janice uses the staff to enlarge the pallet, the poles are enlarged
from four to seven feet, and the people jump back. An explosion
is heard from the main building, and there are thoughts of increased
urgency, that they must get to the facility. The clerk questions
what has just happened. Janice enlarges the wooden chest, and
the cloaked figures back off there are thoughts of astonishment,
and one of them says he believes they are under attack. A guard
runs towards the town center for reinforcements, and Janice enlarges
his armor, causing him to tumble. Another guard sees the now-visible
Janice; the cloaked man who previously thought of the danger of
not having the garments, now outstretches his arms to cast a spell,
while the other grabs the wooden chest, thinking he must get it
to safety. Janice absorbs the cast spell, charging the staff five
levels. Janice ridicules the man, saying "What a little man
you are." Kirok casts Hold Person on the two cloaked individuals,
as the other prepares to cast a spell. The standing person is
unaffected, while the other one teleports out, but his scream
is immediately heard from the center of town, and soon dies off;
Kirok becomes visible.
The remaining cloaked man says "Attack her...er, them!"
Janice casts an Enlarge on his headband, and he staggers backward,
the spell he was casting now disrupted, and Janice laughs again.
The man falls on his back, unconscious or dead, and Kirok senses
a symbiotic relationship has just been severed. Janice says "Next!"
Kirok senses that the guards are more loyal than the mercenaries
they have been encountering. Dagobert plants a magic spear in
front of an onrushing guard, who impales his leg on the invisible
spear and is stunned. Dagobert retrieves the spear. Kirok hits
an attacking guard, while Miranda tries to hit another guard,
but misses. Janice enlarges the chain mail armor on an approaching
guard, laughs maniacally, and yells for Bylly-Bubba to bring up
the other platoon. All but Miranda are now visible.
The explosion of a fireball is seen and heard from the main building;
10-15 Bothnian soldiers are seen running towards the group
a guard yells for the rest to run. Janice cackles as she enlarges
the mortar of the cold building, asks for a moment of silence
for those about to die, and says "Greetings from the brain
of THE HEAD!" A grinding sound is heard, and the building
begins changing shape. The guard on Kirok fumbles, while Kirok
gets a critical hit and kills him. The mortar continues enlarging,
with the building near collapse. Janice enlarges another guard's
armor, as the guards flee. Miranda picks up the protective clothes,
Janice enlarges the mortar on the other side of the building as
cold air escapes from it. Kirok yells, "Let's get going!"
and heads for the Bothnian soldiers.
Another large fireball hits the main building, and the approaching
soldiers stagger from the explosion. The sound of rending, shearing
metal is heard from the center of town, and the magic field, which
had not been quite up to full power, jumps up to 100%. Magic armor
suddenly becomes light in weight, and magic swords begin glowing
brightly. The rest follow Kirok, with Janice briefly stumbling.
Kirok yells "We're friends, I'm Kirok, you've probably heard
of me..." Dagobert sees about five wardogs coming up an adjoining
street, yells "Dogs!" There are 17 Bothnians in the
group, and the leader yells for the Palmdale group to halt, he
hadn't heard of Kirok. The cold building collapses. Dagobert fires
a fireball at the wardogs, killing one and sending the rest running
Dagobert yells "No dogs!" In the ruins of the
cold building, Miranda sees 3-4 frozen human bodies. A couple
of people remain in the collapsed building, pounding on the door.
Dagobert bargains with them, says he will help them out if they
give him information. Dagobert asks what is in the center of town,
and is told "The Masters' Shrine".
Kirok explains they are with a New Britain force sent to stop
the magic-dampening effect. The leader turns to an assistant and
tells him to do a Detect on Kirok; Janice runs up, says she will
run a Detect on them. The aide says "No evils here."
Janice whispers to Kirok "Lot's of magic here." At this
moment, a saucer-like object is seen rising from the center of
town, originating from below ground level. It is about 90 yards
across and 20-30 yards in height, dark in color with no lights.
Three fireballs are fired from the ground, and as they hit the
saucer, a shimmering effect is seen from the ship's shielding,
with no damage. Janice fires lightning at the ship, with a similiar
efffect. A humming sound is heard as a light beam shoots from
the saucer to the area where the fireballs were launched. Screams
are heard immediately thereafter. The group scatters, and a peach-colored
beam emits from the ship, hitting the area where Janice had been.
Part of a nearby building glows; shortly it explodes. The ship
continues to rise. Frost attacks and more fireballs are fired
at the ship, with little effect; smaller, multiple blasts are
now emitted from the saucer at multiple ground targets. Kirok
and Janice run toward the launching point of the ship. A hole
is seen being blasted into the wall of the main building, with
several armored humans appearing from it.
Meanwhile, Dagobert says, "I don't think you're in a position
to negotiate, but if you think you are, I can collapse more of
the building." The response from the person Dagobert is talking
to in the building is that he doesn't know anything about the
ship. The pounding on the door of the building stops. The bottom
of the ship is now 40-50 feet above the ground. It is seen that
physical attacks launched at the ship do not cause the shields
to shimmer. The ship fires four beams at targets on the ground.
Dagobert and Miranda notice the body of the cloaked man writhing
during the attack by the ship. Three energy blasts are heard from
the ground, and people are seen firing energy rifles at the ship,
loading rounds from cases. These blasts seem to be causing more
damage, knocking the ship with each hit. The cloaked man begins
staggering toward the center of town.
Kirok yanks at a building stone while Janice casts Detect Magic
on the ship the ship does not radiate magic, although items
on board might be. Wires can be seen hanging from the bottom of
the ship, where it ripped out of the ground. Kirok throws a boulder
at the ship as Janice uses an Enlarge on the boulder; it misses.
Two more beams are fired at the ship. Kirok and Janice use the
same procedure to hurl another boulder at the ship, which is missed
again, hitting instead the depression in the ground where the
ship took off. The ship fires at the people firing energy weapons.
Kirok throws another boulder and hits, with the boulder shattering
and the ship jerking back. Kirok and Janice run to the next building
for cover, and there is an explosion behind them. Kirok senses
a presence, one that he's not felt since...and he hears the weak
voice of Clea inside his head, saying "Kirok, Lactar, Q,
help me." (Kirok is in a trance state while hearing this).
Kirok and Janice, at the lip of the pit, can see people with energy
cannons, exposed wires, burst energy storage containers with liquid
oozing from them, leaking into the pit, and exposed rooms that
had butted against the saucer. Kirok throws another boulder at
the ship, critically hitting it the ship is now at a list,
but still rising. Janice fires two more lightnings, causing jolts
to the saucer, but the shields still activate. A spark of orange
flame can be seen from the saucer. Gentry emerges from the main
building holding an energy cannon, says there are more inside.
The leader of the Bothnian force shows up, and it is agreed to
go after the ship on horseback.
Dagobert and Miranda continue following the cloaked man; he walks
over burning rubble, and the cloak catches fire. The cloaked man,
now on fire, enters the main building. A musky-smelling liquid
is on the floor, leaked from the adjoining rooms. Dagobert and
Miranda pass rooms containing energy cannons, and follow the cloaked
man down some stairs: the headband is hanging off the side of
his face. Meanwhile, a Bothnian soldier with Kirok's group says
he just saw a dwarf following a flaming man. The stairs lead into
a dimly lit passageway ending in a curved wall where the pit is,
and an emaciated woman (Clea) strung up in a metal web. The cloaked
man, now definitely a corpse, stops in front of the woman and
collapses, with three gummy gems leaking from his head. Two catch
on fire, giving off a sickly-sweet smell. There are palmprint
panels at both ends of the room, with about 50 pinprick holes
in each palm.
Kirok, Janice and Gentry follow Dagobert and Miranda, with Gentry
going after the weapons. Kirok stops and concentrates, and weakly
hears Clea. Miranda sets the third gummy gem on fire. Dagobert
cuts off the remaining relatively intact hand of the dead man;
he then casts a Cure Light Wounds on Clea. Kirok and Janice approach
down the stairs, and Kirok gives Clea water. Janice begins cutting
the wires holding Clea in place. She is very cold, so Janice wraps
Clea in her cloak. As soon as Clea is loose, Kirok begins carrying
her, as they hear shouts to get out of the building. Once outside,
they see the saucer returning, hundreds of feet away. It is on
fire, heading towards the town. The group begins running south,
along with the remaining soldiers and mercenaries, occasionally
looking back at the ship. An explosion is seen from the ship,
with a portion of it blowing off. The Palmdale group goes through
the main gate, then to the east. A huge fireball is seen as the
ship impacts near the center of town, slides along the ground,
and bursts through the main gate to the south.
June 27, 1998
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
It is dark, around 9:00 p.m. The impact of the saucer has knocked
some people to the ground. The Palmdale group is just beyond the
path of destruction. The saucer has broken into pieces. Many fires
illuminate the town and body parts are strewn about. None of the
cloaked individuals are visible. About 100 people are crowded
nearby, and about 10 dwarves appear from the surrounding fields.
It is learned from Clea that the people here used a foretelling
device to learn of Clea's power, and had set a trap for her at
the location of her catalyst water. She was attacked and subdued
quickly, and she hasn't seen the guards she had been with since
then. Her power is the ability to dampen magic fields, and turn
off magic devices.
A Bothnian major is issuing orders, telling his soldiers to subdue
the mercenaries. Of the 100 people nearby, about 60 are Bothnians,
the rest are mercenaries and townspeople. Dagobert yells to the
mercenaries that they are surrounded by dwarves. A Necklace of
Adaptation is placed on Clea. Wardogs are heard howling in the
distance, leaderless. Kirok informs the Bothnian leader, Major
Callahan, that he will set up a Daern's Instant Fortress at the
southeast corner of the town's walls, and informs the major that
wounded may be placed within it. While Kirok and the major are
talking, a Bothnian soldier cuts off the head of one of the mercenaries.
Miranda yells a warning that any 'gummy gems' should be destroyed.
Dagobert informs the major about the approaching dwarves. Janice
moves off to investigate the saucer crash site. Meanwhile, explosions
have been heard from town. The wind is blowing the smoke from
the crash to the west.
Janice investigates a large chunk of the saucer, working her way
through fires on the ground. She moves 15-20 ' into the debris
field, along with two soldiers; she detects no magic except for
the soldiers' swords. The chunk is 15' x 20' and is 7' high, and
may have been along the outer edge. It is not stable on the ground.
Janice moves to the other side of the chunk. There are two compartments
separated by a wall, with a black oily slick leaking out of one
from a closet. The other compartment contains storage lockers,
some of which have broken open, spilling out glowing metallic
Miranda sees more dwarves approaching, yells that they are Bothnian
allies. Miranda rounds the edge of the saucer crash site and sees
two bodies, the legs moving on one, and yells for help. Miranda
starts to uncover the injured man, who is in pain. Two mercenaries
are approaching her position, but one runs. Miranda yells for
the other to help her uncover the injured man.
Kirok sees four field clerics, helping along three victims to
the site designated for the Fortress. He follows and sets up the
Fortress; movement can be seen in the town through holes in the
town wall soldiers are seen moving in. Kirok goes to the
top of the Fortress (30' above ground); there is a grey haze over
two-thirds of the town, and fires are still burning. He sees two
flying carpets lifting off near the depression in the center of
town. Callahan's forces are subduing the remaining mercenaries.
Dagobert encounters a leader of one of the dwarven groups (a total
of four). They exchange code phrases, and the leader tells Dagobert
that the dwarves are there to support the Bothnian troops. Dagobert
says they should try to help the Bothnians injured in the crash.
The leader asks if Dagobert has seen any dwarven prisoners, and
he replies that he hasn't.
Kirok and others nearby begin choking from different-colored fumes
emanating from a nearby building. Kirok and the clerics close
the arrow slits in the Fortress. While Miranda uncovers the injured
man, the mercenary with her uncovers the unmoving body they
both begin choking. Dagobert reaches Miranda; there are now about
40 dwarves in view.
Janice begins smelling noxious fumes and hears soldiers retching,
sees wardogs sniffing at bodies. She collects the spilled coins.
The cabinets that remained shut are locked. She enlarges a door,
which bends, warps and pops out, remaining attached only by a
hinge, and reveals six human arms! The arms are well preserved,
and the air inside the cabinet is cool. There are three pairs
of arms from three males, muscular, and cleanly severed at the
shoulder. Of the remaining locked compartments, two are large
with the remainder smaller. Using the same technique, she pops
off the door of a large compartment (2'x3'). The locker contains
five pairs of human legs, cut off at mid-thigh; she hears yelps
from the nearby wardogs, as if they are in pain.
The noxious fumes thicken; the dwarves are more resistant, but
their lungs begin burning as well. Miranda pulls the injured man
out of the wreckage; he has a broken arm and is thrashing, and
she knocks him unconscious and carries him. The mercenary coughs,
gets up and follows at her command.
Janice opens the other large locker, noticing other wardogs picking
through debris and trying to leave the city. She is still unaffected
by the fumes. The door pops open on two hinges; inside are two
human torsos, male, having been pulled apart. All body parts have
been refrigerated. Janice hears a noise behind her, and turns
to see wardogs behind her, with green, glowing eyes. She carefully
throws an arm towards the wardogs, and one picks it up and backs
away. She throws an arm at the other wardog and it looks at Janice
for a moment, then grabs the arm and backs up.
Miranda notices that the eyes of the mercenary with her have taken
on a green sheen. She warns away the approaching dwarves. She
lays the body she is carrying on the ground and follows the mercenary.
Dagobert begins to throw his hammer at the mercenary, but Miranda
stops him. The mercenary turns his head and stares; Dagobert puts
the hammer behind his back and whistles, and the mercenary continues
on. Miranda grabs Dagobert by the scruff of his neck, and yells
to the dwarves "Tell Kirok that I have his dwarf." Dagobert
says "When my master Kirok finds out that you've kidnapped
me, then" The mercenary is not paying attention. They follow
20-25' behind 'Green Eyes'. Dagobert motions for the dwarves to
follow, and about four follow, while the others move to inform
the army.
Meanwhile, Kirok leaves the fortress, passing incapacitated people
while running towards the source of the fumes. He sees the ruins
of a building, around the corner of which he sees zombie-like
figures with bluish skin, also coming down the side streets, about
20 total. Kirok heads back, going through another hole in the
town wall, having grabbed an incapacitated Bothnian soldier on
the way. He goes to inform Callahan, whose army has surrounded
a group of mercenaries. More clerics are heading for the Fortress,
and Kirok gives the incapacitated soldier to them. He tells Callahan
of the possessed people approaching and of the creatures possessing
them. The Major orders those with magic weapons to attack. Kirok
uses the Helm of Telepathy to monitor the possessed individuals,
and reads a blinding fury and a desire for revenge from multiple
sources. Eight have come through an opening in the wall, with
others behind. The army launches two fireballs along with lightning
bolts. Body parts fly, and only one of the attackers is left standing;
Kirok staggers him with a Magic Missile.
Janice opens two small lockers, which contain two torsos, two
arms and a leg. Another small locker contains eyeballs, which
roll out of the locker due to the angle of the wreckage
the contents of the other lockers are beginning to slide out as
well. She breathes from one of the lockers to get fresh air, then
climbs towards fresher air, and hears sounds from the direction
of the town. Two people dressed in civilian clothing, as well
as a dead man, get up and begin approaching her. She heads for
the army, working her way through the debris field.
Dagobert and Miranda continue to follow the possesed mercenary,
who suddenly whistles loudly and says, "We'll be safe in
a few minutes, keep moving." Dagobert says "Define safe."
Two loud, rumbling explosions are heard from the far side of town.
The mercenary turns back, smiles in the direction of the explosions
and continues on. The rumbling continues. Miranda asks the mercenary
"Are you sure we're going to make it out of here?" The
mercenary stops, doesn't seem to understand. Miranda says, "I
mean, to safety." The mercenary replies "Oh yes,
we'll be safe." Eight wardogs approach. Five of them
have glowing eyes, the other three are apparently being herded.
A wardog whines as it sees that Dagobert and Miranda are not following.
Kirok sees Janice emerge from the smoke and debris, with three
shambling figures following. Kirok says that Dispel Magic causes
the creatures to leave their hosts. The dwarven leader examines
the rumbling ground, getting a reading. He tells Callahan "Leave,
get out now!" Meanwhile, another dwarf yells to Kirok "Miranda
took your dwarf!" Kirok runs to the Fortress, with Janice
following, as Callahan yells for his group to leave. Kirok reaches
the Fortress, commands the door to open, and tells those within
(nine clerics and ten wounded) to get out, they are in danger.
More shambling figures are seen coming through the wall. Kirok
asks for suggestions from those nearby.
It is about 8:30 p.m. It will take several minutes to return
to town. Steve says the magic field is at 2%, but will need to
be at least 10% to get weapons functioning. The jump warp might
operate, but it could damage the ship. The enemy hasn't yet crossed
the moat. Flames are rising from several buildings. Jym tries
communications and finally gets through to Westing, who is shouting
and sending additional men to Oppenheimer's lab and the main bridge.
His lieutenant answers and says Westing is tied up. Jym tells
him the cannon is disabled, but he needs some sort of weapon,
such as oil. The lieutenant says they will gather up what they
can. He asks Jym to fly over the main force for information.
Oppenheimer's lab can be seen blazing, and orcs are on all sides
of the town except the desert. Black-clad human allies can be
seen among the attackers. After a few minutes, Stotty can be heard
screaming for help, that he needs assistance at once, and under
the stress breaks into his dwarven accent; "Jym, the ship
canna take much more o' this pounding, the hatch door is buckling!"
Jym informs the army of the situation with the starship; Westing
says the explosion at Oppenheimer's was the result of a booby
trap. He will send forces to the witch's house to help Stotty.
Several minutes later, Steve lowers the ship and Jym heads for
the shuttle bay. Townspeople below quickly load oil onto the ship.
Jym asks the lieutenant for arrow sharpshooters if they can get
to the ship immediately. Westing breaks in and says the orcs are
using their dead to bridge the moat; he will send two sharpshooters.
The ship begins rising to 50', and the two sharpshooters grab
a rope and rope ladder and climb aboard; there are five townspeople
on board as well to help. The ship moves to where the bodies are
being piled.
Stotty says he's been able to close off some sections, while a
booming sound can be heard near his position. Westing breaks in
and says he is moving about 15 soldiers to the tunnel; rubble
deliberately placed in the tunnel is slowing them down, and the
orcs have also barricaded themselves in Witch Clara's house. Jym
drops 2/3 of the oil he has on the bodies in the moat and ignites
it; the enemy backs off. The fires at Oppenheimer's are nearly
under control, and the witch's house is surrounded. More oil is
thrown on the bodies, while the sharpshooters hit several human
targets. Steve begins repositioning the ship, which is now 70'
above the ground; systems readouts begin coming on line, the ship
shudders and the archers have to grab onto the ship, as three
of the townspeople fall out of the shuttle bay. The ship begins
warping, Steve yells "Grab onto something, we're in for a
bumpy ride!"
September-November 1998
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
September 24, 1998
Miranda and Dagobert continue heading south, following the
possessed man; they are now 250-300' beyond the debris field,
and the terrain is rising towards the edge of the valley. The
largest of the green-eyed wardogs stares at the two; the dogs
are catching up with 'Possessed Man', who begins walking faster,
ignoring rumbling in the distance. Individuals can be seen scattering
towards the hills.
Cries of pain can be heard within the Daern's Instant Fortress
as the ground rumbles and the injured are being carried outside;
there are about 20-25 individuals nearby, and Clea has passed
out. The rumbling seems to be centered in the city. Kirok asks
if anyone has the Rainbow spell, and a cleric on the upper level
says he can cast two. Callahan is rallying his forces, and the
dwarves are heading for higher ground the valley, it is
noticed, is unnaturally shaped, too regular. The Fortress begins
tilting towards the town as the ground starts to subside; a crack
begins forming between the Fortress and the town, and someone
is seen to be hanging on to the edge of the crack. Callahan and
his people also begin moving towards the hills, but two soldiers
remain behind to help Kirok and the clerics with the wounded.
Miranda hears a fluttering sound 40-50' in the air: the sound
of flying carpets, moving to rendezvous with 'Possessed Man'.
It feels to Dagobert as if the mountainside is shearing off. The
wardogs are now staying with 'PM', not rushing ahead.
Meanwhile, the cracks emanating from town are widening, and the
town walls are shaking; possessed individuals move towards the
Fortress. Kirok casts Dispel Magic, and Janice does the same with
the staff; the three closest fall, with dark liquid oozing from
the openings in their bodies, forming puddles. Most of the remaining
individuals begin writhing from the spell Kirok cast. A grinding
sound can now be heard. Two clerics haul the last injured man
from the Fortress, and Kirok collapses it and takes it. A large
ground shock knocks Janice and about half of the nearby group
to the ground. Smaller cracks are widening, and the town is collapsing
into the ground; cries can be heard from within.
The flying carpets have disappeared into the darkness, but Dagobert
sees them land, one figure per carpet. Shocks are increasing from
the direction of the town. Miranda tries to convince Dagobert
to attack the wardogs, but Dagobert is concentrating on the flash
of heat and light in the distance, as human or elf-sized figures
move through a torus-shaped hole in space, appearing near the
carpets. 'Possessed Man' says, "Our ride is here." Dagobert
sees more figures come through the hole, and he and Miranda increase
their speed. 'PM' says, "They'll be here shortly." and
lifts a hand towards the approaching dwarves in order to cast
a spell.
Kirok has the people gather together for a Rainbow spell. Damon,
the cleric with the spell, moves to the center of a 10' diameter
circle, and Kirok tells him to "Engage". The group begins
moving, 15' above the ground. Damon says that something is interfering
with the spell; a cleric begins falling through, and is grabbed
by Kirok, who also begins slipping through. Janice tries to wake
Clea, thinking she might be the reason the magic is failing. Kirok
notices that the hole in the center of town is now twice as large.
A cleric casts Cure Serious Wounds on Clea, and she revives, disoriented,
and asks Janice where she is. Janice asks Clea to assist with
the Rainbow spell.
Jym senses reality bending around him. His next awareness is
of waking up in the shuttlecraft bay; it is still dark out, the
engines can be heard to be straining, and the ship is descending.
He feels lethargic, and feels that possibly a day has gone by.
Magic is still working. He hears the sound of metal on metal and
smells burning wood. He looks over the edge of the shuttlecraft
bay and sees they are over a town with many fires along the edge,
and a nearby town is seen to be in flames. He asks the ship for
a status report, and it reports in a crackling voice that the
jump warp was activated and life support is failing. Steve says
the ship is not absorbing enough magic by itself. Jym gives it
his Robe of Useful Items, and lights flicker in the shuttlecraft
bay; Steve says it will give the ship a couple of hours, and it
is not descending as fast now. Jym tells Steve he thinks they
are over Malveria; the nearby town of Zyconia is engulfed in flames.
He has Steve dock at the port on the castle. Steve says it will
be slow, and will take about ten minutes. The archers take positions
in the bay, with orders to fire only if attacked. Jym heads for
the bridge, and the ship prepares to dock; running lights from
the dock can be seen.
November 5, 1998
Q comes to consciousness and finds himself in unfamiliar territory;
he attempts to gain control of the body he currently inhabits,
and pushes Flagg to the background. His last memory is of drawing
from a magical Deck. It is early evening, and he is lying on a
cot in a tent containing three additional cots with injured humans.
They all have wounds from recent combat. People can be seen nearby
in civilian clothing. He limps to the entrance and sees eight
people gathered around a fire, with a meal being cooked; they
are near the center of a devastated town. A man and a woman help
him to the fire and ask who he is; he says his last memory is
of talking to King Lactar. He asks the current date, and about
his traveling companions, and is told that Wyre and Zena left
yesterday. He asks about magic users, and is told the town's was
killed; he is shown the magic user's workshop, which is 95% destroyed.
He investigates the rubble as a woman, named Desiree, assists
him. A strong box is found beneath the hearth and opened; a cylinder
of polished wood remains in the bottom, with finger holds on one
end Q/Flagg takes it. He asks about what has happened in
the last year, especially in the last few months. He offers to
train the people in fighting techniques, and checks on the status
of weapons, food stores.
The next five days are spent exploring the ruins and training
the survivors. A man runs into town from the north, and says a
nearby transport door on the other side of the lake is still functional,
allowing travel to the south and to the southeast, and the size
varies. It has been used before to travel near Malveria and into
Bothnian territory. There is only a half-hour window each day
to get past the mountains, and for a half-hour each day it will
drop travelers into a bottomless canyon. An old woman says she
can predict fairly accurately where the door will lead at a given
Days later, wagons roll into town to assist the people; Zachary
says his traveling companions continued on to Kroft three days
ago. Q/Flagg says he wants to travel to the transport door with
the old woman, along with two soldiers to escort the woman back.
Desiree wants to accompany him, but Q refuses her. The two scouts
who investigated the doorway accompany him. The group circles
around the lake to the northwest, skirting the forest, and set
up camp. It is estimated that the door is a day and a half further.
Later, Q/Flagg is shaken awake by a guard. The sound of marching
feet is heard, and the guard says they are close and getting closer,
but are not heading directly towards their camp; they are heading
towards Jasin. Q/Flagg sends the two scouts back to warn the town;
one of the scouts is on a horse, the other accompanies the old
woman. Q/Flagg and the two soldiers also head back. That evening,
a soldier says "Did you feel that?" as their magic items
snap on. Q/Flagg picks up the magic rod and feels warmth
it is not a standard rod. He attempts to fire it and senses a
buildup of energy, which is not being released. He wills it to
activate, and each end telescopes out. He tests it, and it seems
to be bonding with him. They reach town at daybreak the next morning,
as people are being evacuated to the island in the lake.
After having left a message with the Palmdale assault group
at Heaven's Glen, the magic conch shell is drained, and it is
unknown if this condition is tempory or permanent. Zyconia has
fallen. Hundreds of orcs and others have surrounded Malveria,
which is packed with refugees. Prince Andrew asks his military
aides to allow Wyre to assist with the castle defenses; Wyre requests
to have Zena accompany him, and the prince agrees. It is estimated
that the dome will be breached in about a day, and defenses are
being readied. It is near midnight. Wyre notices a large, faceted
magic crystal near the airship tower. On the outer parapet he
hears and sees a flare from the dome in the direction of Zyconia
something has broken through to the south. The prince says
he may need to take underground tunnels to his docked ship. There
are several more breaches during the night, and attackers are
setting buildings on fire.
The next morning, Wyre asks the prince concerning use of the magic
crystal to power the Oracle. His advisers are not sure if they
are compatible, but it is taken to the Oracle temple. The guardian
of the Oracle thinks it may be dead, but he is willing to try.
The crystal is wheeled into the Oracle chamber. A faint presence
is felt; to test the Oracle, a magic-user is left alone to ask
a question. As the day wears on, the fighting does not approach
the castle. In the evening there is a horrific explosion of the
magic crystal in the Oracle chamber, leaving a gaping hole and
killing the guardian; the dome disappears. Investigating the debris,
someone announces that the Oracle is dead. Suddenly a wave of
energy is felt, and magic items begin operating. Wyre runs to
the castle to join Prince Andrew in the airship tower, where he
is watching the fighting; fires can be seen and explosions heard
in the distance. Wyre asks to be allowed to directly engage the
enemy. The prince understands and agrees, giving him a field promotion
to Lieutenant, and tells him to report to General Waverly.
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
The disk created by the Rainbow spell feels as if it is crumbling,
and the surface is soft, pockmarked. Clea appears to be confused.
Kirok is losing his grip on the cleric who fell through the disk.
In the distance, the town can be seen collapsing into a giant
hole. An injured person falls through the disk onto the collapsing
ground. Kirok uses the Helm of Telepathy to Suggest to Clea that
she calm down and attempt to strengthen the magic field supporting
the Rainbow spell. Clea stops thrashing, stretches and the
magic field collapses, along with the Rainbow spell! They fall
to the ground and Kirok loses his grip on the cleric he had grabbed.
Kirok mentally commands Clea to "Stop!" A soldier yells
"Run!" as the collapsing ground can be seen approaching,
35'-40' away.
Meanwhile, the dwarves continue to advance towards the hole in
space. Dagobert says "Wait, these are not the dwarves you're
looking for. Miranda pretends to shield 'Possessed Man' from the
approaching dwarves; 'PM' says "Why don't you kill all the
dwarves. They're not going to do us any good." Dagobert throws
his hammer at 'PM'; it impacts his chest, and 'PM"s body
falls backward onto the ground, twitching spasmodically, but doesn't
get up. The twitching subsides as Dagobert's hammer returns to
him, covered in flesh. The wardogs appear to want to flee towards
the distant light.
November 10, 1998
Dagobert & Miranda
The valley continues to collapse, accompanied by a dull roar.
The dwarves following Miranda and Dagobert are surprised by the
single blow death of 'Possessed Man' a.k.a. 'Green Eyes'. People
nearby appear to be scattering from a central area, three to the
east and six to the west. All nearby wardogs have run to the gate.
'Green Eyes' sits up and looks around, his gaze settling on Dagobert.
Miranda attempts to grab Dagobert's arm as 'Green Eyes' moves
towards him. Dagobert quips "Nice boss you have lady."
as Miranda misses and 'Green Eyes' comes under dwarven attack.
"You should have stolen a dwarf body like we did." taunts
Dagobert; the severely injured body attempts to respond but is
in no condition to be understood. A dwarven blow cuts 'Green Eyes'
almost in half. The dwarf responsible whoops in triumph when the
top half falls sideways as the legs fall backwards. Miranda hears
a carpet pass overhead on its way to the gate, and Dagobert sees
the possesed wardogs returning; both warn their small group. Miranda
pulls on the severed torso's arm and Dagobert watches for the
expected gem, as pieces fall out and a portion of the legs seem
to have minor attachment to the body. The gem is seen when the
dwarf who severed the body pulls on one leg, saying, "Make
a wish." Dagobert retorts, "Did you wish for something
falling out of its esophagus?" The gem falls out and the
body snaps apart. Its pieces are quickly ignored as the gem glows
an agitated shade of green.
Miranda, wearing gauntlets, scoops the gem into an oilskin pouch.
Dagobert suggests that going through the gate may be a rather
bad idea. Miranda insists that information about this group is
needed, and begins running towards the gate. She calls to the
wardogs in an attempt to have them follow her instead of attacking
the battle-ready dwarves. A dwarf hits one of the wardogs with
a crossbow bolt and it falls to the ground; the remaining four
skid to a halt. Dagobert throws his hammer at the lead dog and
it falls to the ground, unable to rise again. The other wounded
dog is hit again after regaining its footing. The remaining three
dogs follow Miranda. Dagobert instructs the dwarves to capture
the lead wardog's gem alive and destroy the other. Dagobert throws
his hammer at the retreating wardogs, and a dwarf fires his crossbow.
The hammer blow collapses the dog's entire side, impressing the
young dwarf with the crossbow. Dagobert stops to contain this
gem as well since Miranda and the remaining two wardogs are now
out of weapon range. Using his spear, Dagobert lifts the dog's
head in search of its gem, while the dwarves behind him can be
heard smacking something to death; he reminds them to be careful.
A gem drops out of the dog's open mouth; he orders it not to move,
and uses a sword to transfer it to a vial. The young crossbow-wielding
dwarf asks "Now what?"
It appears that the people to the west have come closer. The dwarves
think that this group may have been the same people seen earlier
near town, consisting of military personnel, but they are not
sure. The sound of clashing metal can be heard coming from the
direction of the gate. Miranda continues running towards the gate,
followed by the two wardogs. In the light from the gate, dozens
of humanoids of different sizes are seen engaged in battle. A
large carpet passes approximately from south to north, its path
possibly beginning more to the side of the city than the previous
one. The larger wardog pulls even with Miranda and passes her,
the other remaining five feet behind. Figures in the light appear
to be humans or elves in combat with dwarves or halflings, but
little can be seen at 450 yards distance.
November 17, 1998
In addition to Kirok, Clea and Janice, six clerics and eight
injured personnel were on the Rainbow Bridge, for a total of 17.
As they hit the ground, there is an explosion at the far side
of the group as an item on the side of a cleric bursts; he screams
and is still. In addition to Clea, four others also are not moving;
two are badly injured. The remaining 12 rise to their feet as
the ground can be seen cracking behind them. Other groups of individuals
can be seen running, looking behind them; dwarven groups are just
running as fast as they can. Kirok yells to Janice "Use the
staff to get us out!" One cleric is seen to be floating,
and Damon has pulled a wand out. Janice uses the staff to lift
herself and Kirok off the ground, as Kirok grabs Clea; the presence
of Clea is causing the Levitate spell to sputter.
The people at the farthest edge of the group are about to be devoured
by the sinkhole, and a cloud of dust and debris is seen approaching.
As the cloud hits Damon, he and three of the four surviving clerics,
along with two of the unconcious injured, blink out. The remainder
scream as they fall into the hole. Kirok scans below and reads
the dying thoughts of at least the six injured and one cleric,
thoughts of terror, suddenly snapping off. Janice, Kirok and Clea
continue moving in the same direction as they had been, towards
the edge of the valley. The movement of the sinkhole can be seen
to be slowing. Billowing clouds of dust obscure their vision,
and they can only see about 50' down. While scanning with the
Helm of Telepathy, Kirok senses beyond the normal scanning range
a godlike being, chuckling, concentrating on some action.
December 1998-October 1999
Dagobert & Miranda
December 5, 1998
The tide of battle is turning towards the recently arrived
tall figures. Torchlight reveals a blackish sheen to their armor;
a few cloaked ones stand to one side. Dagobert sends a scout to
identify the nearby group of people while he leads the remaining
dwarves towards the portal.
December 10, 1998
Dagobert and the dwarves run towards the gate as the scout disappears
into the darkness. A strange whistling sound is heard nearby,
and two of the dwarves indicate that it is a recognition signal
used among their forces here; a return signal is given. The scout
returns, followed by six Bothnian soldiers. The dwarves are again
signaled, this time to regroup and prepare for combat. The humans
follow the dwarves, and Dagobert informs them of the portal and
the gems.
Two dwarves appear ahead out of a hollow in the ground. The leader
states in a hushed voice "Griffin's flank unit 18, report."
One of the dwarves with Dagobert replies "Dark Mountain 12.
Our commander has been killed." Dagobert identifies himself
as being with a small task force representing the New Britain
government, asks for news of the portal, and warns of Miranda's
attempted infiltration. The dwarf general explains that the attacking
forces from the portal are drow, and Dagobert's comrade is probably
dead. Dagobert gives Miranda's description and tells the general
that Kirok and Janice might show up during battle. The humans
are pleased with the news of a drow invasion, and news of a bounty
on drow is passed around the small group; it is the result of
a new edict passed down several months ago, apparently the result
of a personal grudge of the king. The bounty is 50 gold pieces
per body and 100 gold pieces for a live drow; this has brightened
the human's spirits as they near battle.
Meanwhile, Miranda runs towards the three figures standing to
the side of the battle. Still 320 yards away, she trips over a
body that yelps in pain. The wardog that had been following her
begins snarling. She orders it towards the battle to warn them
of the dwarves; the dog hesitates until she repeats the command.
She investigates the body, which is laying face down, is covered
by a cloak and is wearing leather armor. Its right side is soaked
in blood. Flipping the body over causes the individual to scream
in pain. Its hood falls back revealing what appears to be a young
male drow, in shock. Miranda removes his cloak, two daggers from
a waistband, and gloves, which reveal a silver ring on the left
hand. A metallic pendant can be seen beneath the lacing of his
The drow begins to revive and struggles to speak, finally asking,
"What's going on?" Fear crosses his face upon seeing
Miranda; she offers him a quaff of healing potion. He thanks her
and asks her name; she tells him and suggests they leave the area.
He insists on a status report. Informed of the nearby battle and
the approaching hordes of dwarves, he is shocked and reaches towards
his medallion. He asks Miranda of her home and liege but is disappointed
in her response. He then asks if she fights on the side of good
or evil. Miranda replies that she fights where she chooses, and
moves to lift him off the ground; he implores her to wait. Struggling
with his shirt laces, he reaches for his medallion. Pulling it
off his own neck he hands it to Miranda, insisting that she is
his only hope.
The sky is cloudy when Q/Flagg and a soldier approach the town
of Jasin. Perimeter scouts greet them and situation reports are
exchanged. Only about 20 people remain in town to be evacuated.
The boat just left with a full load of six people and will return
in about six hours. There are about three weeks worth of supplies
on the island. Everything of use from the town has been removed.
A scout waits in the woods to signal the enemy's approach. If
the remaining people must fight, there are three wooden structures
near town that can be defended for a limited time, or a basement
near the center of town to hide in. Q/Flagg instructs the remaining
townspeople to build an emergency raft.
The boat returns in the afternoon, and a load of seven people
are sent out under cloudier skies. Q/Flagg heads towards the forest
to recall the scout. As he enters the edge of the forest it begins
to rain, and he builds a quick shelter to ward off the cold rain.
Q/Flagg catches a whiff of wood smoke, and looking out of his
shelter he hears the screams of a human. Cautiously approaching
the origin of the smoke, he finds an encampment of orcs and ogres.
A human can be seen roasting over the campfire. Q/Flagg quickly
dispatches a nearby orc guard and assumes its position.
December 14, 1998
The group of Kirok, Clea and Janice descend rapidly, sinking 10'-15'
for every 25'-30' of horizontal movement. Kirok is still able
to sense the godlike chuckling no specific words, but a
feeling of a sealing spell being cast, something being closed.
The dust is beginning to clear. Janice tells Kirok that he should
suggest sleep to Clea; he does, and she falls asleep. The staff
seems to be functioning well, but is strained by the added weight.
The crumbled remains of the ground can be seen 75'-80' below,
gradually rising to the former surface of the valley. Kirok, still
monitoring the godlike presence, senses satisfaction, a door closing;
he also hears thoughts of fear and pain from below. Clea is having
trouble breathing due to the dust. Contact with the godlike being
ends. Kirok has Janice descend faster, as she is losing her grip
on the staff. Fifteen feet above the ground Janice loses her grip,
and the group drops to the ground; Janice and Kirok land on their
feet, while Clea is slightly hurt by her fall.
Looking back towards where the city had been, flashes of fire
can be seen, with total blackness at the center; the hole is steeper
towards the epicenter. There is the smell of burning wood and
possibly flesh. They are 75'-100' from the rim of the valley.
Kirok has Janice scout ahead while he stays with Clea and tries
to find any injured individuals. Janice's staff is sputtering,
but gaining strength the further she gets from Clea. Kirok scans
and receives indications of several people; the strongest is 35
yards away and he heads towards it, picking up thoughts of a trapped
human. He approaches a female Bothnian soldier, her legs trapped
and appearing to be blinded, attempting to pry away rubble with
a broken sword.
December 19, 1998
The airship Erikson is backed into the docking platform
above the castle in Malveria. Erikson estimates that 28-29
hours have passed since the return of magic warped the ship away
from Palmdale. Unable to communicate with the castle, Jym returns
to the shuttlecraft bay to assist with docking. Two archers, a
pewterer and a beggar from Palmdale help him lash down the ropes
thrown from the castle. Prince Andrew greets Jym, accompanied
by Wyre. The prince is disappointed that only one airship has
arrived, but offers food and assistance for the young airship.
News of the war is exchanged and the prince is escorted to the
bridge. Schematics of the ship's layout are displayed while Jym
checks for battle damage. The prince unsuccessfully attempts to
contact his father's airship, which had been stationed where the
southern mountains of Bothnia meet New Britain; the king had taken
an armed force into the mountains. The prince is concerned about
his father and asks Jym to take him to the location of Excalibur;
Jym politely suggests that the country needs him here and Andrew
reluctantly agrees. The prince supplies the ship for relief efforts
in Palmdale and Ylldana.
Jym returns to the shuttlecraft bay and notices that the beggar
is gone; the remaining three Palmdalians await his orders. The
prince's staff reports that Palmdale has been contacted, and Westing
reports that the town has received damage but remains standing.
Andrew sends along 20 soldiers with the airship, under Wyre's
temporary command. While waiting for supplies to be loaded, Jym
contacts Professor Nimrod, who says martial law has been lifted
in Prestana. When asked about young airships, the professor says
that little is known about them but he will investigate further.
A known fact is the inability of young airships to control power
usage, which is a learned skill as they grow.
Erikson leaves for Ylldana, traveling 400 feet above the
road. Farmers in their fields notice the airship; a few wave at
it. Near dusk, a bonfire is spotted to the side of the road. Running
lights are activated and the spotlight is turned onto the site.
Wyre transports down among the group of refugees, who are returning
to their homes in Ylldana after seeking safety in Malveria. Jym
offers to transport a scout and a horse to Ylldana to report on
the town. Tennyson, an apprentice brewer, is chosen as the scout.
The following morning Erikson crosses the river the
bridge is gone. Looters are seen on the road and scatter at the
sight of the airship. Ylldana has been burned and looted, with
some stone buildings remaining; a third of the town may be salvageable.
An away team is sent to find the remains of the magic shop and
determine if food can be found for Erikson. After some debate,
it is decided not to send a force after the looters since a garrison
could not be spared to hold the town. A number of the stone buildings,
including the brewery, appear to be salvageable; the magic shop
is standing but has been looted.
A concealed door detects magic in the back office of the shop.
Once the door is opened, Jym leads a small party into the discovered
tunnel, and a door is found near the center of town. The door
seems to be a magical portal with a large knocker; Jym knocks.
A voice asks, "Who's there?" Identifying himself as
Jym from the magical institute, Jym is asked if he is alone. Jym
says "Are any of us truly alone?" The annoyed voice
insists that Jym provide a more informative answer. When he admits
that representatives of the king are with him, Jym is politely
refused admittance and told he should not be here. Jym suggests
that the same argument could be made for the person he is speaking
The door is heard to unlatch. Jym states that he intends to open
the door, but the only response is what sounds like a large dog
sniffing under the door. Testing the door and finding it locked,
Jym decides not to press the issue and warns the voice of the
town's misfortune. Something thumps against the door. Jym leaves
a light stone behind and returns to the airship. Erikson
is fed and a night watch is posted to monitor the viewscreens.
The looters have apparently fled the town. Around 2:00 a.m., three
lifesigns appear in the magic shop; dim light can be seen from
inside the building. The head of a very large black dog is seen
looking out of the doorway, is quickly pulled back and the lifesigns
disappear one at a time. The next morning, Tennyson leaves on
his horse with information on the town's status and warnings about
the strange people found there.
Dagobert & Miranda
The battle near the portal is going badly for the dwarves,
until reinforcements arrive, forming two lines of attack. A few
drow notice their arrival and ready their crossbows. The dying
drow warns Miranda that the gateway must be shut down before it
is too late for those who live here. The medallion must be attached
to Iliasa, the one responsible for the gate. She thanks him, moments
before he dies. She covers the body with its cloak and continues
towards the portal.
Miranda passes behind a cluster of robed figures standing to the
side of the battle. One of the possessed wardogs has joined them
and they appear to be spellcasting. An aircar passes overhead
in route to the portal. A rosy light begins to form in the center
of the circle of cloaked figures. Miranda activates her Invisibility
Ring. The light grows in size and becomes a deeper shade of red,
with electrical tendrils beginning to snake around the area.
Miranda reaches the gate, becomes visible and hails a trio of
recent drow arrivals. She warns them about the dwarves and suggests
quickly evacuating their people and closing the portal. Three
human faces can be seen peering over the edge of the overhead
aircar. The drow question her identity. Three more drow arrive,
one of which has a higher rank than the rest. Miranda warns him
of the poor situation the drow currently are in and implores him
to attach the medallion to Iliasa on the other side of the gate.
He dismisses her pleas and tells the others to take her back with
them through the portal; they have other work to do.
Dagobert alerts the dwarves to the growing fireball; it flares,
knocking the circle of cloaked figures and the wardog to the ground.
The drow and the dwarves begin exchanging fire. Dagobert launches
a fireball towards the drow, hitting three and knocking nearby
drow and dwarves to the ground. Miranda again warns of the slaughter
the drow have been led into. She can feel warmth emanating from
the medallion. The energy ball approaches the portal, as two drow
approach Miranda to escort her through the portal.
January 5, 1999
The valley floor continues to settle; dust is settling out
of the air, making it easier to see, and spots of flame can be
seen around the central pit where the town had been. Kirok announces
his presence to the Bothnian soldier, who is a lieutenant; she
says she can't feel her legs, can't see, and asks for his help.
Her left arm is also limp at her side. Settling soil is sliding
where the soldier currently lies, and will cover her within a
few minutes. Kirok moves the large rocks off of her legs
her right leg is crushed. Her name is Alyssa, she is with the
Nightwing Division, and she doesn't know what happened to the
others. She asks about Kirok, who says he is with the New Britain
army on a special mission. As he is finishing, Alyssa says, "Do
you hear that?" Kirok scans with the helm and reads the alien
thoughts of two individuals, of anger and hunger, and they can
feel something burrowing underground. Janice is outside of scanning
Kirok yells for Janice and tries to pick up the woman while monitoring
the creatures, and loses his grip. An arachnid-like creature breaks
through the surface 10'-15' beyond the woman. It is a mature anhkheg,
about 20' long, with a slick, shiny surface, pincer mouth and
four arms. Kirok hits it with his footman's mace, setting off
a glyph and paralyzing it. A smaller anhkheg emerges from behind
it. Kirok places the body of the larger one between himself and
the new arrival. This one waits, seems to be expectant, and more
rumblings can be felt from underground. Kirok moves in to attack
and hits, while it misses. Four more anhkhegs, younger and smaller
at about 12' long, break the surface. Alyssa begins calling for
help as well. The young move to investigate the battle as both
Kirok and the creature miss. Kirok tells Alyssa that he is holding
his own, but she is to keep yelling for Janice. Kirok kills the
creature; he then kills the paralyzed male. Two of the young attack
Kirok, who kills one of them. The remaining creatures begin an
almost painful shrieking. Janice yells that she is on her way.
Kirok wounds two of the young, one seriously. The ground gives
way under the third creature, which slides down the slope. Kirok
and the remaining two creatures miss several times. The creatures
begin backing off, with the badly injured one heading down the
slope to where the third creature slid; Kirok kills this one.
Janice reports that she saw a battle in the distance, possibly
involving magic-users.
January 16, 1999
Jym & Wyre
The Erikson continues along the road to Palmdale, hovering
200 feet above ground, passing several ruined vehicles along the
road. Near dusk the ground is seen to be muddy, as if it rained
recently. The ship reaches the ruins of the inn along the road
and seven orc heads, several days old, are seen hanging on pikes
nearby. Jym drops several light stones to help illuminate the
area. It appears that the foundation has been cleared recently.
The next morning, the sky is overcast. Jym beams down and picks
up the light stones. A sign says "This property claimed by
Aylman. Construction to begin in the spring."
The ship continues in a southwest direction. Sprinkles turn into
showers for a while, with winds from the southwest. The ship leaves
the road where it bends, angling to the northwest to approach
Palmdale from the south. Palmdale is reached after nightfall,
around 9:00 p.m. It can be seen in the bright moonlight, with
a large bonfire blazing outside of town along the road to the
southeast. The height of the ship is raised to 400 feet. The bonfire
is 200 yards outside of town and 50 feet to the south of the road,
with townspeople and soldiers gathered around. Damage to the berm
surrounding the moat can be seen, and several buildings have been
damaged around the perimeter.
Jym attempts to contact Stotty, getting only static for several
minutes. Stotty's voice, choked by smoke, is then heard. Stotty
recounts to Jym that his group was able to repel the enemy force
that had entered the ship, minor damage had been done to the hatch,
and the air filtration system is having problems. Jym then attempts
to contact Colonel Westing; an aide answers, then gets the colonel.
Voices in the background are jubiliant, and the bonfire can be
heard crackling. Westing tells Jym to enjoy the celebration. Jym
tells him privately that Ylldana is only rubble, the Oracle and
the shield around Malveria are gone, and Zyconia is ablaze.
Jym has Steve move the ship in and lowers it to 100 feet. The
ship docks near the dome and the passengers and crew depart. Jym
takes a look around town, observes the damaged buildings; the
odor of burning flesh can be smelled from the bonfire, and 30-35
people can be seen gathered around it. Jym heads to the headquarters
building, which is now being used as a field hospital for 17 patients.
Lenard reports that Ugely is now completely insane. Jym follows
the tunnel from the witch's former house to the starship to talk
to Stotty, who appears to be very tired, along with his five assistants.
Jym tells him to rest; he will have a staff meeting tomorrow morning.
Jym asks for a report tomorrow from the current head of the guards.
It is learned that Number One has been badly injured.
The staff meeting begins shortly after sunrise in the Palmdale
headquaters, and includes Wyre, Stotty and the military and civilian
leaders in the town. Jym asks for an update, and is told that
the enemy had been trying to cross the moat, as well as invade
the starship through the tunnel. The tunnel leading out of town
was collapsed to stop them. The outlying buildings had been set
on fire, but the enemy was finally turned back. Number One had
been injured in the first attack. Fresh troops arrived yesterday
before dawn and turned the tide, killing many of the enemy and
forcing 60 percent to retreat. One townsperson had been killed
in the attack. Twelve more refugees have arrived, bringing the
current number of townspeople to 136. Out of 145 army personnel,
16 are dead and 11 badly injured. Of the town's 27 guards, 6 are
badly injured. Enemy forces are retreating rapidly to the east.
Towns to the north are intact, and the enemy has retreated into
the hills. Jym updates the group on his adventures.
Jym orders the moat to be drained for repairs, the width be increased
to 30' and the depth to 20'. The Lyre of Building is to be used
to rebuild the damaged and destroyed buildings. He asks that Wyre
and some of Colonel Westing's men go to Ylldana to extend temporary
governance over the devastated town. Lieutenant Halborson and
20 soldiers accompany Wyre.
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
Janice points out a path out of the valley to Kirok. The remaining
two anhkhegs are 70'-80' down the slope. Kirok asks Janice if
she has distance weapons she doesn't. She guards while Kirok
casts Cure Blindness on Alyssa; her sight is restored. He then
casts Cure Serious Wounds on her. He senses the thoughts of several
humans in the distance. Kirok asks Janice to bind Alyssa's broken
limbs as he looks for other wounded individuals. Cries for help
can be heard from beyond the anhkhegs, and Kirok moves in that
direction. Kirok sees a moving spot of light 40'-50' beyond the
anhkhegs. While moving towards the light, Kirok stumbles and rolls
into the stunned anhkheg, breaking his potion vials and becoming
slightly injured.
Kirok staggers to his feet and can see humanoid figures in the
distance. He kills the stunned anhkheg while the other moves out
of range into the night. Voices call out to Kirok; he calls back
to them and gets out a glowing slingstone. While waiting he casts
two Cure Light Wound spells on himself. The group of humans approaching
Kirok consists of two males and a female, civilian, with the males
apparently not normally exposed to these types of conditions.
Kirok senses that the woman ended up with the other two due to
circumstances. She is concealing, trying to plan how to use this
situation. He also picks up that Janice is finished with binding
broken limbs, and the group moves to her location.
Meanwhile the electrical ball, maintaining the same shape, continues
moving towards the portal. Miranda shields her eyes from the fireball
and breaks the grip of one drow. She says, "These people
are not your allies." The drow commander yells for his people
to check the cloaked figures lying on the ground. The dwarves
and drow knocked to the ground begin staggering to their feet,
except for the three drow hit by a fireball. Dagobert notices
a human being dragged towards the portal. There are seven to eight
drow between Dagobert and the gateway, with five engaged in fighting
with the dwarves. Dagobert retrieves his crossbow from the dwarf
he gave it to, after it has been fired, and tells his people to
clear a path to the gateway. A drow is hit in the leg by a crossbow
bolt. Dagobert throws his hammer at a drow armed with a crossbow
and misses. The battle continues, evenly matched.
The aircar begins descending from a 20' height towards the portal.
Miranda says that these people will destroy you as they have everyone
else, and that they must find Iliasa. She drags a drow guard,
one that seems to find truth in what she is saying. Miranda says,
"I'm sorry for the choices you've made." She goes through
the portal; the medallion begins tingling in her gauntleted hand.
A human in the aircar begins gesturing against this action. Miranda
along with the drow she has grabbed go through the doorway, as
well as the other guard.
Dagobert fires a fireball near the aircar; flames hit the passengers,
with several on fire. The electrical ball has gained intensity,
apparently from the fireball. Dagobert uses his hammer to hit
the drow with the crossbow. The aircar slowly descends to the
ground. While working his way around the perimeter of the battle,
Dagobert assists a dwarf in trouble. The glowing orb hovers in
front of the gate. Three drow trapped while they were passing
through the gateway begin dancing like puppets; the gate now has
the same color as the orb. Dagobert sneaks up on a drow and misses.
The gate begins shrinking, and the bodies within it go limp. Another
dwarf moves to help Dagobert, who has hit the drow he is attacking.
The gate continues collapsing. A humanoid figure (Miranda) leaps
out of the gate and hits the globe with a sword, which causes
the globe to begin radiating wildly.
Miranda falls unconscious, and Dagobert kills the drow he had
been battling. The third dwarf aids his badly injured comrade.
The gate is now down to 11/2' in diameter. The orb begins shooting
out tendrils towards nearby living beings, including Miranda,
the drow commander and the crew of the aircar. The orb continues
shrinking, becoming darker red in color.
February 27, 1999
Dagobert fires a fireball at a group of 9-10 drow not
currently near any dwarves; seven are killed, two injured. Dagobert
yells for the dwarves to shield their eyes from the blast. Those
not blinded try to search for the source of the fireball. There
are currently 118 drow still living, 72 dwarves and six humans
(not including Miranda). Seven to eight energy tendrils now radiate
from the energy globe. Two drow have been hit by tendrils (including
the commander) and are writhing on the ground. Another tendril
is moving towards Miranda. One dwarf in nearby combat with the
drow has gone down, while Dagobert and another dwarf, Axel, move
to assist with ongoing battles. The gateway has nearly closed,
and the energy orb is now pulsing and glowing very brightly. Where
the aircar went down, two humanoid silhouettes are seen moving
against the flames, one of them cloaked. The two drow touched
by energy tendrils have stopped moving, their bodies smoking.
During combat, Axel hits a drow but takes a critical hit. So far
12 drow, 19 dwarves and one human have fallen in combat. The gate
disappears, cutting off the tendril connected to the orb
it is now pulsing, rising. Another dwarf falls in battle; areas
with greater concentrations of drow have more fallen dwarves.
Miranda regains consciousness, sees the pulsing orb and hears
the ongoing combat, as well as a growl behind her. From the direction
of the pit where the town had once existed, Dagobert hears a thrumming
Dagobert gets a critcal hit and kills his drow, and the third
nearby dwarf kills a drow as well. Dagobert then comments "Hear
that men? The human commander has activated the other doomsday
device. But we'll finish this fight in hell!" Dagobert whispers
to nearby dwarves that it is a bluff. A nearby drow says, "What
the hell are you talking about?" Dagobert says that New Britain
couldn't get troops here, so they sent a cyclotron from a human
starship. The drow is confused; the voice of an older drow is
heard in the distance, speaking in the drow tongue. The drow begin
to retreat, breaking off their battles. Resulting from the recent
fighting are eight more dead drow and seven more dead dwarves.
The energy ball has risen to 50 feet, hovering and pulsing faster,
in time with the thrumming sound. Dagobert points significantly
at the globe, while whispering to nearby dwarves that he has no
idea what is going on.
Meanwhile, Miranda turns and sees a cloaked human male and a drow
near the wreck of the aircar. Behind her is a wardog with green
glowing eyes, a foaming mouth and two non-possessed wardogs behind
it. Miranda attacks the possessed wardog the dog hits her,
while she severely injures the wardog. Miranda yells for the dogs
to stay back. The injured dog backs up, howling, and a fresh dog
leaps forward. The injured dog moves toward the downed aircar,
protected by another dog. Miranda follows the injured dog, as
the drow near the aircar begins casting a spell. Miranda says
"Call off your dogs, I have one of your gems." The spellcaster
stops casting. A dog hits Miranda; she takes a quaff of Healing.
The dwarf with Axel falls to the ground, weakened by drow poison.
Dagobert tells Axel to let the drow go, "We'll all be dead
soon anyway." He casts Cure Light Wounds on the collapsed
dwarf. The thrumming sound is now almost continuous, as is the
glow from the orb it emits a high-pitched whistling which
is painful to the drow and to the non-possessed wardogs. From
a nearby hillside come several dozen Bothnian soldiers, yelling
war cries. Miranda takes another quaff of Healing. Both Miranda
and Dagobert see the cloaked figure command the spellcasting drow
to return to him. Brilliant light explodes, encompassing everything
in the area.
In Kirok's group, the two males (in their 40s) are very happy
to see him, an authority figure. These men, civilian technicians
from the town, keep glancing back, and Kirok senses that they
think that corpses are following them. The woman (in her late
20s) is controlling her thoughts Kirok senses an image of
a larger-than-human shadow. Kirok asks how they survived the collapse,
and the men reply that as the crack opened near them they kept
ahead of the debris, and found refuge in a sort of cave formed
by slabs of collapsed rock. They add that they thought they saw
animated bodies moving this way. Each containment facility contained
100 bodies to be used as foodstuff, and one may not have been
destroyed. The bodies are animated by technical means with chemicals,
and are motivated to attack. Kirok gets imagery from the woman
of her attempting to steal unusual items, breaching security,
and of a job that went horribly wrong, a shadowy creature with
the same booming laugh he had recently heard. Kirok says, "You
must feel that a great shadow has been lifted from you, having
survived this catastrophe." The woman is somewhat alarmed,
wondering what Kirok knows and making sure her thoughts are concealed.
Reaching Alyssa, they find her stable but badly injured. A thrumming
sound is heard emanating from the middle of the sinkhole, and
from beyond the rim of the valley can be seen a pulsing, pinkish-red
light. Janice scatters light stones to get a better view of the
area. The thrumming sound appears to be approaching, and a solid
black fog with an oily surface is seen to be rising out of the
center of the sinkhole. A chitinous shell from an anhkheg is recovered
by Kirok to carry Alyssa, but breaks when she is placed on it.
He moves to get another from the body of an anhkheg, feels rumbling
and sees three anhkhegs emerge from the ground. One moves to the
black oil and screams, sizzles. Kirok and one of the technicians
carry Alyssa on the shell. The two remaining anhkhegs investigate
their dead comrade, keeping back from the oil. Kirok senses that
the woman does not recognize the black substance. The anhkheg
in the oil is mostly dissolved, while the other anhkhegs apparently
sense an odor. The oily substance oozes down into an anhkheg tunnel.
Kirok and his group reach Clea, and Kirok wakes her up. She asks
about the situation; Kirok helps her move towards the rim of the
valley with the rest of the group, updating her on events. Janice
reports that the creatures are moving up the hill, following their
path. Janice reports that the two young anhkhegs have reached
one of their dead, and one of them continues on towards the group.
The thrumming sound and the pulsing light are now constant, and
the black oil continues to rise movement can be seen on
the surface. There is a massive explosion of light from over the
rim of the valley, making the sky brighter than day, which disappears
moments later.
Having dispatched a nearby orc guard, Q/Flagg puts on its cloak
and helm. The human on the spit stops screaming, apparently dead.
One other human can be seen near the pile of equipment. Q/Flagg
heads towards the next nearest guard, gesturing as if he is relieving
the guard. The guard becomes suspicious, and Q/Flagg heads to
the fire, smacking his lips. The guard turns to deal with two
approaching orc scouts, and Q/Flagg moves out of sight behind
trees. He moves to the next guard, kills it and hides the body.
He sees the ogre in the camp falling unconscious. Another orc
scout reports in. An orc moves towards Q/Flagg's position, apparently
to relieve him. When close enough, Q/Flagg attack the orc, who
falls but is able to yell. Q/Flagg moves to his encampment, avoiding
Q/Flagg reaches town by mid-afternoon, and finds that neither
boat is at the dock. A guard shows him a hidden rowboat and takes
him to the island. The guards will use flares to warn the island,
if necessary. Q/Flagg sleeps. The next day, shortly before sunset,
he awakes a woman is tending to him. He checks the pouches
and material he gathered from the orcs 75 g.p., 12 gems,
an older silver coin of a monarch unknown to him, as well as several
swords. Flares are seen, alerting that the army has arrived. The
rowboat later returns to the island with news that about 30 New
Britain soldiers have arrived.
May-July 1999
May 6, 1999
The black substance filling the hole where the town had been slows
it rising rate. The group continues climbing towards the edge
of the valley. One of the anhkhegs moves towards the center of
the group, Kirok moves to intercept; the other anhkheg retreats
from the black oil. Kirok smashes the attacking anhkheg severely,
and it spews an acid just behind him, as the rest of the group
reaches the edge of the depression. Kirok then assists them. Looking
back, it appears that the black oil won't reach the lip of the
depression. Janice sees no sign of the lights and battle she had
seen earlier. While resting for ten minutes, no sign is seen of
other humanoids. The injured anhkheg is seen being enveloped by
the black oil. Kirok scans for thoughts the men are happy
to have escaped, the woman, "Crysta", is fearful of
being pursued, she has something that needs to be returned to
a temple.
The group moves towards where the battle had been raging. There
appears to have been a blast, the grass has been blown down but
is slowly rising back into place. Near the other edge of the valley
can be seen lights from several bonfires. The group moves to the
epicenter of the blast. Crysta continues thinking about the object,
a religious icon. Janice, scanning for magic with the staff, gets
an indication off to the right. Investigating, she finds a cloaked
body; flipping it over, it is seen to be a very old man, 80-85
years old; he appears to be a professorial-type who has been dead
for at least a day. He has a holy symbol of the lawful-good alignment,
resembling an Ankh; two cloth pouches and a pair of daggers; the
designs on the blades of the daggers appear to mesh. There is
etching on the back of the holy symbol, in a language almost familiar.
One pouch contains an ornate silver ring with twists and spirals
on the exterior and an inscription on the interior of the thick
band; it emits a small magical aura. The other pouch contains
coins. Janice takes all the items except for the holy symbol.
Kirok transmits to her that he wishes to use the Speak with Dead
spell to ask questions of the body. He casts the spell and asks
four questions, in common tongue. From his accent, the man, "Bernard",
sounds like a native of New Britain.
Question one: "What were you doing here that led
to your death?"
Answer: "Seeking the prophesied one but not prepared
for what I encountered."
Question two: "What did you encounter when seeking
the prophesied one?"
Answer: "The enemy, spoken of in scripture, was vaster
than expected. I didn't have the power to overcome them."
Question three: "What is the language and meaning
of the inscription on your holy symbol?"
Answer: "It is written in a personal code by my master,
it is the conclusion of a riddle for which the beginning is on
my brother's medallion."
Question four: "What is the meaning of the inscription
on the ring and what is the ring used for?"
Answer: "Under the proper circumstances, the inscription
is a binding device, and the ring is for the prophesied one."
The group continues towards the epicenter of the blast,
Kirok dragging the body with him.
Dagobert & Miranda
An explosion of light emanates from the orb. Everything turns
white and the surroundings "blink" out. Dagobert's next
awareness is of being on his knees with a fading headache. All
of his equipment is white, though his skin retains its normal
color. He senses that time has passed, he is not in as stressful
a condition and his injuries have been healed. His surroundings
are milky-white, foggy. Looking around, he finds that he is not
alone three other dwarves and a human can be seen further
away. The human is even more confused than the others; his blade
has not turned white. Dagobert's magic shard is throbbing with
power, his sheathed sword appears normal and his holy symbol appears
polished, and he feels strength from it.
The human approaches the dwarves. One of the dwarves says he hears
the sound of a blade being forged. The human has no idea of what
is going on and says so. Dagobert says, "Do you hear anythingbesides
me?" The human, Private Pyle, thought his head was ringing.
The dwarf who hears sounds, "Stockard", begins moving
in the direction he thinks they are coming from. Dagobert says
that is a good idea, and asks what they have in common. He introduces
himself. Pvt. Pyle mentions his hometown. Dagobert recognizes
one of the dwarves as being near him during the battle. The other
dwarves are named Merk, Fallon. The rest of the group begins hearing
the sounds as they continue on. Dagobert asks Stockard what he
is thinking about; Stockard says he is getting a flashback from
his childhood of stories about the afterlife.
Dagobert comes to the conclusion that this is a transitional phase
of the afterlife. He begins to smell fire. Stockard points to
a swirling in the fog, sparks flying from a giant anvil and a
glowing blade, and says it is The Stoker, guarding the eternal
Miranda's surroundings are similar, but with the sound of a gurgling
stream nearby. Her blade appears normal, but the rest of her equipment
is white. A drow is nearby, his equipment also white, his sight
unaffected by the bright light of the surroundings. Miranda's
pouch, which had contained a gummy gem, now feels empty. Miranda
and the drow walk towards each other, making non-threatening moves.
She suggests they head towards the sound of the brook, the drow
agrees. As they move along, it feels as if they are ascending.
The drow asks, "Do you have any idea why we're heretogether?"
Miranda can see a creek but not to the other side. She says, "We
were taken from battle." The drow replies "This I do
recall. Why would we, apparent foes, have been selected?"
Miranda says, "Perhaps we are not foes." The drow produces
his hand in greeting, suggesting they work together as allies,
and Miranda agrees. A chuckling sound is heard, possibly from
beyond the stream. A voice in her alignment tongue says "Good
July 3, 1999
The lieutenant in charge of the recently arrived soldiers from
the town of Pinnacle says his men are capable of defending against
the orc and ogre forces, which have retreated to the hills and
mountains; citizens can return to town tomorrow. Using three boats,
it takes several hours to return the people and their equipment
to town, and the process is completed before noon. The lieutenant
asks Q/Flagg for more information on the enemy forces. Q/Flagg
asks that news be sent to Lactar or the Palmdale group that Q
is alive. The lieutenant invites Q/Flagg to accompany his soldiers
when they investigate his information, and he agrees. The following
day is overcast. The group reaches the forest by early afternoon.
Around 4:00 p.m. a boy with the group indicates a grove where
children often gather; this may be where a missing boy and an
old woman may be hiding, and in fact both are soon found there.
They had evaded a group of orcs and ogres after Q/Flagg had been
here last. The enemy had left in the direction the soldiers had
come from, but nothing had been seen of them.
The enemy's camp is reached near nightfall. Skeletal human remains
are found, but the old woman, Darla, says it is not someone from
her village. In searching the camp, a bracelet in the form of
a dragon is found in the vest pocket of clothing lying in a pile
of equipment. The soldiers also find a dagger, but nothing else
usable. Q/Flagg takes a broken staff; he then buries the skeletal
remains. The group sets up camp several hundred yards further
into the forest. The woman identifies the bracelet it gives
a wearer with no other magical items a limited magic ability.
The shape of the bracelet gives some indication of its ability,
and it is usable about once a week. Q/Flagg gives it to the woman.
Meanwhile it is learned that the enemy had come within 1000 yards
of the edge of the forest, but then the trail is lost.
The group reaches town late that night. Desiree serves food to
Q/Flagg. The buildings nearest to the lake have survived relatively
intact, and people should be able to move into them in about a
week. A soldier allows Q/Flagg to study his magic book in order
to gain spells; he is also able to create four scrolls using available
materials. The next day Q/Flagg, along with three villagers and
six soldiers travel towards Pinnacle, which is about four days
away. They reach the town by evening of the third day, encountering
a group of about 30 New Britain soldiers leaving the town, patrolling
the road. Pinnacle is back to normal, but there are still some
refugees there. Q/Flagg accompanies soldiers to the army headquarters
and inquires about Wyre they recall that he was insistent
on contacting Malveria. Moving on to the seat of government, he
is told that Wyre had been sent to Kroft. He proceeds to purchase
Black Fox
Black Fox has finished his training, and learns that the war
is over. He is given two days of leave before returning to duty
as a full elf linguist for the army. Communication to the east
and especially with Bothnia is sporadic. An unidentified flying
organism (airship) was seen over Palmdale. Zyconia has been severely
devastated and may not be rebuilt. He stops in 'elftown' and gets
news about home. There is a movement among younger elves to interact
more with other species, and this is causing a rift to form with
the older elves.
The military has a package for him to take back to Palmdale. Checking
at the Magic Institute, it is learned that the gummy gems are
related to the sithilastra. One of the 'gems' was destroyed (burned)
in testing. Moving on to the magic shop, the man at the counter
seems relieved, nervous when Black Fox asks about the 'green stuff'.
The man returns with a sturdy potion vial containing 10 quaffs'
worth. Black Fox is told that it appears to be an extremely corrosive
digestive fluid with the capacity to channel magical energy. It
is used to digest or maintain things in the same state. It could
be used as a binding agent in the other dimension. It made the
casting of a spell more powerful, but this used up a large amount
of the material (originally 22 ounces, now 15). It also has an
evil aura about it, and the man is happy to be getting rid of
it. Black Fox looks through four magic shops in Prestana. He buys
a potion of two scrolls, 1st level Sleep and 7th level Mordenkainen's
Magical Mansion. He sells them and buys a Necklace of Missiles/Healing
Potion (16 quaffs).
Black Fox then goes to the LG church to check on Fenster. A high-ranking
cleric there gives him a report scroll the child appears
to be human, but there are indications that he is not a normal
human. He is ageing more rapidly, after four months now appearing
to be three years old; he is very intelligent, close to being
able to read and write. There is a dweomer of evil about him,
and everyone at the church senses uneasiness, an evil field, or
presence about him. The gods are not responding to prayers concerning
him, and spells have not worked. Father Cameron says that the
church is the best place for him now. They give Black Fox a sealed
scroll tube to be given to Kirok, only meant for his eyes.
Black Fox heads back with a group of eight human merchants. They
reach King's Faith Inn by lunchtime of the second day. Glendale
is reached shortly after sunset on the fifth day. Antoine, the
merchant he had made arrangements with to accompany the group,
gives him a token usable in his shop in Merchant's Inn. The next
morning he leaves town along the road to Palmdale. After several
hours he leaves the road and casts Find Familiar a toad
shows up around sunrise the following morning.
Dagobert & Miranda
The vision Dagobert sees, of a large dwarf fashioning a glowing
blade and sparks flying from a giant anvil is not what he would
have thought appropriate from his teachings concerning the afterlife.
Stockard is enthralled by the large dwarven god he sees behind
the sheen of heat emanating from the firepit. The human in the
group, Pyle, is confused, and only sees the cotton candy look
of the place. The other dwarves are following, but more cautiously;
they see The Stoker, who looks at them with an expectant look.
He appears to be an ancient dwarf. Dagobert tries to get the attention
of the others only Pyle and one of the dwarves, Fallon,
respond. Dagobert asks about The Stoker, and Fallon says he is
the judge of whether we lived our lives appropriately; this is
the first stage of that, and he has a compulsion to move on. Dagobert
feels this compulsion, but not as strongly. The Stoker points
his bellows at the lead dwarves, Stockard and Merc. Dagobert asks
Fallon if he thinks it is strange that Pyle is here with them.
He does, but is not concerned about it.
The Stoker uses his bellows on Stockard and Merc, and they are
hit by a blast of wind; Pyle is knocked to the ground. To Dagobert,
it is a cool, refreshing breeze. The Stoker sets his bellows aside
and looks at the two nearest dwarves Stockard is enveloped
by glitter, Merc only partially so, as well as Fallon. Dagobert
feels as if he passed through an energy field, but he sees no
glitter apparent on him, which Fallon confirms. The Stoker extends
his hand towards Stockard and says "Welcome, Stockard, to
the eternal flames. You have proven yourself worthy, and may pass
to the next stage of your journey." He touches Stockard,
who subsequently vanishes. Merc says "What about me?"
The Stoker says, "You have proven yourself unworthy to continue
your journey, you will be returned." Merc screams as glittering
spots envelop him and he disappears. Pyle asks what happened to
them, to which Dagobert replies "Why don't you let me do
the talking." The Stoker is filling his bellows again when
Dagobert asks, "What is the appropriate way to address a
demigod? Sir, I apologize for any breach in protocol, but there
seems to be some incongruities in our circumstances that I wondered
if you would comment on." The Stoker pauses, as if he has
never been spoken to in that way before. He points at Dagobert
and says, "Come forward." Fallon looks relieved. The
Stoker has Dagobert halt and looks at him, trying to figure him
out (as have many others). He chuckles, almost smiling, and says,
"I see you are one of my brother's children, you have that
look about you. My fire's smoke must have drifted too far to catch
you." Looking at Pyle he says, "Indeed, my smoke has
become much too thin. You do not belong here at all. My brother
will test your mettle soon enough, but the human does not belong
among us at all." Pyle blinks out, and The Stoker stops chuckling.
He says "Since this unscheduled visit is my error, I leave
you with a favor. You may call upon me to grant you a boon when
you most need it." He waves his hand at Dagobert, who says
"Thank you, who may I call upon?" A ghostly voice says,
"Simply call for 'The Stoker'." Dagobert fades out.
Meanwhile, the drow with Miranda acquires a shocked expression,
then trepidation, uneasiness and discomfort. Miranda sees a tall,
slender drow elf, 15'-20' tall, white-haired, dressed in leather
with a robe, extremely old but fit. He is relaxed, stately and
calm, with a half-smile. His hand is grasping a staff, which contains
a silver pattern similar to the one on his robe. Miranda hears
a rustling sound behind her as the drow falls on his knee in supplication;
Miranda follows suit. The drow says "My apologies, master,
I did not realize where I was. The old drow smiles fully and says,
"It is quite alright my son, but who is this friend you've
brought, and why have you brought her. The drow glances at Miranda
and says "I apologize, master, I do not know why this human
is here with me." Miranda tells him her name. The ancient
drow says "Rise, both of you, my children. Tell me, young
Miranda, in what way are you a servant of the Drow Empire?"
Miranda says "One of your children asked for my assistance."
The ancient drow cocks his eyebrow and says "And you just
volunteered to help?" Miranda replies "It seemed a good
idea at the time." He says, "Come here my child."
and Miranda slowly approaches, glancing back at the drow still
on his knee in supplication. The drow says, "Have no fear
my child." He taps his staff on the tip of her head, and
she senses a discharge of energy. He looks at her with an expression
of surprise and wonder, and says, "Our people do indeed owe
you much. Remain here please. Son, come; your time has come, a
hero's welcome awaits you." He then turns to Miranda and
says, "You do not belong among our people, even though your
time has come." He raises his staff towards the drow and
says, "Go, Kalis, you are expected." The drow's eyes
widen and he moves towards the water, walking on the surface.
He melts into the white surroundings and disappears in a few seconds.
The old drow cocks his eyebrow and says, "I've only done
this once before, I don't know if it will work. Close your eyes,
and I will attempt to return you whence you came." She does,
hears the rustling of his movement, the feel of his staff on her
head, and an energy discharge. She loses her concentration.
Both Dagobert and Miranda sense a change, finding themselves in
the field where the battle took place, in the same location they
had last been. Miranda finds a black, shiny medallion in her hand,
with writing similar to that of the staff and robe. It is still
the middle of the night. Miranda is very tired, exhausted. Bodies
are strewn all over the field; some begin moving, including Pyle,
who has bloody gashes. About 10% of the people are still alive.
Kirok's group moves through a grassy area with rock outcroppings.
The sky is overcast, with some breaks in the clouds. In about
15-20 minutes they begin to find traces of a battle, and the body
of a human who had tried to flee the battle. They pass dropped
weapons, shattered shields. Rising over a hillock, they see the
carnage of the main battle in a bowl-shaped valley. Some figures
are beginning to rise, including drow, elves and humans
there are far fewer of the drow. There is flaming wreckage on
the other side of the valley, possibly the remains of an aircar.
They move to help the injured, keeping a wary eye on the drow.
August 14, 1999
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
Many of the 40-45 individuals staggering to their feet have injuries
from the recent battle, out of a total of about 300 individuals.
About 15 are drow, most at the edges of the battlefield. Dwarves
and drow begin to renew the battle. Kirok has Janice begin casting
Light above the position of centrally located drow in order to
affect their vision; they shield their eyes in response. Kirok
has Janice cast Light on his helm, and he moves towards the battle.
He sees two drow, rising off the ground, apparently trying to
find the source of the spells. Kirok has Clea follow outside the
range of his light, having her concentrate on dampening the magic
of the two drow. Kirok can pick up feelings of anger, frustration
and fear from the retreating drow; Clea's thoughts are mainly
concealed by static. The two drow begin gesticulating, and Kirok
fires six Magic Missiles from his mace in succession at the nearest
one. The first hits a protective barrier, the rest go through
and injure the drow. The drow finishes his spell, and the light
on Kirok's helm blinks out. Janice fires a fireball at the same
drow, also hitting three on the ground, one of whom had been standing,
and remains standing after the blast. There are about 25 drow
in the area of combat. The other drow spellcaster finishes his
spell, and 15-foot spectral hands with black flame move towards
Kirok gets out his Wand of Magic Missiles. Clea continues concentrating,
almost in a trance, and the black flames around the spectral hands
are extinguished. Janice is able to resist the crushing of the
hands as the image wavers, the spell being absorbed by the staff.
The drow yells, concentrating on crushing Janice, but his efforts
are frustrated. Kirok fires three missiles, and all miss their
target. Janice collapses as the hands disappear; the floating
drow begins spinning out of control, also unconscious. Clea snaps
out of her trance. Crysta picks up the staff from the unconscious
Janice; Kirok sees this and mentally yells to her "Drop me!"
She drops it in surprise. Kirok waves Clea to continue watching
the drow spellcasters while following him back to the group. Crysta
moves to grab the staff again; Kirok mentally commands the two
men to stop her, and mentally tells Crysta "Drop me or I'll
explode!" She turns around in surprise but doesn't drop it,
as the men jump her.
Clea puts out her hands, focusing on the smoking drow spellcaster.
While running up the hill, Kirok hears the discharge of energy
at his back, as if it dissipated before hitting him. Crysta, struggling
with the men, hits one across the face with the staff, while the
other has his arms around her; she swings him off. Kirok mentally
imitates the booming laugh of the being she is frightened of.
Crysta says, "Everybody stay away, don't try to stop me,
I've got to do this!" Looking back, Kirok sees the spinning
drow beginning to wake up, as is Janice. Clea is on her knees,
staggered by her efforts. Kirok says, "What is this thing
you've got to do?" as Crysta points the staff at him.
Meanwhile, Miranda doesn't see any sign of the two individuals
who had been near the downed aircar, which is burning intensely.
The three wardogs are wandering aimlessly; the eyes of the injured
one that had been possessed no longer have a green glow. Miranda
warily approaches them, and the two uninjured ones move to protect
the injured one. They retreat to the side, and Miranda throws
a piece of food to one of the protective dogs, then two more pieces.
The two dogs eat while the injured dog licks its wounds. She sees
Dagobert approaching. The burning aircar shifts position and green
fire can be seen from the cargo container of the vehicle.
Dagobert sees a number of nearby dwarves and humans rising to
their feet. He sees the dead bodies of the three dwarves who had
been with him in The Stoker's glowing realm; three other nearby
dwarves are alive. Of about 35 nearby humans, 10 or 11 are now
getting to their feet. Dagobert announces in an authoritative
voice that he is a cleric and offers to help any of the injured
humans nearby. A human in command says they are able to take care
of themselves, check your dwarves. Dagobert advises him to take
drow prisoners for more information; he then moves to check on
Miranda and the burning aircar, noticing a light appear in a central
location above the battlefield and recognizes Kirok in an approaching
group. He continues moving towards Miranda's location.
Dagobert asks for a quick update from Miranda. He checks the vial
that had contained a gummy gem; only green dust is left. Dagobert
moves to the lip of the valley. He hears at least three voices
in an unknown language; two are conversing, one is chanting. He
waves Miranda over from her investigation of the aircar; she had
found a containment device that had been breached. The chanting
stops, replaced by the sound of something crackling into existance,
followed by a sizzling sound and the distant sound of surf crashing.
Rising over the lip, Dagobert sees a 25-foot diameter disk lying
flat on the ground, with the shimmering image of a beach lying
10 feet beneath the disk. He sees a human, a robed figure of unknown
race and a drow, who is concentrating on the disk. The robed figure
jumps through the disk, accompanied by a snapping sound and a
Dagobert fires a fireball to explode above the portal, then rolls
back over the lip of the valley. The drow exclaims, the fireball
explodes, followed by a much louder roar. A sucking sound can
be heard; large chunks of scorched earth begin falling to the
ground. The sucking sound of air continues. Miranda and Dagobert
are injured by four chunks of debris; two more hit the aircar.
One chunk flips the aircar over, while in mid-air the second chunk
spins it, and its cargo is tossed onto the ground inert,
non-moving gummy gems within a burning jelly. Flickers of burning
debris are reflected from beyond the lip of the valley by a dust
cloud. The wardogs run away, while people in the valley look towards
the direction of the explosion, several of them moving in that
direction. Dagobert says "Well, that was unexpected. Are
you ok, relatively speaking?" Miranda replies, "I've
had better days." Miranda takes a Heal potion while Dagobert
says "You've just experienced your first pointless explosion
with the Palmdale GroupTM, but I'm the only one who will apologize
for it."
The sound of the explosion is heard throughout the valley, and
the ground shakes. Kirok remains standing, but Crysta falls to
the ground, as does Clea. Kirok grabs the staff successfully as
Crysta continues rolling downhill, yelling "No!" Most
combatants have now moved out of the well-lit area. Crysta stops
rolling and rises to her feet, angry and fearful. She begins thinking
"Tra"; then her thoughts shift she thinks that
was her last chance, that she is lost. Kirok throws the staff
to Janice and mentally gives her a brief synopsis of events since
she was knocked unconscious. Crysta follows the retreating drow
in a blind panic; Kirok mentally informs her that he is the one
who has been sending her thoughts. She stops and turns around,
with feelings of regret but also determination, and continues
on. The smoking drow begins casting again; Kirok and Janice fire
at him. Kirok's Magic Missile hits the drow just as he disappears,
and Janice's fireball explodes where he had been. A scream of
agony is heard elsewhere in the valley. The other spellcasting
drow is not visible. Kirok helps the collapsed Clea, who says
her efforts pull energy right out of her, eventually leaving her
exhausted. Janice thinks to Kirok what she can see in the valley;
the two men with her are only slightly bruised.
Dagobert looks over the rim and sees a 70 foot-wide, irregular
crater where the disk had been, containing crashing waves of roiling
energy. Smoke is being sucked in one end, while oily, chunky liquid
spews from the other, and the hole continues to crack and widen.
The skeletal remnants of the drow spellcaster can be seen, still
moving, casting a spell at the crater. The walking corpse raises
its arms while standing on a rock outcrop at the edge of the crater,
and falls forward onto the oily surface. Multi-branching lightning
is emitted from where his body impacted, and slowly fades as the
body sinks in. Dagobert observes, "That was unexpected."
When the body completely disappears, the swirling stops and the
liquid surface smoothes out. A rumbling sound and the sound of
grinding stone can be heard as the pool begins shrinking in on
itself, the cracks filling in with earth. Dagobert pats the ground
saying, "I'm sorry."
Three dwarves and four humans approach the location of the former
disk. Eight drow have been captured. Dagobert hears a brief scream
behind the approaching group of seven individuals, and sees the
upper portion of a drow body whose lower portion has merged with
the ground. Dagobert removes a bracelet from the drow. The drow
captives and dead are stripped of armor, weapons and equipment,
including five pouches.
Q/Flagg collects four zero level spells during the day while in
Pinnacle. He accompanies a group of merchants for two days to
the town of Kroft, and spends the night at an inn. He spends the
next day gathering supplies for a new magic book. The following
morning he travels to nearby woods and casts Find Familiar. After
30 hours a crow arrives, and he returns to town. Inquiring about
Wyre, he gets the impression that Bothnian forces had restored
the magic.
October 14, 1999
Q/Flagg studies magic for three days while in the town of Kroft.
The following evening there is a knock on his door. Kurven, a
member of Palmdale's militia, has come looking for Flagg. Q/Flagg
accepts the summons to Palmdale. The next morning the two are
scryed to Silvermist by a mage, Vallorean. He discusses other
scrying with Kurven. They return to Palmdale the next day, stepping
out into the town square.
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
A dwarf and two humans approach Dagobert and Miranda near the
remaining portion of a drow's body; the dwarf asks Dagobert what
happened. He gives a brief overview of the recent events, mentioning
the dimensional rift and the drow allies. The dwarf agrees that
technical personnel should look at the aircar, but it will be
awhile before that happens. Dagobert returns to the aircar while
the dwarf looks at the area where the rift had appeared. At the
aircar, a human is poking around with his sword in the aircar
remains. Dagobert warns him about the mind-possessing gems and
the man cautiously proceeds. He manages to find an unbroken vial
of liquid and quickly places it with the rest of his possessions.
He offers to let Dagobert look at the vial, and Dagobert is able
to determine that the markings on its seal have an elvish quality
to them.
A man named Rand approaches Miranda. He sheathes his sword and
retrieves healing potion, which he offers to Miranda. She tells
him to save it for the wounded, but he observes that she is also
in that category. Miranda continues down the hill towards the
drow captives. Along the way she passes the remains of the battle:
dwarven bodies frozen in positions of apparently great agony,
and drow bodies that appear to be rapidly aging and withering
away. A nearby soldier mentions that the ear he just cut from
a drow corpse is crumbling. Miranda tells him not to touch the
bodies, and warns those in the area. The soldier wipes his now
empty hand on his clothing and wanders away, muttering to nearby
people. Interrupting the human and dwarven leaders, she warns
them to keep their personnel away from the drow bodies. Neither
is amused, and the human demands to know who she is. Miranda gives
her name and says they need to secure the prisoners. The human
leader says he has reinforcements due at sunrise and will interrogate
the eight prisoners then. Miranda warns that sunrise may be too
late and that interrogation is unlikely to work. The dwarf leader
mentions that there are wounded and dead to deal with.
A light appears in the center of the drow captives, causing them
to moan and shield their eyes, as Kirok and Janice approach from
the darkness. Seeing them, Dagobert heads towards the field hospital.
Kirok demands to know whom is in charge, and Miranda snaps back
at him to put the light out. Kirok asks for a good reason first.
Miranda insists that harming the prisoners would hamper their
chances of getting information from them. Kirok and Janice balk
at wasting a charge from the staff in order to make the prisoners
more comfortable; Miranda tosses her own cloak over two of the
captives and tries to fashion blindfolds for the rest. The dwarven
leader tells the Bothnian lieutenant, Lychen, to deal with the
newcomers and wanders away to attend to other things, while the
lieutenant sputters about all the nonsense going on now when his
troops will be here in two hours. Kirok explains that they are
part of a task force sent from New Britain and were separated.
He concedes that Miranda might have a better idea about the current
situation with the drow.
Kirok scans the drow prisoners with his helm while Miranda attempts
to blindfold them. The drow are angry and frightened, but the
violent rage of a nearby human cuts through everthing else. The
soldier charges at the captives with his sword held high. Kirok
shouts a warning and tries to project mellow thoughts. Miranda
skillfully throws a drow dagger at the man, slashing his leg and
causing him to fall to the ground before being able to strike
the drow. Miranda removes his sword from reach and binds his leg,
while the stunned man cries that the drow killed Steven. Lieutenant
Lychen orders everyone to stay away from the drow and posts three
guards. Miranda tells Kirok that the dagger she used was drow
and was likely poisoned he casts Neutralize Poison on the
injured man.
Miranda returns to blindfolding the prisoners while Kirok approaches
one of the drow, lifting up the drow's chin and asking him why
his fallen comrades are disintegrating. Kirok gets the impression
that the drow understands, and gets the impression of anger and
disgust. The drow prepares to spit in Kirok's face. Sensing this
and drawing on his Girdle of Giant Strength, Kirok uses one finger
to snap the drow's head aside. The drow glares at him in fury.
Kirok grudgingly agrees to erect the fortress at Miranda's suggestion.
He takes out a glowing slingstone to light his way, waving it
in the drow's face before heading into the darkness to set up
the fortress. Miranda follows with the prisoners and the trio
of guards provided by the Bothnian army, and the drow are placed
in the basement.
Kirok walks to the nearby field hospital to help with the wounded
(mostly dwarves); the drow bodies he passes are now little more
than skin and bones. He meets up with the rest of his group. Ruby,
the man Miranda wounded, is showing no effects of the poison.
Miranda remains behind with the drow in order to bind the wounds
of three of the drow, and to attempt to gather information.
November-December 1999
November 4, 1999
Black Fox
After acquiring a familiar, Black Fox rests for part of the
day, studying for spells. He travels within sight of scrubland
and sets up camp, activating magical alarms. Near dusk, he sees
a pair of figures in the distance, an ogre chasing a human in
a tattered New Britain uniform. Black Fox rides toward them, the
ogre sees him and begins running away. He fires a Magic Missile
at the ogre and staggers it, but it continues running. Black Fox
asks the human, Elias, what happened the man's unit of ten
soldiers had been captured, and he was the only one to escape.
He believes the rest are dead, and the ogres have their equipment.
He has been on the run for several hours. Black Fox gives him
Healing potion. Black Fox brings Elias along on his horse to pursue
the ogre. As Black Fox nears the ogre, it grabs for a rock; Black
Fox casts a Web and tangles the ogre. He then fires an acid arrow
at the ogre and hits it the ogre eventually dies from the
damage inflicted.
Elias has been out of touch for about three weeks and asks for
news. He tells Black Fox about the orc and ogre encampment his
unit encountered in the desert. They camp for the night; it rains
overnight, clearing the next day. Continuing to travel, they camp
another night, and the following day is overcast with showers,
clearing off by the evening. While on guard this night, Black
Fox sees a group of five to six humanoid figures at the edge of
his vision, approaching his campsite. He can hear the sounds of
moving armor. When they are about 50 yards away he hears human
voices, and the approaching group splits into three separate groups.
Black Fox asks, "Who goes there?" The other voice says
"You first." Black Fox explains that he is a corporal
in the New Britain army; the leader of the other group is Sergeant
Brannigan assigned to the Palmdale garrison. They exchange information
Brannigan's unit was sent to patrol the canyons near Palmdale.
The next day, Brannigan sends Black Fox and Elias ahead to report,
and they reach Palmdale in mid-morning. There are many refugees
in town. Black Fox reports to Westing.
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
Miranda binds the wounds of the wounded drow, while Kirok helps
out at the field hospital with much more worthy patients. The
dwarves tend to their own, as do the humans. The dwarf general,
Tainen, looks in on his wounded dwarves. Miranda goes to the hospital
and recommends to Kirok and Dagobert that they investigate what
happened to the cloaked figures that created the orb. With Kirok
in the lead, they head to the area they had last been seen, with
Janice following. Meanwhile, Miranda investigates in another direction.
Kirok passes a ring of human and dwarven soldiers moving out in
a ring, searching the area. Kirok reaches the site first, finding
the bodies of three cloaked figures and a wardog two of
the cloaked bodies are misshapen, disintegrating. Checking the
intact body, he finds it is an old human female with pain frozen
on her facial features. Janice and Dagobert arrive, while Kirok
removes a ring from the woman's hand; another ring is hard to
remove. Dagobert warns about the gummy gems, just as Kirok jumps
back and narrowly avoids having one slide beneath his gauntlet.
He removes it with his gauntleted fingers and drops it to the
ground. Janice is not so lucky. A gummy gem also attacks her;
as she begins feeling strange, she throws the Staff of the Magi
to Kirok.
November 7, 1999
Miranda leaves the field of battle in search of the body of
the drow she encountered earlier, who had given her the medallion.
Searching awhile, she is finally able to locate it it is
undisturbed from the last time she left it. Unlike those killed
in battle, this body has not decayed; blood from his wounds has
dried on his clothing, which is finer than that seen on the drow
fighters, more like a scholar or spell caster. Miranda inspects
the body and prepares it for travel. She feels two hidden pockets,
one containing five or six gem-like objects and the other with
a vial-like object. She does not search further, but wraps the
body in its own cloak, hiding the fact that it is a drow.
Miranda carries the body with her and returns to the battlefield.
She hears a sound similar to moving sand coming from the area
of the sinkhole where the town of Heaven's Glen recently existed.
Strangely, there has been no sign of people moving outside the
area of the battlefield.
December 4, 1999
Kirok & Dagobert
Janice convulses briefly, then stares at Kirok with glowing
green eyes. In a gravelly voice, she says "Whatever you're
planning, think again or I'll boil the blood in this one!"
Kirok casts Hold Person on her and she freezes. He thinks to Dagobert
to use the Bead of Curing. Through the helm, Kirok hears a painful
sound of fury and impotent power, and has to remove the helm.
Dagobert uses the bead and Janice's eyes stop glowing. Dagobert
does not see the gem emerge, and looks around for it. Placing
the helm back on his head, Kirok reads that Janice is confused.
Kirok thinks calming thoughts, and she thinks that it is not gone,
she is just in control now; Kirok tells this to Dagobert. Dagobert
warns a group of five dwarves (who have been following on the
orders of the dwarven general) about the gummy gems. Kirok places
the gem that attacked him into a glass vial. Dagobert casts Dispel
Magic on Janice, and her thoughts become clearer the creature
has apparently been driven into hiding. Kirok ties up Janice and
picks up her staff. Dagobert asks the dwarves to look for any
remaining gems, and one is apparently found near the body of the
wardog, impaled on the point of a dwarven sword; the dwarf asks
if it is a gummy gem. Dagobert says "I can't see it, but
let's assume yes." He places the wounded gem, oozing ichor,
into a vial. The dwarves inspect the bodies for objects of interest,
and Kirok obtains the remaining items from the woman's body, two
coin pouches and two rings, pulling the ring finger off to obtain
one of the rings. A tattoo depicting an infinity symbol is found
on her forearm.
It is decided that Kirok will cast Exorcise on Janice to remove
the parasite. Kirok, accompanied by the leader of the dwarven
group and two others, takes Janice to the clearing where the transport
torus had been created. The Hold Person wears off, and Janice
is still in control. Dagobert uses a fireball on the bodies to
ensure the destruction of gummy gems in the area; he then searches
the perimeter along with the remaining two dwarves. While Kirok
is preparing to cast the spell, a sound like shifting sand is
heard from the direction of the former town. The search circle
of soldiers passes the group and continues to move out, shortly
reaching the lip of the valley. A human soldier finds a metal
object in the ash left by the fireball and places it in a pouch.
Soldiers on the rim report that more survivors from the town are
approaching. The general sends food for Dagobert and Kirok.
From the direction of the transport door, Dagobert hears a military
drum beat. Janice is now in a semi-conscious state. Dagobert,
using the Helm of Telepathy, picks up overlying thoughts from
her "Soon I can take over, make them suffer."
There is a flickering, greenish tinge in her eyes. Dagobert mentally
talks to her to keep her awake. Several hundred Bothnian soldiers
begin marching into the valley, led by a highly decorated field
marshal. The field marshal goes to the field hospital and talks
to the dwarf general Dagobert notices the dwarf gesticulating
angrily. He comments to the nearby dwarves "It's just like
the Bothnians are taking over, it's just like them to hog the
As the exorcism continues, the gem mentally tells Dagobert "Stop
you're blithering friend and get me out of this valley and I won't
kill this girl continue with this foolish course and you
will all die!" Dagobert uses the helm to suggest to it that
it desperately needs to get out of the body immediately with the
utmost urgency. Janice's body convulses, her mouth opens unnaturally
wide and the gummy gem emerges, and is immediately placed in a
Miranda takes the body of the drow who had given her a medallion
to the basement of the fortress. She notes that several of the
drow prisoners have tried to remove their blindfolds. She removes
the blindfold from the oldest prisoner and asks if he recognizes
the body. The drow has a brief expression of disdain, which he
then covers up when he sees the body. Miranda resecures the prisoners.
Outside, all remaining injured have been moved to the field hospital.
Most drow items have been placed in a pile, to be destroyed by
sunlight. A consistent, sand pouring sound is heard from the direction
of the destroyed town, and dwarves are sent to investigate. Miranda
goes looking for the dwarf general, finding him meeting with other
dwarves and waits for him. The sky to the east is brightening
as dawn approaches.
When the meeting is concluded, Miranda tells the general that
she found the intact body of a drow and asks if he has someone
who could help identify it, and someone to ask it questions through
magic spells. A junior officer, Xerxes, who is fluent in drow
is assigned, and he and the dwarf adjutant Kreller accompany Janice
to the fortress. Xerxes examines the body, hidden pockets and
daggers, and Miranda describes the medallion the drow had given
her. Three of the drow prisoners are obviously listening to the
conversation. Xerxes notes that drow courriers are known to carry
items in hidden pouches. He thinks he has heard the name Iliasa;
it is someone in the drow power structure. The daggers are of
high value or an ancestral collection, not the type warriors would
possess. The medallion sounds as if dwarves created it; some dwarven
clans are known to use magics to counterbalance other magics.
A guard tells Miranda that the drow prisoners appear to be in
pain. The prisoners begin moaning, accompanied by a smell of smoke
and rotting meat; heat can be seen emanating from the bodies.
Xerxes gags and leaves the fortress. One drow dies and its body
begins collapsing into dust. Three more soon collapse; the oldest
one is in the best condition. Miranda asks what is happening,
and the old one says, "I'm assuming it's daylight."
She replies that it is, and if there is anything she can do. Having
removed his blindfold now, the drow is on his knees and says "The
least you can do is let me die like a warrior." She frees
his arms and gets a sense of appreciation from him; dark fluid
begins oozing from his mouth. The three who collapsed are now
disintegrating. She cuts the bonds of the other three who still
live. The old one utters a prayer. He soon dies along with the
remaining drow. The stench begins dissapating. Sunlight begins
destroying the piled drow equipment. Miranda directs the cleanup
of the fortress, the tower is aired out and the disintegrating
bodies are removed. A cleric arrives to cast Speak with Dead on
the drow body.
The recently arrived Bothnian field marshal sends a group to investigate
the fortress. Miranda explains to the leader of the group, the
second-in-command, why she is here. He asks where her leader is;
she tells him that Kirok is otherwise involved and is not to be
disturbed, but shows where he is. He asks about the fortress and
is told it is the headquarters of the New Britain team, and she
is going to interrogate a dead drow. The Bothnian tells her that
she is on Bothnian territory. A senior Bothnian soldier must accompany
her during the interrogation, and all spoils go to the Bothnians.
Soon three Bothnian fighters and an officer, Captain Crichton,
arrive at the fortress to take part in the interrogation of the
dead prisoner; Miranda explains the unusual situation involving
the drow body. The cleric casts Speak with Dead, asking two questions:
Question one: "Why were you sent here?"
Answer: "I was not sent, I came of my own free will
to stop what my grandfather and associates were
attempting to do."
Question two: "What were you attempting to do?"
Answer: "In retaliation against the surface dwellers,
grandfather and high-ranking drow were attempting
to open a breach so his allies, the gummy gems, would gain control
of the surface."
The cleric says that from the tone of the drow's voice,
he had wanted to prevent the invasion. The captain says his force
is here to support the covert mission into the valley during
the past year the Bothnians knew something was happening in the
valley. Crichton suggests to Kreller that he reports this information
to his superiors, and he will do the same. Kreller leaves, taking
Xerxes with him. After they leave, Crichton says the body needs
to be secured, and he may use a sigil to transport it to a Bothnian
facility. Miranda responds that it is her prisoner and she doesn't
want it out of her control. Crichton appears angry but agrees
to this, then he leaves; Miranda sees him say something to his
soldiers before he leaves the area, and one of them goes to report
to the field marshal.
December 19, 1999
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
After imprisoning the gummy gem, Dagobert returns the Helm
of Telepathy to Kirok. Janice is exhausted from her ordeal and
sleeps. The dwarf guards return to their comrades. The recently
arrived Bothnian soldiers are seen to congregate primarily in
the area of the field hospital, but ten are seen near the fortress,
some conversing with Miranda. Three carpets fly over the area
for reconaissance. The dwarves are clustering together as the
Bothnians take over. Kirok carries Janice and her staff to the
fortress, as Dagobert heads to a large cluster of dwarves, avoiding
the main concentration of Bothnian soldiers. As Kirok approaches
the fortress, he reads the thoughts of the soldiers they
are wondering why they were positioned in this area, why it is
so important, and they think things seem to be going well. The
leader of this group thinks about how he will stop these people
if they barricade themselves in the fortress or collapse it. Miranda
is waiting in the entrance, and they exchange information; Miranda
says that Captain Crichton may pose problems with them keeping
the dead drow. Inside, the fortress has a lingering odor of decaying
bodies; Janice is placed in the upper level.
Meanwhile Dagobert goes to the field hospital to help Clea to
the fortress, should the situation take a turn for the worst.
He learns from the dwarves that they are not happy about the Bothnians
taking control of the valley. The Bothnian field marshal, Carnahan,
had thanked General Tainen for his assistance; he then told the
dwarves to return to their homes in the mountains. Tainen then
argued with Carnahan that the dwarves needed to monitor the situation
for a while to counter any further threats in this unstable situation,
and the field marshal disagreed.
Dwarven soldiers sent to the rim of the valley begin returning,
except from the direction of the sound of shifting sand. Dagobert
arrives at the fortress with the slowly walking Clea. Behind him
can be seen 25 Bothnian soldiers approaching, commanded by Captain
Crichton; the soldiers posted near the fortress begin approaching
as well. In the distance, the dwarves can also be seen moving
in the direction of the fortress. Dagobert tells Kirok and Miranda
that the valley has been taken over in the name of Bothnia.
January 15, 2000
Kirok, Dagobert & Miranda
The sky overhead is partly cloudy, and there is a light wind.
Humans, civilians or mercenaries, are seen approaching the valley
from the direction of the destroyed town; dwarves are seen approaching
from another direction. The main body of dwarves in the valley
is approaching the general vicinity of the fortress. The Palmdale
Group discusses contingency plans. Clea climbs to the top of the
fortress to observe events in the valley. Miranda goes to gather
Janice and the drow body, to move them near the doorway for a
quick exit if necessary. A "poof" is heard, followed
by a wet slapping sound. Miranda sees a wet, nearly naked dwarf
lying on the ground floor of the fortress. He is semi-conscious,
covered with a gelatinous, wet material. Miranda and Clea investigate.
Miranda asks "Would you care to explain what you're doing
here?" The dwarf tries to respond; instead he spits out some
of the gelatinous material. The dwarf says, "Kirok, has it
started yet?" Miranda asks, "Has what started?"
The dwarf, eyes welling with tears, replies "The bloody conflict,
the killing of dwarves." Clea asks where he came from and
who sent him, and he replies "Kraddich sent me."
Meanwhile, Kirok focuses his helm on the approaching humans; the
troops have a sense of purpose, the captain has orders to obtain
the body. The captain is somewhat conflicted, in a negotiating
mentality. While scanning the area, Dagobert notices the dwarf
in the fortress, and says, "I'm sure that naked dwarf isn't
supposed to be in the fortress." Kirok replies "What!"
A flying carpet, meanwhile, passes overhead. The thoughts Kirok
reads from the dwarf are confused, the dwarf is trying to focus
his thoughts; he has been through a trauma. He thinks that he
must reach Kirok and stop the conflict. Kirok tells Dagobert to
keep the approaching individuals busy if he's not back when they
arrive, and he heads for the fortress. Dagobert says, "I
can do that. It's good luck to rub their stomachs, but it makes
them very angry."
Entering the fortress, Kirok says to the dwarf "I'm Kirok,
you have a message for me?" The dwarf looks at Kirok with
panic, and sees the approaching army through the doorway. He grasps
Kirok and says, "You must stop this before it begins! Just
let it go, our master Kradditch will get us out." Clea keeps
asking, "Who is Kradditch?" Meanwhile, Dagobert moves
out to meet the approaching soldiers. Kirok reassures the dwarf
that he will take care of things, then joins Dagobert. Clea bitch-slaps
the dwarf, and Dagobert tells her "Don't get that stuff on
your skin, it's very bad for humans." Crichton dismounts
from his horse and demands the drow body from Kirok, paying less
attention to Dagobert. Kirok asks where it will be taken, and
is told it will be sent to the capital city of Cass Majoris. Kirok
insures that the body will be under the jurisdiction of King Lactar's
government, and Crichton says that Field Marshal Carnahan and
the Bothnian troops are loyal to the king, although his thoughts
indicate that his is not sure all the troops are loyal to the
central government. Kirok requests that any information obtained
from the body will be given to the New Britain government.
After speaking with the dwarf, Clea emerges from the fortress,
trying to appear fit and strong, and heads for Crichton and Kirok;
Tainen also moves in. Dagobert says, "Captain Crichton, we
appreciate that you are following orders, your motives are personally
unsullied in this matter. Perhaps your superior's behavior towards
these allies who reversed your enemies' longterm occupation of
Bothnian-claimed territory is perhaps a little high-handed"
Clea uncharacteristically interrupts, saying "Dagobert, shut
up!" Kirok says, "You have something to say Clea?"
Clea walks nose to nose to Crichton and tells him to take the
drow, it is unimportant. Clea continues, "I have spoken with
the future. You must treat this valley and inhabitants with respect
and equality, or the events of the last 24 hours will pale in
comparison with the maelstrom which will occur." Clea expansively
extends her arm to include the former city and the nearby lava
pit. Kirok suggests to Crichton that he should treat his dwarf
allies with more respect.
Miranda removes items from the drow body, including a vial containing
a silvery liquid and sealed with a wax stopper, and a pouch containing
five gems. She also removes a ring from its finger; there is an
inscription on the inside of the band. Clea tells Miranda to bring
out the body. Crichton tells Kirok "On my honor, any results
will be shared with my dwarf allies." Kirok asks General
Tainen if that is satisfactory. Tainen grunts, "That will
be acceptable, but we will not leave this valley." Clea tells
him, with a pleading look, "Do not give too much importance
to this valley, it is small in the scope of things. It is more
important that you and humans co-exist in peace, or a holocaust
will be the result." Crichton asks Kirok "Who is this
woman?" Kirok replies "She is a senior member of our
New Britain group and a trusted member of my group." Tainen
says, "Wise words young woman. Who are you, how do you know
these things and why should I trust you?" Clea goes down
to her knees and says, "Does it matter if my words are wise?
I have spoken to the future." Tainen closes his eyes, puts
a hand on her shoulder, opens his eyes and says in dwarvish "Gentlemen,
sheath your swords." In common tongue he tells Clea "The
future rests on your shoulders." Clea drops her head in relief
and says to Dagobert "We need to leave this place as soon
as possible." Tainen asks "What do we do now, girl?"
Clea rises to her feet with assistance from Tainen, placing her
hands on the shoulders of Tainen and Crichton. She says, "All
the future has told me is that we of Palmdale must not be here,
we will be the catalyst to a cataclysm. Each of you must find
the strength and wisdom to coexist, or it will be the end."
Miranda emerges from the fortress with the body.
Reading thoughts, Kirok senses that Crichton is not sure what
is going on, Tainen's wisdom is telling him to trust. Clea drops
her arms to her side. Tainen tells Crichton that they can work
it out amongst themselves. Crichton has his men sheath their weapons,
and says to Kirok "On behalf of the Bothnian government,
I hereby request this drow prisoner's body." Miranda hands
the body over, and says that the drow saved hundreds of lives
and the body should be treated with respect. The body is placed
on a horse. Miranda asks to be kept informed. A wet "poof"
is heard from the fortress. Tainen selects Xerxes to accompany
the body to the capital.
Clea steps away from the group and prays, giving thanks for the
strength given to her in this effort. A small stone appears in
the air and begins circling her head she feels stronger.
Miranda tells Crichton she has more information about what occurred
here, and that she can be reached through the city of Palmdale;
she gives him a lock of her hair for him to scry on her with,
when more information is learned about the drow. Kirok goes into
the fortress to check on the sound and to get Janice. By the time
he reaches Janice his helm is operational again. Dagobert tells
Crichton that he should check with Lactar about Kirok before doing
anything rash.
The drow body is placed on the ground, with Xerxes in contact.
Crichton uses a patch to teleport them to the Bothnian military
headquarters. Most of Crichton's forces return to the field hospital,
while Tainen's men remain clustered around the fortress. Dagobert
speaks with Tainen. Kirok asks Clea what she had learned from
the dwarf she tells him that the Palmdale Group, and he
in particular, were to be a catalyst for a bloody racial war.
Since the dwarves used this much magic to send the dwarf back,
it must have been very important. Kradditch is the leader of the
dwarven magic users.
Around noon, more survivors trickle into the valley. Kirok requests
that Crichton inform him of any news concerning the New Britain
soldiers that had accompanied him. After about an hour, one of
the soldiers is found. He had nearly been pulled into the collapsing
city, and saw two other soldiers who were and did not survive.
It is learned that the sound eminating from the direction of the
destroyed city, similar to shifting sand, is apparently the result
of the solidification of the black liquid. A guarded holding area
is established near the field hospital for surviving mercenaries.
Dagobert tells Tainen that the Palmdale Group has information
on what happened here, but he doesn't know who to give the information
to. Tainen says he will pass the information to the eight dwarven
kingdoms west of the Eastern Korallan Mountains the largest
kingdom is ruled by Krichek. Dagobert gives him background on
the gummy gems, Miranda's shutdown of the gateway and the dwarf
community in Palmdale.
Gelatinous material from the dwarf who teleported into the fortress
is placed into a vial. Kirok collapses the fortress and lets Crichton
and Tainen know the Palmdale Group is heading for the transport
door, should any more surviving New Britain soldiers be found.
The group travels until nightfall. The following morning, cure
spells are cast on the wounded and the group moves on. During
the day, a magic carpet passes overhead. The group moves into
rocky terrain as they near the gate, and set up camp at nightfall.
Near daybreak, Dagobert spots a pair of wardogs, observing the
fortress about 50 feet away, and informs the others. Breakfast
is eaten, with people remaining watchful. Under a cloudy sky,
Miranda approaches the wardogs carrying scraps. The dogs are uninjured,
standing and apparently unpossesed. She signals them to sit and
the lead one does, and she throws it a scrap. She signals to the
other, it sits and she throws it a scrap. Both dogs approach and
she gives them more. They then sit, still distrustful of her.
She motions for the dogs to follow; they hesitate, then do so,
under a darkening sky.
The group continues on towards the gate, Miranda and the wardogs
in the lead; Miranda rewards the dogs when they behave. They reach
the doorway around noon. It is on a seven-minute cycle, and is
currently midway through the cycling size. It begins sprinkling.
The group waits about an hour; then a rock attached with a rope
is thrown through, and indicates a solid surface. After the group
debates for a bit, the New Britain soldier volunteers to go through.
Kirok instead goes through first and pulls twice on the rope to
indicate safety. Clea follows, then the rest. After about seven
minutes the dogs haven't followed, and the group continues on.
They find themselves in a clear area, at a lower altitude, partly
cloudy and warmer. To the south is a lake, and a path oriented
north-south leading to it. They head towards the lake, reaching
it in about an hour. There is a boat dock along the edge, well
maintained. In the distance is seen a large oar driven boat, six
oars to a side, moving towards the dock. It contains four people
along with cargo. As the boat nears the dock, lines are thrown
to the group; an older man appears to be the leader. Miranda tells
him the group is from Palmdale, and the man thinks he has heard
of it. The man tells them they are from the town of Herondale
to the north, and there is a transport gate nearby, oriented southwest/northeast.
To the south along a neaby river is Prestana. The path to the
north intersects with a main road, which eventually leads to Greyhaven.
Soon, a group of ten men come down the path for the cargo. The
Palmdale Group accompanies them on the path back to the north,
and the boat crew leaves in the direction they came.
March 25, 2000
It is about 4:00 p.m. when the Palmdale Group begins to accompany
the cargo haulers from Herondale. It is about two-and-a-half days'
travel to Herondale, half on the path and half on the road. It
is learned that the war didn't extend this far. Kirok asks about
Lactar and his keep, and one of the older men makes a snide comment
about King Lactar. Dagobert asks about Crescentville, and a younger
man tells him he had lived there, but moved with his family after
the "trouble" there. The town elders are trying to rebuild,
but many people are leaving. With two more hours to the road,
the group camps for the night: it is slightly overcast. Kirok
sets up the Daern's Instant Fortress for the entire group, then
everyone settles down for dinner. The New Britain soldier asks
if there is a garrison in Herondale there is. The cargo
carriers ask the Palmdale Group for stories of their adventures.
Miranda recounts being captured by orcs. Dagobert, after joking
that there are a few dogs in his ancestry but no humans, tells
of hunting down the bandit Merovich in the mountains to the east.
Janice speaks of the general adventure and travel she has experienced
with the Palmdale Group. Kirok summarizes the group's battle with
the crew of a pirate airship, and being sent through a rift into
an underground world. The New Britain soldier tells disjointed
references to battles in the valley and the destruction of Heaven's
The following morning is partly cloudy. The group breaks camp
and takes the road to the northwest, eventually moving into cropland;
four men on horseback, two merchants and their bodyguards, pass
the other way. The group reaches Herondale around noon, and begins
inventorying recently acquired items. Kirok spends two days praying
in the lawful-good church (of Forseti) to recover spells; while
there, he learns that the Ankh holy symbol is of Diancecht, physician
of the gods. Dagobert and Janice spend a week training to increase
a level in experience. The fortress is set up on the edge of town
for the rest of the group. The New Britain soldier is sent with
a group of soldiers to eventually reach Palmdale.
Kirok sends a message by crystal ball to Jym's contact in Prestana,
to be relayed to him:
Group was successful in our mission. We are currently spending
about a week in Herondale; we
plan to visit our associate's nearby keep, then travel to Prestana
and return home Kirok
Once training is completed for Dagobert and Janice, the group spends 2775 g.p. analyzing magic items. The items include:
Miranda's headband must be claimed, claimed by Janice
Miranda's archery brace once per day, an unerring hit
Ring of Fire Resistance claimed by Kirok
Ring of Sustenance claimed by Kirok
Wand of Fireballs, 17 charges kept by Miranda
dagger with whirlwind design a soul stealer; kept in Kirok's
custody, packed away along with other evil
Rope of Climbing kept by Miranda
three quaffs each of Climbing (Dagobert), Heroism (Miranda) and
Oil of Impact (Kirok); Janice is given
four quaffs of Extra Heal
Gauntlets of Dexterity (metallic gloves), claimed by Dagobert
Necklace of Spell Amplification (necklace with deep purple amethyst
gem); doubles effects of cast spells,
once per day; claimed by Kirok
Ring of Healing Multiplication (ornate ring); clerics able to
cast five additional Cure Light Wounds per
day; kept by Dagobert
pair of daggers claimable item, destructive; claimed by
scroll with healing sigil, five spells: Cure Light Wounds, Cure
Diseases, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure
Critical Wounds, Raise Dead claimed by Dagobert
Transmogrifying Tube (filigreed scroll tube); spell on scroll
placed inside will be changed, once per scroll
per week held by Janice
Lesser Deck of Many Things claimed by Dagobert
The magic shop can attempt to scry to Prestana, at 200 g.p.
per person. Kirok makes a 100 g.p. donation to the lawful-good
church. After the purchase of horses, there is 2785 g.p. remaining
from the recently acquired treasure. The scroll placed in the
filigreed tube has become a high-level magic-user spell, cursed
to shrivel the hands of the caster.
On the morning of the eighth day after reaching town, group members
test some of the magic items. The ornate ring contains an inscription
on the inside of the band, which Janice believes is a dedication,
a gift, in the shorthand used by jewelers. A jeweler translates
the inscription: "This ring is for the healing of destruction
in the world, and He shall know how to use it." Kirok tries
it on and feels there is something extra to the ring, but can't
quite tell what. Dagobert also tries it on, with no reaction;
he keeps it. Miranda declines to claim the headband, and Janice
tries it on and claims it; the stones glow softly and there is
a slight tingle. She makes several tests and finds it sharpens
her vision, almost painfully, and works much better in the dark.
Miranda claims the daggers and begins testing them; when the blades
are placed together, they appear to form a stylized lightning
bolt. There are scrapes on the blades, except for the cutting
edges. When they are held apart, Miranda has a feeling of energy,
and people nearby see a sheen of energy, strongest when the daggers
are farthest apart. She gets a buzzing sensation when turning
past someone. She sticks the blade of one into the ground and
begins moving away; about five feet away the energy builds to
its greatest extent then snaps off, building back up when she
moves back towards the other dagger. It is strongest when the
blade is pointed down. She plants both at the optimal distance
and moves out of range, feeling the rubberband effect and the
energy snapping off. As she moves back into the circle, there
is a flash of light visible to the others. Janice tosses an ear
of corn at the circle; it bounces back at her with the same force.
Janice throws it again at an angle, and it hits her once again;
she tries to enter the circle and bounces off. Miranda pulls up
the daggers and Janice attempts to activate them, but they do
not activate for her.
June 17, 2000
Later in the day, Miranda speaks with a cleric at the lawful-good
church concerning her encounter with the glowing orb. The cleric
knows of someone who is familiar with this phenomenon; it is either
a doorway to alternate realities or used to gate in a demon, and
three to five individuals are needed to create it. Those struck
by the energy tendrils tend to have bad luck, which can be counteracted
by the Bless spell or the use of magic wards.
The following day is slightly stormy; the group leaves town and
follows the road to Doring, setting up the fortress after dark
on the edge of town. The next morning Kirok inquires with the
lawful-good church about items he had recently acquired, but there
is no new information. The group leaves town and travels to a
lightly forested area and camps. Janice, Kirok, Dagobert and Miranda
take watches during the night, in that order. During Dagobert's
watch, he hears the sound of a great exhalation of air. In the
clear sky he sees the large, warm body of a dragon skimming the
treetops at 40-50 miles per hour. It is flying southwest to northeast,
getting as close as 20 yards from the fortress, but doesn't notice
it. Dagobert tells the rest "Dragon, but don't worry."
The next day they move into hilly terrain and camp. The group
reaches Greyhaven in early afternoon of the following day, and
investigates magic shops. Clea prays for several hours at the
lawful-neutral church she feels disconnected, empty when
trying to speak to her god.
The next day the group continues on to Lactar's keep, reaching
it at dusk; the torches are lit and the drawbridge up. The bleating
of sheep and the barking of a dog is heard, and a voice calling
for Zeus. The dog runs up to the group and Kirok greets it, petting
it. The groundskeeper, Jasper, approaches and inquires who has
arrived. Kirok announces himself and asks about Higgins. The group
enters the keep, and Higgins welcomes Kirok, Clea and the rest.
They have a private dinner with Higgins, updating him on Palmdale
Group adventures. Higgins reports that things are relatively calm;
he has hired additional groundskeepers and bought more sheep.
A few coinheads have shown up, and were subdued; the creator has
never been identified. There have been occasional visitors to
the keep. There had been a message from Lactar's sister, who had
inquired if Lactar had recently been to the keep she was
told that he hadn't been. The western portion of Bothnia is trying
to break away from the central government; there have been immigrants
from Bothnia to New Britain. The starship disc reader has been
installed and the discs catalogued they cover earth history.
The tunnel to the forest is closed. There are currently 20-25
people at the keep. Higgins has heard rumors about the Palmdale
Group; they were at the west coast about the same time the starship
reached the coast. There has been more drow activity in the forest;
they are apparently looking for something of value other than
the Anak fortune. Currently there are five guards at the keep.
The group debates whether to travel to Prestana or go straight
to Palmdale, eventually deciding on Palmdale. They stay the night
and begin traveling the following morning, camping that night
as well as the following night. On the morning of the third day
after leaving the keep, Miranda hears sounds from the horses outside
of the keep and sees a pack of wolves. She informs the others
and fires an arrow at what she believes to be the leader. Most
of the creatures slink off, but two remain. She hits again with
an arrow and yells, and the wolves back off. Investigating, the
group finds a trail of blood but no sign of the wolves. The skeletal
remains of a dragon are encountered later on the journey, only
large bones remaining from the scavenged body, the head missing.
The group soon begins moving through desert. Towards the end of
the seventh day a trail of dust is seen in the distance, moving
away. The next day they come across evidence of a caravan of 20-30
people on horses.
Near the end of the tenth day an encampment is seen in the distance,
made up of about ten tents. Figures wrapped in clothing point
to the approaching Palmdale Group. About 16 people emerge from
the tents, in ragged clothing. Clea casts Detect Evil her
Ioun stone orbits closer to her head, moving faster, and she detects
that two are evil. The leader of the group, a middle-aged woman,
steps forward. Kirok, at the head of the Palmdale Group, greets
the woman, who says they did not expect to find anyone this far
into the desert. She invites the group to eat with them; the horses
are tied to the edge of a tent containing mules and carts. They
didn't see the caravan the Palmdale Group had seen signs of previously.
The leader, Glynnis, says that their group, originating from different
communities, is journeying to the north on a pilgrimage. Most,
if not all of them, have a brown tattoo on the back of their hand
of a dragon eating its tail. There are seven males and nine females;
three are teenagers. Bowls of stew are provided to the Palmdale
Group. When Glynnis is asked about her religion, she refers to
"The Provider, He who shall deliver us." Members of
the group bow their heads for a moment. She is surprised that
the Palmdale Group hasn't heard of their religion. "Legends
have told of The Providerwe must divest of all worldly goods,
cross the breach." Clea asks if the breach is the anti-magic
crack it is. "The holy breach awaits us." Clea
inquires about their view on magic. "Our views are our own,
it is not our way." Their views also extend towards creatures
and things imbued with magic. Inquiring about their plans once
they reach their destination, Clea is told that the group will
cross the breach and reach The Provider.
Meanwhile, Kirok scans the two evils. One, a man in his 30s, thinks
that the group he is with is a bunch of schmucks; the other, a
middle-aged woman, believes but thinks that the leader is an old-fashioned
bitty. Kirok scans the leader, and sees images of a choker and
a jeweled necklace, tributes to The Provider. Others also think
of items they are taking as tribute, five items total; a dagger,
a ring, a carved wooden children's toy shaped as a dragon, a scroll,
and finally a choker and jeweled necklace. The evil male thinks
that when they reach the crack, he will take the tribute items.
Kirok picks up an obsessive belief in a Provider who has no physicality
from the group. After the meal, Clea moves behind a tent and experiments
with a light stone. She stops her Ioun stone and the light stone
darkens; starting the Ioun stone again, the light stone flickers
back to normal. She tries to use her power on the light stone
after stopping the Ioun stone, but the stone is unaffected.
When the meal breaks up, Glynnis and another woman invite Clea
to speak with them in a tent. Clea tells them that she has gone
through life-changing events; she tells them she is going to demonstrate
something. She pulls out a light stone, stops the Ioun stone and
darkens the light stone. The eyebrows of both women arch in surprise.
Clea tells the women that she was responsible for the recent dampening
of magic in the world. Glynnis is disbelieving, but the other
woman, Martha, whispers to Glynnis, and they move to talk alone.
Meanwhile Miranda talks to the teenagers, asking them why they
will kill themselves; they reply that they are not going to die,
but are passing on to a better world. Kirok notes that his helm
power drops briefly, then returns to normal. Clea emerges from
the tent and waits.
Glynnis and Martha soon emerge from the tent, and Glynnis says
"Our group needs to have a meeting, I will speak with you
afterwards." She invites the Palmdale Group to a tent and
attends her meeting. Kirok notes the last part of the conversation.
Clea briefly explains what she has been discussing and asks Kirok
to monitor the thoughts of those in the meeting. Kirok receives
scratchy references, an argument between two factions; Martha
on one side, the evil man on the other. Martha refers to Clea
as The Prophet, those on the other side think she is just a woman,
not of the prophecy; Glynnis takes a neutral position. By the
end of the meeting, a majority of them agree with Martha. She
appears at the tent flap and tells the group, Clea specifically,
that they have an issue of importance that they would like to
discuss with Clea. Clea tells her "You don't believe me."
Martha responds "There are always those who must be convinced,
a demonstration would be further proof."
August 12, 2000
While Kirok monitors the meeting, Miranda tests her daggers, placing
them in the ground and attempting to carry Janice into the circle;
she encounters resistance, pushes against it and pops into the
circle she senses that Janice was the cause of the resistance.
Dagobert sees a brief shimmer as the two pass through the barrier.
Miranda sets Janice down and attempts to leave the circle, encountering
a physical barrier. Janice tries to leave, with the same result.
Miranda once again carries Janice and tries to leave, encountering
the same resistance, and both pop out of the circle. She then
tries with Dagobert, but can't pull him through the barrier.
In response to Martha's statement, Clea replies, "That is
to be expected." After Martha leaves with Clea, Miranda comments,
"Does anyone else get the feeling that these people are not
all here?" Miranda and Janice leave the tent, Miranda staying
by the front entrance. Kirok continues monitoring thoughts while
Dagobert waits outside at the back of the tent. Clea is ushered
into the meeting; Kirok senses scattered thoughts, a great sense
of expectation, a reverence for Clea, of something to be shown.
Glynnis explains that their religion promises a prophet to lead
them through the wilderness; they want Clea to make a greater
display of her abilities. Clea protests that she is not a prophet,
that she has concerns about the extent of testing, the effects
on other people in their group. She is assured that the testing
will only go as far as she is comfortable.
Martha and her group take torches and lead Clea a distance away
from the group of tents, into a circle of torches. Miranda follows
from a distance, observing chairs within a circle of torches,
people singing intermittently for about 15 minutes. Following
the testing, Glynnis apologizes for having put Clea through the
testing; Miranda is able to hear portions of the conversation.
Clea appears not to have passed their tests, and tells the people
she is sorry she is not The Prophet, and invites the people to
live in Palmdale. After about 25 minutes the group returns to
camp. Martha then angrily confronts Glynnis, saying she believes
Clea is The Prophet, and will commune with her god outside. Clea
returns to the Palmdale tent, while Miranda observes Martha
she is sitting cross-legged, appealing for guidance. The Palmdalians
are invited to stay the night.
Once Miranda returns to the tent, Kirok asks what she has learned
she says Martha was actually talking to her god, who said
to keep an eye on the Palmdale Group. Kirok inquires about the
voice, and Miranda says it was male, speaking in common tongue.
Kirok continues to inquire, disbelieving, and Miranda leaves the
tent in a huff. Kirok monitors the thoughts of Martha and Glynnis,
the only two in the main tent. Martha is angry and frustrated,
not speaking to Glynnis, keeping something from her. Martha has
a sense of urgency, thinking of possibly following the Palmdale
Group and of ways to convince the others to follow her. Kirok
senses no thoughts from her god. The Palmdale Group members stand
watch during the night. The following morning the tents are taken
down, the group is invited to eat by Glynnis and two others; Janice
decides not to eat with them. Miranda eats but does not take part
in conversation. Dagobert says something about fasting. Kirok
and Clea remain sociable. Glynnis says her group will continue
to the north; they are two to three days from their destination.
Clea asks about Martha; Glynnis says she was in the tent when
they fell asleep, but was gone by morning. In conversation, some
people express interest in Clea's offer to settle in Palmdale.
Kirok reads minds people are not surprised by Martha's disappearance.
The evil male, Matthias, continues to follow his plan of acquiring
items at the end of the pilgrimage; Clea advises Glynnis to watch
him. Janice scans for magic, finding nothing unusual, but finding
that the pilgrims' magic dagger is missing. Glynnis wishes the
group well, apologizes and thanks Clea for her forbearance. Clea
repeats her offer, with no takers. The Palmdale Group travels
southeast, reaching Palmdale at the end of the second day.
Jym continues with the staff meeting, dealing with the damage
caused by the attack on Palmdale. A team is sent to reinforce
the tunnel to the starship. Steve is sent out in Erikson
to patrol outside of town. A team of farmers is organized to analyze
the soil displaced by the burial of the starship for farmability.
The seven female caravaners are assigned to make regular runs
to towns to the north. Following the meeting, Jym contacts the
secretary, initially reaching a receptionist, who places him in
contact with Professor Nimrod. Jym is told more magic users are
reporting in from outlying towns, but a number of field agents
sent to areas without magic are still out of touch; there is not
a lot of news from Prestana. Jym reports the Oracle was destroyed
and the king is missing; the professor tells Jym that the king
and his forces have been located and are well, but Excalibur
is missing. Enemy forces have retreated beyond the Wyrd River.
Jym tells Nimrod about the airship Erikson. Nimrod is trying
to arrange a meeting in about two months in Prestana.
Jym attempts contacting Excalibur, only receiving static;
Steve thinks something is blocking the signal. Jym then successfully
contacts Bree, which is on the Bothnian side of the mountains,
attempting to track the king. Jym asks them to check on Lactar.
When contact is attempted with Enterprise, the communications
system responds as if the vessel does not exist.
September 14, 2000
It is decided that four patrols will be conducted daily in the
desert within sight of Palmdale, using an aircar piloted by a
town militiaman accompanied by two soldiers. Material salvaged
from the remains of Oppenheimer's lab will be used with the Lyre
of Building to strengthen the tunnel to the starship. Work crews
are assigned to also acquire raw building material from the forest.
Wyre returns to Palmdale, seven days after he left. Recounting
his trip to the Palmdale Group, he tells them that the soldiers
who accompanied him, along with soldiers already in Ylldana have
set up a more secure environment for the townspeople. By the time
he left Ylldana, 200-250 people had returned to the town, having
previously scattered when it appeared the town would be overrun.
Many members of the town council had also returned by that point,
precluding Palmdale from taking jurisdiction. He estimates 50-60%
of the structures in town are salvageable. He was unable to gain
entrance into the magic shop Jim had mentioned, but learned it
was owned by a husband and wife, the wife having been killed and
the husband returning to the shop. The husband had hidden his
stock magically in a hiding hole, and has now reopened the shop.
Wyre was in the town for three days; on the second day he asks
to speak to the surviving townspeople. He gives a speech congratulating
them on their fortitude to rebuild the town, but encourages those
people who want to rebuild their lives elsewhere to go to Palmdale,
where they will be welcomed. He can tell that some are considering
it. When he left on the third day to return to Palmdale, 20 townspeople
follow him, including two familes totaling 7 people, and none
of them are evil. Most of them had not been west of the town since
Palmdale was incorporated. There is word that the town of Alberstam
sustained major damage; people are attempting to rebuild. There
is no news from further up the river. Some people saw a New Britain
work crew repairing the bridge, but using no magical enhancements.
Jym contacts the secretary. He is told that King Randolff was
scryed back to Prestana along with some of his advisers; the rest
of his group is tracking the enemy into the mountains to the north,
where the orcs and ogres are in retreat. The king is rallying
support against the invaders, and he will probably eventually
request the use of the Erikson. During the war, the town of Silvermist
was not heavily damaged. There was another mist attack during
the war; previously, the townspeople had believed it to be a curse.
The enemy had surrounded the town, and the people had prayed for
deliverance. That night the fog came in, and the next morning
the enemy were dead. Townspeople are debating whether this was
an answer to their prayers or mere happenstance. Concerning Malveria
and Zyconia, about one quarter of the town of Zyconia is salvageable,
and people are coming in to the area to help rebuild. There will
be a magic-user conference in a few months, where changes in the
magical field and new spells will be announced.
Through friends in Silvermist, Q in Flagg's body is scryed to
Palmdale along with a soldier. Q reports to headquarters and explains
what has happened to him. Wyre is wary of him.
Soon after work is completed on the Journey's Inn tavern, two
army officers accompanied by a well-dressed man arrive in Palmdale.
They go to the Palmdale Group headquarters carrying a scroll tube
embossed with the king's seal; the well-dressed man asks to speak
with Kirok or the highest-ranking member available both
Jym and Q say "That would be me." The man says "Whichever
one it is, I deliver this on behalf of the king of New Britain,
he requests your immediate response." Q tells Jym "Don't
you have something to do?" Jym sputters, then seems to understand,
agrees, then goes into the next room and closes the door.
November 9, 2000
After Jym leaves, the well-dressed messenger, named Armitage,
looks around the room. Q invites Armitage to have a seat; Armitage
is reluctant. Q introduces himself as Quietus; Armitage checks
a list of names while Q sits behind a desk. Armitage says the
LG high priest in Prestana assigned him to deliver the scroll
tube to Kirok or the highest-ranking cleric in Palmdale; the list
includes Clea. The item is intended for Kirok, who must be present
to make use of it. Armitage is to wait for a response; he has
a room in town, and will wait for Kirok for three weeks. Q unscrews
the lid from the tube, finding an unusually shaped crystal rod,
similar to a lengthy shard of magic but not glowing. Near the
far end of the rod is an etching, unrecognizable to Q. Q asks
Armitage to leave the room for a while, and he does so.
Q asks Jym about the rod; Jym looks at the etching, thinking it
might be an instruction. Q thinks the etching is vaguely familiar,
perhaps in an alignment tongue. Jym looks for Wyre, eventually
finding him working on the Journey's Inn tavern, which is nearing
completion. Meanwhile, Lenard takes a look at the etching
he had been tending to three wounded people on the second floor
of the headquarters. Lenard has seen the language before, but
he can't read it. Wyre returns to headquarters and looks at the
etching; he is able to read some of it Kirok is to hold
the item, invoke the name of his deity, and it will infuse his
request with rich magic; it also mentions something about Enterprise.
Jym communicates with Erikson, mentioning that Enterprise
is named on the shard, and wondering if it would bring Enterprise
back; the ship doesn't know, suggests bringing the shard aboard.
Q has Lenard detect for magic on the shard and scroll tube, and
the items have a mild aura.
Jym and Wyre beam up to the ship and take the lift to the bridge;
on the way Wyre detects no evil from the object. Jym asks where
he should hold the rod, telling the ship the rod is to be used
by another member of the group. The ship has ports that would
fit the rod, and it eagerly suggests placing the rod into one
of them, although it thinks that would probably not activate the
rod. Steve looks at the rod, saying he hasn't seen anything like
it on the ship and doesn't know how the ship would know. Steve
warns that the ship doesn't always do what is asked of it. Jym
doesn't want to take the risk, and says that Kirok would be upset;
the ship sighs but doesn't disagree.
Jym beams down, goes inside building #10. He asks Wyre to report
to Q; Wyre asks not to, he doesn't trust "it". Jym sends
a guard to tell Q he is taking "the package" to the
starship. Jym checks in with Stotty, giving him the tube and telling
him to hide it until Kirok returns. Stotty reports that some of
the ventilation problems are now stabilized; 40% of the undamaged
portion of the ship is now workable. Discussing the Lyre of Building,
Stotty says it might help with the gash in the hull, but he wouldn't
trust it to repair ship systems. It is possible for the ship to
recycle a limited amount of waste from townspeople to sell to
farmers as fertilizer. Vacuum-packed seed packets have been found
aboard the ship and are being catalogued; most of the garden aboard
the ship is not in good shape. Jym returns to the airship, where
he has been lodging. There is currently 20,000 g.p. stored aboard
the airship. It is noted that the airship is too young to generate
stasis chambers.
The next day, Black Fox and Elias return to town along with soldiers
sent to search out orcs and ogres in the nearby canyons
none were found. He updates the Palmdale group on what he has
done since he left, and they update him. Three days later, Kirok's
group reaches the outskirts of Palmdale late at night, approaching
from the south, noticing that the moat has been widened. It is
the 21st day of November. Through the partial cloud cover, Janice
notices an airship overhead, moving in the group's direction.
The town guards notice the group, and the airship hovers over
the group as Jym is notified of five riders approaching. The guards
question the riders, and Kirok tells them who they are. Jym goes
to the bridge, the ship descends, and Dagobert waves as a spotlight
focuses on him. The ship continues lowering until Steve recognizes
Clea and Kirok in the viewscreen; the ship says, "The captain
is below." One of Westing's aides greets Kirok. Jym asks
the ship to slow its descent, he will get Kirok, to which the
ship replies "Yes, I agree, bring Kirok and the captain."
As the five riders enter town, they smell the scent of food cooking
from the tent area set aside for refugees in the south end of
town. Jym beams down in front of the group as they approach headquarters.
Jym says, "It's about time!" Dagobert replies "For
what, cookies?"
November 25, 2000
Jym welcomes back the returning group, telling Kirok that the
airship is anxious to meet him, as well as its captain, turning
to Clea. Q says, "We are Q." Kirok says it's been a
long ride and asks if this needs to be dealt with right now; Clea
is confused. Jym says, "I don't know who you are, the airship
thinks you are its captain. Clea asks how urgent this is; the
group is tired. Jym hands Clea the communicator; she contacts
Erikson, asking it if she needs to come aboard. Erikson
replies, "Yes, captain." Clea asks Jym for more information,
and he tells her generally what happened since the airship showed
up. Jym comments, "Then you show up, the ship tells me to
bring its captain." Meanwhile, Q tells Kirok about Armitage
and the crystal rod. Clea inquires about the number of remaining
communicators; she mentions her ability to dampen magic and is
not sure how it will affect the ship, and that Steve should be
prepared to immediately beam her back down. Jym turns stridently
away to get Lenard's communicator. Clea asks the ship if she would
be able to board it from a tall building, but the ship would rather
that she beam aboard; Clea asks Kirok for other options.
Jym, using Lenard's communicator, asks too be beamed aboard, only
to be told that the ship is too busy now. Jym tells the ship that
he feels a responsibility to protect it. The ship asks if there
is something it needs protection from; Jym replies that he would
rather err on the side of caution. Meanwhile Kirok, Q and Clea
debate courses of action. The ship is anxious for Clea to board
it. Stotty approaches from the direction of the buried starship,
smiling, and welcomes the group back. Clea requests that all communicators
become active, then says "This is Clea of the Palmdale Group,
I'm beaming aboard Erikson, will remain in constant communication."
She asks for Steve to meet her in the transporter room. Erikson,
having moved away from inhabited portions of the town at Clea's
request, beams her aboard. There are no negative reactions immediately
noticed once she boards the ship.
Jym has also beamed aboard the ship; on the bridge, he notices
energy and magic level readings spiking. Clea asks the ship if
her presence is hurting it. Erikson says, "I'm in no pain,
but something feelswrong." Clea inquires about what is wrong,
and the airship describes feeling a void of some sort. Jym sees
that the readings on the bridge are fluxuating rapidly, and contacts
Steve. Steve asks about the energy reading, and is told it is
slowly decreasing; Jym estimates power levels will drop to zero
in four to five hours. Clea, after asking everyone to be quiet,
asks the ship if her presence is a threat to it. Erikson
replies "I do not believe you are a threat where you are,
but please don't go to the bridge." Jym, monitoring the K-12
indicator, asks Erikson if the drain is due to Clea's presence;
the ship thinks so. Clea tells the ship about her magical ability
to impede and dampen magic. Jym tells the ship "If she stays
aboard, energy will be zero before morning."
On the ground, Westing approaches the group, carrying his communicator,
with a look of "Now what?" Stotty suggests that Clea
go to the shuttlecraft bay, where the energy intake is located,
but Clea would rather be able to beam quickly off the ship, if
necessary. Erikson asks Jym for his recommendations; he
recommends that Clea leave the ship now, while Steve recommends
that Clea stay where she is. Steve tells Clea that there is a
measureable drop in the ship's life energy that wasn't happening
before she boarded. Jym again suggests that Clea leave before
she kills Erikson. Clea says that she is happy to be the
ship's captain, but it would be safer for both of them at the
moment if she beams down. Erikson agrees, but wants her
to have a communicator.
Once Clea leaves the ship, bridge readings begin stabilizing;
Jym informs Clea of this. Q says, "Usually, when Kirok is
in a city, it blows up." Clea says "Erikson,
please remain in the vicinity of Palmdale until I communicate
again." Westing says, "I'm not sure what's going on,
staff meeting in the morning." Jym talks with Erikson
about its past and its relation with Clea; the airship knows very
little of its own history prior to its appearance in the northwestern
plains of the continent. Its connection to Clea is based on Kirok
being captain of Enterprise the same person can't
be captain of two ships at the same time. Clea was also chosen
because she is the highest-ranking female of the group. Jym asks
about the possibility of Clea being unable to be captain; the
ship is unsure and will have to think about it. Erikson
tells Jym "No matter what else happens, you'll always be
my first commander." Jym stays aboard ship overnight. Dagobert
accompanies Stotty to the starship to sleep, as does Q. Miranda
spends the night in a room just off the entryway of the headquarters
building; Clea stays upstairs. Kirok investigates the crystal
rod before going to sleep. As the rod comes into contact with
Kirok's hand, the etchings change shape, becoming words he can
read "Insert this into the slot on the main control
panel of the bridge of Erikson, all will be revealed."
Kirok says "I'll sleep on that." Kirok and Janice stay
on the second floor of the building formerly belonging to Old
Witch Clara.
The next morning Jym beams down, looking for Janice and the Staff
of the Magi. Q and Dagobert return to the surface. Jym checks
the headquarters building for Janice, and is told by Clea and
Miranda where she is. Q enters the building where Kirok and Janice
are staying, and asks a guard if Jym has been in the building;
he is told no. Q goes upstairs to wait for Jym, smiling. Dagobert
enters the building from below; Jym arrives and asks him Janice's
location on the second floor. Kirok's room is the first
door on the left side, while Janice's is the second. Jym knocks
on Janice's door and wakes her up, asking to talk to her over
breakfast, and gets the Staff of the Magi. Q intercepts him as
he is leaving, asking Jym where his magic items are Jym
thinks they are in the tardis aboard the starship. While Jym waits
for Janice, he asks Dagobert about what happened since the group
left; Dagobert quickly covers what he can until Janice arrives.
Dagobert accompanies Q to the starship. Kirok is the last to wake
up, as Clea and Miranda tour the town on the way to breakfast
at the Dragon's Lair Inn.
Black Fox, accompanied by another elf in civilian clothing, talks
to Clea and Miranda for about 15 minutes. Black Fox recommends
bringing his kinsman, Link into the group's confidence since
the Palmdale group has been actively seeking a full-blooded elf
(in addition to Black Fox, himself), to possibly help use the
ring artifact. Although the group is initially cautious about
integrating an outsider into their inner circle, Kirok uses the
helm of telepathy to question the young elvan fighter and discovers
him to be an honest man, who makes no attempts to conceal his
background or motivations. Link, (a humanized version of his elvin
given name of L'Nk), has been adventuring for nearly a year as
a sword-for-hire, since the death of his grandfather. That grandfather,
who himself had been a successful elvin fighter, on his deathbed
bequeathed his magical sword to Link, under the condition that
Link carry on his tradition of glorifying the family's reputation
through his adventures. Link reveals to his new comrades in the
Palmdale group that his trusty longsword has the ability to truthfully
answer one "yes or no" question posed to it weekly about
whatever it is allowed to touch.
Jym and Janice also eat breakfast at the inn, sitting at an open
table. Clea tells those at her table that she will try to convince
the ship to allow someone else to become captain. She wants to
establish a church and examine her power. Miranda suggests that
Clea could have a position of authority without being aboard the
airship; Clea responds that if the ship had to leave, she wouldn't
be able to communicate with it. Miranda says, "Every ship
has to have a home port somewhere." Meanwhile Janice updates
Jym on events, and Jym describes the battle to save Palmdale.
Kirok gets up and talks to the guard about the Palmdale people
who had come into the building earlier. He goes to the inn lobby,
seeing the Palmdale people. Kirok asks the clerk about Armitage
and goes to see him. He talks to Armitage about the rod. Kirok
goes to Jym and Clea, asking to talk to them outside. Kirok tells
the others about the rod-shaped shard, telling them he plans to
check it out before the staff meeting. They decide to beam the
core group aboard Erikson to view the message. Meanwhile
Q and Dagobert meet at the tardis; Q asks Dagobert what he knows
about mind transference Dagobert hems and haws, but doesn't
know anything. Q checks the tardis and gets his magic items.
December 16, 2000
While Clea, Janice, Black Fox and Link go to the headquarters
building, Jym beams aboard the airship. The airship moves to the
outskirts of town, lowering enough to allow Kirok, Q, Dagobert
and Miranda to board it. As Jym settles into the commander's chair
aboard the bridge of Erikson, and Miranda, Dagobert, and
Q-as-Flagg seat themselves at the other stations, filling the
bridge. Kirok places the irregularly shaped crystal shard into
the port on the communications console that Steve has pointed
out to him. After a few seconds of clicking and humming, a miniaturized
transparent projection of the group's long-absent member Erik
appears looking similar to the projected images that are
present when the ships crew communicates with other ships' crews,
but in this case a recorded message. The 2' tall image of Erik
speaks, not directly to any individual but to the empty stillness
of Erikson's bridge. "Greetings to you all, my former
comrades. Enterprise and I will not be returning to you.
She has chosen to explore another realm, and has given me the
opportunity to accompany her, which I have accepted. I will try
to communicate again with you if circumstances allow it. Enterprise
has left a parting gift for you at coordinates which this crystal
will place inside Erikson's memories." The expression
on the face of Erik's projected image turns wistful. "I leave
you with one final, parting message The things I've witnessed
and participated in these past few months have changed my life
forever. Your new ship, Erikson, and its sister Moria,
will keep Enterprise's legends alive for coming generations.
I look forward to seeing you all again in the future, or in the
next world!" The image of Erik freezes, then fades out...leaving
an eerie silence on the ship's bridge. A silence broken by Miranda's
quiet question, "So where is Moria"...
Jym asks Erikson the coordinates that were input to the
ship's computers they lie in the western part of the continent,
south of the northern mountains. Kirok has Steve attempt to contact
Moria, but there is no success after several minutes. Kirok
also asks for the status of the other airships:
Bree active on this continent Excaliber
blocked Lighthelm active on this continent
Eledrea blocked Gallea blocked M'Jarrin
too far
Enterprise blocked K'Thyra blocked
Paladin too far
Jym asks if there are any new ships; nothing shows up. He
asks Erikson if there are other ways to contact Moria
none that it knows of. Jym asks the ship how it feels about
Enterprise leaving it; it is melancholy, doesn't know where
Enterprise would have gone. The ship descends. Steve says that
there are seven communicators available; four of them are with
Westing, Stotty, Jym and Clea.
A staff meeting is held at military HQ. In attendance are Westing
and several of his top aides, as well as the core Palmdale Group,
Black Fox, Stotty, Spock and a teamster representative. Trade
with communities to the north is discussed. A group of gnome miners
at the edge of the hills would like trade relations with Palmdale.
The military reports that repair of the bridge between Malveria
and Ylldana is continuing, travel will be possible within a week,
the reconstruction of Ylldana is continuing. Refugees are continuing
to trickle into town Spock is responsible for their welfare.
Palmdale Group construction priorities are the tunnel, the Journey's
Inn tavern and the rear entrance to town, to be followed by enhancement
of the front gate. The blacksmith shop run by the dwarves George
and Gracie is able to do small jobs, and will be fully functional
within a few weeks. Stotty reports that the starship air filtration
system has a few glitches yet; he thinks everyone in town could
be evacuated to the starship if necessary. A dwarf guard named
Bertek is selected to catalog plants and seeds from the starship's
botany bay. Kirok asks that an antenna for the starship radio
be constructed, and suggests having the djinni create wood each
day for construction purposes. It is noted that all of the refugees
have been human, elf or half-elf. The meeting adjourns, and the
Palmdale Group returns to their HQ.
It is decided that Clea and Wyre will remain with the town. Jym
wants to investigate the equipment left by Enterprise. Kirok reminds
the group about Ugely and the transport ring; Q is concerned about
recovering his body, Dagobert about the gold and guards remaining
in Junker. The ring is discussed, and Jym has Stotty retrieve
the ring from the starship. The two elves observe the ring; it
contains eight pictographs in no specific order. The elves attempt
to decipher the symbols, coming up with the following: formula
or combination, blessing, curse, home/homing, or a place that
is a focal point; one of the symbols is associated with the ancient
magical slug creatures. Frentilias verifies the three that Ugely
identified travel, healing and group. The ring is estimated
to be 5000 years old.
Link proposes using his sword's magical questioning ability to
help determine the safety of Black Fox using the ring, however
the other group members recommend holding back on such a "yes
or no" question until they've narrowed down their options.
Kirok casts an Augury: "What will be the results to Frentilias
touching the ring?" The answer is weal. Link observes that
a full elf might not need to concentrate in order to use the ring.
The Helm of Telepathy is transferred to Frentilias. Kirok casts
another Augury, concerning the results to Jym and Q if they touch
the ring along with Frentilias; the answer is neutral. They all
touch the ring; the two magic users feel nothing, while Frentilias
learns more about the ring settings. From the travel symbol, he
gets the feeling that the ring can take you to someplace you have
been to or are aware of. The healing symbol, when used, can be
used to heal any species. The group symbol indicates that four
individuals total can be transported. The combination/formula
reveals that things must be thought of in steps in order to work
properly. Blessing/curse prior to use, the user may institute
a blessing or curse to those traveling. The symbol associated
with the ancient magic slugs gives the impression that some of
those creatures are built into the ring. The home/homing symbol
is the focal point or home setting for the ring, and is driving
Ugely's compulsion.
With the rest of the group watching with concern, Frentilias [Black
Fox] grasps the ring strongly with one ungloved hand, reporting
a tingling feeling of energy. Taking positions facing outward,
both Dagobert and Q-as-Flagg also grasp the Ring, making direct
contact between the metal and their skin. Black Fox, wearing the
helm of telepathy, reads Dagobert's thoughts as the dwarf focuses
his concentration on the forested clearing where Q's body was
left behind. When, after a few moments of concentration, Black
Fox has a clear image in his mind of the forested clearing, he
gives a mental command to the ring to power up, lock on location,
and...GO! All three of the travelers feel an intense build-up
of energy (similar to a build-up of static electricity), then
in a split second they find themselves standing...elsewhere. Examining
their surroundings, they discover that they are in a cool, damp
open area in the midst of a heavily forested region. Q's quick
interpretation of the sun's angle reveals that they have most
likely traveled several hundred miles to the west (presuming there
was no measurable passage of time during their transport). Approximately
15 feet away, the trio see Q's body, frozen in the sepia-toned
energy column which is the result of the Sepia Snake Sigil
still holding the lower half of the late Damien's body. Seeing
no evidence of threat, Dagobert and Q let go of the Ring, and
Black Fox tells them he senses that the artifact must recharge
for a time before being used to teleport again perhaps 15
to 20 minutes. A closer look in their vicinity reveals heavy foot
traffic around Q's statuesque form, and around the nearby crash
site where the Cygnus came to rest mere weeks ago. The markings
on the groups indicate both old and recent passage of numerous
individuals all apparently on horseback. After a brief discussion
about magical physics, and whether or not Q's body will automatically
"blow up" (which he is supposed to do once per month)
when the sepia snake sigil effects are dispelled, the Palmdalian
trio find cover behind some downed trees 50 feet from Q's frozen
body. Dagobert casts Dispel Magic, eliminating the effects holding
Q still, and the trio see the energy column dissipate. Q decides
to risk examing his body himself, and turns over all his magic
and weapons to Black Fox and Dagobert, who he requests remain
behind cover. Q-as-Flagg approaches Q's body, which has dropped
Damien's eviscerated remnants. As Q-as-F gets within 10 feet of
Q's body, Dagobert and Black Fox can see both figures begin twitching,
almost as if they are suffering a seizure. Black Fox, using his
own and his Toad familiar's vision to scan their clearing for
threats, sees movement deep in the trees figures 8-10 feet
tall but indistinct...several of them. Dagobert can see Q's body
and Flagg's body arguing intensely as the dwarf and the elf move
out of cover towards the arguing figures. As the indistinct creatures
continue to move to encircle the band of adventurers, Black Fox
and Dagobert rejoin Q (now in his own body) and Flagg (now in
charge of his own body again and not particularly happy
about his weeks of subjugation). Black Fox unwraps the Ring, identifies
the potential threat in the trees and says "We need to get
out of here...Now!" Q picks up Damien's remains and quickly
asks Black Fox if he can transport the additional weight, to which
Black Fox responds "It's worth trying...but we need to go
NOW!" As Dagobert, Q and Flagg all grip the ring and Black
Fox concentrates on returning to the Palmdalian HQ, all but Black
Fox can see the vague forms of riders on horseback encircling
the clearing before the energy buildup bursts, carrying
them back to Palmdale.
In the Palmdale HQ, approximately 30 minutes have elapsed since
the Ring-bearing trio disappeared, when they suddenly reappear
only this time there's four of them! As Black Fox weakly
falls to his knees, obviously exhausted from controlling the Ring,
Dagobert, Flagg and Q let go of the artifact and Q takes one step
towards his comrades, holding onto the bloody half of Damien's
body and saying "I'm back!"
January 27, 2001
The Ring-teleporting group recounts what happened to them.
Lenard, investigating the remaining half of Damien, comments "He's
worse than dead, his upper half is gone!" The disposition
of Damien the half-a-body is discussed. Wyre thinks of several
refugees that may be willing to have a sepia snake sigil placed
on them in order to place the body in stasis. Within a half-hour,
Wyre returns with an Ylldana refugee, a man in his 20s named Pall,
who is hired for this task as a bearer/porter. He has a sister
in Malveria who is safe. He and Damien are placed in Ahlric's
former room; exterior damage to the room has been repaired, but
the interior needs work. It is about noon.
Miranda wishes to make contact with Captain Crichton, and suggests
telling the Bothnian government about the gummy gems. Stotty begins
work on an antenna for the starship radio. It is determined that
10-15,000 g.p. need to be left with the town for normal operation,
while 50,000 g.p. is to be taken with the group. Wyre and Flagg
will remain with the town. Plans are debated Jym wants the
group to stay together and investigate the Enterprise treasure;
Kirok wants the ring tested and an attempt made to cure Ugely.
In the evening, after Black Fox has recouperated, the teleport
ring is tested inside headquarters. Dagobert, Lenard, Jym and
Kirok observe the testing, Kirok monitoring thoughts. Black Fox
and Link touch the ring at the same time, and are able to sense
each other through the Ring. Kirok then touches the Ring, but
the elves only sense additional weight. Black Fox senses a feeling
of greater power due to the two elves, Link senses the Ring's
abilities, senses a home setting but no compulsion to use it.
With the two of them grasping the Ring, they sense that they are
much farther from reaching the maximum teleport weight. Jym touches
Link's skin, but Link senses no change. The elves don't sense
additional information about the Ring's functions. Black Fox touches
the ring alone, tries to control the Ring, then Link touches it;
there is no change.
Lenard brings down the injured Number One. Black Fox tries to
heal her, first without touching her he senses the function
is not working due to distance. Link touches the Ring, sensing
it is under Black Fox's control. Black Fox touches Number One,
the heal function still doesn't function due to distance, even
with both elves trying at the same time. Black Fox touches the
ring to Number One's skin, senses a connection is established,
that something needs to be healed. As he tries to heal her, the
two blip out of the room, popping back a moment later in slightly
different positions. Number One steps away, feeling completely
healed. The two senses that they had teleported into a void for
a moment; Black Fox does not feel weakened by having used the
function. Link touches the ring while Black Fox is in control,
and they sense an energy buildup, each other.
Janice gathers people with varying degrees of injury; Number One
insures they are blindfolded. Both of the elves mentally examine
the Ring's icons, not being able to sense what the other is doing.
Black Fox tries the blessing setting, both sense power turning
on; Link tries the healing setting, the ring switches to healing
and Black Fox is unable to get control back. Link concentrates
on heal but doesn't try to control, Black Fox is able to change
the setting. When Black Fox tries to control the Ring, Link is
able to take control away from him. They then try to do the same
thing by just touching the ring to skin; the link is broken when
not touching skin, but Link is able to take control while in skin
contact with the Ring.
A man with a broken arm is led in, blindfolded, and Black Fox
and Link touch the ring to his skin, but sense no contact. Jym
wishes to slightly injure the man and then attempt to cure him
with the Ring; Kirok and Dagobert debate the merits of this course
of action with Jym. The blindfolded man changes his mind, declines,
and Black Fox tries to calm him. The man leaves. A construction
worker with an infection is brought in, is given a seat. Both
of the elves are needed to activate a cure for the man. The same
process occurs as when Number One was healed, but it takes longer
than previously, and the elves are slightly drained; a scar is
left on the man's arm. The man sensed a grey void during teleportation.
A man missing a leg is brought in no connection is made.
While testing the Ring, the elves sense that eight individuals
(two elves and six passengers) would not exceed the Ring's capabilities.
A ninth passenger would begin to overload the Ring, and a tenth
would not be possible. Link attempts teleporting while activating
the bless function, taking Janice as a passenger. They teleport
to another room not much energy was used, but the group
feels blessed. They note that they are weightless in the grey
area. After testing the ring, both elves board the airship to
familiarize themselves with it for teleportation purposes.
Meanwhile, Q looks into getting a suspended animation chamber
operational. In the evening, Q and Miranda return to headquarters.
The two elves, Kirok, Miranda and Q go to Ugely's room. Kirok
monitors Ugely with the helm while the rest prepare with the Ring,
touching it to the skin of the lightly snoring Ugely. Energy builds,
but no connection is made. The elves feel that the energy capacity
increased slightly. Kirok mentally recommends to Black Fox that
they teleport nearby; Black Fox decides to hold the ring on Ugely
longer, and Kirok mentally informs the rest of the group. After
about 20 seconds a buildup is sensed, just as Ugely wakes up.
Kirok reads from Ugely's thoughts a very brief sense of confusion,
then a realization of what is happening and that he can take advantage
of it, with one thought "The Ring!" Kirok uses
the helm in an attempt to Suggest to Ugely "You will not
use the Ring." It doesn't work; Q sees Kirok mentally communicate
to Ugely, the two elves sense the presence of Ugely as he takes
control of the Ring. Black Fox wrenches the ring away from Ugely;
Miranda loses her grip on the Ring, and in a burst of energy,
the remaining three teleport out. Kirok senses madness and confusion
from Ugely, of a missed opportunity. Ugely mentally shouts "No!"
He then becomes incoherent; Kirok senses homesickness and longing
from him. It is about 9:00 p.m.
Black Fox, Link and Q are in the grey zone for about five seconds.
They wake to find themselves lying on the ground at night in a
forested glen, Black Fox with the ring in his hand; he senses
they haven't reached the home setting. The air is cool; he senses
that time has passed or they have traveled a considerable distance
to the west, at a slightly higher elevation. The glen looks like
a place where elves may have gathered in the past. It is estimated
that the ring will take 15-30 minutes to recharge. Markings, difficult
to make out, are seen on trees facing into the glen; stones are
set into the ground in an unusual pattern, overgrown. The elves
think this is a large summoning ward for an elven deity. Q places
a transport target outside the edge of the circle pattern. Black
Fox wraps up the ring in a cloak, moves to the center of the pattern
and feels a vibration from the Ring. He tells the others, and
Q advises Black Fox to move out of the pattern. The ring vibrates
less outside of the power circle; the ring power is apparently
building faster.
Q's lightstone blinks; the elves hear a soft female voice, faint,
speaking in old elvish which only Black Fox understands
"Why are you here?" Q only hears the wind. Black Fox
tells the voice "Through an accident." He informs the
others of what was said. The voice wishes to know what they brought.
Q tries his levitation boots, and they work. Black Fox says "Kinsmen,
or those who would like to be." The voice asks, "Why
do you despoil my realm with the unclean?" Black Fox replies,
"That was not our intention, nor did we mean any disrespect."
Q, backing off, sees a foggy mist uniformly moving into the glen
depression, and informs the others. Q, moving towards the edge
of the clearing, feels as if the mist has snagged him, feels resistance.
Black Fox paraphrases the latest communication from the entity,
telling the rest that the entity says that the portal has been
defiled, and has asked how the toll will be paid. Black Fox, at
Q's urging asks, "What manner of toll would you accept?"
The entity replies "A life will suffice."
The mist reaches Black Fox, but doesn't restrain him. Q is unable
to break free, the fog encasing his lower extremities; he settles
back to the ground. Black Fox tells Q that it doesn't like being
addressed by him. With two minutes to go until the ring is recharged,
a strong buzz is felt from the Ring. Q is able to move to where
the two elves are standing. Black Fox tells the entity "His
life shall not be the toll, what other toll would you ask?"
The entity says, "One life will suffice, that of an animal,
but not an elf." Black Fox thinks about a reply, then about
the Ring's blessing function, then teleportation; the other two
grab ahold of the ring and blip out, with something trying to
hold back Q; they blink out.
March 29, 2001
Kirok informs Dagobert and Lenard what has happened, and asks
Lenard to try and calm Ugely down the best he can do is
make a drink to calm him. Ugely appears to be speaking an ancient
language; Kirok suggests "Sleep" to him, and it works.
The group rests for the night.
In a room to the side of the main headquarters room, the two elves
and Q pop in, exhausted, especially Black Fox. Q loses his grip
on the ring. The two elves hear a trailing whisper, and Black
Fox makes this out to be "Wait for m", and the rest
is lost. Dagobert is woken up by the returnees, and yells that
they have returned; Lenard is heard moving upstairs, and Miranda
is woken up; it is 3-4:00 a.m. The elves feel that the ring is
drained. Lenard comes downstairs and asks if they need assistance,
they decline, and wrap the ring in cloth. Clea comes down to investigate,
calls the airship to let them know that the testing is complete
and there will be a meeting in the morning. A guard goes to tell
Kirok that the three have returned. The elves sleep in the headquarters
building, keeping the ring with them.
The next morning the Palmdale Group, along with Janice, Number
One and Lenard, meet at HQ. Lenard reports that Ugely is still
sleeping. Link checks the ring, it is still recharging. The three
travelers are placed at the head of the table, and recount the
events after they teleported. Q says that non-elves shouldn't
return to the glen. Jym urges that the Enterprise treasure
be recovered. Wyre, Flagg, Clea, Janice, Number One and Lenard
will be staying with the town, and Miranda wishes to contact Captain
Crichton. Options are debated. It is decided that Lenard, along
with two guards, will take Ugely to Prestana in an attempt to
cure him. Eight guards, former Enterprise crewmen, will
help man the airship. To help the town hire more guards, 5,000
g.p. is left there, leaving 45,000 g.p. on the airship. In addition
to the eight guards, Kirok, Jym, Q, Dagobert, Black Fox, Link
and Steve will accompany the airship. The teleport ring is placed
in the captain's quarters. Miranda gives up two quaffs of Heroism
potion to Link and a Wand of Fireballs to Black Fox.
The next morning, Lenard and his group leave town for Prestana.
Miranda asks Kirok to cast a Bless on her before she begins her
journey to the north, and he does so. Final preparations are made,
and the airship warps away to the northwest. On the viewscreen,
the ship can be seen passing over desert, clear terrain and two
rivers; the ship returns to normal space around 11:00 p.m. in
hilly terrain. Steve states that within 6-7 hours the ship will
be able to warp again. The ship moves two hexes to the north while
recharging. Before daybreak, the ship warps again, passing over
a river, clear and hilly terrain, popping back to normal space
over hilly terrain, having traveled less distance than the first
warp. There is cropland to the southwest, and wood smoke scenting
the air.
Dagobert uses the broom to investigate the area as the ship heads
for town. He flies over fields, and after five minutes he spots
three individuals with a wagon, walking a path and heading the
same direction. Dagobert lands behind them and walks up to them,
asking them what the town ahead is called. After initial surprise
and suspicion at seeing a dwarf in farmland, the farmer, in his
50s, tells him the town is named North Saldon, and is about six
miles away, with a population of several hundred people. The farmer,
Silas, and his two sons are heading to their farmhouse and offer
Dagobert food, but he declines. Dagobert thanks them for their
help and flies to town, seeing lights from farmhouses on the way,
and lands at the edge of town at dusk. Several people can be seen
walking towards the inn. He sees mainly humans, with one half-elf
seen entering the inn/tavern. Dagobert spots a magic shop, closed
for the day. He sees that there are no major roads leading into
town. He flies back to the airship. Erikson is parked at the edge
of town for the night, hovering over cropland.
June 16, 2001
The ship warps, ending up in a forest. After resting, the ship
warps again, stopping at the edge of a mountain range, in a hilly
area; the ship senses magic. The next morning Steve reports the
ship is at 60% power. Erikson moves north, following a
river into a small canyon. The ship begins feeling edgy, excited
by a tingle of energy while nervous at being in a confined space
above water. Steve says the ship is recharging faster than usual.
Link takes the Broom of Flying in order to fly ahead of the ship
and investigate the package left by Enterprise; Jym monitors
him using Stringfellow Hawk, watching Link follow a bend in the
river canyon and light diminishing as contact is lost. About a
half-hour later Jym senses String returning, with a fragment of
parchment in its claw. The message says that about four hours
ship travel time from when Link left, he found a hole in the side
of a mountain, containing glowing crystals, goblins, and something
larger than human, which attacked the goblins, throwing them off
the mountain.
The ship continues on. Jym, Dagobert, Q and Black Fox board the
Rug of Welcome, Q wearing the Helm of Telepathy. Jym sends String
ahead, and Q sends his raven; the hawk reaches the mountain first,
seeing a gaping hole in the mountainside, a debris field about
two-thirds of the way up the side, and goblins converging on the
hole from above and below. Inside the hole is a vaguely humanoid
creature, covered in moss and plants, its legs and arms the size
of tree trunks, roaring at Link who is flying out of reach. There
are glowing stones inside the hole, as well as scattered down
the mountainside below, being pushed by goblins.
Link sees String return with a message. The creature picks up
a chunk of debris; Link retrieves the message and moves into the
shadows, and is missed when the creature throws the debris at
him. The message advises Link not to do anything stupid, a group
will back him up soon. Link hits the creature with an arrow, while
the creature crushes a goblin's skull in rage and picks up more
debris. String sees at least three arrows in the creature, and
a large wound on the side of its animal-like face, vines coming
off of its body. The creature is 10'-12' tall, with a shifting
nature to its appearance. It grabs a chunk of crystal and places
it near its face. Link fires, misses. The creature pauses to digest,
withdraw energy, and appears to be healing itself. The creature
throws a rock at Link, misses. Link orders goblins to drop more
rocks down the mountainside Link sees dozens of goblins
at this point. Link hits the creature, while it misses.
Goblins coming up from below the hole are wearing armor. The goblin
leader instructs an underling to use ropes in order to ensnare
the creature. Link accidentally hits a goblin in the back, others
nearby look at Link. The raven flies up to Link and asks "Who
is the enemy?" Link replies it is a shambler, and the goblins
are also trying to destroy it. The goblins have no distance weapons
and have been unable to subdue the creature. Link tries to convince
the goblins he is a friend. The familiars are able to see 50-75
goblins; the carpet is still about 15 minutes from reaching the
site. Link thinks there is a goblin encampment or community nearby.
Link yells for the goblins to cut the vines; Link hits the creature
once again with an arrow, it turns toward him, then begins toppling
down, hitting 15'-20' down the mountainside, held by ropes. The
ropes are cut; Link hits the creature again with an arrow. A rope
breaks, the creature tumbles down the mountainside through the
debris field, into the stream, and is carried downstream
the creature is still moving. Goblins are gathering crystals on
the mountainside, placing them in packs, while Link gathers crystals
further away. The raven investigates where the goblins are coming
About ten minutes after the fall of the creature, the creature
is spotted by the crew of the approaching rug. The creature, 150'
below, is still moving and floating downstream. Jym fires a lightning
bolt at the creature it shudders, wails, stops moving and
continues floating downstream; he then casts Light on the creature,
and it is absorbed. Jym once again fires a lightning bolt at the
creature its body shudders, breaks into multiple pieces.
They soon reach Link, whose saddlebags are slightly glowing. Jym
throws out a few lightstones, illuminating about 20 goblins that
remain within the cavern, the entrance of which is about 40' wide.
The goblin leaders are urging their followers to hurry up. Jym
sends String to search for the goblin camp. Large chunks of magic
crystal that the goblins couldn't move remain within the cavern.
More goblins can be seen climbing along the mountainside above
the cavern entrance. The Palmdalians attack the goblins on the
mountainside; Dagobert hits and kills one with his Dwarven Thrower,
while Q kills one with an arrow. Jym webs the entrance. Black
Fox fires a fireball, which detonates above the cavern opening
and interacts with the crystals; a web of energy connects the
goblins with the crystals, there is an energy discharge, chunks
of the mountain fall through the web covering the entrance and
flaming goblins hit the water below. Six goblins remain hanging
onto the mountain high above the cavern.
Aboard the airship, the crew hears a dull, booming roar that echoes
back and forth; Steve detects less magic ahead. Meanwhile, Jym
and Dagobert tell Black Fox "Don't do that again." A
cloud of dust and debris obscure the entrance, but it is possible
to see that the web is torn. The rug is moved in order to get
a better view, and Link follows. Dagobert kills one of the goblins
climbing above the entrance. About three-fourths of the web has
been torn away, but only the entrance to the cavern has collapsed,
the cavern remains. Jym webs three goblins climbing above the
right side of the entrance. Dagobert hits another, which falls
downslope, and Link kills one more; two of the webbed goblins
beg to be spared. Black Fox hits one of the climbing goblins with
a slingstone and it falls, Dagobert kills another.
March 30, 2002
Miranda travels northward from Alberstam to New Havendish.
There was recently a clerical convocation in the city and Miranda
is able to learn that clerics from most of the alignments in the
area are planning to help the smaller communities rebuild after
recent attacks. A few people from this area are being sent to
Ylldana but there is no plan to send anyone to Palmdale. Miranda
goes to the magic shop in mid-morning, purchasing a scry to Valley
Base South of the mountain passes. The scry opens up on the back
of a middle-aged man, walking down a narrow street; footsteps
can be heard, which recede. The window is turned into a doorway,
and she goes through with her horse the weather is clear,
sunny. She leads her horse to an intersection where some New Britain
uniforms and one Bothnian uniform are seen on soldiers; this is
the commercial part of town. She exchanges a gem with a gemologist
for some Bothnian currency. She gets a room for the night, heads
north the next day and camps that evening. She reaches Mountain
Base West the next evening before dark. The guard at the gate
asks her business she has a message for someone in the dwarf
community. She heads for the dwarf embassy gives the following
report to a secretary in the Dwarven "embassy", requesting
that it be passed on to General Tainen:
The Palmdale group has recovered 10 of the gem type creatures
who seemed to have had a major role in the events of Heaven's
Glen. They were found near Palmdale before that event took place
and one has since been killed while being studied in Prestana.
One was interrogated while in possession of a goat and it claimed
that the gems were leading the war. The gems had been found being
carried in a pouch by an Ogre. The gem admitted that they are
effected by the recent magic dampening field and it has been shown
that dispel magic does separate them from their host, leaving
the host dead. Killing the host does not appear to damage the
gems and they have been seen to leave a host willingly, also leaving
the host dead. One victim of possession was recovered after using
a Bead of Curing and Exorcism. She has not shown adverse effects
since her recovery.
In the city of Heaven's Glen buildings were seen that were kept
cold inside. A group of humans was found who had protective clothing.
A building towards the center of town was seen to have 5'X5' containers
of liquid. It was in this building where they kept the prisoner
they were using to project the magic dampening field. The gems
are known to use metal wires in some cases while connected to
humans but their purpose is yet unknown. The ship that crashed
into Heaven's Glen was found to have contained human body parts,
probably male. They had been sorted into compartments by type,
i.e. leg, arm, etc.
A group of men were encountered near the Valley of Heaven's Glen.
They had just returned from the city of Penthas. They had with
them a list of what appeared to be city names; the writing seemed
to have an elvish base, possibly drow. A number of the names were
crossed out. The leader was wearing a metal headband and once
struck with a dispel magic spell was found to be under the control
of three gems. Interrogation of the other men revealed a system
of sending out parties to destroy cities, but at least one man
had been sent to a city that put up no resistance.
Gems were also seen in the wreckage of an aircar downed near the
Dwarven battle. It is assumed the car had come from Heaven's Glen.
Two humans and a drow were seen leaving the car, the drow opening
a gate allowing the two humans to escape. The drow was killed
after a fireball was shot at the gate and the magic went bad.
It is known that others escaped the area before and after the
destruction of Heaven's Glen.
While being followed one of the possessed humans commented that
Dwarves would be of no use. It is unknown in what context that
was meant. The gems knew of the drow arriving where the Dwarves
found them. Possessed humans and a possessed dog where seen casting
a spell to gate in a large evil being from another dimension.
The gate or the gems involved killed the hosts used to cast the
gate and later killed a handful of drow. The killing of the first
three drow by the gate did assist in convincing the drow to close
the gate and hopefully cast doubt in the minds of the drow about
the wisdom of any alliance the drow may have had with the gems.
The unconscious body of a drow was found over 300 yards away from
the Dwarven battle. He was severely wounded and close to death.
The drow was wearing a cloak, gloves and leather armor. Still
sheathed in his belt were a pair of daggers; he had no other weapons
on him, but did carry a hidden vial of silver liquid. He seemed
surprised to learn of the nearby battle involving Dwarves. He
requested that the medallion he had around his neck be taken through
the gate the drow were using and be attached to Iliasa "before
it's too late for all who live here". He dismissed his name
as being unimportant and died soon after. Xerxes later suggested
the possibility of such a medallion being Dwarven in origin to
counteract the gate.
Upon seeing drow killed by the gem's gate and being told (possibly
falsely but convincingly) that the drow had been betrayed, Iliasa
agreed to wear the medallion and close the gate, commenting that
perhaps his son had been right. This prevented the addition of
over one hundred armed drow to the battle. It is hoped that perhaps
the son of Iliasa whose name and allegiance are also unknown may
be of some use if located. It is the dead drow, possibly the grandson
of Iliasa, about which more information is likely to be found.
This is the drow who was later questioned by the Dwarf Xerxes
using speak with dead. It was then learned that the drow had come
to stop what his grandfather and his grandfather's associates
were planning to do. The plan involved the drow opening a breach
so their allies could gain control of the surface. The drow were
interested in retaliation against the surface. The Bothnian army
removed the body of the drow from the valley, mention was made
of taking it to Cass Majoris. The bodies of the drow killed during
battle disintegrated soon after death while the few drow captives
did not do so until sunrise. It is known that drow retreated from
the battle but their fate is unknown. This body was the only drow
recovered from the valley.
Another body was found dead 100-200 yards from the battle. This
was an elderly human male lawful good cleric. It was determined
that he had been dead for a day already. This deceased body was
also spoken to. He had come seeking the Prophesied One. He mentioned
the enemy whom was spoken of in scripture and was found to be
greater than he had been prepared for. He carried a ring for the
Prophesied One who is known to be male. The cleric had part of
a riddle inscribed on his holy symbol by his master. The other
part of the riddle is inscribed on the holy symbol of his brother.
The language has not yet been translated, leaving the riddle unknown.
It is also unknown whether either of these dead bodies had known
about the other's existence while alive.
Miranda is told that the consul will send communication for Tainen
or a subordinate to get this information. At the evening meal,
Miranda overhears merchants at a nearby table there is a
resistance to finding a more effective trade route, difficulty
getting trade goods for Bothnians, something about Lactar, upheaval,
struggle, loyalty, naval forces. She speaks with two bureacrat
types after learning from a waitress that they are heading back
north; she offers to provide them protection and they agree, they
are leaving the morning after next and welcome the company. Their
names are Tybold and long-time companion Reynaldo; they are full
of themselves, full of bravado.
Erikson Crew
Jym enlarges keystones pointed out by Dagobert near the base
of the debris covering the right end of the entrance to the cave,
in order for the debris to move downslope once the spell wears
off. He begins enlarging the stones, which causes shifting of
the debris, enlarging a total of 25 in a string to hopefully begin
a chain reaction. Stringfellow returns and tells Jym that the
goblins, many carrying large shards, disappeared into cracks in
the mountainside as they were climbing. Jym looks chagrined, thinking
that only a size one human would be able to follow them. The raven
hasn't yet returned. Link hovers at the edge of the magic, monitoring
the situation.
June 27, 2002
Erikson Crew
The flying familiars note that magic shards carried by the
goblins above the magic line are still glowing. Jym, Q and Black
Fox examine the rubble below the trapped goblins. Jym casts Light
into the cavern, which gives off 2-3 times normal brilliance,
and filters through the dust and out of holes in the debris. Dagobert
approaches the three trapped goblins, his short sword out; one
of the goblins, larger than the others, is hostile and whispering
to the two on either side of him, who are panicked. He walks up
to the hostile goblin and beats him about the head many times
with the flat of his sword, then says in goblin "Now, do
talk to me." The other two whimper and shriek while the hostile
one tenses, tells the others not to say anything. Dagobert asks,
"Where are you from?" He notices a bulge in the hostile
goblin's pants. One of the whimpering goblins says they are from
the clan that lives in the mountains between Bothnia and New Britain;
the leader of the clan family ordered them here, everyone in the
family was sent here, and he is the bully's brother. Dagobert
stares at the bully and asks him about the bulge in his pants
irregular in shape, the size of a small pouch. The bully
snaps at his brother; Dagobert then says to his brother "It
might be better for your big brother if you told me what's in
his pants." The bully scowls and stares at his smaller brother,
hangs his head, and says, "It is my kreflach."
Meanwhile, the toad familiar is sent into the cavern, hopping
from rock to rock. Inside the cavern, 30'-40' high, it can see
that the back of the cavern is not collapsed. It moves in further,
seeing a disheveled pile of crystals, and three goblins on the
opposite side of the pile, armed, cautiously trying to find a
way out. There is some collapse at the other side of the cavern.
Two of the goblins have pouches. Outside, Jym has Q search the
goblin bodies; he also gathers body parts.
Dagobert says to the bully goblin "Tsk, tsk, tsk and you
shouldn't have your kreflach here, should you?" The bully,
embarrassed and angry, looks at Dagobert and replies, "What's
it to you dwarf, you probably have no trouble getting women!"
Dagobert nods his head, while the bully's younger brother hangs
his head in shame. From about 10 feet away, Q stares at Dagobert
in fascination; he isn't familiar with the word. Dagobert taps
the kreflach lightly with the flat of his sword it is slightly
squishy; the goblin is angry that his kreflach is being touched.
The goblin tries to strike a deal with Dagobert; Dagobert twirls
the end of his short sword around the kreflach and says, "This
isn't a negotiation, you're relying entirely on my good will."
The goblin hardens back up, won't say anything, and looks glaringly
at the other goblins.
Jym informs Dagobert about the three goblins in the cavern. Dagobert
asks Jym for his familiar to land on his helmet in order to intimidate
the goblin; Jym does so. Black Fox contines monitoring the cave
with his toad, while Q's raven, Alyn, returns to him. Q then heads
towards the cave. As Stringfellow lands on Dagobert's helmet,
the goblin bully flinches, while his little brother smell's of
having relieved himself. Dagobert asks Jym to ask Black Fox about
kreflach; the goblin bully glances down in shame, sniffs towards
his brother with a look of utter disgust. After more intimidation,
the younger goblin, 'Stinky', offers to tell Dagobert whatever
he wants to know.
Black Fox tells Jym that the goblins in the cave have a crossbow
and two short swords among them. Jym asks him about kreflach;
Black Fox says, "Kreflach! What do you know about it!"
Jym replies, "I don't know, but Dagobert wanted a bird on
his head and wants to know about kreflach." Q informs Jym
that his raven sees goblins streaming out of the mountain. Black
Fox has his toad return to him. Link returns, asking, "What's
going on here?" Dagobert replies, "It's not complicated
but it would take a long time to explain." To the younger
goblin, Dagobert says, "The winged one would be a worry to
you, he would track you down relentlessly, I'm the only thing
standing between it and you. I'm an honorable dwarf." 'Stinky'
asks about his fate. Dagobert tells him, "When the web's
dissolved, it's your choice whether you die in battle or flee
like the rest of your kraven clan. It doesn't matter to us, you're
no threat either way." 'Stinky' volunteers to provide any
information; Dagobert asks about a leader, the goblin didn't see
Jym asks Black Fox if he knows how much kreflach there is, whether
it is species-specific; Black Fox replies that it doesn't affect
some species. Q informs Dagobert that there are more goblins coming;
Dagobert asks Q about kreflach. The goblin bully is even more
embarrassed, and 'Stinky' asks, "Really, could you stop saying
that? I thought you weren't cruel and weren't going to harm us?"
Dagobert tells him, "But you have earned my goodwill, your
brother has yet to do so." Q sends his raven to monitor the
approaching forces. Link asks, "What's kreflach?" Jym
tells him, "You don't need any kreflach. Until I met Dagobert,
I didn't know what kreflach was." Black Fox asks, "Where's
the kreflach." Meanwhile, the goblin bully is trying to swallow
his own tongue, and 'Stinky' has an intense expression of pity.
The third goblin rouses from his catatonic state, wonders what's
going on, sees the kreflach bulge and is embarrassed. Dagobert
says in common tongue, "I'll get back to everyone on this,
you need not ask again." He looks sympathetically towards
the goblins, tells them, "I realize this is difficult for
you, it need not be mentioned again."
Jym asks Black Fox about the expense of kreflach, Black Fox says
it is hard to come by. 'Stinky' tells them, "Please, before
you bring further shame to our family!" Dagobert says, "Your
clan has not fled so far that our flying messengers cannot reach
them. Must we proclaim it from the skies?" The goblins panic.
Jym asks, "Where's the kreflach?" Black Fox says,"Don't
waste any of it!" Dagobert tells them, "I have the sinking
suspicion that if I told you, you'd never hear the end of it."
Jym, looking at the goblins, comments, "Is this where the
kreflach is?" The third goblin glances at the bully's bulge.
Dagobert says, "A few simple questions and we need never
mention it again." Black Fox says, "And try not to expose
it to the air." The goblin bully offers to tell them what
they want to know.
Dagobert asks about their leader's knowledge of the magic crystals,
and is told that the leader consulted with seers, and the goblins
were sent on this mission several days ago, with instructions
to gather as much of the treasure as they could carry out. Dagobert
tells the rest of his group, in common, to stop the comments on
kreflach, and wonders what the others have been commenting about.
Jym approaches the bully while holding a dagger and says, "Oh,
it's so much more fun if you don't know, butit is a valuable and
rare drug. To which Dagobert replies, "I think I saw that
September 28, 2002
The dwarven consul recommends hiring help for her upcoming
journey. Early in the evening, as she is eating, she listens to
a nearby table with three Bothnian soldiers, on three weeks' leave,
who are drinking, bragging about taking down raiders, recovering
items of value and keeping some for themselves before turning
in the remainder. There seems to be human-dwarf antipathy, dwarves
generally remain separate, but cooperate with humans. The men
are looking for companionship. Miranda asks them about the raiders
they encountered, wondering about the area where she will be escorting
the merchants. The largest and most talkative of the soldiers,
'Sloshy' (Bertram), says, "Should be safe now, we took care
of those guys." Another soldier, less drunk ('Sober'), says
that things are not too bad, should be safe, only a couple of
reports of danger in the last few weeks.
'Sloshy' offers Miranda a chair, and she joins them. She learns
that the raiders generally use distance weapons. About 20 raiders
recently attacked a caravan. ' Sloshy' says that four days ago,
about ten raiders were taken down. The third soldier at the table,
and the drunkest, sits with eyes glazed. 'Sober' (Alex) says,
"So, where are you from?" Miranda tells him she's from
Kell, and is adventuring for a while. The third soldier says,
"My cousin lives in Kell." 'Sober' says there are rumors
that things are not good there, only high-level magic users can
communicate across the crack. 'Sloshy' interrupts, recounts the
fight the raiders were ill-equipped, the soldiers set up
a trap with a small camp and captured the raiders. Miranda buys
the two soldiers a drink, while the third falls asleep. She asks
if they heard about the events at Heaven's Glen. 'Sober' says
they heard something, several units were called in for cleanup,
to haul large quantities of material, doesn't know much else,
understands there was the opportunity to acquire much. Miranda
takes her leave. 'Sober' says, "I hope I see you again sometime."
Miranda returns to her room.
The next day is foggy; she meets the two merchants, along with
three other horses, two with baggage and a third carrying an armored
rider. The rider has a hammer; Miranda thinks he is probably a
good cleric. Tybold says they hired another 'traveler', named
Tomasino. He says they are going at least as far as the army base.
The fog begins lifting, and the group leaves town, heading northeast
towards the mountains. Miranda talks to Tomasino, learns he's
chaotic good. The next day they continue on, reaching the army
base; the merchants stay at the inn, as does Miranda. The merchants
eat in their room, while Miranda eats in a tavern. She learns
there have been no reports of attacks in the last week, as sense
of soldiers being overworked. The next day, Tomasino tells the
group that his contacts say the risk of encounters is high; he's
a mid-level cleric. Miranda asks Tomasino's opinion of the merchants
they are not used to traveling by horseback, are "foppish
dolts". Mid-afternoon they pass a road marker indicating
a transport door two miles away, oriented southeast/southwest.
They continue to follow the river. The next morning, there is
clear weather for the first time in a while. They enter a forest.
Tomasino mentions a shortcut to Cass Majoris. She thanks him,
but she had given her word to the merchants.
That night, Tomasino shakes Miranda awake. He tells her something
in the forest is possibly surrounding the camp. They wake up the
merchants and prepare. Tomasino casts a spell, says his opponents
are human-sized or larger, not doing a good job of concealing
themselves. The group acts as if they are preparing to leave;
Tomasino whispers that there are 14 of them; the smallest concentration
of them is towards the forest. After some time has passed with
no attack, the merchants become annoyed, wondering why they're
worrying. Tomasino thinks their opponents are human.
Two horses are hit by arrows, one is badly wounded, both whiny
in pain. Miranda advises that they abandon their cargo. The merchants
mount their horses; Reynaldo is thrown to the ground. More arrows
are fired; Reynaldo's horse is hit, while the remaining arrows
miss their intended targets. Both cargo horses collapse. Another
volley of arrows is fired, and Tybold is hit in the shoulder;
Tomasino urges Reynaldo to get moving. There is another volley
of arrows fired, and a horse and a human are hit. The group leaves
the clearing. Miranda gags Tybold, pulls out the arrow and binds
his wound. She orders Tybold to head towards the forest, while
she heads back to camp. She sees a burst of light from thrown
lightstones, sees Reynaldo and Tomasino fighting their opponents,
and yells. Three men surround Reynaldo; he is clutching his leg.
Five men surround Tomasino. The attackers appear to be thugs,
with various types of armor and weapons. Six of the attackers
are armored. The men fighting Tomasino are intent on killing him,
while those on Reynaldo are preventing him from escaping. The
apparent leader is fighting Tomasino. One of the archers surrounding
the two is giving instructions to the others. Miranda becomes
invisible, throws damp seaweed onto the fire, and throws a bag
of 30 silver coins into the air, landing near Reynaldo. Tomasino
and Miranda hit the leader; Miranda becomes visible. Another man
hits Tomasino. The seaweed is creating a very bad smell. Miranda
is hit, as well as Tomasino. Miranda offers the attackers 50 gold
pieces if they allow them to leave unmolested; one of the attackers
says their weapons and armor are worth more. Miranda gives him
a critical hit, while Tomasino fumbles. An archer fires at Miranda,
misses her. People begin to cough from the stench of the seaweed.
Miranda is hit by an arrow; the fighter she hit falls to the ground.
The leader yells, "You killed Malcolm!" Miranda tells
him, "Let us go!" Reynaldo echoes this sentiment.
The leader tells them, "Leave your stuff, walk out now, or
we will kill you. And I will find you!" Miranda says, "I
keep the sword." The leader says, "Whatever, just leave
now." Leaving three horses and their equipment behind, they
leave; the leader watches the group leave, with fire in his eyes.
Tomasino casts a Cure on Reynaldo; Miranda takes a quaff of Healing.
They meet Tybold where Miranda had sent him, and continue on;
it is about dawn. Around noon, Tomasino set up camp to deal with
the injured. He suggests they take the merchants to Loring. Miranda
asks Tomasino about the prophesied one. Tomasino says many cultures
have a 'prophesied one'; he can't help her with that. They reach
Loring after 10:00 p.m. The merchants take them to a general merchandise
store, MacKenzie's; it is closed, but they have a key. Reynaldo
thanks them both, telling them that it is only through their actions
that they are alive. Tomasino goes to church to recover, and as
part of his personal quest to visit churches. He will then head
for Dulrup, the last surviving town near the crack.
Erikson Crew
Jym recommends that the raven, 'Alyn', and Link go as high
as they can, and report on the approaching goblins; there are
dozens to a hundred goblins coming. Jym cuts out the kreflach
and puts it in a pouch. Jym casts Passwall on a thin area of rocks
covering the cavern entrance. Jym, Dagobert, Q and Black Fox pass
through the opening, surprising the three somewhat blinded goblins
inside. Dagobert and Q each kill a goblin; the remaining goblin
is frozen in terror. It tries to run away, Dagobert kills it.
The group sees a large mound of various-sized magic shards. Q
opens his tardis and begins loading it with shards. Jym goes back
outside to remain in contact with the familiars, Link.
After about five minutes, Q exclaims; one of the shards looks
different; it is a 3'x9" cylinder, machined. After about
ten minutes, Jym returns to the cavern; Alyn has a report for
Q. Q says that hundreds of goblins are descending the mountainside,
and will begin reaching their location in about five minutes.
They can hear goblins yells of pain outside, goblins falling down
the mountainside. Jym yells for Dagobert and Black Fox to join
him outside, and for Q to wrap things up. Q sends the raven back
up, while Jym grabs a cantaloupe-sized chunk of magic; the others
in the cave also grab shards. Link descends, says hundreds of
goblins are coming. They board the Rug; Dagobert tells the three
webbed goblins, "You might want to close your eyes and grimace."
Taking off, Jym, holding the shard, creates an ice storm with
the Staff. A blinding blizzard extends about 50'-75' above the
cavern entrance, 25' to either side of the cavern, creating an
icy surface. Eight goblin bodies tumble down the mountainside;
six charges are left on the staff. Many goblins remain above the
ice storm. Jym creates another ice storm at a higher elevation,
hitting several dozen goblins. The goblins begin spreading out
further along the mountainside.
Q takes the Broom back to the ship in order to unload the Tardis,
arriving there in about 15 minutes. He has the fighters unload
the Tardis, informs Kirok of recent events. He flies back to the
cavern, with the ship about 20-25 minutes away. Kirok feeds some
magic to the ship for full power. The goblins get closer; the
ice is beginning to melt. Jym creates another ice storm, this
one less effective; the crystal is cracking. Meanwhile, the enlarged
stones at the base of the debris covering the cavern entrance
begin shrinking, creating a chain reaction; part of the wall collapses
and falls toward the river. The three goblin prisoners, now freed
from the webbing, scamper sideways. Q begins loading the Tardis
once again. Link takes the Broom back up; Jym takes the Rug. Dagobert,
Black Fox and Q load the Tardis; about 80% of the shard pile has
been removed. As the huge form of an airship rounds the last bend
in the canyon, Jym says, "The ship is here." Dagobert
calls the ship, asks them to shine a light on the goblins; the
ship can't adjust its light higher.
The next day, Miranda reports the attack to the authorities.
November 23, 2002
[missing data]
Erikson Crew
The group returns on the Rug, soldiers help unload the Tardis.
Jym's Staff has five charges left. Jym briefs Kirok. The airship
is moved to a location over the cavern entrance in about a minute.
Lookouts report that goblins are moving through the frozen areas,
and goblins are slipping. Link returns to the ship, and reports
that 90-100 goblins are massed above the icy area; it will be
10-15 minutes before they can reach the cavern level. Jym returns
the other three to the cavern to continue gathering magic shards,
and returns to the ship, bringing back three soldiers with distance
weapons; an archer takes position to cover the entrance. Jym brings
three more soldiers. Kirok suggests using Detect Magic to find
anything hidden. Link comes down and informs the rest that the
ice is melting much faster, about five minutes before the goblins
arrive. The birds return, and inform them that more goblins are
coming from cracks in the mountain. Link fires arrows at the goblins
as they descend.
Jym scans for magic; the magic dust in the area makes it difficult.
He focuses on the cavern wall on the far end, a 3_-foot tall doorway
shape only visible with the scan. Dagobert looks closely, sees
an artificial entryway, a false door. He trips the latch and the
door swings away from him. A small, two-foot wide tunnel, small
for humans, lies beyond the door. The tunnel is an old construction,
traps there are no longer functional, the ground is covered with
dust, and there is no air movement. Dagobert carefully opens the
door with a sword; Jym senses a magic item about 20 feet down
the tunnel. Dagobert moves down the tunnel into a small circular
chamber about 15-feet across. Inside is a bier, runic carvings
around the edge, with a body lying on it. The body is similar
to that of a goblin, but larger, and mummified. The body is wearing
armor, a headpiece and a small sword. Dagobert casts Detect Magic;
the sword lightly glows, the helm glows brightly, as does the
doorway. Jym thinks that non-human cultures use movement of magic
doors as an alarm. Dagobert casts Augury taking the goblin
body and items to the ship reveals woe. The sword is of goblin
manufacture, fine workmanship. The warrior's helm has nicks and
dings, but is better than goblin manufacture. Dagobert casts Detect
Evil both items are evil, as is the body, the helm has the
strongest aura. Dagobert informs Jym of his findings, discusses
the possibility of using a fireball to collapse the cavern. As
Dagobert leaves the tunnel, he hears a scraping sound behind him.
Dagobert says "Let them know there's a scraping sound behind
me", turns around there are two scraping noises, the
body is moving off of the bier, and the door is closing. Dagobert
makes it through the door before it closes; a shambling form is
seen moving down the tunnel. Jym fires a fireball down the tunnel;
the two of them are singed slightly as the fireball moves down
the tunnel. There is a thundering sound inside the mountain, a
continuous rumbling as the chamber collapses. The door clicks
shut, but doesn't fit quite as nicely as before. Dagobert knocks,
says "Hello".
Archers begin firing at the goblins. Dagobert and Jym communicate
events to Kirok. Black Fox helps cover the entrance. Goblins are
coming around both ends of the cavern. Once the Tardis is loaded,
Black Fox takes it to the ship. Black Fox unloads the Tardis;
Kirok joins him on the Rug. Black Fox fires the Wand of Fireballs
at a group of 12 goblins; three remain on the mountainside afterwards.
Black Fox drops off Kirok, then moves to the other side of the
cavern and fires out of ten, nine tumble down the mountainside,
and the clothes of the remaining one catch on fire; the blast
comes close to the ship. Link informs Black Fox that the goblins
are still coming. Kirok helps three fighters attack six goblins;
Kirok kills one, two fighters get hits, as does a goblin. Black
Fox lands. On the other side of the cavern, two fighters hit goblins,
while a goblin gets a good hit on a fighter. Black Fox informs
the group of an immense number of goblins approaching; he goes
to help the guards on the other side of the cavern. In Kirok's
group, a goblin is killed; one of the goblins fumbles, another
strikes a critical hit on a guard who then goes down. Kirok kills
that goblin; the other guard hits another goblin. Black Fox casts
Magic Missile at two injured goblins, they both fall. A guard
gets a critical hit on a goblin, while no goblins are successful.
Kirok kills a goblin; a guard hits another. Q joins the battle,
killing another goblin. In Black Fox's group, a goblin is killed,
while two fighters are hit. Kirok binds a fighter's wound, while
a fighter fumbles. The combatants look towards the sound of rumbling
within the mountain.
Dagobert says "Mummy king, nothing to worry about."
Meanwhile, Black Fox's goblin misses, a guard hits. Kirok casts
Cure Light Wounds on the guard he is treating to stop the flow
of blood. Dagobert goes to the side of the cavern where there
are more goblins, in order to help. He offers a +3 sword to a
guard, who accepts it, and misses a goblin, who fumbles; another
goblin hits the guard. The last goblin in Q's group is killed
by a guard. Link estimates they have about five minutes before
more goblins arrive. Dagobert kills a goblin; the fighter with
the magic sword kills another, leaving a lone goblin, soon killed.
Black Fox, the injurd guard and two others return to the ship;
the scrambling of approaching goblins can be heard. Black Fox
drops off his passengers, gets three more and drops them off.
As he returns to the cavern, two goblins jump onto the Rug, strike
but miss him; he commands the Rug to smother them, jumps off.
He deactivates the Rug after Kirok and Q line up, and they kill
both goblins. Black Fox takes Jym and Q to the ship, returns for
Dagobert and Kirok, and returns them to the ship. Link joins them
in the hangar bay, turns to face the cavern, and casts Taunt on
the goblins entering the cavern; the ship is about 40 feet away.
Black Fox says, "You guys can't jump worth crap!" A
group at the lip of the cavern gesticulates, three of them step
back 15 feet, and run as fast as they can; they travel 12-15 feet,
and plunge down the canyon. The group continues taunting the goblins
non-magically, waiting 10-15 minutes as the goblins continue streaming
in. Link observes that about 60 goblins are now inside the cavern.
Jym suggests that he and Black Fox fire a total of 4 fireballs
towards the center of the cavern. They each fire one, the two
small blasts continuing to expand; the cavern fills with flame,
some of the goblins are blasted out into the cavern. The two fire
again, and the cavern collapses.
March 1, 2003
[missing data]
Erikson Crew
The airship returns along the river the way it came, stopping
at the town of Bern. Steve, reviewing the New Britain map, suggests
warping to the south, then southwest, in order to reach the gold
left by Dagobert in Junker. The ship warps south into a clear
area. After the second warp, the ship reaches a sandy coastline.
The next morning, the ship is moved to the southern edge of the
town of LaVista, a small trading community of several hundered
people, less well off than nearby towns. The ship is parked along
a road linking LaVista with the towns of Beachport and Point Omega;
LaVista is the only town without beach access. People on the road
stop to look at the ship, then move on after a few minutes.
Jym enters the magic shop, while Kirok and Dagobert head to city
hall to meet with the mayor. The receptionist shows them in to
a middle-aged man, Mayor Julie. The mayor asks how they can be
of service; Kirok states that they are with the airship parked
outside of town, and asks for general information about the area,
and the men exchange news. The town is making a bid for next year's
summer games, and the mayor congratulates Kirok for his performace
in the previous competition. The two meet with Jym afterwards
and compare notes.
Jym returns to the magic shop and asks about the availability
of certain items, and discusses the magic shards with the shopkeeper,
who examines the one Jym has with him, and Jym explains their
usefulness. The shopkeeper is willing to cut the price of a Ring
of Flying in half in exchange for the shard; Jym and the shopkeeper
haggle over the price. Jym agrees to let the shopkeeper test the
shard. The shopkeeper scrys with a crystal ball, a face appears
in it, and the shopkeeper talks for a couple of minutes; afterwards
the shopkeeper offers Jym the ring and 3,000 g.p. Jym asks about
the scry the man's wife's brother lives a great distance
away on an island, he had trouble communicating before, but not
now. The shopkeeper wraps the ring for Jym, who then leaves.
The ship heads south, continuing along the road through the night
and into the morning. The town of Point Omega is reached the next
morning, and the ship is parked outside of town. This is a more
thriving port community, with two magic shops. Kirok waits about
15 minutes to see the mayor and his aide; the mayor seems busy.
There is news of trouble on the high seas around the Union of
Free Islands to the north. There is a lot of ship traffic, less
land traffic to the south, where is is more inhospitable. The
next day the ship moves south along the mountains, continuing
on through the night. Dagobert recognizes the terrain in the morning.
The mountain pass is reached midday, the group waits there until
the following morning.
Kirok, Jym and Dagobert take the Rug, and reach the access point
near dusk. They pay for storage of the Rug, reach the main, underground
portion of Junker around 6:00 p.m., and head for the temple; several
sub-chapels are in use. The hireling left there with the gold
is very happy to see them, after more than two had passed, he
was wondering what had happened. They head to the storeroom containing
the ingots, and spend the night there. Jym and Kirok remain with
the precious metals in the morning, while Dagobert files a report
including a summary of the war and the dwarf from the future.
He makes arrangements to move the ingots, hiring three carts with
horses and 15 laborers for 500 g.p., to be ready in two days.
The next day, Dagobert interviews ten prospective dwarf employees
about their feelings towards humans, magic, flying Kirok
monitors them with the Helm of Telepathy. Among the five fighters,
the general feeling is that they are seeking more than they can
accomplish here; two of them are not thrilled about working with
elves. The remaining five civilians have no problem working with
humans, but one of them has antipathy towards elves, and is not
hired. None of the dwarves have been on the surface. The next
day, Dagobert donates twice the normal lodging costs to the temple
for storage of the ingots. The wagons are loaded and taken to
the surface; the group travels through the pass and reaches the
airship after four days with no incidents.
June 14, 2003
Miranda, in Cass Majoris, reports on the events at Heaven's
Glen. She tells of the symptoms of possession by the gummy gems,
the ship taking off and crashing. Captain Crichton's notes state
that he had a drow body, but despite the best attempts to preserve
it, the body decayed. The drow was carrying silver liquid in a
vial and an inscribed ring; a technician is given these items
and three gummy gems to analyze. It is afternoon by the time the
debriefing is over, and Miranda has lunch. She buys candlesticks.
There are three LG churches in town, Miranda goes to the Celtic
church, tells an elderly cleric there, who once had been an adventurer,
of the dead cleric Bernard at Heaven's Glen. Miranda shows him
daggers she acquired, and the cleric studies them awhile. The
cleric exclaims that similar artwork and style is often used on
tattoos, marking on weapons. The style is from western New Britain,
from a small, organized, warrior culture that doesn't seem to
exist anymore. Only a fragment of the name of the culture, `Fel',
can be seen. The daggers are not evil. By 3:00 p.m. she goes to
another chapel to meditate. Miranda investigates residences on
the outskirts of town, examines a smaller, poorly maintained house.
Moving to a nearby, larger house, she inquires of the plump merchant
living there of the other house. He rents it out to his brother-in-law,
charging 15 g.p. each month. He is not unagreeable to dealing
with her, and will show her the house tomorrow. He is willing
to rent it to her at the same price, but will not sell the house.
He gives her the names of several representatives. In the evening,
Miranda travels to the dockyard it is busy, with dozens
of vessels of varying size.
Erikson Crew
The ingots (492 gold, 321 silver and 37 platinum) are loaded
into the ship, and the carts are returned to the dwarves. At 2:00
p.m. the ship departs, heading northeast. Black Fox and Link fly
the Rug to the south of the ship and Dagobert to the north, alternating
each day, in order to increase the area mapped during the day.
Kirok monitors the status of the other airships Bree and
Lighthelm are active on the continent, the status of the other
airships is unchanged. The following day is uneventful; Dagobert
spots a river while mapping. On the third day of travel, the river
is encountered, flowing in a northeast/southwest direction, bending
to the north. While monitoring communications in the early afternoon,
Steve alerts Kirok and Jym that the airship Gallea is no longer
blocked and is active on the continent; the Bree first officer
is asking for communication from anyone, with the message repeating
every 15 minutes. Steve opens a channel; Jym takes the center
seat while Kirok goes to the communication console. The Bree's
first officer asks the Erikson's position; Kirok gives their general
location. They are informed that he Bree is at the southeast edge
of the continent, the Excalibur has disappeared and there has
been no success in attempts to contact the crewmembers. The first
officer believes the Excalibur may have made it to the independent
island off the southeast coast, which is surrounded by smaller
islands containing ancient ruins from an earlier civilization;
there have been problems in attempts to inhabit those islands.
The Bree will attempt to jump to the main island in the next day
or two. They will attempt to communicate before the jump and afterwards
at least once a day. They have been in contact with King Randolff.
The next day is overcast. In the late afternoon the Bree sends
a communication; the first officer, looking stern, reports that
the ship is preparing for the jump, and will attempt to communicate
tomorrow if possible. Several minutes later, the ship's status
shows the Bree in warp with communication impossible. The following
morning is stormy with lightning and thunder, and the Ancillary
Flying Devices (AFDs) are kept inside. Shortly after dusk, Jym
is experimenting with magic shards while Kirok is monitoring airship
status the Bree changes from in warp to active. Within moments
there is a flickering communication of the ship shaking and elvish
cursing. The Bree's commander informs anyone who hears the communication
that the atmosphere surrounding the island is causing the ship
to descend; they are going to attempt an emergency warp. Their
energy reserves are being drained at a rapid rate; they will attempt
communication as soon as possible. The Bree's status changes to
flickering in warp.
By next morning, the storm has abated to a drizzle; the AFDs are
sent out. Towards evening, Dagobert sees a thick plume of oily
smoke to the north, and heads towards it. Forty-five minutes later
he spots the remains of an encampment several wagons, smashed,
with dead horses and at least 15 human bodies; belongings are
strewn everywhere. About 50 yards away Dagobert spots an injured
female who had dragged herself behind rocks. One horse remains
alive, and raises its head. The overcast sky begins to clear.
Dagobert flies to the woman, whose clothes are bloodstained; she
has a slash along the right side of her body, and there are spots
of blood on the ground. Dagobert casts Detect Evil over the camp
and surrounding area, detecting nothing. Dagobert tries speaking
to the woman, but she doesn't respond. Landing near her, he casts
Cure Light Wounds; she awakens, frightened, backing away from
Dagobert, shrieking, surprised at her recovery; he shows her his
holy symbol. She inquires about Dagobert, who orders the Broom
with the spear attached to it to turn around. The woman says,
"If you are to be credited with this, you are to be thanked,
little man." Dagobert raises his eyebrows and says, "It's
my job, ma'am" and wiggles his holy symbol. The woman looks
at the campsite and feels her side she thanks Dagobert once again,
and asks if there were any other survivors. Dagobert informs her
that he's seen 15 bodies; the woman cries, mutters a prayer in
common tongue, and wails, "Even the children?" The woman
looks for survivors, staggering; Dagobert follows with the Broom.
She approaches the least damaged wagon, on its side, with ransacked
belongings, broken furniture. Dagobert tosses a dagger to the
woman, tells her to stay with the Broom. He inspects the wagon's
contents, senses movement, a small face which darts back. Dagobert
has the woman call the children's names. Kethan responds; the
woman says they're safe, and the child runs out, crying. She asks
Kethan, a five-year-old, about the other children; he says he
ran when the bad men started hitting the adults. The woman says,
"This is Kethan, he is my nephew. He and his parents were
traveling with us." She tells Dagobert that the attack occurred
in the morning before the camp was taken down. Dagobert checks
on the horse, Silas it was stabbed in its side; he gives
the horse a quaff of Healing. The condition of the horse improves,
is more aware. The child calms somewhat. The woman says it looks
like the bad men were attempting to get at the material in Kethan's
wagon; the leader of the group said they had to leave immediately,
and they didn't look through the wagon. Her group, travelers and
farmers, had stayed in Mensendor; there were 20 adults and 5 children.
Ten to fifteen horsemen attacked, she saw her husband killed;
it was still somewhat dark, going to hide was the last thing she
remembered. Dagobert gives the Silas another quaff of Healing;
the horse keeps trying to lick Dagobert. It gets back on its feet,
quivering, and Dagobert casts Cure Light Wounds on it. Searching
the other wagons, Dagobert finds the body of a boy; the woman
feeds the horse. Dagobert asks the woman about the group she was
in, if there was anyone who seemed odd; the group consisted of
16 adults and 5 children; the farmers were taking cargo to Prestana
to get a better price, merchants joined them in Mensendor for
protection. She thought one of the merchants' group was a bodyguard.
The merchants had shared stories with the farmers and were not
standoffish. The farmers had purchased the horses. The group had
traveled directly overland to save time. The attack seemed to
come from all sides, and the attackers seemed to have left to
the east. Four of the merchants are not found among the bodies.
edition current to: December 14, 2004
Don't forget to visit our Arith page -- dedicated to a new campaign setting created and played in by SBA members, which is developing an exciting backstory of its own! |
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Last updated on 2-07-2006 |